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2 years ago
C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
program testrd
c This is a test program for the Fortran binding of the EXODUS II
c database read routines
c 09/07/93 V.R. Yarberry - Modified for API 2.00
implicit none
include ''
integer iin, iout, ierr, ioff
integer exoid, num_dim, num_nodes, num_elem, num_elem_blk
integer num_node_sets
integer num_side_sets
integer i, j, k, elem_map(100), connect(100), nnpe(10)
integer ids(10)
integer num_elem_in_block(10), num_nodes_per_elem(10)
integer num_attr(10)
integer cpu_ws,io_ws, mod_sz
real x(100), y(100), z(100)
real vers
character*(MXSTLN) coord_names(3)
character*(MXLNLN) titl
character*(MXSTLN) eltype(10)
data iin /5/, iout /6/
c open EXODUS II files
cpu_ws = 0
io_ws = 0
exoid = exopen ("test-nsided.exo", EXREAD, cpu_ws, io_ws,
* vers, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exopen, error = ",i3)')
1 ierr
write (iout, '("test-nsided.exo is an EXODUSII file; version ",
1 f4.2)') vers
write (iout, '(" I/O word size",i2)') io_ws
mod_sz = exlgmd(exoid)
write (iout, '(" Model Size",i2)') mod_sz
c read database parameters
call exgini (exoid, titl, num_dim, num_nodes, num_elem,
1 num_elem_blk, num_node_sets, num_side_sets, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exgini, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
write (iout, '("database parameters:"/
1 "title = ", a81 /
2 "num_dim = ", i3 /
3 "num_nodes = ", i3 /
4 "num_elem = ", i3 /
5 "num_elem_blk = ", i3 /
6 "num_node_sets = ", i3 /
7 "num_side_sets = ", i3)')
8 titl,num_dim, num_nodes, num_elem,
9 num_elem_blk,num_node_sets, num_side_sets
c read nodal coordinates values and names from database
call exgcor (exoid, x, y, z, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exgcor, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
write (iout, '("x coords = ")')
do 10 i = 1, num_nodes
write (iout, '(f5.1)') x(i)
10 continue
write (iout, '("y coords = ")')
do 20 i = 1, num_nodes
write (iout, '(f5.1)') y(i)
20 continue
if (num_dim .gt. 2) then
write (iout, '("z coords = ")')
do 22 i = 1, num_nodes
write (iout, '(f5.1)') z(i)
22 continue
call exgcon (exoid, coord_names, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exgcon, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
write (iout, '("x coord name = ", a9)') coord_names(1)
write (iout, '("y coord name = ", a9)') coord_names(2)
c read element order map
call exgmap (exoid, elem_map, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exgmap, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
do 30 i = 1, num_elem
write (iout, '("elem_map(",i1,") = ", i1)') i, elem_map(i)
30 continue
c read element block parameters
call exgebi (exoid, ids, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exgebi, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
do 40 i = 1, num_elem_blk
call exgelb (exoid, ids(i), eltype(i), num_elem_in_block(i),
1 num_nodes_per_elem(i), num_attr(i), ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exgelb, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
write (iout, '("element block id = ", i2,/
1 "element type = ", a9,/
2 "num_elem_in_block = ", i2,/
3 "num_nodes_per_elem = ", i2,/
4 "num_attr = ", i2)')
5 ids(i), eltype(i), num_elem_in_block(i),
6 num_nodes_per_elem(i), num_attr(i)
40 continue
c read element connectivity
do 60 i = 1, num_elem_blk
call exgelc (exoid, ids(i), connect, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exgelc, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
if (eltype(i) .eq. 'nsided' .or. eltype(i) .eq. 'NSIDED') then
call exgecpp(exoid, EXEBLK, ids(i), nnpe, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exgecpp, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
write (iout, '("connect array for elem block ", i2)') ids(i)
ioff = 0
do j = 1, num_elem_in_block(i)
write (iout, 100) j, nnpe(j), (connect(ioff+k),k=1,nnpe(j))
ioff = ioff + nnpe(j)
end do
end if
60 continue
C ... Test coordinate frames
call getfrm(exoid)
call exclos (exoid, ierr)
write (iout, '(/"after exclos, error = ", i3)' ) ierr
100 format(' Element ',I3,', Nodes/Element = ',I3,' -- ',20I3)
subroutine getfrm(exoid)
implicit none
include ''
integer iout
integer exoid, ierr, i, j
integer numfrm; ! Assumed to be 3 for remaining dimensions
integer cfids(3), tags(3)
character*32 ctag
real coord(27)
data iout /6/
numfrm = exinqi(exoid, EXNCF)
write (iout,
1 '(/"There are ",i2," coordinate frames")')
2 numfrm
numfrm = 3
call exgfrm(exoid, numfrm, cfids, coord, tags, ierr);
write (6,'("after exgfrm, error = ", i4)') ierr
! NOTE: These values may not be sensical; just used for testing.
do i=0,2
if (tags(i+1) .eq. EXCFREC) then
else if (tags(i+1) .eq. EXCFCYL) then
else if (tags(i+1) .eq. EXCFSPH) then
ctag = 'SPHERICAL'
end if
write (iout, 100) cfids(i+1), ctag, (COORD(9*i+j),j=1,9)
end do
100 format(i5, 3x, A, 9F10.2)