338 lines
13 KiB
338 lines
13 KiB
2 years ago
// Copyright(C) 1999-2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include "CJ_SystemInterface.h"
#include "CJ_Version.h" // for qainfo
#include "SL_tokenize.h" // for tokenize
#include <algorithm> // for sort, transform
#include <cctype> // for tolower
#include <copyright.h>
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <cstdlib> // for exit, strtol, EXIT_SUCCESS, etc
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <term_width.h>
#include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
#include <vector> // for vector
namespace {
void parse_variable_names(const char *tokens, StringIdVector *variable_list);
} // namespace
Excn::SystemInterface::SystemInterface() { enroll_options(); }
Excn::SystemInterface::~SystemInterface() = default;
void Excn::SystemInterface::enroll_options()
options_.usage("[options] list_of_files_to_join");
options_.enroll("help", GetLongOption::NoValue, "Print this summary and exit", nullptr);
options_.enroll("version", GetLongOption::NoValue, "Print version and exit", nullptr);
options_.enroll("output", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue, "Name of output file to create",
"conjoin-out.e", nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("alive_value", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Value (1 or 0) to indicate that an element is alive, default = 0", "0");
options_.enroll("combine_status_variables", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"The conjoin elem_status variable will be combined\n"
"\t\twith the specified status variable ($val) existing on the mesh.\n"
"\t\tBoth variables must have the same value (1 or 0) for 'alive'.\n"
"\t\t\tIf 1 is alive, then the combined variable is the min of the two values.\n"
"\t\t\tIf 0 is alive, then the combined variable is the max of the two values.\n"
"\t\tUse the 'alive_value' option to set conjoin's alive value",
options_.enroll("element_status_variable", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Name to use as element existence status variable;\n"
"\t\tmust not exist on input files. If NONE, then not created.\n"
"\t\tDefault = elem_status",
options_.enroll("nodal_status_variable", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Name to use as nodal status variable;\n\t\tmust not exist on input files.\n"
"\t\tIf NONE, then not created. Default = node_status",
"node_status", nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("netcdf4", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Create output database using the HDF5-based "
"netcdf which allows for up to 2.1 GB "
"nodes and elements",
options_.enroll("64-bit", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"True if forcing the use of 64-bit integers for the output file", nullptr);
"zlib", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use the Zlib / libz compression method if compression is enabled (default) [exodus only].",
options_.enroll("szip", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use SZip compression. [exodus only, enables netcdf-4]", nullptr);
"compress", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Specify the hdf5 (netcdf4) compression level [0..9] to be used on the output file.", nullptr,
nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("sort_times", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Sort the input files on the minimum timestep time in the file.\n"
"\t\tDefault is to process files in the order they appear on the command line.",
options_.enroll("ignore_coordinate_check", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Do not use nodal coordinates to determine if node in part 1 same as node in\n"
"\t\tother parts; use ids only.\n"
"\t\tUse only if you know that the ids are consistent for all parts",
options_.enroll("omit_nodesets", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Don't transfer nodesets to output file.", nullptr);
options_.enroll("omit_sidesets", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Don't transfer sidesets to output file.", nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("gvar", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Comma-separated list of global variables to be joined or ALL or NONE.", nullptr);
options_.enroll("evar", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Comma-separated list of element variables to be joined or ALL or NONE.\n"
"\t\tVariables can be limited to certain blocks by appending a\n"
"\t\tcolon followed by the block id. E.g. -evar sigxx:10:20",
options_.enroll("nvar", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Comma-separated list of nodal variables to be joined or ALL or NONE.", nullptr);
options_.enroll("nsetvar", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Comma-separated list of nodeset variables to be joined or ALL or NONE.",
options_.enroll("ssetvar", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Comma-separated list of sideset variables to be joined or ALL or NONE.", nullptr,
nullptr, true);
"interpart_minimum_time_delta", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"If the time delta between the maximum time on one\n\t\tdatabase and the minimum time on "
"the next database is less than this value, the\n\t\ttime will not be retained in the output "
options_.enroll("debug", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"debug level (values are or'd)\n"
"\t\t 1 = timing information.\n"
"\t\t 4 = Verbose Element block information.\n"
"\t\t 8 = Check consistent nodal coordinates between parts.\n"
"\t\t 16 = Verbose Sideset information.\n"
"\t\t 32 = Verbose Nodeset information.\n"
"\t\t 64 = put exodus library into verbose mode.\n"
"\t\t128 = Check consistent global field values between parts.",
options_.enroll("width", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue, "Width of output screen, default = 80",
options_.enroll("copyright", GetLongOption::NoValue, "Show copyright and license data.", nullptr);
bool Excn::SystemInterface::parse_options(int argc, char **argv)
int option_index = options_.parse(argc, argv);
if (option_index < 1) {
return false;
// Get options from environment variable also...
char *options = getenv("CONJOIN_OPTIONS");
if (options != nullptr) {
"\nThe following options were specified via the CONJOIN_OPTIONS environment variable:\n"
options_.parse(options, options_.basename(*argv));
if (options_.retrieve("help") != nullptr) {
fmt::print("\n\tCan also set options via CONJOIN_OPTIONS environment variable.\n"
"\n\tDocumentation: "
"\n\t->->-> Send email to gdsjaar@sandia.gov for conjoin support.<-<-<-\n");
if (options_.retrieve("version") != nullptr) {
// Version is printed up front, just exit...
debugLevel_ = options_.get_option_value("debug", debugLevel_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("alive_value");
if (temp != nullptr) {
int value = strtol(temp, nullptr, 10);
if (value == 1 || value == 0) {
aliveValue_ = value;
else {
"\nERROR: Invalid value specified for node and element status."
"\nValid values are '1' or '0'. Found '{}'\n",
interpartMinimumTimeDelta_ =
options_.get_option_value("interpart_minimum_time_delta", interpartMinimumTimeDelta_);
elementStatusVariable_ =
options_.get_option_value("element_status_variable", elementStatusVariable_);
nodalStatusVariable_ = options_.get_option_value("nodal_status_variable", nodalStatusVariable_);
meshCombineStatusVariable_ =
options_.get_option_value("combine_status_variables", meshCombineStatusVariable_);
screenWidth_ = options_.get_option_value("width", term_width());
outputName_ = options_.get_option_value("output", outputName_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("gvar");
if (temp != nullptr) {
parse_variable_names(temp, &globalVarNames_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("nvar");
if (temp != nullptr) {
parse_variable_names(temp, &nodeVarNames_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("evar");
if (temp != nullptr) {
parse_variable_names(temp, &elemVarNames_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("nsetvar");
if (temp != nullptr) {
parse_variable_names(temp, &nsetVarNames_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("ssetvar");
if (temp != nullptr) {
parse_variable_names(temp, &ssetVarNames_);
useNetcdf4_ = options_.retrieve("netcdf4") != nullptr;
sortTimes_ = options_.retrieve("sort_times") != nullptr;
ints64Bit_ = options_.retrieve("64-bit") != nullptr;
ignoreCoordinates_ = options_.retrieve("ignore_coordinate_check") != nullptr;
omitNodesets_ = options_.retrieve("omit_nodesets") != nullptr;
omitSidesets_ = options_.retrieve("omit_sidesets") != nullptr;
if (options_.retrieve("szip") != nullptr) {
szip_ = true;
zlib_ = false;
zlib_ = (options_.retrieve("zlib") != nullptr);
if (szip_ && zlib_) {
fmt::print(stderr, "ERROR: Only one of 'szip' or 'zlib' can be specified.\n");
compressionLevel_ = options_.get_option_value("compress", compressionLevel_);
if (options_.retrieve("copyright") != nullptr) {
fmt::print("{}", copyright("2009-2021"));
// Parse remaining options as directory paths.
if (option_index < argc) {
while (option_index < argc) {
else {
fmt::print(stderr, "\nERROR: no files specified\n\n");
return false;
return true;
void Excn::SystemInterface::dump(std::ostream & /*unused*/) const {}
void Excn::SystemInterface::show_version()
"\t(A code for sequentially appending Exodus databases. Supersedes conex and conex2.)\n"
"\t(Version: {}) Modified: {}\n",
qainfo[0], qainfo[1], qainfo[2]);
namespace {
std::string LowerCase(const std::string &name)
std::string s = name;
std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), // source
s.begin(), // destination
::tolower); // operation
return s;
using StringVector = std::vector<std::string>;
bool string_id_sort(const std::pair<std::string, int> &t1, const std::pair<std::string, int> &t2)
return t1.first < t2.first || (!(t2.first < t1.first) && t1.second < t2.second);
void parse_variable_names(const char *tokens, StringIdVector *variable_list)
// Break into tokens separated by ","
if (tokens != nullptr) {
std::string token_string(tokens);
StringVector var_list = SLIB::tokenize(token_string, ",");
// At this point, var_list is either a single string, or a string
// separated from 1 or more block ids with ":" delimiter.
// For example, sigxx:1:10:100 would indicate that the variable
// "sigxx" should be written only for blocks with id 1, 10, and
// 100. "sigxx" would indicate that the variable should be
// written for all blocks.
auto I = var_list.begin();
while (I != var_list.end()) {
StringVector name_id = SLIB::tokenize(*I, ":");
std::string var_name = LowerCase(name_id[0]);
if (name_id.size() == 1) {
(*variable_list).emplace_back(var_name, 0);
else {
for (size_t i = 1; i < name_id.size(); i++) {
// Convert string to integer...
int id = std::stoi(name_id[i]);
(*variable_list).emplace_back(var_name, id);
// Sort the list...
std::sort(variable_list->begin(), variable_list->end(), string_id_sort);
} // namespace