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1153 lines
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2 years ago
// Copyright(C) 1999-2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include <algorithm>
#include <cfloat>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <numeric>
#include "ED_SystemInterface.h"
#include "Tolerance.h"
#include "exoII_read.h"
#include "exo_block.h"
#include "fmt/ostream.h"
#include "iqsort.h"
#include "smart_assert.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace {
double find_range(const double *x, size_t num_nodes);
template <typename INT>
INT Find(double x0, double y0, double z0, const std::vector<double> &x,
const std::vector<double> &y, const std::vector<double> &z, const std::vector<INT> &id,
int dim, bool ignore_dups);
template <typename INT>
void Compute_Node_Map(std::vector<INT> &node_map, ExoII_Read<INT> &file1, ExoII_Read<INT> &file2);
} // namespace
template <typename INT>
void Compute_Maps(std::vector<INT> &node_map, std::vector<INT> &elmt_map, ExoII_Read<INT> &file1,
ExoII_Read<INT> &file2)
size_t num_nodes = file1.Num_Nodes();
size_t num_elmts = file1.Num_Elements();
int dim = file1.Dimension();
// ******************** elements ******************** //
// Load global ids (0-offset) into id array.
std::vector<INT> id(num_elmts);
std::iota(id.begin(), id.end(), 0);
// Get map storage.
std::fill(node_map.begin(), node_map.end(), -1);
std::fill(elmt_map.begin(), elmt_map.end(), -1);
// Create storage for midpoints.
std::vector<double> x2;
std::vector<double> y2;
y2.reserve(dim > 1 ? num_elmts : 0);
std::vector<double> z2;
z2.reserve(dim > 2 ? num_elmts : 0);
// Load coordinates for file 2 and get pointers to them.
const auto *x2_f = file2.X_Coords();
const auto *y2_f = file2.Y_Coords();
const auto *z2_f = file2.Z_Coords();
// Load connectivities for all blocks in second file.
// Compute midpoints of each element and place into x,y,z arrays.
size_t num_blocks = file2.Num_Element_Blocks();
for (size_t b = 0; b < num_blocks; ++b) {
const Exo_Block<INT> *block = file2.Get_Element_Block_by_Index(b);
size_t num_elmts_in_block = block->Size();
size_t num_nodes_per_elmt = block->Num_Nodes_per_Element();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts_in_block; ++i) {
const INT *conn = block->Connectivity(i); // Connectivity for element i.
double sum_x = 0.0;
double sum_y = 0.0;
double sum_z = 0.0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++j) {
sum_x += x2_f[conn[j] - 1];
if (dim > 1) {
sum_y += y2_f[conn[j] - 1];
if (dim > 2) {
sum_z += z2_f[conn[j] - 1];
x2.push_back(sum_x / static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt));
if (dim > 1) {
y2.push_back(sum_y / static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt));
if (dim > 2) {
z2.push_back(sum_z / static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt));
// Sort by x value.
index_qsort(,, num_elmts);
#if 0
fmt::print("****************** elmts ******************** \n");
{for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts; ++i)
i, x2[id[i]], y2[id[i]], z2[id[i]], id[i]);}
fmt::print("****************** elmts ******************** \n");
// Load and get nodal coordinates for first file.
const auto *x1_f = file1.X_Coords();
const auto *y1_f = file1.Y_Coords();
const auto *z1_f = file1.Z_Coords();
// Cannot ignore the comparisons, so make sure the coord_tol_type
// is not -1 which is "ignore"
ToleranceMode save_tolerance_type = interFace.coord_tol.type;
if (save_tolerance_type == ToleranceMode::IGNORE_) {
interFace.coord_tol.type = ToleranceMode::ABSOLUTE_;
// Match elmts in first file to their corresponding elmts in second.
size_t num_blocks = file1.Num_Element_Blocks();
size_t e1 = 0;
for (size_t b = 0; b < num_blocks; ++b) {
const Exo_Block<INT> *block1 = file1.Get_Element_Block_by_Index(b);
size_t num_elmts_in_block = block1->Size();
size_t num_nodes_per_elmt = block1->Num_Nodes_per_Element();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts_in_block; ++i) {
// Connectivity for element i.
const INT *conn1 = block1->Connectivity(i);
// Compute midpoint.
double mid_x = 0.0;
double mid_y = 0.0;
double mid_z = 0.0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++j) {
SMART_ASSERT(conn1[j] >= 1 && conn1[j] <= (INT)num_nodes);
mid_x += x1_f[conn1[j] - 1];
if (dim > 1) {
mid_y += y1_f[conn1[j] - 1];
if (dim > 2) {
mid_z += z1_f[conn1[j] - 1];
mid_x /= static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt);
if (dim > 1) {
mid_y /= static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt);
if (dim > 2) {
mid_z /= static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt);
// Locate midpoint in sorted array.
INT sort_idx = Find(mid_x, mid_y, mid_z, x2, y2, z2, id, dim, interFace.ignore_dups);
if (sort_idx < 0) {
Error(fmt::format("Files are different (couldn't match element {} from block {} from first "
"file to second)\n",
i + 1, file1.Block_Id(b)));
size_t e2 = id[sort_idx];
// Assign element map for this element.
elmt_map[e1] = e2;
// Determine the block and elmt index of matched element.
auto bl_idx = file2.Global_to_Block_Local(e2 + 1);
const Exo_Block<INT> *block2 = file2.Get_Element_Block_by_Index(bl_idx.first);
SMART_ASSERT(block2 != nullptr);
// Check that the element types are the same.
if (num_nodes_per_elmt != block2->Num_Nodes_per_Element()) {
Error(fmt::format("Files are different.\n"
" In File 1: Element {} in Block {} has {} and\n"
" In File 2: Element {} in Block {} has {}\n",
fmt::group_digits(i + 1), file1.Block_Id(b), num_nodes_per_elmt,
fmt::group_digits(bl_idx.second + 1), file2.Block_Id(bl_idx.first),
// Get connectivity for file2 element.
const INT *conn2 = block2->Connectivity(bl_idx.second);
// Match each node in the first elmt with a node in the second
// and assign node_map.
for (size_t ln1 = 0; ln1 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++ln1) {
// Grab coordinate of node in first file.
double x1_val = x1_f[conn1[ln1] - 1];
double y1_val = dim > 1 ? y1_f[conn1[ln1] - 1] : 0.0;
double z1_val = dim > 2 ? z1_f[conn1[ln1] - 1] : 0.0;
size_t found = 0;
for (size_t ln2 = 0; ln2 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++ln2) {
// Grab coordinate of node in second file.
double x2_val = x2_f[conn2[ln2] - 1];
double y2_val = dim > 1 ? y2_f[conn2[ln2] - 1] : 0.0;
double z2_val = dim > 2 ? z2_f[conn2[ln2] - 1] : 0.0;
if (!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x1_val, x2_val) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(y1_val, y2_val) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(z1_val, z2_val)) {
// assert that if this node has been given a map
// previously, that it agrees with the latest
// assignment.
if (node_map[conn1[ln1] - 1] >= 0 && node_map[conn1[ln1] - 1] != conn2[ln2] - 1) {
if (!interFace.ignore_dups) {
// Node in file 1.
INT node1 = conn1[ln1];
double x1a = x1_f[node1 - 1];
double y1a = dim >= 2 ? y1_f[node1 - 1] : 0.0;
double z1a = dim >= 3 ? z1_f[node1 - 1] : 0.0;
// Node in file 2 that was already mapped to node 1 in file 1
INT n1 = node_map[conn1[ln1] - 1] + 1;
double x2a = x2_f[n1 - 1];
double y2a = dim >= 2 ? y2_f[n1 - 1] : 0.0;
double z2a = dim >= 3 ? z2_f[n1 - 1] : 0.0;
// Node in file 2 that is now being mapped to node 1 in file 1
INT n2 = conn2[ln2];
double x2b = x2_f[n2 - 1];
double y2b = dim >= 2 ? y2_f[n2 - 1] : 0.0;
double z2b = dim >= 3 ? z2_f[n2 - 1] : 0.0;
SMART_ASSERT(!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x2a, x2b) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(y2a, y2b) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(z2a, z2b));
Error(fmt::format("No unique node mapping possible.\n"
"\tFile 1, Node {} at ({}, {}, {}) maps to both:\n"
"\tFile 2, Node {} at ({}, {}, {}) and\n"
"\tFile 2, Node {} at ({}, {}, {})\n\n",
fmt::group_digits(node1), x1a, y1a, z1a, fmt::group_digits(n1),
x2a, y2a, z2a, fmt::group_digits(n2), x2b, y2b, z2b));
found = 1;
node_map[conn1[ln1] - 1] = conn2[ln2] - 1;
found = 1;
if (!found) {
std::ostringstream out;
"\nCannot find a match for node at position {} in first element.\n"
"\tFile 1: Element {} in Block {} nodes:\n",
ln1 + 1, fmt::group_digits(i + 1), file1.Block_Id(b));
for (size_t l1 = 0; l1 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++l1) {
double x_val = x1_f[conn1[l1] - 1];
double y_val = dim > 1 ? y1_f[conn1[l1] - 1] : 0.0;
double z_val = dim > 2 ? z1_f[conn1[l1] - 1] : 0.0;
fmt::print(out, "\t({})\t{}\t{:.9e}\t{:.9e}\t{:.9e}\n", l1 + 1,
fmt::group_digits(conn1[l1]), x_val, y_val, z_val);
fmt::print(out, "\tFile 2: Element {} in Block {} nodes:\n",
fmt::group_digits(bl_idx.second + 1), file1.Block_Id(b));
for (size_t l3 = 0; l3 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++l3) {
double x_val = x2_f[conn2[l3] - 1];
double y_val = dim > 1 ? y2_f[conn2[l3] - 1] : 0.0;
double z_val = dim > 2 ? z2_f[conn2[l3] - 1] : 0.0;
fmt::print(out, "\t({})\t{}\t{:.9e}\t{:.9e}\t{:.9e}\n", l3 + 1,
fmt::group_digits(conn2[l3]), x_val, y_val, z_val);
fmt::print(out, "Coordinates compared using tolerance: {} ({}), floor: {}\n",
interFace.coord_tol.value, interFace.coord_tol.typestr(),
} // End of local node loop on file1's element.
} // End of local node search block.
} // End of loop on elements in file1 element block.
} // End of loop on file1 blocks.
// Check that all nodes in the file have been matched... If any
// unmatched nodes are found, then perform a node-based matching
// algorithm...
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
if (node_map[i] < 0) {
Compute_Node_Map(node_map, file1, file2);
interFace.coord_tol.type = save_tolerance_type;
template <typename INT>
void Compute_Partial_Maps(std::vector<INT> &node_map, std::vector<INT> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<INT> &file1, ExoII_Read<INT> &file2)
size_t num_nodes1 = file1.Num_Nodes();
size_t num_elmts1 = file1.Num_Elements();
size_t num_nodes2 = file2.Num_Nodes();
size_t num_elmts2 = file2.Num_Elements();
int dim = file1.Dimension();
SMART_ASSERT(dim == file2.Dimension());
// ******************** elements ******************** //
// Load global ids (0-offset) into id array.
std::vector<INT> id2(num_elmts2);
std::iota(id2.begin(), id2.end(), 0);
// Get map storage.
std::fill(node_map.begin(), node_map.end(), -1);
std::fill(elmt_map.begin(), elmt_map.end(), -1);
// Create storage for midpoints.
std::vector<double> x2;
std::vector<double> y2;
std::vector<double> z2;
if (dim > 1) {
if (dim > 2) {
// Load coordinates for file 2 and get pointers to them.
const auto *x2_f = file2.X_Coords();
const auto *y2_f = file2.Y_Coords();
const auto *z2_f = file2.Z_Coords();
// Load connectivities for all blocks in second file.
// Compute midpoints of each element and place into x,y,z arrays.
size_t num_blocks2 = file2.Num_Element_Blocks();
double sum_x;
double sum_y;
double sum_z;
for (size_t b = 0; b < num_blocks2; ++b) {
const Exo_Block<INT> *block = file2.Get_Element_Block_by_Index(b);
size_t num_elmts_in_block = block->Size();
size_t num_nodes_per_elmt = block->Num_Nodes_per_Element();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts_in_block; ++i) {
const INT *conn = block->Connectivity(i); // Connectivity for element i.
sum_x = 0.0;
sum_y = 0.0;
sum_z = 0.0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++j) {
sum_x += x2_f[conn[j] - 1];
if (dim > 1) {
sum_y += y2_f[conn[j] - 1];
if (dim > 2) {
sum_z += z2_f[conn[j] - 1];
x2.push_back(sum_x / static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt));
if (dim > 1) {
y2.push_back(sum_y / static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt));
if (dim > 2) {
z2.push_back(sum_z / static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt));
// Sort by x value.
index_qsort(,, num_elmts2);
#if 0
fmt::print("****************** elmts ******************** \n");
{for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts; ++i)
i, x2[id[i]], y2[id[i]], z2[id[i]], id[i]);}
fmt::print("****************** elmts ******************** \n");
// Load and get nodal coordinates for first file.
const auto *x1_f = file1.X_Coords();
const auto *y1_f = file1.Y_Coords();
const auto *z1_f = file1.Z_Coords();
// Cannot ignore the comparisons, so make sure the coord_tol_type
// is not -1 which is "ignore"
ToleranceMode save_tolerance_type = interFace.coord_tol.type;
if (save_tolerance_type == ToleranceMode::IGNORE_) {
interFace.coord_tol.type = ToleranceMode::ABSOLUTE_;
// Match elmts in first file to their corresponding elmts in second.
size_t num_blocks1 = file1.Num_Element_Blocks();
size_t e1 = 0;
bool first = true;
size_t unmatched = 0;
for (size_t b = 0; b < num_blocks1; ++b) {
const Exo_Block<INT> *block1 = file1.Get_Element_Block_by_Index(b);
size_t num_elmts_in_block = block1->Size();
size_t num_nodes_per_elmt = block1->Num_Nodes_per_Element();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elmts_in_block; ++i) {
// Connectivity for element i.
const INT *conn1 = block1->Connectivity(i);
// Compute midpoint.
double mid_x = 0.0;
double mid_y = 0.0;
double mid_z = 0.0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++j) {
SMART_ASSERT(conn1[j] >= 1 && conn1[j] <= (INT)num_nodes1);
mid_x += x1_f[conn1[j] - 1];
if (dim > 1) {
mid_y += y1_f[conn1[j] - 1];
if (dim > 2) {
mid_z += z1_f[conn1[j] - 1];
mid_x /= static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt);
if (dim > 1) {
mid_y /= static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt);
if (dim > 2) {
mid_z /= static_cast<double>(num_nodes_per_elmt);
// Locate midpoint in sorted array.
INT sort_idx = Find(mid_x, mid_y, mid_z, x2, y2, z2, id2, dim, interFace.ignore_dups);
if (sort_idx < 0) {
if (first && interFace.show_unmatched) {
fmt::print("exodiff: Doing Partial Comparison: No Match for (b.e):\n");
first = false;
if (interFace.show_unmatched) {
fmt::print("{}.{}, ", file1.Block_Id(b), (i + 1));
else {
size_t e2 = id2[sort_idx];
elmt_map[e1] = e2;
// Assign element map for this element.
// Determine the block and elmt index of matched element.
auto bl_idx = file2.Global_to_Block_Local(e2 + 1);
const Exo_Block<INT> *block2 = file2.Get_Element_Block_by_Index(bl_idx.first);
SMART_ASSERT(block2 != nullptr);
// Check that the element types are the same.
if (num_nodes_per_elmt != block2->Num_Nodes_per_Element()) {
Error(fmt::format("Files are different.\n"
" In File 1: Element {} in Block {} has {} and\n"
" In File 2: Element {} in Block {} has {}\n",
fmt::group_digits(i + 1), file1.Block_Id(b), num_nodes_per_elmt,
fmt::group_digits(bl_idx.second + 1), file2.Block_Id(bl_idx.first),
// Get connectivity for file2 element.
const INT *conn2 = block2->Connectivity(bl_idx.second);
// Match each node in the first elmt with a node in the second
// and assign node_map.
for (size_t ln1 = 0; ln1 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++ln1) {
// Grab coordinate of node in first file.
double x1_val = x1_f[conn1[ln1] - 1];
double y1_val = dim > 1 ? y1_f[conn1[ln1] - 1] : 0.0;
double z1_val = dim > 2 ? z1_f[conn1[ln1] - 1] : 0.0;
size_t found = 0;
for (size_t ln2 = 0; ln2 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++ln2) {
// Grab coordinate of node in second file.
double x2_val = x2_f[conn2[ln2] - 1];
double y2_val = dim > 1 ? y2_f[conn2[ln2] - 1] : 0.0;
double z2_val = dim > 2 ? z2_f[conn2[ln2] - 1] : 0.0;
if (!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x1_val, x2_val) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(y1_val, y2_val) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(z1_val, z2_val)) {
node_map[conn1[ln1] - 1] = conn2[ln2] - 1;
found = 1;
if (!found) {
std::ostringstream out;
"\nCannot find a match for node at position {} in first element.\n"
"\tFile 1: Element {} in Block {} nodes:\n",
ln1 + 1, fmt::group_digits(i + 1), file1.Block_Id(b));
for (size_t l1 = 0; l1 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++l1) {
double x_val = x1_f[conn1[l1] - 1];
double y_val = dim > 1 ? y1_f[conn1[l1] - 1] : 0.0;
double z_val = dim > 2 ? z1_f[conn1[l1] - 1] : 0.0;
fmt::print(out, "\t({})\t{}\t{:.9e}\t{:.9e}\t{:.9e}\n", l1 + 1,
fmt::group_digits(conn1[l1]), x_val, y_val, z_val);
fmt::print(out, "\tFile 2: Element {} in Block {} nodes:\n",
fmt::group_digits(bl_idx.second + 1), file1.Block_Id(b));
for (size_t l3 = 0; l3 < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++l3) {
double x_val = x2_f[conn2[l3] - 1];
double y_val = dim > 1 ? y2_f[conn2[l3] - 1] : 0.0;
double z_val = dim > 2 ? z2_f[conn2[l3] - 1] : 0.0;
fmt::print(out, "\t({})\t{}\t{:.9e}\t{:.9e}\t{:.9e}\n", l3 + 1,
fmt::group_digits(conn2[l3]), x_val, y_val, z_val);
fmt::print(out, "Coordinates compared using tolerance: {} ({}), floor: {}\n",
interFace.coord_tol.value, interFace.coord_tol.typestr(),
} // End of local node loop on file1's element.
} // End of local node search block.
} // End of loop on elements in file1 element block.
} // End of loop on file1 blocks.
if (!first) {
fmt::print("\nPartial Map selected -- {} elements unmatched\n", fmt::group_digits(unmatched));
else {
if (num_elmts1 == num_elmts2 && num_nodes1 == num_nodes2) {
"exodiff: INFO .. Partial Map was specified, but not needed. All elements matched.\n");
// Check that all nodes in the file have been matched... If any
// unmatched nodes are found, then perform a node-based matching
// algorithm...
// for (size_t i=0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
// if (node_map[i] < 0) {
// Compute_Node_Map(node_map, file1, file2);
// break;
// }
// }
interFace.coord_tol.type = save_tolerance_type;
namespace {
template <typename INT> bool check_sort(const INT *map, size_t count)
for (size_t i = 1; i < count; i++) {
if (map[i - 1] > map[i]) {
return true;
return false;
template <typename INT>
bool internal_compute_maps(std::vector<INT> &map, const INT *file1_id_map,
const INT *file2_id_map, size_t count, const char *type)
std::vector<INT> id1;
std::vector<INT> id2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Check whether sorting needed...
bool sort1_needed = check_sort(file1_id_map, count);
if (sort1_needed) {
index_qsort(file1_id_map, &id1[0], count);
bool sort2_needed = check_sort(file2_id_map, count);
if (sort2_needed) {
index_qsort(file2_id_map, &id2[0], count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (file1_id_map[id1[i]] == file2_id_map[id2[i]]) {
map[id1[i]] = id2[i];
else {
Error(fmt::format("Unable to match {0} {1} in first file with {0} in second file.\n", type,
// See if there is any mapping happening...
bool mapped = false;
for (INT i = 0; i < (INT)count; i++) {
if (i != map[i]) {
mapped = true;
return mapped;
} // namespace
template <typename INT>
void Compute_FileId_Maps(std::vector<INT> &node_map, std::vector<INT> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<INT> &file1, ExoII_Read<INT> &file2)
// Compute map of nodes and elements in file1 to nodes and elements in file2
// Use the internal exodus node and element number maps in file1 and file2 to
// do the matching. Currently assume (and verify) that number of nodes and
// elements match in the two files.
size_t num_nodes = file1.Num_Nodes();
SMART_ASSERT(num_nodes == file2.Num_Nodes());
const INT *node_id_map1 = file1.Get_Node_Map();
const INT *node_id_map2 = file2.Get_Node_Map();
if (!internal_compute_maps(node_map, node_id_map1, node_id_map2, num_nodes, "node")) {
size_t num_elmts = file1.Num_Elements();
SMART_ASSERT(num_elmts == file2.Num_Elements());
const INT *elem_id_map1 = file1.Get_Element_Map();
const INT *elem_id_map2 = file2.Get_Element_Map();
if (!internal_compute_maps(elmt_map, elem_id_map1, elem_id_map2, num_elmts, "element")) {
template <typename INT>
void Dump_Maps(const std::vector<INT> &node_map, const std::vector<INT> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<INT> &file1)
size_t ijk;
fmt::print("\n=== node number map (file1 -> file2) local ids\n");
bool one_to_one = true;
if (!node_map.empty()) {
for (ijk = 0; ijk < file1.Num_Nodes(); ++ijk) {
if ((INT)ijk != node_map[ijk]) {
one_to_one = false;
if (!one_to_one) {
for (ijk = 0; ijk < file1.Num_Nodes(); ++ijk) {
fmt::print("{} -> {}\n", (ijk + 1), (node_map[ijk] + 1));
else {
fmt::print(" *** Node map is one-to-one\n");
fmt::print("\n=== element number map (file1 -> file2) local ids\n");
one_to_one = true;
if (!elmt_map.empty()) {
for (ijk = 0; ijk < file1.Num_Elements(); ++ijk) {
if ((INT)ijk != elmt_map[ijk]) {
one_to_one = false;
if (!one_to_one) {
for (ijk = 0; ijk < file1.Num_Elements(); ++ijk) {
fmt::print("{} -> {}\n", (ijk + 1), (elmt_map[ijk] + 1));
else {
fmt::print(" *** Element map is one-to-one\n");
namespace {
template <typename INT>
void Compute_Node_Map(std::vector<INT> &node_map, ExoII_Read<INT> &file1, ExoII_Read<INT> &file2)
// This function is called if and only if there are nodes that were
// not matched in the Compute_Map function. This is typically the
// case if there are 'free' nodes which are not connected to any
// elements.
size_t num_nodes = file1.Num_Nodes();
std::vector<INT> mapped_2(num_nodes, -1);
// Cannot ignore the comparisons, so make sure the coord_tol_type
// is not -1 which is "ignore"
ToleranceMode save_tolerance_type = interFace.coord_tol.type;
if (save_tolerance_type == ToleranceMode::IGNORE_) {
interFace.coord_tol.type = ToleranceMode::ABSOLUTE_;
// Find unmapped nodes in file2; count the unmapped nodes in file_1.
// The code below sets the 'mapped_2' entry to 1 for each node in
// file2 which has been mapped to a node in file1
size_t count_1 = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
if (node_map[i] != -1) {
mapped_2[node_map[i]] = 1;
else {
// Get list of all unmapped nodes in file1 and file2. A file1
// unmapped node will have a '-1' entry in 'node_map' and a file2
// unmapped node will have a '-1' entry in 'mapped_2'. Reuse the
// 'mapped_2' array to hold the list.
std::vector<INT> mapped_1(count_1);
size_t count_2 = 0;
count_1 = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
if (node_map[i] == -1) {
mapped_1[count_1++] = i;
if (mapped_2[i] == -1) {
mapped_2[count_2++] = i;
// check that umnapped node counts are equal. If not, output
// message and exit.
if (count_1 != count_2) {
Error(fmt::format("Files are different (free node count in file1 is "
"{} but file2 free node count is {})\n",
fmt::group_digits(count_1), fmt::group_digits(count_2)));
// Now, need to match all nodes in 'mapped_1' with nodes in
// 'mapped_2'
// Get pointer to coordinates...
const auto *x1_f = file1.X_Coords();
const auto *y1_f = file1.Y_Coords();
const auto *z1_f = file1.Z_Coords();
const auto *x2_f = file2.X_Coords();
const auto *y2_f = file2.Y_Coords();
const auto *z2_f = file2.Z_Coords();
// For now, we will try a brute force matching with the hopes that
// the number of unmatched nodes is 'small'. If this proves to be a
// bottleneck, replace with a better algorithm; perhaps the sorted
// matching process used in gjoin...
size_t matched = 0;
int dim = file1.Dimension();
size_t j;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_1; i++) {
size_t id_1 = mapped_1[i];
for (j = 0; j < count_2; j++) {
if (mapped_2[j] >= 0) {
size_t id_2 = mapped_2[j];
if ((dim == 1 && !interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x1_f[id_1], x2_f[id_2])) ||
(dim == 2 && !interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x1_f[id_1], x2_f[id_2]) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(y1_f[id_1], y2_f[id_2])) ||
(dim == 3 && !interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x1_f[id_1], x2_f[id_2]) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(y1_f[id_1], y2_f[id_2]) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(z1_f[id_1], z2_f[id_2]))) {
node_map[id_1] = id_2;
mapped_2[j] = -1;
// Check that all nodes were matched.
if (matched != count_1) {
Error(fmt::format("Unable to match all free nodes in the model. There are {}"
" unmatched nodes remaining.\n",
fmt::group_digits(count_1 - matched)));
interFace.coord_tol.type = save_tolerance_type;
template <typename INT>
INT Find(double x0, double y0, double z0, const std::vector<double> &x,
const std::vector<double> &y, const std::vector<double> &z, const std::vector<INT> &id,
int dim, bool ignore_dups)
if (x.empty()) {
return -1;
// Cannot ignore the comparisons, so make sure the coord_tol_type
// is not -1 which is "ignore"
ToleranceMode save_tolerance_type = interFace.coord_tol.type;
if (save_tolerance_type == ToleranceMode::IGNORE_) {
interFace.coord_tol.type = ToleranceMode::ABSOLUTE_;
// Find the index such that x0 > x[0,1,...,low-1] and x0 >= x[low]
// where x[N] is infinity.
auto N = x.size();
size_t low = 0;
size_t high = N;
while (low < high) {
size_t mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (x[id[mid]] < x0) {
low = mid + 1;
else {
high = mid;
INT i = low == N ? N - 1 : low; // Make sure index falls within array bounds.
if (i == 0 && interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x[id[i]], x0)) {
// Could not find an index within tolerance on x coordinate.
return -1;
// Drop to first index before which the tolerance fails.
while (i > 0 && !interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x[id[i - 1]], x0)) {
// Search until tolerance between the x coordinate fails or a match is found.
// If a match is found, the loop continues in order to check for dups.
INT index = -1;
do {
if (dim == 1 || (dim == 2 && !interFace.coord_tol.Diff(y[id[i]], y0)) ||
(dim == 3 && !interFace.coord_tol.Diff(y[id[i]], y0) &&
!interFace.coord_tol.Diff(z[id[i]], z0))) {
if (index >= 0) {
if (ignore_dups) {
return index;
double x1 = x[id[i]];
double y1 = dim > 1 ? y[id[i]] : 0.0;
double z1 = dim > 2 ? z[id[i]] : 0.0;
double x2 = x[id[index]];
double y2 = dim > 1 ? y[id[index]] : 0.0;
double z2 = dim > 2 ? z[id[index]] : 0.0;
Warning(fmt::format("Two elements in file 2 have the same midpoint (within tolerance).\n"
"\tLocal element {} at ({}, {}, {}) and\n"
"\tLocal element {} at ({}, {}, {})\n"
"\tNo unique element mapping possible.\n",
fmt::group_digits(id[i] + 1), x1, y1, z1,
fmt::group_digits(id[index] + 1), x2, y2, z2));
return -1;
index = i;
} while (++i < (INT)N && !interFace.coord_tol.Diff(x[id[i]], x0));
interFace.coord_tol.type = save_tolerance_type;
return index;
inline double dist_sqrd(double x1, double x2) { return (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1); }
inline double dist_sqrd(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
double d1 = x2 - x1;
d1 *= d1;
double d2 = y2 - y1;
d2 *= d2;
return (d1 + d2);
inline double dist_sqrd(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
double d1 = x2 - x1;
d1 *= d1;
double d2 = y2 - y1;
d2 *= d2;
double d3 = z2 - z1;
d3 *= d3;
return (d1 + d2 + d3);
double find_range(const double *x, size_t num_nodes)
auto range = std::minmax_element(x, x + num_nodes);
return *range.second - *range.first;
} // namespace
template <typename INT> double Find_Min_Coord_Sep(ExoII_Read<INT> &file)
size_t num_nodes = file.Num_Nodes();
if (num_nodes < 2) {
return 0.0;
const auto *x = file.X_Coords();
const auto *y = file.Y_Coords();
const auto *z = file.Z_Coords();
std::vector<INT> indx(num_nodes);
std::iota(indx.begin(), indx.end(), 0);
// Find coordinate with largest range...
const double *r = x;
double range = find_range(x, num_nodes);
if (file.Dimension() > 1) {
double yrange = find_range(y, num_nodes);
if (yrange > range) {
range = yrange;
r = y;
if (file.Dimension() > 2) {
double zrange = find_range(z, num_nodes);
if (zrange > range) {
range = zrange;
r = z;
// Sort based on coordinate with largest range...
index_qsort(r,, num_nodes);
double min = DBL_MAX;
switch (file.Dimension()) {
case 1: {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < num_nodes; j++) {
double tmp = dist_sqrd(x[indx[i]], x[indx[j]]);
if (tmp >= min) {
min = tmp;
case 2: {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < num_nodes; j++) {
double delr = dist_sqrd(r[indx[i]], r[indx[j]]);
if (delr > min) {
double tmp = dist_sqrd(x[indx[i]], y[indx[i]], x[indx[j]], y[indx[j]]);
min = min < tmp ? min : tmp;
case 3: {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < num_nodes; j++) {
double delr = dist_sqrd(r[indx[i]], r[indx[j]]);
if (delr > min) {
double tmp =
dist_sqrd(x[indx[i]], y[indx[i]], z[indx[i]], x[indx[j]], y[indx[j]], z[indx[j]]);
min = min < tmp ? min : tmp;
return sqrt(min);
template <typename INT>
bool Compare_Maps_Internal(const std::vector<INT> &entity_map, bool partial_flag,
const INT *entity_id_map1, const INT *entity_id_map2,
size_t num_entities1, size_t num_entities2, const char *type)
bool diff = false;
int warn_count = 0;
if (!entity_map.empty()) {
if (!interFace.dump_mapping) {
// There is a map between file1 and file2, but all entities are
// used in both files.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_entities1; i++) {
size_t idx = entity_map[i];
if (idx >= num_entities2) {
if (entity_id_map1[i] != entity_id_map2[idx]) {
if (!(entity_id_map2[idx] == 0 &&
partial_flag)) { // Don't output diff if non-matched and partial
"exodiff: WARNING .. The local {} {} with global id {} in file1 has the "
"global id "
"{} in file2.\n",
type, i + 1, entity_id_map1[i], entity_id_map2[idx]);
diff = true;
if (warn_count >= interFace.max_warnings) {
fmt::print(stderr, "exodiff: WARNING .. Too many warnings, skipping remainder...\n");
else {
// No entity mapping between file1 and file2 -- do a straight compare.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_entities1; i++) {
if (i >= num_entities2) {
if (entity_id_map1[i] != entity_id_map2[i]) {
if (!(entity_id_map2[i] == 0 &&
partial_flag)) { // Don't output diff if non-matched and partial
"exodiff: WARNING .. The local {} {} with global id {} in file1 has the global id "
"{} in file2.\n",
type, i + 1, entity_id_map1[i], entity_id_map2[i]);
diff = true;
if (warn_count >= interFace.max_warnings) {
fmt::print(stderr, "exodiff: WARNING .. Too many warnings, skipping remainder...\n");
return diff;
template <typename INT>
bool Compare_Maps(ExoII_Read<INT> &file1, ExoII_Read<INT> &file2, const std::vector<INT> &node_map,
const std::vector<INT> &elmt_map, bool partial_flag)
// Check whether the node and element number maps from both file1
// and file2 match which indicates that we are comparing the same
// element and node in each file.
size_t num_nodes1 = file1.Num_Nodes();
size_t num_nodes2 = file2.Num_Nodes();
// NOTE: file1 maps are already loaded...
const INT *node_id_map1 = file1.Get_Node_Map();
const INT *node_id_map2 = file2.Get_Node_Map();
bool diff_nodes = Compare_Maps_Internal(node_map, partial_flag, node_id_map1, node_id_map2,
num_nodes1, num_nodes2, "node");
size_t num_elmts1 = file1.Num_Elements();
size_t num_elmts2 = file2.Num_Elements();
// NOTE: file1 maps are already loaded...
const INT *elem_id_map1 = file1.Get_Element_Map();
const INT *elem_id_map2 = file2.Get_Element_Map();
bool diff_elems = Compare_Maps_Internal(elmt_map, partial_flag, elem_id_map1, elem_id_map2,
num_elmts1, num_elmts2, "element");
if (diff_nodes || diff_elems) {
return diff_nodes || diff_elems;
template void Compute_Maps(std::vector<int> &node_map, std::vector<int> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<int> &file1, ExoII_Read<int> &file2);
template bool Compare_Maps(ExoII_Read<int> &file1, ExoII_Read<int> &file2,
const std::vector<int> &node_map, const std::vector<int> &elmt_map,
bool partial_flag);
template void Compute_Partial_Maps(std::vector<int> &node_map, std::vector<int> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<int> &file1, ExoII_Read<int> &file2);
template void Compute_FileId_Maps(std::vector<int> &node_map, std::vector<int> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<int> &file1, ExoII_Read<int> &file2);
template void Dump_Maps(const std::vector<int> &node_map, const std::vector<int> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<int> &file1);
template double Find_Min_Coord_Sep(ExoII_Read<int> &file);
template void Compute_Maps(std::vector<int64_t> &node_map, std::vector<int64_t> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file1, ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file2);
template bool Compare_Maps(ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file1, ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file2,
const std::vector<int64_t> &node_map,
const std::vector<int64_t> &elmt_map, bool partial_flag);
template void Compute_Partial_Maps(std::vector<int64_t> &node_map, std::vector<int64_t> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file1, ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file2);
template void Compute_FileId_Maps(std::vector<int64_t> &node_map, std::vector<int64_t> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file1, ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file2);
template void Dump_Maps(const std::vector<int64_t> &node_map, const std::vector<int64_t> &elmt_map,
ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file1);
template double Find_Min_Coord_Sep(ExoII_Read<int64_t> &file);