Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
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2 years ago
* Copyright(C) 1999-2021, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
* of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
* NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
* See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include "elb.h" // for LB_Description<INT>, etc
#include "elb_elem.h"
#include "elb_err.h"
#include "fix_column_partitions.h"
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace {
// Opposite side IDs in a hex according to Exodus II convention
const std::array<int, 6> hex_opp_side{3, 4, 1, 2, 6, 5};
/*! @brief Given an element and a side, find the adjacent element to that side
@param cur_elem Current element under consideration
@param etype Element type
@param side_id Side across which we want to find an adjacent element
@param nadj Number of elements adjacent to cur_elem (from graph description)
@param adj Pointer to elements adjacent to cur_elem (from graph description)
@param global_connect Global connectivity array
@param adj_elem ID of adjacent element (-1 if not found)
@param adj_side Local ID of common side in adjacent element (0 if adj_elem not found)
template <typename INT>
void find_adjacent_element(INT cur_elem, E_Type etype, int side_id, int nadj, INT const *adj,
Mesh_Description<INT> const *const mesh, INT *adj_elem, int *adj_side)
*adj_elem = -1;
// Get nodes of this side (face) of the element
int nsnodes = is_hex(etype) ? 4 : 3;
std::array<INT, 9> side_nodes{}; // SHELL9 has 9 nodes on a face.
INT *elnodes = mesh->connect[cur_elem];
ss_to_node_list(etype, elnodes, side_id,;
// How would these side's nodes be if they were viewed from the
// adjacent element
std::array<INT, 9> side_nodes_flipped{0}; // Realistically: 4, max possible: 9
get_ss_mirror(etype,, side_id,;
for (int i = 0; i < nadj; i++) {
INT adj_elem_id = adj[i] - 1; // Adjacency graph entries start from 1
E_Type etype2 = mesh->elem_type[adj_elem_id];
// Does this side occurs in the adjacent element?
INT *elnodes2 = mesh->connect[adj_elem_id];
// options to keep 'get_side_id' to not flip out if side nodes are
// not found in element
int skip_check = 2;
int partial_adj = 1;
*adj_side = get_side_id(etype2, elnodes2, nsnodes,, skip_check,
if (*adj_side > 0) {
*adj_elem = adj_elem_id;
} // namespace
/*! @brief If the mesh is columnar, ensure each column is fully in on partition
@param lb Load balancing or partitioning information (may be modified)
@param mesh Description of the mesh
@param graph Description of the adjacency graph
template int fix_column_partitions(LB_Description<int> *lb, Mesh_Description<int> const *const mesh,
Graph_Description<int> const *const graph);
template int fix_column_partitions(LB_Description<int64_t> *lb,
Mesh_Description<int64_t> const *const mesh,
Graph_Description<int64_t> const *const graph);
template <typename INT>
int fix_column_partitions(LB_Description<INT> *lb, Mesh_Description<INT> const *const mesh,
Graph_Description<INT> const *const graph)
int nmoved = 0;
auto nel = mesh->num_elems;
auto nnod = mesh->num_nodes;
// a flag to indicate if a particular element has been processed
std::vector<bool> processed_flag(nel, false);
// Go through elements and attempt to discover a column of elements
// that contain it. Then check if the column is all on one partition
// - if not, fix it
for (size_t i = 0; i < nel; i++) {
if (processed_flag[i])
E_Type etype = mesh->elem_type[i];
// Only hexes and wedges can be stacked in columns
if (!is_hex(etype) && !is_wedge(etype)) {
// retrieve the faces of this element - faces are described by the
// local numbering of nodes with respect to the element node list
INT *elnodes = mesh->connect[i];
int nelnodes = get_elem_info(NNODES, etype);
float elcoord[27][3];
for (int j = 0; j < nelnodes; j++) {
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
elcoord[j][d] = mesh->coords[elnodes[j] + d * nnod];
int top_side0 = 0;
int bot_side0 = 0;
int nelfaces = get_elem_info(NSIDES, etype);
// Find top and bottom faces by eliminating lateral faces under
// the assumption that lateral face normals have no Z component
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nelfaces; j++) {
std::array<INT, 9>
fnodes{}; // Should only need 4, but ss_to_node_list can potentially access 9 (SHELL9).
int nfn = 4;
if (is_wedge(etype)) {
if (j < 3) {
// lateral faces of wedge according to Exodus II - cannot be
// up/down faces in a column
nfn = 3;
// Nodes of the side/face
ss_to_node_list(etype, mesh->connect[i], j + 1,;
// Translate global IDs of side nodes to local IDs in element
std::array<int, 9> fnodes_loc{0};
for (int k = 0; k < nfn; k++) {
bool found = false;
for (int k2 = 0; k2 < nelnodes; k2++) {
if (fnodes[k] == elnodes[k2]) {
fnodes_loc[k] = k2;
found = true;
if (!found)
Gen_Error(0, "FATAL: side/face node not found in element node list?");
std::array<double, 3> normal{0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
if (nfn == 3) {
std::array<double, 3> v0;
std::array<double, 3> v1;
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
v0[d] = elcoord[fnodes_loc[1]][d] - elcoord[fnodes_loc[0]][d];
v1[d] = elcoord[fnodes_loc[nfn - 1]][d] - elcoord[fnodes_loc[0]][d];
// cross product to get normal corner
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
normal[d] = v0[(d + 1) % 3] * v1[(d + 2) % 3] - v0[(d + 2) % 3] * v1[(d + 1) % 3];
else {
for (int k = 0; k < nfn; k++) {
std::array<double, 3> v0;
std::array<double, 3> v1;
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
v0[d] = elcoord[fnodes_loc[(k + 1) % nfn]][d] - elcoord[fnodes_loc[k]][d];
v1[d] = elcoord[fnodes_loc[(k - 1 + nfn) % nfn]][d] - elcoord[fnodes_loc[k]][d];
// cross product to get normal at corner - add to face normal
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
normal[d] += v0[(d + 1) % 3] * v1[(d + 2) % 3] - v0[(d + 2) % 3] * v1[(d + 1) % 3];
double len = normal[0] * normal[0] + normal[1] * normal[1] + normal[2] * normal[2];
if (len > 1.0e-24) { // Don't normalize nearly zero-length vectors
for (double &d : normal) {
d /= len;
if (fabs(normal[2]) > 1.0e-12) { // non-zero
if (normal[2] > 0.0) {
top_side0 = j + 1; // side id counting starts from 1
else {
bot_side0 = j + 1;
} // for (j = 0; j < nelfaces; j++)
if (count > 2) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Gen_Error(1, "WARNING: more than two faces with non-zero Z-components of normal.");
Gen_Error(1, "WARNING: Mesh may not be strictly columnar. Initial partitioning unchanged.");
return 0;
if (count < 2) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Gen_Error(1, "WARNING: could not find up and down faces for element.");
Gen_Error(1, "WARNING: Mesh may not be strictly columnar. Initial partitioning unchanged.");
return 0;
// Found top and bottom sides/faces of current element. Build a
// lists of elements stacked above it and below it.
std::vector<INT> above_list;
std::vector<INT> below_list;
INT cur_elem = i;
INT adj_elem = -1;
int adj_side = -1;
int bot_side = bot_side0;
int top_side = top_side0;
bool upsearch_done = false;
while (!upsearch_done) {
auto nadj = graph->start[cur_elem + 1] - graph->start[cur_elem];
INT const *adj = graph-> + graph->start[cur_elem];
find_adjacent_element(cur_elem, etype, top_side, nadj, adj, mesh, &adj_elem, &adj_side);
if (adj_elem == -1) {
upsearch_done = true;
else {
cur_elem = adj_elem;
bot_side = adj_side;
if (is_hex(etype)) {
top_side = hex_opp_side[bot_side - 1];
else { // wedge
if (bot_side != 4 && bot_side != 5) {
Gen_Error(0, "FATAL: Expected bottom side in wedge to be side 4 or 5");
return 0;
top_side = (bot_side == 4) ? 5 : 4;
if (processed_flag[adj_elem]) {
Gen_Error(0, "FATAL: repeated column elements");
return 0;
processed_flag[adj_elem] = true;
} // while (!upsearch_done)
auto nabove = above_list.size();
cur_elem = i;
bot_side = bot_side0;
top_side = top_side0;
bool downsearch_done = false;
while (!downsearch_done) {
auto nadj = graph->start[cur_elem + 1] - graph->start[cur_elem];
INT const *adj = graph-> + graph->start[cur_elem];
find_adjacent_element(cur_elem, etype, bot_side, nadj, adj, mesh, &adj_elem, &adj_side);
if (adj_elem == -1) {
downsearch_done = true;
else {
cur_elem = adj_elem;
top_side = adj_side;
if (is_hex(etype)) {
bot_side = hex_opp_side[top_side - 1];
else { // wedge
if (top_side != 4 && top_side != 5) {
Gen_Error(0, "FATAL: Expected top side in wedge to be side 4 or 5");
return 0;
bot_side = (top_side == 4) ? 5 : 4;
if (processed_flag[adj_elem]) {
Gen_Error(0, "FATAL: repeated column elements");
return 0;
processed_flag[adj_elem] = true;
} // while (!upsearch_done)
auto nbelow = below_list.size();
// Build list of elements in column from top to bottom
// Code below assumes we are NOT compiling with C++11 standard enabled
// If we do, we can simplify the code quite a bit
std::vector<INT> colelems;
colelems.reserve(nabove + nbelow + 1);
typename std::vector<INT>::reverse_iterator rit = above_list.rbegin();
while (rit != above_list.rend()) {
typename std::vector<INT>::iterator it = below_list.begin();
while (it != below_list.end()) {
// Make all the other elements in the column be on the same
// processor as the one that majority of the elements are on.
// To do that make a unique list of processors
std::map<int, int> procid_elcount;
it = colelems.begin();
while (it != colelems.end()) {
INT elem2 = *it;
int procid = lb->vertex2proc[elem2];
// Try to insert 'procid' with element count of 1 as a new entry
// If it fails, the processor is already in the map; then just
// increment the element count
std::pair<std::map<int, int>::iterator, bool> status =
procid_elcount.insert(std::pair<int, int>(procid, 1));
if (status.second == false) { // procid already in map; could not insert
std::map<int, int>::iterator itmap = status.first;
// Which processor has a dominant presence in this column?
int max_procid = -1;
int max_elems = 0;
std::map<int, int>::iterator itmap = procid_elcount.begin();
while (itmap != procid_elcount.end()) {
if (itmap->second > max_elems) {
max_procid = itmap->first;
max_elems = itmap->second;
// Switch all elements in the column to the dominant processor
it = colelems.begin();
while (it != colelems.end()) {
INT elem2 = *it;
if (lb->vertex2proc[elem2] != max_procid) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fmt::print(" Reassigning element {} from proc {} to {}\n", elem2, lb->vertex2proc[elem2],
lb->vertex2proc[elem2] = max_procid;
} // for (int i = 0; i < nel; i++)
return nmoved;
} // fix_column_partitions.C