A library and framework for developing CPU-CUDA compatible applications under one unified code.
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The ``Core.h`` header file defines some useful types and some macros functions
to faciliate the dual CPU-CUDA compilation targets. Additionally, it introduces
several classes to enable the usage of CUDA streams, kernels, and graphs.
2 years ago
These numeric types are defined to faciliate the special types used for CUDA,
and is *necessary* to use them for functions to work properly. It is recommended
to bring them into the global namespace if possible, by writing ``using namespace CudaTools::Types;``.
.. doxygentypedef:: CudaTools::Types::real32
.. doxygentypedef:: CudaTools::Types::real64
.. doxygentypedef:: CudaTools::Types::complex64
.. doxygentypedef:: CudaTools::Types::complex128
These are types provided by the CUDA Math API, which cannot be easily used as computational
types on host code. Take care when transferring these back to host functions, as further
processing may require a type conversion.
.. doxygentypedef:: CudaTools::Types::real16
.. doxygentypedef:: CudaTools::Types::realb16
Macro Definitions
Device Indicators
.. doxygendefine:: CUDACC
.. doxygendefine:: DEVICE
Host-Device Automation
.. doxygendefine:: HD
2 years ago
.. doxygendefine:: DEVICE_FUNC
.. doxygendefine:: SHARED
Compilation Options
.. doxygendefine:: CUDATOOLS_ARRAY_MAX_AXES
Macro Functions
.. doxygendefine:: KERNEL
Device Helpers
.. doxygendefine:: BASIC_LOOP
Device Class
.. doxygendefine:: DEVICE_CLASS
Memory Functions
.. doxygenfunction:: CudaTools::malloc
.. doxygenfunction:: CudaTools::free
.. doxygenfunction:: CudaTools::copy
.. doxygenfunction:: CudaTools::memset
.. doxygenfunction:: CudaTools::pin
Streams and Handles
.. doxygenstruct:: CudaTools::StreamID
.. doxygenclass:: CudaTools::Manager
.. doxygenfunction:: CudaTools::Kernel::launch
.. doxygenfunction:: CudaTools::Kernel::basic
.. doxygenstruct:: CudaTools::Kernel::Settings
.. doxygenclass:: CudaTools::Graph
.. doxygenstruct:: CudaTools::GraphManager