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80 lines
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80 lines
3.8 KiB
2 years ago
C -*- Mode: fortran -*-
C Copyright(C) 1999-2021 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
QAINFO(1) = 'Explore '
QAINFO(2) = ' '
QAINFO(3) = ' '
QAINFO(2)(:8) = '20230426'
QAINFO(3)(:8) = ' 4.00'
c..Dynamic dimensioning of block names+other changes
c..compress output of distribution factors
c..Fix nodal variable read
c..Fix coordinate print (transposed array bounds)
c..Fix mismatch between ss nodes and dist factors
c..Fix printing of global variables
c..fix when no distribution factors on ns or ss
c..Add node number map and change element map to element number map
c..Fix map-check to work with non-permutation maps (id can be greater than numel/numnp)
c Add check of node map also. Added indexx to do indexed sort.
c..Minor typo in ckess (nodes -> faces)
c..Add limits, node in connectivity check, and select nodes nodeset
c..Add node and element selection based on nodesets and sidesets
c..Add output of global ids using node and element maps
c..Widen node number output field for disconnected nodes
c..Reorder connectivity check to avoid out-of-bounds array access.
c..Fix Z component of limits output.
c..One more try on limits fix.
c..when global ids output, show message. Turn of warning for no node/el map
c..Split range check into zero and out-of-range checks
c..Make printing of database metadata happen faster
c..Add inverse connectivity (invcon) function
c..Add more error checking; fix map error checking
c..Better output of ss/ns dist factors when not stored in file; remove warnings
c..Check for unique sideset/nodeset ids
c..limit number of errors printed during check; default 10; set with maxerrs command
c..Add list globnod and list globelem
c..Fixes for reading databases with zero nodes and/or elements
c..Unconnected node message shows local and global id.
c..Added message if running executable instead of script
c..Add precision command for controlling output precision
c..Fix numstr, add error checking for precision command
c..Fix output of element variables to have same number on each line
c..Row/Column on evar output; select evar remove added
c..Add nodeset/sideset variables, entity names, gvar formatting
c..Add node selection by block; sset and nset defined variable output
c..Fix bug in prnps
c..Fix problem printing nodal point variables
c..Eliminate empty sset and nset warnings.
c..Print ssfactors with element/side info if homogeneous
c..Widen output format for connectivity and map output
c..Fix incorrect scratch array allocation for nodeset variables
c..Filter reading empty ss and element block variables
c..Widen output format for just about everything
c..add invcon element option
c..Don't get sideset node list length, not needed and is slow for models with lots of blocks
c..Fix 'time step 1 of 10' output
c..Basic Support for nsided (arbitrary polyhedra) elements
c..Fix attribute output bug introduced with polyhedra output
c..Fix connectivity output for subset output
c..Attribute names output
c..Add check for unique attribute names
c..Add printing of coordinate frames
c..Add command line parsing; remove exname and need for script
c..Fix attribute name check
c..Add option to rename output file, can change during run. OUTPUT command
c..Add better local/global id specification in list element
c..Can still output maps even with -map or -nomap options.
c..Fix invcon output with mapped element ids
c..Change name to `explore`
c..Fix minmax to work more than once
c..Work with experimental exodus (transient data only)
c..Add select nodes sset {id}...
c..Fix memory overrun in check routines
c..Call MDFREE()
c..Refactor element select to allow add