Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
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2 years ago
C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
subroutine putev (idexo, nwstep, nelblk, nvarel, numelb,
& varel, idelb, isevok, ierr)
C -- *** PUTEV *** Put Element Variables in regular netCDF file
C --
C --PUTEV calls the exodus II interface routine that writes the
C -- element variable values into the regular netCDF file.
C --
C --Parameters:
C -- idexo - IN - EXODUS file ID returned from a previous call to
C -- nwstep - IN - The time step number.
C -- nelblk - IN - The number of element blocks.
C -- nvarel - IN - The number of element variables.
C -- numelb - IN - An array containing the number of elements per
C -- element block.
C -- varel - IN - An array containing the element variables.
C -- idelb - IN - Array of element block IDs
C -- isevok - IN - Element variable truth table
C -- ierr - OUT - Returned error code. If no errors occurred, 0
C -- is returned.
include ''
integer numelb(*), nwstep, nelblk, nvarel, idelb(*), ierr
integer isevok(nvarel,*)
real varel(*)
ielo = 1
do 200 ielb = 1, nelblk
do 100 ivar = 1, nvarel
if (isevok(ivar,ielb) .ne. 0) then
call expev (idexo, nwstep, ivar, idelb(ielb), numelb(ielb),
& varel(ielo), ierr)
if (ierr .lt. 0) then
call exerr ('putev','Error calling expev', exlmsg)
ielo = ielo + numelb(ielb)
100 continue
200 continue