CC := g++-10 NVCC := nvcc CFLAGS := -std=c++17 -MMD -Wall -fopenmp NVCC_FLAGS := -std=c++17 -MMD -Xcudafe="--diag_suppress=20012" -Xcompiler -fopenmp INCLUDE := <<Put extra include directories here, separated by a space>> LIBS_DIR := <<Put library directories here, separated by a space>> LIBS_DIR_GPU := /usr/local/cuda/lib64 <<Put extra include GPU library directories here, separated by a space>> LIBS := <<Put the names of the libraries here, separated by a space>> LIBS_GPU := cuda cudart cublas <<Put extra GPU libraries here, separated by a space>> TARGET = <<Put the name of your target here>> SRC_DIR = . BUILD_DIR = build # Should not need to modify below. CPU_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/cpu GPU_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/gpu SRC = $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*/*.cpp) $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.cpp) # Get source files and object files. GCC_SRC = $(filter-out ,$(SRC)) NVCC_SRC = $(filter, $(SRC)) GCC_OBJ = $(GCC_SRC:$(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp=%.o) NVCC_OBJ = $(NVCC_SRC:$(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp=%.o) # If compiling for CPU, all go to GCC. Otherwise, they are split. CPU_OBJ = $(addprefix $(CPU_BUILD_DIR)/,$(GCC_OBJ)) $(addprefix $(CPU_BUILD_DIR)/,$(NVCC_OBJ)) GPU_GCC_OBJ = $(addprefix $(GPU_BUILD_DIR)/,$(GCC_OBJ)) GPU_NVCC_OBJ = $(addprefix $(GPU_BUILD_DIR)/,$(NVCC_OBJ)) # $(info $$GCC_SRC is [${GCC_SRC}]) # $(info $$NVCC_SRC is [${NVCC_SRC}]) # $(info $$GCC_OBJ is [${GCC_OBJ}]) # $(info $$NVCC_OBJ is [${NVCC_OBJ}]) # $(info $$CPU_OBJ is [${CPU_OBJ}]) # $(info $$GPU_GCC_OBJ is [${GPU_GCC_OBJ}]) # $(info $$GPU_NVCC_OBJ is [${GPU_NVCC_OBJ}]) HEADER = $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*/*.h) $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.h) CPU_DEPS = $(wildcard $(CPU_BUILD_DIR)/*.d) GPU_DEPS = $(wildcard $(GPU_BUILD_DIR)/*.d) INC := $(INCLUDE:%=-I%) LIB := $(LIBS_DIR:%=-L%) LIB_GPU := $(LIBS_DIR_GPU:%=-L%) LD := $(LIBS:%=-l%) LD_GPU := $(LIBS_GPU:%=-l%) # Reminder: # $< = first prerequisite # $@ = the target which matched the rule # $^ = all prerequisites .PHONY: all clean all : cpu gpu cpu: $(TARGET)CPU gpu: $(TARGET)GPU $(TARGET)CPU: $(CPU_OBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(INC) $(LIB) $(LD) $(CPU_BUILD_DIR)/%.o $(CPU_BUILD_DIR)/ $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp | $(CPU_BUILD_DIR) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(INC) # For GPU, we need to build the NVCC objects, the NVCC linked object, and the # regular ones. Then, we link them all together. $(TARGET)GPU: $(GPU_BUILD_DIR)/link.o $(GPU_GCC_OBJ) | $(GPU_BUILD_DIR) $(CC) -g -DCUDA $(CFLAGS) $(GPU_NVCC_OBJ) $^ -o $@ $(INC) $(LIB) $(LIB_GPU) $(LD) $(LD_GPU) $(GPU_BUILD_DIR)/link.o: $(GPU_NVCC_OBJ) | $(GPU_BUILD_DIR) $(NVCC) --device-link -lgomp $^ -o $@ $(GPU_BUILD_DIR)/ $(SRC_DIR)/ | $(GPU_BUILD_DIR) $(NVCC) $(NVCC_FLAGS) -DCUDA -x cu --device-c -o $@ $< $(INC) $(GPU_BUILD_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp | $(GPU_BUILD_DIR) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g -DCUDA -c -o $@ $< $(INC) -include $(CPU_DEPS) -include $(GPU_DEPS) $(CPU_BUILD_DIR): mkdir -p $@ $(GPU_BUILD_DIR): mkdir -p $@ clean: rm -Rf $(BUILD_DIR) $(TARGET)CPU $(TARGET)GPU