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2 years ago
// Copyright(C) 1999-2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#pragma once
#include "exo_entity.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "smart_assert.h"
// Notes: 1) Most functions will return a string as a result. An empty string
// indicates success, while a non-empty string indicates an error or
// a warning, either of which will be contained in the string.
class Exo_Entity;
template <typename INT> class Exo_Block;
template <typename INT> class Node_Set;
template <typename INT> class Side_Set;
template <typename INT> class Edge_Block;
template <typename INT> class Face_Block;
template <typename INT> class ExoII_Read
explicit ExoII_Read(const std::string &fname);
virtual ~ExoII_Read();
const ExoII_Read &operator=(const ExoII_Read &) = delete;
ExoII_Read(const ExoII_Read &) = delete;
// File operations:
std::string File_Name(const char * /*fname*/);
virtual std::string
Open_File(const char */*fname*/ = nullptr); // Default opens current file name.
std::string Close_File();
std::string File_Name() const { return file_name; }
int Open() const { return (file_id >= 0); }
int IO_Word_Size() const { return io_word_size; }
void modify_time_values(double scale, double offset)
time_scale = scale;
time_offset = offset;
// Global data:
const std::string &Title() const { return title; }
int Dimension() const { return dimension; }
size_t Num_Nodes() const { return num_nodes; }
size_t Num_Elements() const { return num_elmts; }
size_t Num_Faces() const { return num_faces; }
size_t Num_Edges() const { return num_edges; }
size_t Num_Node_Sets() const { return num_node_sets; }
size_t Num_Side_Sets() const { return num_side_sets; }
size_t Num_Edge_Blocks() const { return num_edge_blocks; }
size_t Num_Face_Blocks() const { return num_face_blocks; }
// Times:
int Num_Times() const { return num_times; }
double Time(int time_num) const;
// Variables:
size_t Num_Global_Vars() const { return global_vars.size(); }
size_t Num_Nodal_Vars() const { return nodal_vars.size(); }
size_t Num_Element_Vars() const { return elmt_vars.size(); }
size_t Num_Element_Atts() const { return elmt_atts.size(); }
size_t Num_NS_Vars() const { return ns_vars.size(); }
size_t Num_SS_Vars() const { return ss_vars.size(); }
size_t Num_EB_Vars() const { return eb_vars.size(); }
size_t Num_FB_Vars() const { return fb_vars.size(); }
const std::vector<std::string> &Global_Var_Names() const { return global_vars; }
const std::vector<std::string> &Nodal_Var_Names() const { return nodal_vars; }
const std::vector<std::string> &Element_Var_Names() const { return elmt_vars; }
const std::vector<std::string> &Element_Att_Names() const { return elmt_atts; }
const std::vector<std::string> &NS_Var_Names() const { return ns_vars; }
const std::vector<std::string> &SS_Var_Names() const { return ss_vars; }
const std::vector<std::string> &EB_Var_Names() const { return eb_vars; }
const std::vector<std::string> &FB_Var_Names() const { return fb_vars; }
const std::string &Global_Var_Name(int index) const;
const std::string &Nodal_Var_Name(int index) const;
const std::string &Element_Var_Name(int index) const;
const std::string &Element_Att_Name(int index) const;
const std::string &NS_Var_Name(int index) const;
const std::string &SS_Var_Name(int index) const;
const std::string &EB_Var_Name(int index) const;
const std::string &FB_Var_Name(int index) const;
// Element blocks:
size_t Num_Element_Blocks() const { return num_elmt_blocks; }
std::string Load_Element_Block_Description(size_t block_index) const;
std::string Load_Element_Block_Descriptions() const; // Loads all blocks.
std::string Free_Element_Block(size_t block_index) const; // Frees all dynamic memory.
std::string Free_Element_Blocks() const; // Frees all blocks.
// Number maps:
std::string Load_Node_Map();
std::string Free_Node_Map();
const INT *Get_Node_Map() { return node_map; }
std::string Load_Element_Map();
std::string Free_Element_Map();
const INT *Get_Element_Map() { return elmt_map; }
inline INT Node_Map(size_t node_num) const; // numbers are global, 1-offset
inline INT Element_Map(size_t elmt_num) const; // numbers are global, 1-offset
inline INT Element_Order(size_t elmt_num) const; // numbers are global, 1-offset
// Nodal data:
std::string Load_Nodal_Coordinates();
const double *X_Coords() const { return nodes; }
const double *Y_Coords() const
if (dimension < 2) {
return nullptr;
return nodes == nullptr ? nullptr : nodes + num_nodes;
const double *Z_Coords() const
if (dimension < 3) {
return nullptr;
return nodes == nullptr ? nullptr : nodes + 2 * num_nodes;
void Free_Nodal_Coordinates();
// (First time step = 1.)
std::string Load_Nodal_Results(int time_step_num, int var_index);
const double *Get_Nodal_Results(int var_index) const;
const double *Get_Nodal_Results(int t1, int t2, double proportion,
int var_index) const; // Interpolated results
void Free_Nodal_Results();
void Free_Nodal_Results(int var_index);
// Global data: (NOTE: Global and Nodal data are always stored at the same
// time step. Therefore, if current time step number
// is changed, the results will all be deleted.)
std::string Load_Global_Results(int time_step_num);
std::string Load_Global_Results(int t1, int t2, double proportion); // Interpolated results
const double *Get_Global_Results() const { return global_vals; }
// Node/Side sets:
Exo_Entity *Get_Entity_by_Index(EXOTYPE type, size_t block_index) const;
Exo_Entity *Get_Entity_by_Id(EXOTYPE type, size_t id) const;
Exo_Entity *Get_Entity_by_Name(EXOTYPE type, const std::string &name) const;
size_t Block_Id(size_t block_index) const; // Returns associated block id.
Exo_Block<INT> *Get_Element_Block_by_Id(size_t id) const;
Exo_Block<INT> *Get_Element_Block_by_Index(size_t block_index) const;
Exo_Block<INT> *Get_Element_Block_by_Name(const std::string &name) const;
Side_Set<INT> *Get_Side_Set_by_Id(size_t set_id) const;
Side_Set<INT> *Get_Side_Set_by_Index(size_t side_set_index) const;
Side_Set<INT> *Get_Side_Set_by_Name(const std::string &name) const;
Node_Set<INT> *Get_Node_Set_by_Id(size_t set_id) const;
Node_Set<INT> *Get_Node_Set_by_Index(size_t set_index) const;
Node_Set<INT> *Get_Node_Set_by_Name(const std::string &name) const;
Edge_Block<INT> *Get_Edge_Block_by_Id(size_t block_id) const;
Edge_Block<INT> *Get_Edge_Block_by_Index(size_t set_index) const;
Edge_Block<INT> *Get_Edge_Block_by_Name(const std::string &name) const;
Face_Block<INT> *Get_Face_Block_by_Id(size_t block_id) const;
Face_Block<INT> *Get_Face_Block_by_Index(size_t set_index) const;
Face_Block<INT> *Get_Face_Block_by_Name(const std::string &name) const;
// Misc functions:
virtual int Check_State() const; // Checks state of obj (not the file).
int File_ID() const { return file_id; } // This is temporary.
std::pair<int, size_t> Global_to_Block_Local(size_t global_elmt_num) const;
std::string file_name{};
int file_id{-1}; // Exodus file id; also used to determine if file is open.
// GENESIS info:
std::string title{};
std::vector<std::string> coord_names{};
size_t num_nodes{0};
int dimension{0};
size_t num_elmts{0};
size_t num_faces{0};
size_t num_edges{0};
size_t num_elmt_blocks{0};
size_t num_node_sets{0};
size_t num_side_sets{0};
size_t num_edge_blocks{0};
size_t num_face_blocks{0};
float db_version{0.0};
float api_version{0.0};
int io_word_size{0}; // Note: The "compute word size" is always 8.
Exo_Block<INT> *eblocks{nullptr}; // Array.
Node_Set<INT> *nsets{nullptr}; // Array.
Side_Set<INT> *ssets{nullptr}; // Array.
Edge_Block<INT> *edge_blocks{nullptr}; // Array.
Face_Block<INT> *face_blocks{nullptr}; // Array.
double *nodes{nullptr}; // Matrix; dimension by num_nodes (row major form).
// I.e., all x's then all y's, etc.
INT *node_map{nullptr}; // Array; num_nodes long when filled.
INT *elmt_map{nullptr}; // Array; num_elmts long when filled.
INT *elmt_order{nullptr}; // Array; num_elmts long when filled.
// RESULTS info:
std::vector<std::string> global_vars{};
std::vector<std::string> nodal_vars{};
std::vector<std::string> elmt_vars{};
std::vector<std::string> elmt_atts{};
std::vector<std::string> ns_vars{};
std::vector<std::string> ss_vars{};
std::vector<std::string> eb_vars{};
std::vector<std::string> fb_vars{};
int num_times{0};
double time_scale{1.0};
double time_offset{0.0};
double *times{nullptr};
int cur_time{0}; // Current timestep number of the results (0 means none).
double **results{nullptr}; // Array of pointers (to arrays of results data);
// length is number of nodal variables.
double *global_vals{nullptr}; // Array of global variables for the current timestep.
double *global_vals2{nullptr}; // Array of global variables used if interpolating.
// Internal methods:
void Get_Init_Data(); // Gets bunch of initial data.
template <typename INT> inline INT ExoII_Read<INT>::Node_Map(size_t node_num) const
SMART_ASSERT(node_num <= num_nodes);
if (node_map) {
return node_map[node_num - 1];
return 0;
template <typename INT> inline INT ExoII_Read<INT>::Element_Map(size_t elmt_num) const
SMART_ASSERT(elmt_num <= num_elmts);
if (elmt_map) {
return elmt_map[elmt_num - 1];
return 0;
template <typename INT> inline INT ExoII_Read<INT>::Element_Order(size_t elmt_num) const
SMART_ASSERT(elmt_num <= num_elmts);
if (elmt_order) {
return elmt_order[elmt_num - 1];
return 0;