================== Usage and Examples ================== This library is broken up into three main parts, as well as a certain compilation and linking framework: #. :ref:`Core Examples` #. :ref:`Array Examples` #. :ref:`BLAS Examples` #. :ref:`Compilation and Linking` The ``Core.h`` header contains the necessary macros, flags and objects for interfacing with basic kernel launching and the CUDA Runtime API. The ``Array.h`` header contains the ``CudaTools::Array`` class which provides a device compatible Array-like class with easy memory management. Lastly, the ``BLAS.h`` header provides functions BLAS functions through the the cuBLAS library for the GPU, and Eigen for the CPU. Lastly, a templated Makefile is provided which can be used for your own project, after following a few rules. The usage of this libary will be illustrated through examples, and further details can be found in the other sections. The examples are given in the `samples `__ folder. Throughout this documentation, there are a few common terms that may appear. First,we refer to the CPU as the host, and the GPU as the device. So, a host function refers to a function runnable on the CPU, and a device function refers to a function that is runnable on a device. A kernel is a specific function that the host can call to be run on the device. Core Examples ============= This file mainly introduces compiler macros and a few classes that are used to improve the syntax between host and device code. To define and call a kernel, there are a few macros provided. For example, .. code-block:: cpp DEFINE_KERNEL(add, int x, int y) { printf("Kernel: %i\n", x + y); } int main() { KERNEL(add, CudaTools::Kernel::basic(1), 1, 1); // Prints 2. return 0; } The ``DEFINE_KERNEL(name, ...)`` macro takes in the function name and its arguments. The second argument in the ``KERNEL()`` macro is are the launch parameters for kernel. The launch parameters have several items, but for 'embarassingly parallel' cases, we can simply generate the settings with the number of threads. More detail with creating launch parameters can be found :ref:`here `. In the above example, there is only one thread. The rest of the arguments are just the kernel arguments. For more detail, see :ref:`here `. .. warning:: These kernel definitions must be in a file that will be compiled by ``nvcc``. Also, for header files, there is an additional macro ``DECLARE_KERNEL(name, ...)`` to declare it and make it available to other files. Since many applications used classes, a macro is provided to 'convert' a class into being device-compatible. We follow the previous example in a similar fashion. .. code-block:: cpp class intPair { DEVICE_CLASS(intPair) public: int x, y; intPair(const int x_, const int y_) : x(x_), y(y_) { allocateDevice(); // Allocates memory for this intPair on the device. updateDevice().wait(); // Copies the memory on the host to the device and waits until finished. }; ~intPair() { CudaTools::free(that()); }; HD void swap() { int swap = x; x = y; y = swap; }; }; DEFINE_KERNEL(swap, intPair* const pair) { pair->swap(); } int main() { intPair pair(1, 2); printf("Before: %u, %u\n", pair.x, pair.y); // Prints 1, 2. KERNEL(swap, CudaTools::Kernel::basic(1), pair.that()).wait(); pair.updateHost().wait(); // Copies the memory from the device back to the host and waits until finished. printf("After: %u, %u\n", pair.x, pair.y); // Prints 2, 1. return 0; } In this example, we create a class called ``intPair``, which is then made available on the device through the ``DEVICE_CLASS(name)`` macro. Specifically, that macro introduces a few functions, like ``allocateDevice()``, ``updateDevice()``, ``updateHost()``, and ``that()``. The ``that()`` function returns a pointer to the copy on the device. As a result, the programmer **must** define a destructor that frees the pointer using ``CudaTools::free(that)``. For more details, see :ref:`here `. .. warning:: The ``updateDevice()`` and ``updateHost()`` in most cases will need to be explicitly called to push the data on the host to the device, and vice-versa. It is the programmers job to maintain where the 'most recent' copy is. If these are not called, various memory errors can occur. Note that, when passing a pointer to the kernel, it must be the *device* pointer. Otherwise, an illegal memory access would occur. The kernel argument list should **must** consist of pointers to objects, or a non-reference object. Otherwise, compilation will fail. In general this is safer, as it forces the programmer to acknowledge that the device copy is being passed. For the latter case of a non-reference object, you should only do this if there is no issue in creating a copy of the original object. In the above example, we could have done this, but for more complicated classes it may result in unwanted behavior. Lastly, since the point of classes is usually to have some member functions, to have them available on the device, you must mark them with the compiler macro ``HD`` in front. We also introduce the ``wait()`` function, which waits for the command to complete before continuing. Most calls that involve the device are asynchronous, so without proper blocking, operations dependent on a previous command are not guaranteed to run correctly. If the code is compiled for CPU, then everything will run synchronously, as per usual. .. note:: Almost all functions that are asynchronous provide an optional 'stream' argument, where you can give the name of the stream you wish to use. Different streams run asynchronous, but operations on the same stream are FIFO. To define a stream to use later, you must call ``CudaTools::Manager::get()->addStream("myStream")`` at some point before you use it. For more details, see :ref:`here `. Array Examples ============== This file introduces the ``Array`` class, which is a class that provides automatic memory management between device and host. In particular, it provides functionality on both the host and device while handling proper memory destruction, with many nice features. In particular it supports mimics many features of the Python package NumPy.` We can demonstrate a few here. .. code-block:: cpp DEFINE_KERNEL(times2, const CudaTools::Array arr) { CudaTools::Array flat = arr.flattened(); BASIC_LOOP(arr.shape().items()) { flat[iThread] *= 2; } } DEFINE_KERNEL(times2double, const CudaTools::Array arr) { CudaTools::Array flat = arr.flattened(); BASIC_LOOP(arr.shape().items()) { flat[iThread] *= 2; } } int main() { CudaTools::Array arrRange = CudaTools::Array::range(0, 10); CudaTools::Array arrConst = CudaTools::Array::constant({10}, 1); CudaTools::Array arrLinspace = CudaTools::Array::linspace(0, 5, 10); CudaTools::Array arrComma({2, 2}); // 2x2 array. arrComma << 1, 2, 3, 4; // Comma initializer if needed. arrRange.updateDevice(); arrConst.updateDevice(); arrLinspace.updateDevice(); arrComma.updateDevice().wait(); std::cout << "Before Kernel:\n"; std::cout << arrRange << "\n" << arrConst << "\n" << arrLinspace << "\n" << arrComma << "\n"; // Call the kernel multiple times asynchronously. Note: since they share same // stream, they are not run in parallel, just queued on the device. // NOTE: Notice that a view is passed into the kernel, not the Array itself. KERNEL(times2, CudaTools::Kernel::basic(arrRange.shape().items()), arrRange.view()); KERNEL(times2, CudaTools::Kernel::basic(arrConst.shape().items()), arrConst.view()); KERNEL(times2double, CudaTools::Kernel::basic(arrLinspace.shape().items()), arrLinspace.view()); KERNEL(times2, CudaTools::Kernel::basic(arrComma.shape().items()), arrComma.view()).wait(); arrRange.updateHost(); arrConst.updateHost(); arrLinspace.updateHost(); arrComma.updateHost().wait(); // Same stream, so you should wait for the last call. std::cout << "After Kernel:\n"; std::cout << arrRange << "\n" << arrConst << "\n" << arrLinspace << "\n" << arrComma << "\n"; return 0; } In this example, we show a few ways to initialize an ``Array`` through some static functions. It is templated, so it can (theoretically) support any type. Additionally, you can initialize an empty ``Array`` by providing its ``Shape`` with an initializer list (ex: ``{2, 2}``). Many of these array functions and initializers have view-returning and self-assigning versions. For instance, ``.flattened()`` returns a flattened view of an Array, and does not modify the original. For more details, see :ref:`here >`. We also note the use of ``BASIC_LOOP(N)``, which is a macro for generating the loop automatically on the kernel given the number of threads. It is intended to be used only for "embarassingly parallel" situations and with the ``CudaTools::Kernel::basic()`` launch parameters. If compiling for CPU, it will mark the loop with ``#pragma parallel for`` and attempt to use OpenMP for parallelism. .. warning:: Notice that a view must be passed to the kernel, and not the original object. This The Array also supports other helpful functions, such as multi-dimensional indexing, slicing, and a few other functions. .. code-block:: cpp int main() { CudaTools::Array arr = CudaTools::Array::constant({100}, 0); arr.reshape({4, 5, 5}); // Creates a three dimensional array. arr[0][0][0] = 1; // Axis by axis indexing. arr[{1, 0, 0}] = 100; // Specific 'coordinate' indexing. std::cout << arr << "\n"; CudaTools::Array arrRange = CudaTools::Array::range(0, 18); auto arrSlice = arr.slice({{1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 4}}); // Takes a slice of the center. std::cout << "Before Copy:\n" << arrSlice << "\n"; arrSlice = arrRange; // Copies arrRange into arrSlice. (Does NOT replace!) std::cout << "After Copy:\n" << arrSlice << "\n"; std::cout << "Modified: \n" << arr << "\n"; // The original array is modified, since a slice does not copy. CudaTools::Array newArr = arr.copy(); // Copies the original Array. for (auto it = newArr.begin(); it != newArr.end(); ++it) { // Iterate through the array. *it = 1; } std::cout << "Modified New Array:\n" << newArr << "\n"; std::cout << "Old Array:\n" << arr << "\n"; // The original array was not modified after a copy. return 0; } In this example, we demonstrate some of the functionality of the Array. We can do multi-dimensional indexing, take slices of the Array, and iterate through the Array through an iterator, in C++ fashion. Particularly, we need to introduce the concept of a "view" of an Array. An Array either "owns" its data or is a "view" of another Array. You can create a view manually with the ``.view()`` function. .. warning:: When using the assignment operator, if a view is on the left-hand side, it will perform a copy of the internal data. However, if the Array is an owner, then it will replace the entire Array, and **free the old memory**. This means any view of that previous array will now point to invalid places in memory. It is responsibility of the programmer to manage this. BLAS Examples ============= Compilation and Linking ======================= To compile with this library, there are only a few things necessary. First, it is recommended you use the provided template ``Makefile``, which can be easily modified to suit your project needs. It already default handles the compilation and linking with ``nvcc``, so long as you fulfill a few requirements. #. Use the compiler flag ``CUDA`` to mark where GPU-specific code is, if necessary. #. Any files that use ``CUDA`` functionality, (i.e defining a kernel), should have the file extension ``.cu.cpp``. #. When including the ``Core.h`` header file, in only **one** file, you must define the macro ``CUDATOOLS_IMPLEMENTATION``. That file must also compile for CUDA, so its extension must be ``.cu.cpp``. It's recommended to put this with your kernel definitions. Afterwards the ``Makefile`` will have two targets ``cpu`` and ``gpu``, which compile the CPU and GPU compatible binaries respectively. As an example, we can look at the whole file for the first example: .. code-block:: cpp // main.cu.cpp #define CUDATOOLS_IMPLEMENTATION #include DEFINE_KERNEL(add, int x, int y) { printf("Kernel: %i\n", x + y); } int main() { KERNEL(add, CudaTools::Kernel::basic(1), 1, 1); // Prints 2. return 0; } .. code-block:: // Makefile CC := g++-10 NVCC := nvcc CFLAGS := -Wall -std=c++17 -fopenmp -MMD NVCC_FLAGS := -MMD -w -Xcompiler INCLUDE := ../../ LIBS_DIR := LIBS_DIR_GPU := /usr/local/cuda/lib64 LIBS := LIBS_GPU := cuda cudart cublas TARGET = coreKernel SRC_DIR = . BUILD_DIR = build The lines above are the first few lines of the ``Makefile``, which are the only lines you should need to modify, consisting of libraries and flags, as well as the name of the target.