--- # Feel free to add content and custom Front Matter to this file. # To modify the layout, see https://jekyllrb.com/docs/themes/#overriding-theme-defaults layout: banner title: Home permalink: / cardTitle: Mission cardDesc: Our research is centered on investigating mathematical and computational models to further the understanding, prediction, and control of classical, chaotic, and quantum wave phenomena. --- # About Us Welcome to the Advanced Computational Electromagnetics (ACEM) Group (PI: Prof. Zhen Peng) at ECE Illinois, UIUC. Our rudimentary research is the pursuit of mathematical and computational models that enable the prediction and discovery of classical and quantum electrodynamic phenomena. These models will allow for the design and optimization of novel electromagnetic systems at unprecedented scales, and contribute through education to the advancement of understanding. Our research is sponsored by National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), DoD HPC Modernization Program, AFOSR/AFRL Center of Excellence, Army SBIR, Navy STTR, Nokia Corporation, VERUS Research, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, CST-Computer Simulation Technology, and DSO National Laboratories. <!--ITEM--> # Group News ### • 2023, Honorable Mention Award in Student Paper Competition at IEEE AP-S Symposium Qi Jian Lim received the 2023 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium Student Paper Competition Honorable Mention Award. The title of the paper is “Full-Wave Simulation of a 10,000-element Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface with a Single Workstation Computer”. ### • 2023, Honorable Mention Award in Student Paper Competition at IEEE AP-S Symposium Sangrui Luo received the 2023 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium Student Paper Competition Honorable Mention Award. The title of the paper is “A Hybrid Predictive Model for the Spatial-Spectral Analysis of Wave Physics in Complex Enclosures”. ### • 2023, TICRA-EurAAP Grant Awardee at EuCAP 2023 Congratulations to Qi Jian Lim for being selected as one of the eight awardees of the TICRA-EurAAP Grants at 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. ### • 2022, Best Electromagnetics Paper Award at 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation Our Paper “Quantum-Assisted Combinatorial Optimization of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces” (Qi Jian Lim, Charles Ross, Gabriele Gradoni, and Zhen Peng) received the Best Electromagnetics Paper Award at the 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2022). We proposed a physics-based optimization approach for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, inspired by the quantum mechanical physics of correlated spins. The new idea is grounded on the isomorphism between the electromagnetic scattered power and Ising Hamiltonian. Thereby, the problem of optimizing phase configuration is converted into finding the ground state of the target Ising Hamiltonian. Under this framework, we successfully demonstrated the feasibility of combinatorial optimization for weighted beamforming and diffusive scattering applications. ### • 2022, Best Paper Award Finalist at IEEE EMC Symposium Our paper, “On the Vectorial Property of Stochastic Dyadic Green’s Function in Complex Electronic Enclosures” entered into the 2022 Best EMC Symposium Paper Finalist in the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity. ### • 2022, Yuen T. Lo Outstanding Research Award Shen Lin received the Yuen T. Lo Outstanding Research Award in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Congratulations to Shen! https://ece.illinois.edu/academics/grad/awards/lo ### • 2021, Best Conference Paper Award at 30th Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and System Our Paper “On the Statistical Analysis of Space-Time Wave Physics in Complex Enclosures” (Shen Lin and Zhen Peng) received the Best Paper Award at 30th Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and System (EPEPS2021). We proposed a physics-oriented, mathematically tractable statistical wave model, named the space-time stochastic Green’s function, for analyzing the wave physics of high-frequency reverberation within complex confined electromagnetic environments. The model characterizes both spatial and temporal variations and correlations of wave fields without the need for detailed knowledge of the complex environment. Experimental results are supplied to validate the proposed work. ### • 2021, Honorable Mention Award and Final list in Student Paper Competition at IEEE AP-S Symposium Shen Lin received the 2021 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium Student Paper Competition Honorable Mention Award. The title of the paper is “A Space-Time Stochastic Green’s Function Method for Statistical Analysis of Wave Physics in Ray-Chaotic Enclosures”. ### • 2020, 3rd Place Winner in Student Paper Competition at IEEE AP-S Symposium Our Paper “Statistical Analysis of Information Transmission in Ray-Chaotic Enclosures: A Stochastic Green's Function Approach” (Shen Lin and Zhen Peng) won the 3rd place in Student Paper Competition (SPC) at 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting (2020 IEEE AP-S). A total of 203 student papers entered into the SPC this year. There has been much interest in studying the physics of wireless channels in strongly scattering, indoor environments displaying ray chaotic dynamics. This paper presents a physics-based mathematical model, so-called stochastic Green’s function, built upon Wigner’s random matrix theory and Berry random wave hypothesis. The work can be used to characterize the channel capacity, spatial correlation, and coherence bandwidth based on macroscopic knowledge of the propagation environment. ### • 2019, Best Conference Paper Award at 28th Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and System Our Paper “A Novel Space-Time Building Block Methodology for Transient Electromagnetic Analysis” (Shu Wang and Zhen Peng) received the Best Paper Award at 28th Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and System (EPEPS2019). We proposed a space-time building block methodology for efficient time-domain analysis of multi-scale, locally periodic structures. By leveraging the principles of linear superposition and space-time causality in wave physics, the 4D simulation domain is represented by a few space-time building blocks, which are constructed upon 3D spatial unit cell and 1D time unit. The work results in novel time-evolution schemes, which exhibit high-order accuracy and achieve concurrency and parallelism in both spatial and temporal dimensions. ### • 2019, Best Paper Award at IEEE EMC Symposium Our paper, “A Novel Statistical Model for the Electromagnetic Coupling to Electronics inside Enclosures” has been selected as 2019 Best EMC Symposium Paper Award in the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity, https://www.emc2019.emcss.org. It is a joint work with Edl Schamiloglu (UNM), Zachary B. Drikas (NRL), and Thomas Antonsen (UMD). The work is supported by NSR CAREER Award, and AFOSR/AFRL Center of Excellence: Science of Electronics in Extreme Electromagnetic Environments. http://ece-research.unm.edu/AFOSR-COE/ ### • 2019, Honorable Mention Award at IEEE AP-S Symposium Student Paper Competition Shen Lin received the 2019 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium Student Paper Competition Honorable Mention Award. The title of the paper is “Physics-Oriented Statistical Analysis of Information Transmission in Wave-Chaotic Environments”. ### • 2019, 3rd Place in Student Paper Competition at NEMO Conference Oameed Noakoasteen received the 3rd place in the student paper competition at 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization. The title of the paper is “Physics-Informed deep Neural Networks for Transient Electromagnetic Analysis”. Congratulations to Oameed. We propose a deep convolutional encoder-recurrent-decoder architecture to predict the time-evolution in transient electromagnetics. Based on the principles of linear superposition and space-time causality, the network is able to superimpose the learned scattering mechanisms (wave reflection, diffraction, and creeping wave, etc.) locally and emulate the transient electromagnetic problems. It is a joint work with Mr. Shu Wang. ### • 2019, 1st Place in Student Paper Competition at ACES Symposium Shu Wang received the 1st place in the student paper competition at 2019 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium. The title of the paper is “Platform-aware In-situ Antenna and Metamaterial Analysis and Design”. Congratulations to Shu! The objective of this paper is to build a reconfigurable, reusable, and parallel model reduction platform towards transformative in-situ antenna design. The key idea is to introduce a separable and compressible platform Green’s function in an up-front offline computation. Once obtained, the online computational complexity does not depend on the size of the in-situ platform. As a result, in-situ design and optimization of multi-antenna systems can be performed at the same cost as the free-space radiation. The advancements make high-fidelity in-situ antenna design orders of magnitude faster. It is a joint work with Dr. Brian MacKie-Mason and Dr. Hongwei Gao. ### • 2019 ACES Symposium Short Course Ever-increasing fidelity and accuracy needs for advanced electromagnetic (EM) applications have been pushing the problem sizes toward extreme scales. It puts a high premium on the investigation of high-performance algorithms with optimal computational complexity. In recent years, domain decomposition (DD) methods have enjoyed considerable success in solving large multi-scale EM problems. These methods feature divide-and-conquer in solution algorithms (applying the most suitable solution strategy to solve each sub-problem) and plug-in-play in software architectures (integrating individual EM solvers into a portable and extensible solution suite). They also result in highly efficient and naturally parallelizable algorithms on distributed memory many-core parallel computing systems. This short course will review and discuss recent progress in the DD methods for solving differential and integral equations with applications to large-scale EM problems.