Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
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2 years ago
# Bash utility functions for generation of documentation.
# Copy a file from temp if it has changed.
# Usage:
# $ update_if_different <base_file_name> <tmpext>
# This function will copy from:
# <base_file_name>.<tmpext>
# to:
# <base_file_name>
# if <base_file_name>.<tmpext> diffs with <base_file_name>. This is used
# avoid triggering a change in the timestamp of the file <base_file_name>.
# This isused to create *.tmp files and then we only copy to the files
# actually mentioned in the Makefile if they are different. That way if the
# files don't change then the function will not copy over them and update
# their time stamp and the makefile will not rebuild the documentation. We
# don't want to rebuild documentation if nothing changed.
function update_if_different {
if [ -e $base_file_name ] ; then
changes=`diff $base_file_name.$tmpext $base_file_name`
if [ "$changes" != "" ] ; then
echo "Copy updated file $base_file_name"
cp $base_file_name.$tmpext $base_file_name
echo "Copy to non-existing file $base_file_name"
cp $base_file_name.$tmpext $base_file_name
function generate_git_version_file {
_TRIBITS_TAG_PREFIX=`cat ../../../tribits_tag_prefix.txt`
if [ -e ../../../.git ] ; then
echo "Generating git version"
echo `git describe --match="$_TRIBITS_TAG_PREFIX*"` > TribitsGitVersion.txt
echo "$_TRIBITS_TAG_PREFIX.{Unknown version}" > TribitsGitVersion.txt