You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
3072 lines
113 KiB
3072 lines
113 KiB
2 years ago
# ************************************************************************
# TriBITS: Tribal Build, Integrate, and Test System
# Copyright 2013 Sandia Corporation
# Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
# the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the
# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
# this software without specific prior written permission.
# ************************************************************************
# Python 2
from urllib2 import urlopen
except ImportError:
# Python 3
from urllib.request import urlopen
import sys
import hashlib
import json
import datetime
import copy
import pprint
import csv
from FindGeneralScriptSupport import *
from GeneralScriptSupport import *
from Python2and3 import u, csvReaderNext
import cdash_build_testing_date as CBTD
# Accept the --date input option with values 'today', 'yesterday', or some
# 'YYYY-MM-DD' value.
def convertInputDateArgToYYYYMMDD(cdashProjectTestingDayStartTime, dateText,
currentDateTimeStr=None, # Used for unit testing only
if dateText == "yesterday" or dateText == "today":
if dateText == "yesterday": dayIncr = -1
else: dayIncr = 0
dateTime = CBTD.getRelativeCDashBuildStartTimeFromCmndLineArgs(
currentDateTimeStr, cdashProjectTestingDayStartTime, dayIncr)
rtnDate = CBTD.getDateOnlyFromDateTime(dateTime)
rtnDate = validateAndConvertYYYYMMDD(dateText)
return rtnDate
# Validate a date YYYY-MM-DD string and return a date object for the
# 'datetime' module.
def validateAndConvertYYYYMMDD(dateText):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(dateText, '%Y-%m-%d')
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Incorrect data format for '"+dateText+"', should be YYYY-MM-DD")
# Get a file name string from a general text string.
# This replaces non-alphanumeric chars with '_'.
def getFileNameStrFromText(inputStr):
fileNameStr = ""
for char in inputStr:
if char.isalnum():
fileNameStr += char
fileNameStr += "_"
return fileNameStr
# Check if the key/value pairs for two dicts are the same and if so, return an
# error message explaining how they are different.
# Returns tuple (hasSameKeyValuePairs, errMsg). If
# hasSameKeyValuePairs==True, then errMsg==None. Otherwise, if
# hasSameKeyValuePairs==False, then errMsg gives a string that explains how
# they are different.
# This improves on a simple check dict_1 == dict_2 in that shows exactly why
# the dicts are different for a single key/value pair.
def checkDictsAreSame(dict_1, dict_1_name, dict_2, dict_2_name):
# Assume all passing unless we find a difference
hasSameKeyValuePairs = True
errMsg = None
# Start with the fast internal Python check
if dict_1 == dict_2:
return (True, None)
# Check if they have the same number of keys
if hasSameKeyValuePairs and (len(dict_1.keys()) != len(dict_2.keys())):
hasSameKeyValuePairs = False
errMsg = "len("+dict_1_name+".keys())="+str(len(dict_1.keys()))+\
" != len("+dict_2_name+".keys())="+str(len(dict_2.keys()))
# Check that they have the same key/value pairs
if hasSameKeyValuePairs:
for key_1 in dict_1.keys():
if not key_1 in dict_2.keys():
hasSameKeyValuePairs = False
errMsg = dict_1_name+"['"+key_1+"'] does not exist in "+dict_2_name
keyVal_1 = dict_1[key_1]
keyVal_2 = dict_2[key_1]
if keyVal_1 != keyVal_2:
hasSameKeyValuePairs = False
errMsg = dict_1_name+"['"+key_1+"'] = '"+str(keyVal_1)+"' != "+\
dict_2_name+"['"+key_1+"'] = '"+str(keyVal_2)+"'"
#end for
#end if
# Return the final result
return (hasSameKeyValuePairs, errMsg)
# Compress a long file name to avoid open() error
# If the full file name must be shorted and if prefix!="", then it is added to
# the beginning of the shortened filename. Also, if ext!="", then "."+ext is
# added to the end of the shortened filename. Otherwise, if inputFileName is
# not too long, then it is returned without modification (i.e. 'prefix' and
# 'ext' are ignored). NOTE: If 'prefix' and 'ext' are too long, then the
# returned shortened filename may also be too long.
# This function should return a shorter unique file name that is platform
# independent.
def getCompressedFileNameIfTooLong(inputFileName, prefix="", ext=""):
maxFileNameLength = 255 # ToDo: Figure out for this system?
if len(inputFileName) > maxFileNameLength:
hashObject = hashlib.sha1(str(inputFileName).encode('utf-8'))
hashStr = hashObject.hexdigest()
newFileName = prefix+hashObject.hexdigest()
if ext: newFileName += "." + ext
return newFileName
return inputFileName
# Filter and input list and return a list with elements where
# matchFunctor(inputList[i])==True.
def getFilteredList(inputList, matchFunctor):
filteredList = []
for ele in inputList:
if matchFunctor(ele): filteredList.append(ele)
return filteredList
# Filter an input list returning a two lists (matchList, nomatchList) where
# the first list has elements where matchFunctor(inputList[i])==True and the
# second list has elements where matchFunctor(inputList[i])==False.
def splitListOnMatch(inputList, matchFunctor):
#print("\nsplitListOnMatch(): matchFunctor = "+str(matchFunctor))
matchList = []
nomatchList = []
for ele in inputList:
if matchFunctor(ele): matchList.append(ele)
else: nomatchList.append(ele)
return (matchList, nomatchList)
# DECORATOR match functor class that negates the match of a stored functor.
class NotMatchFunctor(object):
# Construct with another functor to negate
def __init__(self, matchFunctor):
self.__matchFunctor = matchFunctor
# Convert to string rep for debugging/etc.
def __str__(self):
myStr = "NotMatchFunctor{"+str(self.__matchFunctor)+"}"
return myStr
# Negate the matchFunctor
def __call__(self, item):
return (self.__matchFunctor(item) == False)
# Apply a functor to transform every element in a list
# The object transformFunctor is applied as:
# list_inout[i] = transformFunctor(list_inout[i])
# If the elements are small value-type objects, then the assignment is needed.
# However, if the list elements are handled with reference semantics like a
# list [] or a dict {} then really the object is being modified in place and
# the assignment is not needed but it cheap and harmess in that case.
# This returns the input list transformed but the return object can be ignored
# because it modifies the input list object's elements in place.
def foreachTransform(list_inout, transformFunctor):
for i in range(len(list_inout)):
list_inout[i] = transformFunctor(list_inout[i])
return list_inout
# Remove elements from a list given a list of indexes
# This modifies the original list inplace but also returns it. Therefore, if
# you want to keep the original list, you better create a copy of the base
# list object before passing it in.
def removeElementsFromListGivenIndexes(list_inout, indexesToRemoveList_in):
indexesToRemoveList = copy.copy(indexesToRemoveList_in)
numRemoved = 0
for index in indexesToRemoveList:
del list_inout[index-numRemoved]
numRemoved += 1
return list_inout
# Class CsvFileStructure
class CsvFileStructure(object):
def __init__(self, headersList, rowsList):
self.headersList = headersList
self.rowsList = rowsList
# Write a CsvFileStructure data to a string
def writeCsvFileStructureToStr(csvFileStruct):
csvFileStr = ", ".join(csvFileStruct.headersList)+"\n"
for rowFieldsList in csvFileStruct.rowsList:
csvFileStr += ", ".join(rowFieldsList)+"\n"
return csvFileStr
# CDash Specific stuff
# Reporting policy, data, and defaults
# Collection of data used to create the final HTML CDash report that is
# updated and queried by various functions.
# NOTE: This is put into a class object so that these vars can be updated in
# place when passed to a function.
class CDashReportData(object):
def __init__(self):
# Gives the final result (assume passing by default)
self.globalPass = True
# This is the top of the HTML body
self.htmlEmailBodyTop = ""
# This is the bottom of the email body
self.htmlEmailBodyBottom = ""
# This var will store the list of data numbers for the summary line
self.summaryLineDataNumbersList = []
def reset(self):
self.globalPass = True
self.htmlEmailBodyTop = ""
self.htmlEmailBodyBottom = ""
self.summaryLineDataNumbersList = []
# Define standard CDash colors
def cdashColorPassed(): return 'green'
def cdashColorFailed(): return 'red'
def cdashColorNotRun(): return 'orange'
def cdashColorMissing(): return 'gray'
# ToDo: Make the above return different colors for a color-blind palette
def getStandardTestsetAcroList():
return ['twoif', 'twoinr', 'twip', 'twim', 'twif', 'twinr']
# Aggregate info about a test set used for generating the summary and table
# and to determine global pass/fail.
# Members:
# * testsetAcro: e.g. 'twoif'
# * testsetDescr: e.g. "Tests without issue trackers Failed"
# * testsetTableType: Values: 'nopass', 'pass', 'missing'
# * testsetColor: e.g. 'red', 'green' (whatever is accepted by function
# colorHtmlText())
# * existanceTriggersGlobalFail: If 'True' and any of tests fall into this
# test-set category, then it shoulid trigger a global 'False'
class TestsetTypeInfo(object):
def __init__(self, testsetAcro, testsetDescr, testsetTableType, testsetColor,
self.testsetAcro = testsetAcro
self.testsetDescr = testsetDescr
self.testsetTableType = testsetTableType
self.testsetColor = testsetColor
self.existanceTriggersGlobalFail = existanceTriggersGlobalFail
# Return the TestsetTypeInfo object for the standard types of test sets that get
# their own tables.
# testsetArco [in] Acronym for the standard test set (e.g. 'twoif')
# testsetColor [in] Gives the color to use for the summary line and the table
# header. If 'None' is passed in (the default), then a standard color is
# used. If the empty string is passed in '', then no color will be applied.
def getStandardTestsetTypeInfo(testsetAcro, testsetColor=None):
if testsetAcro == "twoif":
tsti = TestsetTypeInfo(testsetAcro, "Tests without issue trackers Failed", 'nopass',
elif testsetAcro == "twoinr":
tsti = TestsetTypeInfo(testsetAcro, "Tests without issue trackers Not Run", 'nopass',
elif testsetAcro == "twip":
tsti = TestsetTypeInfo(testsetAcro, "Tests with issue trackers Passed", 'pass',
cdashColorPassed(), existanceTriggersGlobalFail=False)
elif testsetAcro == "twim":
tsti = TestsetTypeInfo(testsetAcro, "Tests with issue trackers Missing", 'missing',
cdashColorMissing(), existanceTriggersGlobalFail=False)
elif testsetAcro == "twif":
tsti = TestsetTypeInfo(testsetAcro, "Tests with issue trackers Failed", 'nopass',
elif testsetAcro == "twinr":
tsti = TestsetTypeInfo(testsetAcro, "Tests with issue trackers Not Run", 'nopass',
raise Exception("Error, testsetAcro = '"+str(testsetAcro)+"' is not supported!")
if testsetColor != None:
tsti.testsetColor = testsetColor
return tsti
# Return the 'status' field from a test dict
# Return 'Not Run' if the 'status' field is missing. (This happens with one
# customer's tests apparently, see SESW-383.)
def getTestDictStatusField(testDict):
return testDict.get('status', 'Not Run')
# Get the Test-set acronym from the fields of a test dict
def getTestsetAcroFromTestDict(testDict):
issueTracker = testDict.get('issue_tracker', None)
if isTestFailed(testDict) and issueTracker == None:
return 'twoif'
if isTestNotRun(testDict) and issueTracker == None:
return 'twoinr'
if isTestPassed(testDict) and issueTracker != None:
return 'twip'
if isTestMissing(testDict) and issueTracker != None:
return 'twim'
if isTestFailed(testDict) and issueTracker != None:
return 'twif'
if isTestNotRun(testDict) and issueTracker != None:
return 'twinr'
raise Exception(
"Error, testDict = '"+str(testDict)+"' with fields"+\
" status = '"+str(testDict.get('status', None))+"' and"+\
" issue_tracker = '"+str(testDict.get('issue_tracker', None))+"'"+\
" is not a supported test-set type!")
# Returns True if a test has 'status' 'Passed'
def isTestPassed(testDict):
return (testDict.get('status', None) == 'Passed')
# Returns True if a test has 'status' 'Failed'
def isTestFailed(testDict):
return (testDict.get('status', None) == 'Failed')
# Returns True if a test has 'status' 'Not Run'
def isTestNotRun(testDict):
return (testDict.get('status', None) == 'Not Run')
# Return True if a test is missing
def isTestMissing(testDict):
status = testDict.get('status', None)
if status == 'Missing': return True
if status == 'Missing / Failed': return True
return False
# Define default test dicts sort order in tables
def getDefaultTestDictsSortKeyList() : return ['testname', 'buildName', 'site']
# Implementation functions
# Given a CDash query URL PHP page that returns JSON data, return the JSON
# data converged to a Python data-structure.
# The returned Python object will be a simple nested set of Python dicts and
# lists.
# NOTE: This function can't really be unit tested because it actually gets
# data from CDash. Therefore, the code below will be structured such that it
# we can avoid getting call it in any automated tests.
def extractCDashApiQueryData(cdashApiQueryUrl):
if sys.version_info < (2,7,5):
raise Exception("Error: Must be using Python 2.7.5 or newer")
# NOTE: If we use Python 2.6.6. then the urllib2 function crashes!
response = urlopen(cdashApiQueryUrl)
return json.load(response)
# Read a CSV file into a list of dictionaries for each row where the rows of
# the output list are dicts with the column names as keys.
# For example, for the CSV file:
# col_0, col_1, col_2
# val_00, val_01, val_02
# val_10, val_11, val_12
# the returned list of dicts will be:
# [
# { 'col_0':'val_00', 'col_1':'val_01', 'col_2':'val_02' },
# { 'col_0':'val_10', 'col_1':'val_11', 'col_2':'val_12' },
# ]
# This function can also allow the user to assert that the included columns
# match a set of required and optional headers. For example, that above CSV
# file would match:
# requiredColumnHeadersList = [ 'col_0', 'col_1', 'col_2' ]
# or:
# requiredColumnHeadersList = [ 'col_0', 'col_1' ]
# optionalColumnHeadersList = [ 'col_2', 'col_3', ]
# The requiredColumnHeadersList and optionalColumnHeadersList argument lists
# are optional.
# Also, the columns can be appear in any order as long as they match all of
# the required headers and don't contain any headers not in the list of
# expected headers.
def readCsvFileIntoListOfDicts(csvFileName, requiredColumnHeadersList=[],
listOfDicts = []
with open(csvFileName, 'r') as csvFile:
csvReader = csv.reader(csvFile)
columnHeadersList = getColumnHeadersFromCsvFileReader(csvFileName, csvReader)
assertExpectedColumnHeadersFromCsvFile(csvFileName, requiredColumnHeadersList,
optionalColumnHeadersList, columnHeadersList)
# Read the rows of the CSV file into dicts
dataRow = 0
for lineList in csvReader:
if not lineList: continue # Ignore blank line
assertExpectedNumColsFromCsvFile(csvFileName, dataRow, lineList,
# Read the row entries into a new dict
rowDict = {}
for j in range(len(columnHeadersList)):
rowDict.update( { columnHeadersList[j] : lineList[j] } )
# Update for next row
dataRow += 1
# Return the constructed object
return listOfDicts
def getColumnHeadersFromCsvFileReader(csvFileName, csvReader):
columnHeadersList = csvReaderNext(csvReader)
return columnHeadersList
except StopIteration:
raise Exception(
"Error, CSV file '"+csvFileName+"' is empty which is not allowed!"
def assertExpectedColumnHeadersFromCsvFile(csvFileName, requiredColumnHeadersList,
optionalColumnHeadersList, columnHeadersList,
if not requiredColumnHeadersList and not optionalColumnHeadersList:
return # No expected column headers to assert against!
requiredAndOptionalHeadersSet = set(requiredColumnHeadersList)
columnHeadersSet = set(columnHeadersList)
# Assert that each column header is expected
for colHeader in columnHeadersList:
if not colHeader in requiredAndOptionalHeadersSet:
raise Exception(
"Error, for CSV file '"+csvFileName+"' the"+\
" column header '"+str(colHeader)+"' is not in the set"+\
" of required column headers '"+str(requiredColumnHeadersList)+"'"+\
" or optional column headers '"+str(optionalColumnHeadersList)+"'!"+\
# Assert that all of the required headers are present
for requiredHeader in requiredColumnHeadersList:
if not requiredHeader in columnHeadersSet:
raise Exception(
"Error, for CSV file '"+csvFileName+"' the"+\
" required header '"+str(requiredHeader)+"' is missing from the"+\
" set of included column headers '"+str(columnHeadersList)+"'!"+\
def assertExpectedNumColsFromCsvFile(csvFileName, dataRow, lineList,
if len(lineList) != len(columnHeadersList):
raise Exception(
"Error, for CSV file '"+csvFileName+"' the data row"+\
" "+str(dataRow)+" "+str(lineList)+" has"+\
" "+str(len(lineList))+" entries which does not macth"+\
" the number of column headers "+str(len(columnHeadersList))+"!")
def stripWhiltespaceFromStrList(strListInOut):
for i in range(len(strListInOut)): strListInOut[i] = strListInOut[i].strip()
g_expectedBuildsCsvFileHeadersRequired = \
('group', 'site', 'buildname')
def getExpectedBuildsListOfDictsfromCsvFile(expectedBuildsFileName):
return readCsvFileIntoListOfDicts(expectedBuildsFileName,
def getExpectedBuildsListOfDictsFromCsvFileArg(expectedBuildsFileArg):
expectedBuildsLOD = []
if expectedBuildsFileArg:
expectedBuildsFilenameList = expectedBuildsFileArg.split(",")
for expectedBuildsFilename in expectedBuildsFilenameList:
return expectedBuildsLOD
# Write list of builds from a builds LOD to a CSV file structure meant to
# match the expected builds CSV file.
def expectedBuildsListOfDictsToCsvFileStructure(buildsLOD):
csvFileHeadersList = copy.deepcopy(g_expectedBuildsCsvFileHeadersRequired)
csvFileRowsList = []
for buildDict in buildsLOD:
csvFileRow = (
return CsvFileStructure(csvFileHeadersList, csvFileRowsList)
# Write list of builds from a builds LOD to a CSV file meant to match the
# expected builds CSV file.
def writeExpectedBuildsListOfDictsToCsvFile(buildsLOD, csvFileName):
csvFileStruct = expectedBuildsListOfDictsToCsvFileStructure(buildsLOD)
with open(csvFileName, 'w') as csvFile:
g_testsWithIssueTrackersCsvFileHeadersRequired = \
('site', 'buildName', 'testname', 'issue_tracker_url', 'issue_tracker')
def getTestsWtihIssueTrackersListFromCsvFile(testsWithIssueTrackersFile):
return readCsvFileIntoListOfDicts(testsWithIssueTrackersFile,
# Write list of tests from a Tests LOD to a CSV file structure meant to match
# tests with issue trackers CSV file.
def writeTestsListOfDictsToCsvFileStructure(testsLOD,
issueTrackerUrl="", issueTracker="",
csvFileHeadersList = copy.deepcopy(g_testsWithIssueTrackersCsvFileHeadersRequired)
csvFileRowsList = []
for testDict in testsLOD:
csvFileRow = (
issueTrackerUrl, # issue_tracker_url
issueTracker, # issue_tracker
return CsvFileStructure(csvFileHeadersList, csvFileRowsList)
# Write list of tests from a Tests LOD to a CSV file meant to match tests with
# issue trackers CSV file.
def writeTestsListOfDictsToCsvFile(testsLOD, csvFileName):
csvFileStruct = writeTestsListOfDictsToCsvFileStructure(testsLOD)
with open(csvFileName, 'w') as csvFile:
# Pretty print a nested Python data-structure to a file
# ToDo: Reimplement this to create a better looking set of indented that that
# involves less right-drift and the expense of more vertical space.
def pprintPythonDataToFile(pythonData, filePath):
with open(filePath,'w') as fileObj:
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(stream=fileObj, indent=2)
# Get data off CDash and cache it or read from previously cached data
# If useCachedCDashData == True, then the file cdashQueryDataCacheFile must
# exist and will be used to get the data instead of calling CDash
# If alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists==True and the file cdashQueryDataCacheFile
# already exists, then the file cdashQueryDataCacheFile will be used to get
# the dta instead of calling CDash.
# Otherwise, CDash will be called at cdashQueryUrl to get the data and then
# the data will be written to the the file cdashQueryDataCacheFile if
# cdashQueryDataCacheFile != None.
# This function can be used to get data off of CDash using any page on CDash
# including cdash/api/v1/index.php, cdash/api/v1/queryTests.php and anything
# other PHP page that returns a JSON data structure (which is all of the
# cdash/api/v1/XXX.php pages).
def getAndCacheCDashQueryDataOrReadFromCache(
cdashQueryDataCacheFile, # File name
useCachedCDashData, # If 'True', then cdasyQueryDataCacheFile must be non-null
alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists = False,
verbose = False,
if (
alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists \
and cdashQueryDataCacheFile \
and os.path.exists(cdashQueryDataCacheFile) \
if verbose:
print(" Since the file exists, using cached data from file:\n"+\
" "+cdashQueryDataCacheFile )
with open(cdashQueryDataCacheFile, 'r') as cacheFile:
elif useCachedCDashData:
if verbose:
print(" Using cached data from file:\n "+cdashQueryUrl )
with open(cdashQueryDataCacheFile, 'r') as cacheFile:
if verbose:
print(" Downloading CDash data from:\n "+cdashQueryUrl )
cdashQueryData = extractCDashApiQueryData_in(cdashQueryUrl)
if cdashQueryDataCacheFile:
if verbose:
print(" Caching data downloaded from CDash to file:\n "+\
pprintPythonDataToFile(cdashQueryData, cdashQueryDataCacheFile)
return cdashQueryData
# Construct full cdash/api/v1/index.php query URL to pull data down given the
# pieces
def getCDashIndexQueryUrl(cdashUrl, projectName, date, filterFields):
if date: dateArg = "&date="+date
else: dateArg = ""
return cdashUrl+"/api/v1/index.php?project="+projectName+dateArg \
+ "&"+filterFields
# Construct full cdash/index.php browser URL given the pieces
def getCDashIndexBrowserUrl(cdashUrl, projectName, date, filterFields):
if date: dateArg = "&date="+date
else: dateArg = ""
return cdashUrl+"/index.php?project="+projectName+dateArg \
+ "&"+filterFields
# Construct full cdash/api/v1/queryTests.php query URL given the pieces
def getCDashQueryTestsQueryUrl(cdashUrl, projectName, date, filterFields):
if date: dateArg = "&date="+date
else: dateArg = ""
cdashTestUrl = cdashUrl+"/api/v1/queryTests.php?project="+projectName+dateArg+"&"+filterFields
return replaceNonUrlCharsInUrl(cdashTestUrl)
# Replace non-URL chars and return new URL string
def replaceNonUrlCharsInUrl(url):
urlNew = url
urlNew = urlNew.replace(' ', '%20')
# ToDo: Replace other chars as needed
return urlNew
# Construct full cdash/queryTests.php browser URL given the pieces
def getCDashQueryTestsBrowserUrl(cdashUrl, projectName, date, filterFields):
if date: dateArg = "&date="+date
else: dateArg = ""
return cdashUrl+"/queryTests.php?project="+projectName+dateArg+"&"+filterFields
# Copy a key/value pair from one dict to another if it eixsts
def copyKeyDictIfExists(sourceDict_in, keyName_in, dict_inout):
value = sourceDict_in.get(keyName_in, None)
if value:
dict_inout.update( { keyName_in : value } )
# Extend the set of fields for a CDash index.phpb build dict
# buildDict_in [in]: The build dict gotten from cdash/index.php. This will be
# modified in place.
# Returns the modified build dict.
# Change this to get all of the fields and add the 'group' field as well.
def extendCDashIndexBuildDict(buildDict_in, groupName):
buildDict = buildDict_in
buildDict[u'group'] = groupName
return buildDict
# Given the full Python JSON data-structure returned from the page
# cdash/api/v1/index.php query from extractCDashApiQueryData(), return a
# flattened-out data-structure that is easier to manipulate.
# This function takes in the JSON data-structure (as a nested set of Python
# dicts and listed) directly returned from a query gotten from the page
# cdash/api/v1/index.php with some filters.
# The input full CDash index.php JSON data-structure has the following
# structure and fields of interest:
# fullCDashIndexBuildsJson =
# {
# 'all_buildgroups': [ {'id':1,'name:"Nightly"}, ...],
# 'buildgroups': [
# {
# 'name':"???", # group name, e.g. Nightly
# 'builds":[
# {
# 'site':"???"
# 'buildname':"???",
# 'update': {'errors':???, ...},
# 'configure':{'error': ???, ...},
# 'compilation':{'error': ???, ...},
# 'test': {'fail':???, 'notrun':???, 'pass':???, ...},
# ...
# },
# ...
# ]
# },
# ...
# ...
# ]
# },
# ...
# }
# This function gets the data from *all* of the collapsed builds and returns
# the flatten-out list of dicts for each build with the 'group' field added in
# as:
# [
# {
# 'group':"???",
# 'site':"???",
# 'buildname':"???",
# 'update': {'errors':???, ...},
# 'configure':{'error': ???, ...},
# 'compilation':{'error': ???, ...},
# 'test': {'fail':???, 'notrun':???, 'pass':???, ...},
# ...
# },
# ...
# ]
# This collects *all* of the builds from all of the build groups provided by
# that data-structure, not just the 'Nighlty' build group. Therefore, if you
# want to only consider one set of build groups, you need to add that to the
# CDash query URL (e.g. group='Nighlty').
def flattenCDashIndexBuildsToListOfDicts(fullCDashIndexBuildsJson):
summaryCDashIndexBuilds = []
for buildgroup in fullCDashIndexBuildsJson["buildgroups"]:
groupName = buildgroup["name"]
for build in buildgroup["builds"]:
summaryBuild = extendCDashIndexBuildDict(build, groupName)
return summaryCDashIndexBuilds
# Given the full JSON data-structure returned from the page
# cdash/api/v1/queryTests.php query from extractCDashApiQueryData(), return a
# flattened-out data-structure that is easier to manipulate.
# This function takes in the JSON data-structure (as a nested set of Python
# dicts and listed) directly returned from a query gotten from the page
# cdash/api/v1/queryTests.php with some filters.
# The input full CDash queryTests.php JSON data-structure has the following
# structure and fields of interest:
# fullCDashQueryTestsJson =
# {
# 'version':???,
# 'feed_enabled':???,
# ...
# 'builds': [
# {
# 'buildName': 'Trilinos-atdm-mutrino-intel-opt-openmp-HSW',
# 'buildSummaryLink': 'buildSummary.php?buildid=4109735',
# 'buildstarttime': '2018-10-29T05:54:03 UTC',
# 'details': 'Completed (Failed)\n',
# 'nprocs': 4,
# 'prettyProcTime': '40s 400ms',
# 'prettyTime': '10s 100ms',
# 'procTime': 40.4,
# 'site': 'mutrino',
# 'siteLink': 'viewSite.php?siteid=223',
# 'status': 'Failed',
# 'statusclass': 'error',
# 'testDetailsLink': 'testDetails.php?test=57925465&build=4109735',
# 'testname': 'Anasazi_Epetra_BKS_norestart_test_MPI_4',
# 'time': 10.1
# },
# ...
# ],
# ...
# }
# This function gets the data from *all* of the tests and returns the
# flatten-out list of dicts with some additional fields for each test of the
# form:
# [
# {
# 'buildName': 'Trilinos-atdm-mutrino-intel-opt-openmp-HSW',
# 'buildSummaryLink': 'buildSummary.php?buildid=4109735',
# 'buildstarttime': '2018-10-29T05:54:03 UTC',
# 'details': 'Completed (Failed)\n',
# 'nprocs': 4,
# 'prettyProcTime': '40s 400ms',
# 'prettyTime': '10s 100ms',
# 'procTime': 40.4,
# 'site': 'mutrino',
# 'siteLink': 'viewSite.php?siteid=223',
# 'status': 'Failed',
# 'statusclass': 'error',
# 'testDetailsLink': 'testDetails.php?test=57925465&build=4109735',
# 'testname': 'Anasazi_Epetra_BKS_norestart_test_MPI_4',
# 'time': 10.1,
# },
# ...
# ]
# NOTE: This does a shallow copy so any modifications to the returned list and
# dicts will modify the original data-structure fullCDashQueryTestsJson. If
# that is a problem, then make sure and do a deep copy before passing in
# fullCDashQueryTestsJson.
# This collects *all* of the tests from all of the "build" list provided by
# the CDash JSON data-structure. Therefore, if you want to only consider one
# set of build groups, you need to add that to the CDash query URL
# (e.g. buildName='<build-name>').
def flattenCDashQueryTestsToListOfDicts(fullCDashQueryTestsJson):
testsListOfDicts = []
for testDict in fullCDashQueryTestsJson['builds']:
return testsListOfDicts
# Create a lookup dict for a list of dicts
# listOfDicts [in/out]: List of dict objects that have keys that one will want
# to lookup the dict based on their values. May have 100% duplicate elements
# removed from the list.
# listOfKeys [in]: List of the names of keys in these dicts that are used to
# build a search dict data-structure which is returned from this function.
# removeExactDuplicateElements [in]: If True, then dict elements that are 100%
# duplicates and have the exact same key/value pairs will be removed from
# listOfDicts. (default False)
# checkDictsAreSame_in [in]: Allows specialization of the check for exact dict
# matches and reporting the differences. The default value is the function
# checkDictsAreSame(). Any Python object that has the __call__() operator
# function defined that takes those same arguments and returns the same
# outputs as the function checkDictsAreSame() can be passed in.
# If listOfDicts has any elements that are 100% complete duplicates with the
# same exact key/value pairs, then the later elements will be removed from the
# list. But if just the key/value pairs listed in listOfKeys are duplicated
# but one or more of the other key/value pairs is different, then then an
# exception is thrown.
# NOTE: This is an implementation function that is used in the class
# SearchableListOfDicts. Please use that class instead of this raw function.
def createLookupDictForListOfDicts(listOfDicts, listOfKeys,
removeExactDuplicateElements=False, checkDictsAreSame_in=checkDictsAreSame,
# Build the lookup dict data-structure. Also, optionally mark any 100%
# duplicate elements if asked to remove 100% duplicate elements.
lookupDict = {} ; idx = 0 ; numRemoved = 0 ; duplicateIndexesToRemoveFromList = []
for dictEle in listOfDicts:
# Create the structure of recursive dicts for the keys in order
currentLookupDictRef = lookupDict
lastLookupDictRef = None
for key in listOfKeys:
keyValue = dictEle[key]
lastLookupDictRef = currentLookupDictRef
nextLookupDictRef = currentLookupDictRef.setdefault(keyValue, {})
currentLookupDictRef = nextLookupDictRef
addEle = True
# Check to see if this dict has already been added
if currentLookupDictRef:
lookedUpDict = currentLookupDictRef.get('dict', None)
lookedUpIdx = currentLookupDictRef.get('idx', None)
(hasSameKeyValuePairs, dictDiffErrorMsg) = checkDictsAreSame_in(
dictEle, "listOfDicts["+str(idx)+"]",
lookedUpDict, "listOfDicts["+str(lookedUpIdx)+"]" )
if hasSameKeyValuePairs and removeExactDuplicateElements:
# This is a 100% duplicate element to one previously added.
# Therefore, mark this duplicate element to be removed.
addEle = False
raiseDuplicateDictEleException(idx, dictEle, listOfKeys, lookedUpIdx,
lookedUpDict, dictDiffErrorMsg)
# Need to go back and reset the dict on the last dict in the
# data-structure so that modifications to the dicts that are looked up
# will modify the original list.
if addEle:
currentLookupDictRef.update({'dict':dictEle, 'idx':idx-numRemoved})
numRemoved += 1
idx += 1
# Remove 100% duplicate elements marked above
removeElementsFromListGivenIndexes(listOfDicts, duplicateIndexesToRemoveFromList)
return lookupDict
def raiseDuplicateDictEleException(idx, dictEle, listOfKeys,
lookedUpIdx, lookedUpDict, dictDiffErrorMsg,
raise Exception(
"Error, The element\n\n"+\
" listOfDicts["+str(idx)+"] =\n\n"+\
" "+sorted_dict_str(dictEle)+"\n\n"+\
" has duplicate values for the list of keys\n\n"+\
" "+str(listOfKeys)+"\n\n"+\
" with the element already added\n\n"+\
" listOfDicts["+str(lookedUpIdx)+"] =\n\n"+\
" "+sorted_dict_str(lookedUpDict)+"\n\n"+\
" and differs by at least the key/value pair\n\n"+\
" "+str(dictDiffErrorMsg))
# Lookup a dict (and optionally also its index location) in a list of dicts
# given a lookup dict returned from createLookupDictForListOfDicts() where the
# key/value pairs match
# lookupDict [in]: A dict created by createLookupDictForListOfDicts() given
# the same listOfKeys used in that function.
# listOfKeys [in]: List of keys that was used used to create lookupDict.
# listOfValues [in]: A list of values for the given list of keys in
# listOfKeys.
# alsoReturnIdx [in]: If True, then the index of the located dict in the
# original listOfDicts will be returned as well. (default False)
# If the matching dict is found, then it will be returned as:
# matchingDict = lookupDictGivenLookupDict(...)
# If alsoReturnIdx==True, then also the index will be returned as:
# (matchingDict, idx) = lookupDictGivenLookupDict(...)
# If the matching dict is not found, then None will be returned or the tuple
# (None, None) if alsoReturnIdx==True.
# NOTE: This is an implementation function that is used in the class
# SearchableListOfDicts. Please use that class instead of this raw function.
def lookupDictGivenLookupDict(lookupDict, listOfKeys, listOfValues,
#print("\nlookupDict = "+str(lookupDict))
#print("\nlistOfKeys = "+str(listOfKeys))
#print("\ndictToFind = "+str(dictToFind))
if len(listOfKeys) != len(listOfValues):
raise Exception("Error, len(listOfKeys)="+str(len(listOfKeys))+\
" != len(listOfValues)="+str(len(listOfValues))+" where"+\
" listOfKeys="+str(listOfKeys)+\
" and listOfValues="+str(listOfValues)+"!")
currentSubLookupDict = lookupDict
idx = 0
for idx in range(len(listOfValues)):
key = listOfKeys[idx]
#print("\nkey = '"+key+"'")
keyValueToFind = listOfValues[idx]
#print("keyValueToFind = '"+str(keyValueToFind)+"'")
#print("currentSubLookupDict = "+str(currentSubLookupDict))
keyValueLookedUp = currentSubLookupDict.get(keyValueToFind, None)
#print("keyValueLookedUp = "+str(keyValueLookedUp))
if not keyValueLookedUp:
if alsoReturnIdx: return (None, None)
return None
currentSubLookupDict = keyValueLookedUp
if keyValueLookedUp:
if alsoReturnIdx:
return (keyValueLookedUp.get('dict'), keyValueLookedUp.get('idx'))
return keyValueLookedUp.get('dict')
return None
# Class that encapsulates a list of dicts and an efficient lookup of a dict
# given a list key/value pairs to match
# Once created, this object acts like a list of dicts in most cases but also
# contains functions to search for speicfic dicts given a set of key/value
# pairs.
# Any modifications to the dicts looked up with this object will edit the
# dicts in the underlying list of dicts. This therefore makes this class act
# as a type of multi-key lookup dict using the member function
# lookupDictGivenKeyValuesList(['keyval0', 'keyval1', ...]). This provides a
# handy way to access and edit the underlying dicts that require
# multi-key/value pairs to find them.
# NOTE: The key values for the list of keys given in listOfKeys must be
# unique! If it is not, then an exception will be thrown.
class SearchableListOfDicts(object):
# Constructor
# listOfDicts [stored, may be modified]: List of dicts that a search
# data-structure will be created for.
# listOfKeys [stored, will not be modified]: List of the names of keys in
# the dicts of listOfDicts that a search data-structure will be created for
# and defines the set of key/value pairs used to look up up dicts in
# listOfDicts.
# removeExactDuplicateElements [in]: If True, then exact duplicate dicts
# based on the key/value pairs in listOfKeys will be removed from
# listOfDicts (which is modified in place, not a copy). (default False)
# keyMapList [in]: Optional list of key names in the input
# keyValueDictToFind to pull out and used the match the key/value pairs in
# the listOfKeys. This allows a mapping from int input dict key names to
# the output dict key names. (default None)
# checkDictsAreSame_in [in]: Allows specialization of the check for exact
# dict matches and reporting the differences. The default value is the
# function checkDictsAreSame(). Any Python object that has the __call__()
# operator function defined that takes those same arguments and returns the
# same outputs as the function checkDictsAreSame() can be passed in.
def __init__(self, listOfDicts, listOfKeys,
removeExactDuplicateElements=False, keyMapList=None,
if keyMapList:
if len(listOfKeys) != len(keyMapList):
raise Exception("Error, listOfKeys="+str(listOfKeys)+\
" keyMapList="+str(listOfKeys)+" have different lengths!" )
self.__listOfDicts = listOfDicts
self.__listOfKeys = listOfKeys
self.__keyMapList = keyMapList
self.__checkDictsAreSame = checkDictsAreSame_in
self.__lookupDict = createLookupDictForListOfDicts(
self.__listOfDicts, self.__listOfKeys,
# Convert to string rep
def __str__(self):
myStr = "SearchableListOfDicts{listOfDicts="+str(self.__listOfDicts)+\
", listOfKeys="+str(self.__listOfKeys)+", lookupDict="+str(self.__lookupDict)+"}"
return myStr
# Return listOfDicts passed into Constructor
def getListOfDicts(self):
return self.__listOfDicts
# Return listOfKeys passed to Constructor
def getListOfKeys(self):
return self.__listOfKeys
# Return keyMapList passed to Constructor
def getKeyMapList(self):
return self.__keyMapList
# Lookup a dict given a dict with same key/value pairs for keys listed in
# listOfKeys.
def lookupDictGivenKeyValueDict(self, keyValueDictToFind, alsoReturnIdx=False):
if self.__keyMapList:
keyListToUse = self.__keyMapList
keyListToUse = self.__listOfKeys
keyValuesListToFind = []
for idx in range(len(keyListToUse)):
lookupRtn = self.lookupDictGivenKeyValuesList(keyValuesListToFind, alsoReturnIdx)
return lookupRtn
# Lookup a dict given a flat list of values for the keys
# Must be in same order self.getListOfKeys().
def lookupDictGivenKeyValuesList(self, keyValuesListToFind, alsoReturnIdx=False):
lookupRtn = lookupDictGivenLookupDict(self.__lookupDict, self.__listOfKeys,
keyValuesListToFind, alsoReturnIdx)
return lookupRtn
# Functions to allow this to act like a list
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__listOfDicts)
def __getitem__(self, index_in):
return self.__listOfDicts[index_in]
# Create a SearchableListOfDicts object for a list of builds dicts that allows
# lookups of builds given the keys "group" => "site" => "buildname" :
# build_dict.
def createSearchableListOfBuilds(buildsListOfDicts):
return SearchableListOfDicts(buildsListOfDicts, ['group', 'site', 'buildname'])
# Create a SearchableListOfDicts object for a list of tests with issue
# trackers that allows lookups of tests given the keys "site" => "buildName"
# => "testname" : test_dict.
def createSearchableListOfTests( testsListOfDicts,
return SearchableListOfDicts(testsListOfDicts, ['site', 'buildName', 'testname'],
checkDictsAreSame_in=checkDictsAreSame_in )
# Create a SearchableListOfDicts object for a list of build dicts allows
# lookups that match the 'site' and 'buildname' fields but uses input for the
# search that are test dicts that have the fields 'site' and 'buildName'.
def createTestToBuildSearchableListOfDicts(buildsLOD,
return SearchableListOfDicts( buildsLOD, ('site', 'buildname'),
keyMapList=('site', 'buildName') )
# NOTE: The extra keyMapList is needed because CDash used the key name
# 'buildname' for the build name returned form the cdash/index.php page
# while it gave the build name the key name 'buildName' for the data
# returned from cdash/queryTests.php.
# Match functor that returns true if the input dict has key/values that
# matches one of the dicts in the input SearchableListOfDicts.
class MatchDictKeysValuesFunctor(object):
# Construct with a SearchableListOfDicts object
def __init__(self, searchableListOfDict):
self.__searchableListOfDict = searchableListOfDict
# Convert to string rep for debugging/etc.
def __str__(self):
myStr = "MatchDictKeysValuesFunctor{"+str(self.__searchableListOfDict)+"}"
return myStr
# Return 'true' if the key/value pairs in dict_in match the key/value pairs
# in one of the dicts in the searchableListOfDict object.
def __call__(self, dict_in):
matchingDict = self.__searchableListOfDict.lookupDictGivenKeyValueDict(dict_in)
if matchingDict:
return True
return False
# Transform functor that adds issue tracker info and URL to an existing test
# dict.
# This functor looks up the test based on 'site', 'buildName', and 'testname'
# keys to find the entry in the list of known issues with issue trackers and
# then it copies the issue issue tracker fields to the input/output test dict.
class AddIssueTrackerInfoToTestDictFunctor(object):
# Construct with a SearchableListOfDicts object that has issue tracker info.
# This object testsWithIssueTrackersSLOD must have been constructed using
# the function createSearchableListOfTests() so it will allow lookups based
# on the 'site', 'buildName', and 'testname' keys.
def __init__(self, testsWithIssueTrackersSLOD, addEmptyOnNoMatch=True):
self.__testsWithIssueTrackersSLOD = testsWithIssueTrackersSLOD
self.__addEmptyOnNoMatch = addEmptyOnNoMatch
# Lookup the issue tracker info and add it as new key/value pairs to
# testDict_inout.
def __call__(self, testDict_inout):
# Look up the entry for the test tracker info based on the 'site',
# 'buildName', and 'testname' key/value pairs in testDict_inout.
matchingDict = \
if matchingDict:
issue_tracker = matchingDict['issue_tracker']
issue_tracker_url = matchingDict['issue_tracker_url']
if self.__addEmptyOnNoMatch:
issue_tracker = ""
issue_tracker_url = ""
raise Exception(
"Error, testDict_inout="+str(testDict_inout)+\
" does not have an assigned issue tracker!")
testDict_inout[u'issue_tracker'] = issue_tracker
testDict_inout[u'issue_tracker_url'] = issue_tracker_url
return testDict_inout
# Split a list of Test Dicts based on if they match the set of expected builds
# or not.
# testsWithIssueTrackersLOD [in]: List of dicts of tests with issue trackers.
# Here, only the fields 'site', 'buildName', and 'testname' are significant.
# expectedBuildsLOD [in]: List of dicts of expected builds with fields 'site'
# and 'buildname'. Here, the key/value pairs 'site' and 'buildname' must be
# unique. The 'group' field is ignored (because cdash/queryTests.php does
# not give the 'group' of each test).
# Returns the tuple (testsWithIssueTrackersMatchingExpectedBuildsLOD,
# testsWithIssueTrackersNotMatchingExpectedBuildsLOD).
def splitTestsOnMatchExpectedBuilds( testsWithIssueTrackersLOD,
return splitListOnMatch(testsWithIssueTrackersLOD,
MatchDictKeysValuesFunctor(testToExpectedBuildsSLOD) )
# Check if the list of tests with issue trackers matches the expected builds.
# testsWithIssueTrackersLOD [in]: List of dicts of tests with issue trackers.
# Here, only the fields 'site', 'buildName', and 'testname' are significant.
# expectedBuildsLOD [in]: List of dicts of expected builds with fields 'site'
# and 'buildname'. Here, the key/value pairs 'site' and 'buildname' must be
# unique. The 'group' field is ignored (because cdash/queryTests.php does
# not give the 'group' of each test).
# This returns a tuple (matches, errMsg). If all of the tests match, then
# 'matches' will be 'True' and errMsg=="". If one or more of the tests don't
# match the expected builds then 'matches' will be 'False' and 'errMsg' will
# give a message about which tests are missing.
def doTestsWithIssueTrackersMatchExpectedBuilds( testsWithIssueTrackersLOD,
# Get list of tests matching and non-matching expected builds (ignoring
# matching tests list)
(_, nomatchingTestsLOD) = \
# Gather up all of the tests that don't match one of the expected builds
nonmatchingTestsWithIssueTrackersLOD = []
for testDict in nomatchingTestsLOD:
{'site':testDict['site'], 'buildName':testDict['buildName'],
'testname':testDict['testname']} )
# If all tests matched, return True
if len(nonmatchingTestsWithIssueTrackersLOD) == 0:
return (True, "")
# One or more tests did not match so build an error message and return False
errMsg = \
"Error: The following tests with issue trackers did not match 'site' and"+\
" 'buildName' in one of the expected builds:\n"
for testDict in nonmatchingTestsWithIssueTrackersLOD:
errMsg += \
" {'site'='"+testDict['site']+"'"+\
", 'buildName'="+testDict['buildName']+"'"+\
", 'testname'="+testDict['testname']+"'}\n"
return (False, errMsg)
# Extract just the date from the testDict['buildstartdate'] field
def dateFromBuildStartTime(buildStartTime):
return buildStartTime.split('T')[0]
# Sort list of test history dicts and get statistics
# Inputs:
# testHistoryLOD [in]: List of test dicts for the same test. Neither this
# list nor its elements are modified in this call. The base list object is
# shallow copied before it is sorted and returned.
# currentTestDate [in]: The current testing day (as a string "YYYY-MM-DD").
# This is needed to define a frame of reference for interpreting if the test
# is currently 'Passed', 'Failed', 'Not Run', or is 'Missing' (i.e. does not
# have any test results for current testing date).
# testingDayStartTimeUtc [in]: The CDash project testing day start time
# "<hh>:<mm>" in UTC. For example, if the CDash project testing day start
# time is 6 PM MDT (18:00 MDT), then the testing day start time is "02:00"
# (UTC) (which is the next calendar day).
# daysOfHistory [in]: Number of days of history that were requested.
# Note that len(testHistoryLOD) may be less than daysOfHistory which is
# allowed and handled in function. Any days in that range missing contribute
# to testHistoryStats['missing_last_x_days'].
# Also note that this function will remove any duplicate tests (which seem to
# occur sometimes due to a defect in CDash).
# Returns:
# (sortedTestHistoryLOD, testHistoryStats, testStatus)
# where:
# sortedTestHistoryLOD: The sorted list of test dicts with most recent dict
# at the top. New list object with references to the same test dict
# elements. Therefore, if the list elements themselves are modified after
# the function returns, then the elements in the original list testHistoryLOD
# will be modified as well.
# testHistoryStats: Dict that gives statistics for the test with fields:
# - 'pass_last_x_days': Number of times test 'Passed'
# - 'nopass_last_x_days': Number of times the not 'Passed'
# - 'missing_last_x_days': Number of days there was no test data
# - 'consec_pass_days': Number of times the test consecutively passed
# - 'consec_nopass_days': Number of times the test consecutively did not pass
# - 'consec_missing_days': Number of days test is missing
# - 'previous_nopass_date': Before current date, the previous nopass date in UTC
# testStatus: The status of the test for the current testing day with values:
# - 'Passed': Most recent test 'Passed' had date matching curentTestDate
# - 'Failed': Most recent test 'Failed' had date matching curentTestDate
# - 'Not Run': Most recent test 'Not Run' had date matching curentTestDate
# - 'Missing': Most recent test has date before matching curentTestDate
def sortTestHistoryGetStatistics(testHistoryLOD,
currentTestDate, testingDayStartTimeUtc,
# Helper functions
def incr(testDict, key): testDict[key] = testDict[key] + 1
def decr(testDict, key): testDict[key] = testDict[key] - 1
# Initialize outputs assuming no history (i.e. test is missing for
# alldaysOfHistory of history)
sortedTestHistoryLOD = []
testHistoryStats = {
'pass_last_x_days': 0,
'nopass_last_x_days': 0,
'missing_last_x_days': daysOfHistory,
'consec_pass_days': 0,
'consec_nopass_days': 0,
'consec_missing_days': 0,
'previous_nopass_date': 'None'
testStatus = "Missing"
# Return if there is no test history
if len(testHistoryLOD) == 0:
testHistoryStats['consec_missing_days'] = daysOfHistory
return (sortedTestHistoryLOD, testHistoryStats, testStatus)
# Sort the test history by the buildstarttime (most current date at top)
sortedTestHistoryLOD = copy.copy(testHistoryLOD)
sortedTestHistoryLOD.sort(reverse=True, key=DictSortFunctor(['buildstarttime']))
# Remove duplicate tests from list of dicts
sortedTestHistoryLOD = getUniqueSortedTestsHistoryListOfDicts(sortedTestHistoryLOD)
# Get testing day/time helper object
testingDayTimeObj = CBTD.CDashProjectTestingDay(currentTestDate, testingDayStartTimeUtc)
currentTestDateDT = testingDayTimeObj.getCurrentTestingDayDateDT()
#print("currentTestDateDT = "+str(currentTestDateDT))
# Top (most recent) test history data
topTestDict = sortedTestHistoryLOD[0]
#print("topTestDict['buildstarttime'] = "+topTestDict['buildstarttime'])
# Get the CDash testing date of the most recent test
topTestDictTestingDayDT = testingDayTimeObj.getTestingDayDateFromBuildStartTimeDT(
topTestDict['buildstarttime'] )
#print("topTestDictTestingDayDT ="+str(topTestDictTestingDayDT))
# testStatus (for this test based on history)
if topTestDictTestingDayDT == currentTestDateDT:
testStatus = getTestDictStatusField(topTestDict)
testStatus = "Missing"
#print("testStatus = '"+testStatus+"'")
# testHistoryStats
# Set up for counting num of consecutive pass, nopass, or missing
if testStatus == "Missing":
# The test is missing so see how many consecutive days that it is missing
testHistoryStats['consec_missing_days'] = \
(currentTestDateDT - topTestDictTestingDayDT).days
# There are no initial consecutive passing or nopassing days
initialTestStatusHasChanged = True
# Count number of consecutive days that test is either passing or
# nopasssing
initialTestStatusHasChanged = False
if testStatus == 'Passed': previousTestStatusPassed = True
else: previousTestStatusPassed = False
previousNopassDate = None
# Loop over test history for each of the kth entries and update quantities
for pastTestDict_k in sortedTestHistoryLOD:
pastTestStatus_k = getTestDictStatusField(pastTestDict_k)
pastTestDateUtc_k = testingDayTimeObj.getTestingDayDateFromBuildStartTimeStr(
# Count the initial consecutive streaks for passing and nonpassing
if (
(pastTestStatus_k=='Passed') == previousTestStatusPassed \
and not initialTestStatusHasChanged \
# The initial consecutive streak for passing or nonpassing continues!
if pastTestStatus_k == 'Passed':
incr(testHistoryStats, 'consec_pass_days')
incr(testHistoryStats, 'consec_nopass_days')
# The initial consecutive streak has been broken
initialTestStatusHasChanged = True
# Count total pass/nopass/missing tests
decr(testHistoryStats, 'missing_last_x_days') # Test not missing this day!
if pastTestStatus_k == 'Passed':
incr(testHistoryStats, 'pass_last_x_days')
incr(testHistoryStats, 'nopass_last_x_days')
# Find most recent previous nopass test date
if (
previousNopassDate == None \
and pastTestDateUtc_k != currentTestDate \
and pastTestStatus_k != 'Passed' \
previousNopassDate = pastTestDateUtc_k
testHistoryStats['previous_nopass_date'] = previousNopassDate
# Return the computed stuff
return (sortedTestHistoryLOD, testHistoryStats, testStatus)
# Get a new list with unique entries from an input sorted list of test dicts.
# The returned list is new and does not modify any of the entries in the input
# sorted inputSortedTestHistoryLOD object.
def getUniqueSortedTestsHistoryListOfDicts(inputSortedTestHistoryLOD):
if len(inputSortedTestHistoryLOD) == 0:
return inputSortedTestHistoryLOD
uniqueSortedTestHistoryLOD = []
lastUniqueTestDict = inputSortedTestHistoryLOD[0]
idx = 1
while idx < len(inputSortedTestHistoryLOD):
candidateTestDict = inputSortedTestHistoryLOD[idx]
if not checkCDashTestDictsAreSame(candidateTestDict, "a", lastUniqueTestDict, "b")[0]:
lastUniqueTestDict = candidateTestDict
# Else, this is duplicate test entry so skip
idx += 1
return uniqueSortedTestHistoryLOD
# Extract testid and buildid from 'testDetailsLink' CDash test dict
# field.
def extractTestIdAndBuildIdFromTestDetailsLink(testDetailsLink):
testDetailsLinkList = testDetailsLink.split('?')
if (len(testDetailsLinkList) > 1):
# Older CDash implementations have ?testid=<testid>&buildid=<buildid>
phpArgsList = testDetailsLinkList[1].split('&')
testidArgList = phpArgsList[0].split("=")
buildidArgList = phpArgsList[1].split("=")
testId = testidArgList[1]
buildId = buildidArgList[1]
# Newer CDash implementations have
testDetailsLinkList = testDetailsLink.split('/')
testId = testDetailsLinkList[1]
buildId = ""
return (testId, buildId)
# Check if two test dicts returned from CDash are the same, accounting for
# possible CDash defects allowing duplicate tests except for different test
# IDs and small changes in 'time' (strange defects in CDash).
# Has the same calling conventions and return value as the function
# checkDictsAreSame().
# Returns tuple (hasSameKeyValuePairs, errMsg). If
# hasSameKeyValuePairs==True, then errMsg==None. Otherwise, if
# hasSameKeyValuePairs==False, then errMsg gives a string that explains how
# they are different.
# This improves on a simple check dict_1 == dict_2 in that shows exactly why
# the dicts are different for a single key/value pair.
def checkCDashTestDictsAreSame(testDict_1, testDict_1_name,
testDict_2, testDict_2_name,
# Check the easy case where they are exactly the same
if testDict_1 == testDict_2:
return (True, None)
# Check to see if 'testDetailsLink' is there in both and then check contents
sameBuildIdDifferentTestIds = False
if (
('testDetailsLink' in testDict_1.keys()) \
and \
('testDetailsLink' in testDict_2.keys()) \
(test1d_1, buildid_1) = \
(test1d_2, buildid_2) = \
if (buildid_1 == buildid_2) and (test1d_1 != test1d_2):
# This is the special case that we are writing this function for!
sameBuildIdDifferentTestIds = True
# Set up copy to allow dropping out fields for comparison
testDict_1_copy = copy.deepcopy(testDict_1)
testDict_2_copy = copy.deepcopy(testDict_2)
# If buildIds are the same but the testIds are different, then check the
# rest of the key/value pairs to determine if they are the same:
if sameBuildIdDifferentTestIds:
testDict_1_copy.pop('testDetailsLink', None)
testDict_2_copy.pop('testDetailsLink', None)
# Don't require the same test times
testDict_1_copy.pop('time', None)
testDict_2_copy.pop('time', None)
testDict_1_copy.pop('prettyTime', None)
testDict_2_copy.pop('prettyTime', None)
testDict_1_copy.pop('procTime', None)
testDict_2_copy.pop('procTime', None)
testDict_1_copy.pop('prettyProcTime', None)
testDict_2_copy.pop('prettyProcTime', None)
# Don't require identical matching output
testDict_1_copy.pop('matchingoutput', None)
testDict_2_copy.pop('matchingoutput', None)
# Compare what ever fields are left that may be different and just use the
# standard comparison that will give a good error message for differences.
return checkDictsAreSame(testDict_1_copy, testDict_1_name,
testDict_2_copy, testDict_2_name )
# Get the test history CDash cache filename
# Note: this takes care of things like having '/' in the test name
def getTestHistoryCacheFileName(date, site, buildName, testname, daysOfHistory):
testHistoryFileName = \
return testHistoryFileName.replace('/', '_')
# Transform functor that computes and add detailed test history to an existing
# test dict so that it can be printed in the table
# createCDashTestHtmlTableStr().
# ToDo: Document the fields set by this functor
class AddTestHistoryToTestDictFunctor(object):
# Constructor which takes additional data needed to get the test history and
# other stuff.
# By default, this will always read the data from the cache file if that file
# already exists.
def __init__(self, cdashUrl, projectName, date, testingDayStartTimeUtc, daysOfHistory,
testCacheDir, useCachedCDashData=True, alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists=True,
verbose=False, printDetails=False, requireMatchTestTopTestHistory=True,
extractCDashApiQueryData_in=extractCDashApiQueryData, # For unit testing
self.__cdashUrl = cdashUrl
self.__projectName = projectName
self.__date = date
self.__testingDayStartTimeUtc = testingDayStartTimeUtc
self.__daysOfHistory = daysOfHistory
self.__testCacheDir = testCacheDir
self.__useCachedCDashData = useCachedCDashData
self.__alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists = alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists
self.__verbose = verbose
self.__printDetails = printDetails
self.__requireMatchTestTopTestHistory = requireMatchTestTopTestHistory
self.__extractCDashApiQueryData_in = extractCDashApiQueryData_in
# Get test history off CDash and add test history info and URL to info we
# find out from that test history
def __call__(self, testDict):
#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
# Get short names for data inside of this functor
cdashUrl = self.__cdashUrl
projectName = self.__projectName
testDayDate = validateAndConvertYYYYMMDD(self.__date)
daysOfHistory = self.__daysOfHistory
# Get basic info about the test from the from the testDict
site = testDict["site"]
buildName = testDict["buildName"]
testname = testDict["testname"]
# Determine if this test has data from CDash or if it does not
if testDict.get('buildstarttime', None):
testAlreadyHasCDashData = True
testAlreadyHasCDashData = False
# Get the date range for CDash queries
dateRangeBeginDT = testDayDate - datetime.timedelta(days=(daysOfHistory-1))
dateRangeBeginDateStr = CBTD.getDateStrFromDateTime(dateRangeBeginDT)
dateRangeEndDateStr = self.__date
beginEndUrlFields = "begin="+dateRangeBeginDateStr+"&end="+dateRangeEndDateStr
# Define queryTests.php query filters for test history
testHistoryQueryFilters = \
# URL used to get the history of the test in JSON form
testHistoryQueryUrl = \
getCDashQueryTestsQueryUrl(cdashUrl, projectName, None, testHistoryQueryFilters)
# URL to embed in email to show the history of the test to humans
testHistoryBrowserUrl = \
getCDashQueryTestsBrowserUrl(cdashUrl, projectName, None, testHistoryQueryFilters)
# URL for to the build summary on index.php page
buildHistoryEmailUrl = getCDashIndexBrowserUrl(
cdashUrl, projectName, None,
# ToDo: Replace this with the the URL to just this one build the index.php
# page. To do that, get the build stamp from the list of builds on CDash
# and then create a URL link for this one build given 'site', 'buildName',
# and 'buildStamp'. (NOTE: We can't use 'buildstarttime' without
# replacing ':' with '%' or the URL will not work with CDash.)
# Set the names of the cached files so we can check if they exists and
# write them out otherwise
testHistoryCacheFileFullName = \
# Possibly compress the file name if it is too long
testHistoryCacheFilePath = \
if self.__verbose:
gettingTestHistoryMsg = \
"Getting "+str(daysOfHistory)+" days of history for "+testname+\
" in the build "+buildName+" on "+site
if os.path.exists(testHistoryCacheFilePath):
gettingTestHistoryMsg += " from cache file"
gettingTestHistoryMsg += " from CDash"
# Get the test history off of CDash (or from reading the cache file)
testHistoryLOD = downloadTestsOffCDashQueryTestsAndFlatten(
testHistoryQueryUrl, testHistoryCacheFilePath,
# Sort and get test history stats and update core testDict fields
(testHistoryLOD, testHistoryStats, testStatus) = sortTestHistoryGetStatistics(
testHistoryLOD, self.__date, self.__testingDayStartTimeUtc, daysOfHistory)
# Assert and update the status
#print("\ntestStatus = "+str(testStatus))
#print("\ntestHistoryLOD[0] = "+str(testHistoryLOD[0]))
if testStatus == "Missing":
testDict = setTestDictAsMissing(testDict)
elif testStatus == "Passed":
testDict['status_color'] = cdashColorPassed()
# If we get here, there should be at least one test dict in
# testHistoryLOD and this should be a Failed or Not Run test
# testHistoryLOD[0] should be an exact duplicate of testDict. The below
# check confirms that to make sure that CDash is giving us consistent
# data.
if self.__requireMatchTestTopTestHistory:
if testDict.get('status', None) != testStatus:
raise Exception(
"Error, test testDict['status'] = '"+str(testDict.get('status',None))+"'"+\
" != "+\
"top test history testStatus = '"+testStatus+"'"+\
" where:\n\n"+\
" testDict = "+sorted_dict_str(testDict)+"\n\n"+\
" top test history dict = "+sorted_dict_str(testHistoryLOD[0])+"\n\n" )
if testDict.get('buildstarttime', None) != testHistoryLOD[0]['buildstarttime']:
raise Exception(
"Error, testDict['buildstarttime'] = '"+\
" != "+\
"top test history 'buildstarttime' = "+\
" where:\n\n"+\
" testDict = "+sorted_dict_str(testDict)+"\n\n"+\
" top test history dict = "+sorted_dict_str(testHistoryLOD[0])+"\n\n" )
if testDict.get('status', None) == None and testStatus == "Failed":
# This is a test missing in the outer list of nonpassing tests but is
# shown to be failing for the current testing day when looking at the
# test history. This can happen when the outer CDash query filters
# out random system failures (see documentation for option
# --require-test-history-match-nonpassing-tests).
testDict = setTestDictAsMissing(testDict)
testDict.update(testHistoryLOD[0]) # Overwrites 'status' = "Failed"
testDict['status'] = "Missing / Failed" # Show this special status!
elif testStatus == "Failed":
testDict['status_color'] = cdashColorFailed()
elif testStatus == "Not Run":
testDict['status_color'] = cdashColorNotRun()
# ToDo: Lookup the matching build info so that we can get the buildstamp
# in order to build a good link to the build on CDash?
# Get the link to the test details if it exists
testDetailsLink = testDict.get('testDetailsLink', None)
if testDetailsLink:
fullTestDetailsLink = cdashUrl+"/"+testDetailsLink
fullTestDetailsLink = None
# Assign all of the new test dict fields that need to be added
testDict["site_url"] = ""
testDict['buildName_url'] = buildHistoryEmailUrl # ToDo: Change to one build
if fullTestDetailsLink:
testDict['testname_url'] = fullTestDetailsLink
testDict['status_url'] = fullTestDetailsLink
testDict['test_history_num_days'] = daysOfHistory
testDict['test_history_query_url'] = testHistoryQueryUrl
testDict['test_history_browser_url'] = testHistoryBrowserUrl
testDict['test_history_list'] = testHistoryLOD
testDict['pass_last_x_days_color'] = cdashColorPassed()
testDict['pass_last_x_days_url'] = testHistoryBrowserUrl
testDict['nopass_last_x_days_color'] = cdashColorFailed()
testDict['nopass_last_x_days_url'] = testHistoryBrowserUrl
testDict['missing_last_x_days_color'] = cdashColorMissing()
testDict['missing_last_x_days_url'] = testHistoryBrowserUrl
testDict['consec_pass_days_color'] = cdashColorPassed()
testDict['consec_pass_days_url'] = testHistoryBrowserUrl
testDict['consec_nopass_days_color'] = cdashColorFailed()
testDict['consec_nopass_days_url'] = testHistoryBrowserUrl
testDict['consec_missing_days_color'] = cdashColorMissing()
testDict['consec_missing_days_url'] = testHistoryBrowserUrl
if testDict.get('status', None) == None:
print("\ntestStatus = "+testStatus)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
raise Exception("Error, testDict['status']==None for testDict="+str(testDict))
# Return the updated test dict with the new fields
return testDict
def setTestDictAsMissing(testDict):
testDict['status'] = "Missing"
testDict['status_color'] = cdashColorMissing()
testDict['details'] = "Missing"
return testDict
# Transform functor that sets the 'cdash_testing_day' field in a test dict.
class AddCDashTestingDayFunctor(object):
def __init__(self, cdash_testing_day):
self.cdash_testing_day = cdash_testing_day
def __call__(self, testDict):
testDict[u('cdash_testing_day')] = u(self.cdash_testing_day)
return testDict
# Gather up a list of the missing builds
# Inputs:
# buildLookupDict [in]: Lookup dict of build summary dicts gotten off CDash
# expectedBuildsList [in]: List of expected builds dict with fields 'group',
# 'site', and 'buildname'.
# Returns an array of dicts of missing expected builds with list elements:
# {'group':"???", 'site':"???", 'buildname':"???", 'status':"???", ...}
# where the '...' will be the rest of the fields for builds that exist on CDash
# but don't have full results.
# The field 'status' will either be given either:
# "Missing ALL"
# or will be:
# "Missing [update], [configure], [build], [tests]"
def getMissingExpectedBuildsList(buildsSearchableListOfDicts, expectedBuildsList):
missingExpectedBuildsList = []
for expectedBuildDict in expectedBuildsList:
#print("\nexpectedBuildDict = "+str(expectedBuildDict))
buildSummaryDict = \
#print("\nbuildSummaryDict = "+str(buildSummaryDict))
if not buildSummaryDict:
# No part of the expected build is found!
missingExpectedBuildDict = copy.deepcopy(expectedBuildDict)
missingExpectedBuildDict.update({'status':"Missing ALL"})
#print("missingExpectedBuildDict = "+str(missingExpectedBuildDict))
# This build has some build results so see if all of the results are
# there or not
missingPartsList = []
#if not buildSummaryDict.get('update', None):
# missingPartsList.append("update")
if not buildSummaryDict.get('configure', None):
if not buildSummaryDict.get('compilation', None):
if not buildSummaryDict.get('test', None):
compilationDict = buildSummaryDict.get('compilation', None)
if compilationDict and compilationDict['time'] == '0s':
missingPartsList.append("build") # See NOTE below for explanation!
# See if any parts are missing and report if there are as a missing
# build
if len(missingPartsList) > 0:
missingBuildStr = "Missing "+", ".join(missingPartsList)
missingExpectedBuildDict = copy.deepcopy(expectedBuildDict)
#print("missingExpectedBuildDict = "+str(missingExpectedBuildDict))
# All parts of the expected build exists so don't report this as an
# expected build.
# Return the list of missing expected builds and status
return missingExpectedBuildsList
# NOTE: Above uses a heuristic for reporting missing build/compilation data
# that if the 'compilation' 'time' is '0s' and there is no test data, then
# we will assume that no build data was submitted to the dashboard.
# Otherwise, we can't detect when build results are missing because if just
# 'configure' data is updated to CDash, then CDash will automatically create
# a 'compilation' subdict and will set the initial time to '0s'. So we
# can't directly tell if build has missing build/compilation data or if it
# just has configure data. (I consider this to be a defect in CDash and we
# may ask Kitware to fix this but for now we can just use this heuristic.)
# But we don't want to assume that a time of '0s' means that no
# build/compilation data was submitted to CDash since a rebuild with no
# targets getting built can take under 0s. However, it is unlikely that the
# build/compilation time is '0s' and just happens to be missing test
# results. In that case, it is likely that the job that was doing the build
# died and never submitted build results in the first place. Therefore, we
# will never report missing build results unless there are also missing test
# results. And if there are missing test results, then the build will be
# listed and missing anyway. And I don't see a lot of harm in failing to
# report missing build results if there are test results and all of the
# tests pass. The only gap is this logic, therefore, are expected builds
# that have zero tests defined and submitted 0 tests to CDash (so the 'test'
# subdict exists). So this is not perfect but I think this is the best we
# can do until Kitware fixes CDash to not create a 'compilation' subdict
# unless build data is actually submitted to CDash.
# NOTE: Above, we are skipping checking for missing 'update' results for now
# because we want to allow some builds to not have update results. In the
# future, it may be better to allow an expected build to say that it does
# not have expected 'update' results.
# Download set of builds from CDash builds and return flattened list of dicts
# The cdash/api/v1/index.php query selecting the set of builds is provided by
# cdashIndexBuildsQueryUrl.
# If cdashIndexBuildsQueryCacheFile != None, then the raw JSON data-structure
# downloaded from CDash will be written to the file
# cdashIndexBuildsQueryCacheFile or read from that file if
# useCachedCDashData==True.
# If alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists==True, then if the file
# cdashIndexBuildsQueryCacheFile already exists, it will always be read to get
# data instead of communicating with CDash even if useCachedCDashData==False.
# The list of builds pulled off of CDash is flattended and extracted using the
# function flattenCDashIndexBuildsToListOfDicts().
# NOTE: The optional argument extractCDashApiQueryData_in is used in unit
# testing to avoid calling CDash.
def downloadBuildsOffCDashAndFlatten(
alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists = False,
# Get the query data
fullCDashIndexBuildsJson = getAndCacheCDashQueryDataOrReadFromCache(
cdashIndexBuildsQueryUrl, fullCDashIndexBuildsJsonCacheFile, useCachedCDashData,
alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists, verbose=verbose,
extractCDashApiQueryData_in=extractCDashApiQueryData_in )
# Get trimmed down set of builds
buildsListOfDicts = \
return buildsListOfDicts
# Download set of tests from cdash/api/v1/ctest/queryTests.php and return
# flattened list of dicts
# cdashQueryTestsUrl [in]: String URL for cdash/api/v1/ctest/queryTests.php
# with filters.
# If verbose==True, the the CDash query URL will be printed to STDOUT.
# Otherwise, this function is silent and will not return any output to STDOUT.
# If fullCDashQueryTestsJsonCacheFile != None, then the raw JSON
# data-structure will be written to that file.
# If useCachedCDashData==True, then data will not be pulled off of CDash and
# instead the list of builds will be read from the file cdashQueryCacheFile
# which must already exist from a prior call to this function (mostly for
# debugging and unit testing purposes).
# If alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists==True, then if the file
# cdashIndexBuildsQueryCacheFile already exists, it will always be read to get
# data instead of communicating with CDash even if useCachedCDashData==False.
# The list of tests pulled off CDash is flattended and returned by the
# function flattenCDashQueryTestsToListOfDicts().
# NOTE: The optional argument extractCDashApiQueryData_in is used in unit
# testing to avoid calling CDash.
def downloadTestsOffCDashQueryTestsAndFlatten(
alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists = False,
# Get the query data
fullCDashQueryTestsJson = getAndCacheCDashQueryDataOrReadFromCache(
cdashQueryTestsUrl, fullCDashQueryTestsJsonCacheFile, useCachedCDashData,
alwaysUseCacheFileIfExists, verbose=verbose,
extractCDashApiQueryData_in=extractCDashApiQueryData_in )
# Get flattened set of tests
testsListOfDicts = \
return testsListOfDicts
# Returns True if a build has configure failures
def buildHasConfigureFailures(buildDict):
configureDict = buildDict.get('configure', None)
if configureDict and configureDict['error'] > 0:
return True
return False
# Returns True if a build has compilation/build failures
def buildHasBuildFailures(buildDict):
compilationDict = buildDict.get('compilation', None)
if compilationDict and compilationDict['error'] > 0:
return True
return False
# Functor class to sort a row of dicts by multiple columns of string data.
class DictSortFunctor(object):
def __init__(self, sortKeyList):
self.sortKeyList = sortKeyList
def __call__(self, dict_in):
for key in self.sortKeyList:
keyData = dict_in.get(key)
if sortKeyStr:
sortKeyStr += "-"+str(keyData)
sortKeyStr = keyData
return sortKeyStr
# Sort and limit a list of dicts
# Arguments:
# listOfDicts [in]: List of dicts that will be sorted according to keys.
# sortKeyList [in]: List of dict keys that define the sort order for the data
# in the list. The default is None which means that no sort is performed.
# limitRowsToDisplay [in]: The max number of rows to display. The default is
# None which will result in no limit to the number of rows displayed. The top
# limitRowsToDisplay items will be displayed after the list is sorted.
def sortAndLimitListOfDicts(listOfDicts, sortKeyList = None,
limitRowsToDisplay = None\
# Sort the list
if sortKeyList:
listOfDictsOrdered = copy.copy(listOfDicts) # Shallow copy
listOfDictsOrdered = listOfDicts # No sort being done
# Limit rows
if limitRowsToDisplay == None:
listOfDictsLimited = listOfDictsOrdered
listOfDictsLimited = listOfDictsOrdered[0:limitRowsToDisplay]
# Return the final sorted limited list
return listOfDictsLimited
# Create a final summary line of global passfail
# cdashReportData [in]: Report data of type CDashReportData
# buildsetName [in]: The name of the set of builds to report on
# date [in]: Date string in format "YYYY-MM-DD"
def getOverallCDashReportSummaryLine(cdashReportData, buildsetName, date):
if cdashReportData.globalPass:
summaryLine = "PASSED"
summaryLine = "FAILED"
if cdashReportData.summaryLineDataNumbersList:
summaryLine += " (" + ", ".join(cdashReportData.summaryLineDataNumbersList) + ")"
summaryLine += ": "+buildsetName+" on "+date
return summaryLine
# HTML Support Code
def getFullCDashHtmlReportPageStr(cdashReportData, pageTitle="", pageStyle="",
htmlPage = \
if pageStyle:
htmlPage += \
htmlPage += \
if pageTitle:
htmlPage += \
htmlPage += \
if detailsBlockSummary:
htmlPage += \
"<summary><b>"+detailsBlockSummary+":</b> (click to expand)</b></summary>\n\n"
htmlPage += \
if detailsBlockSummary:
htmlPage += \
htmlPage += \
return htmlPage
def getDefaultHtmlPageStyleStr():
return \
"h1 {\n"+\
" font-size: 40px;\n"+\
"h2 {\n"+\
" font-size: 30px;\n"+\
"h3 {\n"+\
" font-size: 24px;\n"+\
"p {\n"+\
" font-size: 18px;\n"+\
# Class to store dict key and table header
class TableColumnData(object):
# Class data
# Constructor
def __init__(self, colHeader, dictKey, colAlign="left"):
self.colHeader = colHeader
self.dictKey = dictKey
if not colAlign in self.validColAlignList:
raise Exception(
"Error, colAlign="+colAlign+" not valid. Please choose from"+\
" the list ['" + "', '".join(validColAlignList) + "']!" )
self.colAlign = colAlign
# Color HTML text supported color
def colorHtmlText(htmlText, color_in):
if color_in == None or color_in == "":
return htmlText
elif color_in == "red":
None # Okay!
elif color_in == "green":
None # Okay!
elif color_in == "gray":
None # Okay!
elif color_in == "orange":
None # Okay!
raise Exception("Error, color='"+color_in+"' is invalid."+\
" Only 'red', 'green', 'gray' and 'orange' are supported!")
return("<font color=\""+color_in+"\">"+htmlText+"</font>")
# Add soft word breaks for '_' chars and at other places to allow word wrap
def addHtmlSoftWordBreaks(text_in):
text_out = text_in.replace('_', '_­')
return text_out
# Create an HTML table string from a list of dicts and column headers
# Arguments:
# tableTitle [in]: String for the name of the table included at the top of the
# table.
# colDataList [in]: List of TableColumnData objects where
# colDataList[j].dictKey gives the name of the key for that column of data,
# colDataList[j].colHeader is the text name for the column header and
# colDataList[j].colAlign gives the HTML alignment. That columns in the
# table will listed in the order given in this list.
# rowDataList [in]: List of dicts that provide the data from the table. The
# dict in each row must have the keys specified by colData[j].dictKey. In
# addition, if (key_url=rowDataList[i].get(colData[j].dictKey+"_url",#
# None))!=None, then the table entry will be an HTML link <a
# href="dataRowList[i].get(key_url)">dataRowList[i].get(key)</a>.
# htmlStyle [in]: The HTML style data (between <style></style>. If None is
# passed in then a default style is provided internally. NOTE: The default
# table style uses CSS formatting for boarders but also sets the <table>
# 'boarder' property since some email clients like Gmail ignore the CSS style
# sections. To not set a style at all, pass in the empty string "" (not
# None).
# htmlTableStyle [in]: The style for the HTML table used in <table
# style=htmlTableStyle>. If set to None, then a default style is used. To
# not set a style, pass in the empty string "" (not None).
# This will also put in soft work breaks for chars like '_' to allow for
# compressing the produced tables.
def createHtmlTableStr(tableTitle, colDataList, rowDataList,
htmlStyle=None, htmlTableStyle=None \
htmlStr = ""
# style options for the table
"<style>table, th, td {\n"+\
" padding: 5px;\n"+\
" border: 1px solid black;\n"+\
" border-collapse: collapse;\n"+\
"tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #eee;}\n"+\
"tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #fff;}\n"+\
if htmlStyle == "": htmlStyleUsed = ""
elif htmlStyle != None: htmlStyleUsed = htmlStyle
else: htmlStyleUsed = defaultHtmlStyle
if htmlStyleUsed:
# Table title and <table style=...>
if htmlTableStyle != None: htmlTableStyleUsed = htmlTableStyle
else: htmlTableStyleUsed = "style=\"width:100%\" boarder=\"1\""
htmlStr+="<table "+htmlTableStyleUsed+">\n\n"
# Column headings:
for colData in colDataList:
# Rows for the table
row_i = 0
for rowData in rowDataList:
col_j = 0
for colData in colDataList:
dictKey = colData.dictKey
# Get the raw entry for this column
entry = rowData.get(dictKey, None)
if entry == None:
raise Exception(
"Error, column "+str(col_j)+" dict key='"+colData.dictKey+"'"+\
" row "+str(row_i)+" entry is 'None' which is not allowed!\n\n"+\
"Row dict = "+str(rowData))
# Add soft word breaks to allow line breaks for table compression
entry = addHtmlSoftWordBreaks(str(entry).strip())
# Add color if defined for this field
entryColor = rowData.get(dictKey+"_color", None)
if entryColor:
entry = colorHtmlText(entry, entryColor)
# See if the _url key also exists
entry_url = rowData.get(dictKey+"_url", None)
# Set the text for this row/column entry with or without the hyperlink
if entry_url:
entryStr = "<a href=\""+entry_url+"\">"+str(entry)+"</a>"
entryStr = entry
# Set the row entry in the HTML table
"<td align=\""+colData.colAlign+"\">"+entryStr+"</td>\n"
col_j += 1
row_i += 1
# End of table
htmlStr+="</table>\n\n" # Use two newlines makes for good formatting!
# Get string for table title for CDash data to display
# Arguments:
# Arguments:
# dataTitle [in]: Name of the data category.
# dataCountAcronym [in]: Acronym for the type of data being displayed
# (e.g. 'twoi' for "Tests With Out issue trackers"). This is printed in the
# table title in the form dataCoutAcronym=len(rowDataList).
# numItems [in]: The number of items of data
def getCDashDataSummaryHtmlTableTitleStr(dataTitle, dataCountAcronym, numItems,
tableTitle = dataTitle
if limitRowsToDisplay:
tableTitle += " (limited to "+str(limitRowsToDisplay)+")"
tableTitle += ": "+dataCountAcronym+"="+str(numItems)
return tableTitle
# Create an html table string for CDash summary data.
# Arguments:
# dataTitle [in]: Name of the data that we be included in the table title.
# dataCountAcronym [in]: Acronym for the type of data being displayed
# (e.g. 'twoi' for "Tests With Out issue trackers"). This is printed in the
# table title in the form dataCoutAcronym=len(rowDataList).
# colDataList [in]: List of TableColumnData objects where
# colDataList[j].dictKey gives the name of the key for that column of data,
# colDataList[j].colHeader is the text name for the column header, and
# colDataList[j].colAlign gives the HTML alignment.
# The columns in the table will listed in the order given in this list.
# rowDataList [in]: List of dicts that provide the data from the table. The
# dict in each row must have the keys specified by colData[j].dictKey.
# sortKeyList [in]: List of dict keys that define the sort order for the data
# in the list. The default is None which means that no sort is performed.
# limitRowsToDisplay [in]: The max number of rows to display. The default is
# None which will result in no limit to the number of rows displayed. The top
# limitRowsToDisplay items will be displayed after the list is sorted.
# htmlStyle [in]: The HTML style data (between <style></style>. If None is
# passed in then a default style is provided internally (see
# createHtmlTableStr().
# htmlTableStyle [in]: The style for the HTML table used in <table
# style=htmlTableStyle>. The default is None in which case a default is
# picked by createHtmlTableStr(().
# NOTE: If len(rowDataList) == 0, then the empty string "" is returned.
def createCDashDataSummaryHtmlTableStr( dataTitle, dataCountAcronym,
colDataList, rowDataList, sortKeyList=None, limitRowsToDisplay=None,
htmlStyle=None, htmlTableStyle=None, titleColor=None,
# If no rows, don't create a table
if len(rowDataList) == 0:
return ""
# Sort the list and limit the list
rowDataListDisplayed = sortAndLimitListOfDicts(
rowDataList, sortKeyList, limitRowsToDisplay)
# Table title
tableTitle = colorHtmlText(
dataTitle, dataCountAcronym, len(rowDataList), limitRowsToDisplay ),
titleColor )
# Create and return the table
return createHtmlTableStr( tableTitle,
colDataList, rowDataListDisplayed, htmlStyle, htmlTableStyle )
# Create a tests HTML table string
# testsetTypeInfo [in]: Information about the testset of type TestsetTypeInfo
# testTypeCountNum [in]: Number of total items for the test type, before
# limiting (e.g. 25)
# testsLOD [in]: List of dicts of the test data typically first first
# downloaded from CDash. Each dict in this list must also have been operated
# on by the functors AddIssueTrackerInfoToTestDictFunctor and
# AddTestHistoryToTestDictFunctor in order to have all of the data needed to
# print in this table.
# daysOfHistory [in]: Number of days of test history being displayed. This is
# needed for one of the table column headers. (ToDo: Remove this and get this
# from the data).
# limitRowsToDisplay [in]: Limit of the number of rows to display. If this
# limited then this argument is needed in order to print "(limited it ???)" in
# the table title. Should be 'None' if this listing is not limited. (default
# None)
# htmlStyle [in]: HTML style for the entire table (see createHtmlTableStr())
# (default None)
# htmlTableStyle [in]: Style inside of <table ... > (see createHtmlTableStr())
# (default None)
def createCDashTestHtmlTableStr(testsetTypeInfo, testTypeCountNum, testsLOD,
limitRowsToDisplay=None, htmlStyle=None, htmlTableStyle=None,
# Return empty string if no tests
if len(testsLOD) == 0:
return ""
# Table title
tableTitle = colorHtmlText(
testsetTypeInfo.testsetDescr, testsetTypeInfo.testsetAcro,
testTypeCountNum, limitRowsToDisplay ),
testsetTypeInfo.testsetColor )
# Consecutive nopass/pass/missing column
consecCol = getCDashTestHtmlTableConsecColData(testsetTypeInfo.testsetTableType)
# Get daysOfHistory out of the data
daysOfHistory = testsLOD[0]['test_history_num_days']
# Create column headers
tcd = TableColumnData
testsColDataList = [
tcd("Site", "site"),
tcd("Build Name", "buildName"),
tcd("Test Name", "testname"),
tcd("Status", "status"),
tcd("Details", "details"),
tcd("Non-pass Last "+str(daysOfHistory)+" Days", 'nopass_last_x_days', "right"),
tcd("Pass Last "+str(daysOfHistory)+" Days", 'pass_last_x_days', "right"),
tcd("Issue Tracker", "issue_tracker", "right"),
# Return the HTML table
return createHtmlTableStr( tableTitle,
testsColDataList, testsLOD,
htmlStyle=htmlStyle, htmlTableStyle=htmlTableStyle )
def getCDashTestHtmlTableConsecColData(testsetTableType):
tcd = TableColumnData
if testsetTableType == 'nopass':
consecCol = tcd("Consec­utive Non-pass Days", 'consec_nopass_days', 'right')
elif testsetTableType == 'pass':
consecCol = tcd("Consec­utive Pass Days", 'consec_pass_days', 'right')
elif testsetTableType == 'missing':
consecCol = tcd("Consec­utive Missing Days", 'consec_missing_days', 'right')
raise Exception("Error, invalid testsetTableType="+str(testsetTableType))
return consecCol
# Class to generate the data for an HTML report for all test-sets for a given
# issue tracker.
# This class can be reused for multiple issue issue trackers.
class IssueTrackerTestsStatusReporter(object):
# Constructor
# cdashReportData [persisting]: Data used to create the final report (of type
# CDashReportData).
def __init__(self, verbose=True):
self.cdashReportData = CDashReportData()
self.testsetsReporter = TestsetsReporter(self.cdashReportData, htmlStyle="",
verbose=verbose )
self.issueTracker = None
self.cdashTestingDay = None
# Generate a report about the status of all of the tests for one issue
# tracker
# Inputs:
# testsLOD [in]: The list of test dicts for one issue tracker. (The isuse
# tracker info will be extracted from the test dicts field 'issue_tracker'
# and all of the test dicts must have the same value for 'issue_tracker'
# this will throw.)
# Return 'True' if all of the tests match an (internally defined) passing
# criteria such that the issue tracker could be closed. Otherwise, returns
# 'False' which means that the tests have not yet mt the passing criteria.
# If len(testsLOD) == 0, then 'True' will be returned (which assumes that
# there are no tests remaining related to the issue tracker).
# Postconditions:
# * A report about the status of the tests is returned in the function
# self.getIssueTrackerTestsStatusReport().
def reportIssueTrackerTestsStatus(self, testsLOD):
if (len(testsLOD) == 0):
self.issueTracker = None
return True
(self.issueTracker, _) = getIssueTrackerFieldsAndAssertAllSame(testsLOD)
self.cdashTestingDay = testsLOD[0]['cdash_testing_day']
# Return the final status
return False # ToDo: Add logic to verify if issue can be closed!
# Generate a pass/fail report HTML string for the last call to
# reportIssueTrackerTestsStatus()
def getIssueTrackerTestsStatusReport(self):
if self.issueTracker == None:
return None
testsSummaryTitle = \
"Test results for issue "+self.issueTracker+" as of "+self.cdashTestingDay
return self.testsetsReporter.getTestsHtmlReportStr(testsSummaryTitle,
detailsBlockSummary="Detailed test results")
# Get the issue tracker fields from a list of test dicts and assert they are
# all the same.
# Formal Parameters:
# testsLOD [in]: List of test dicts the must have the 'issue_tracker' and
# the 'issuer_tracker_url' fields and they must all be identical to each
# other.
# Returns:
# (issue_tracker, issue_tracker_url)
# Throws:
# IssueTrackerFieldError: If the 'issue_tracker' or the 'issuer_tracker_url'
# fields are missing from a test dict or if they don't match each other.
def getIssueTrackerFieldsAndAssertAllSame(testsLOD):
if len(testsLOD) == 0:
return None
issue_tracker = None
issue_tracker_url = None
i = 0
for testDict in testsLOD:
(issue_tracker_i, issue_tracker_url_i) = \
getIssueTrackerFieldsFromTestDict(testDict, i)
if issue_tracker == None and issue_tracker_url == None:
issue_tracker = issue_tracker_i
issue_tracker_url = issue_tracker_url_i
assertSameIssueTracker(issue_tracker_i, issue_tracker, testDict, i)
assertSameIssueTrackerUrl(issue_tracker_url_i, issue_tracker_url,
testDict, i)
i += 1
return (issue_tracker, issue_tracker_url)
def getIssueTrackerFieldsFromTestDict(testDict, idx):
issue_tracker = testDict.get('issue_tracker', None)
issue_tracker_url = testDict.get('issue_tracker_url', None)
if issue_tracker == None:
raise IssueTrackerFieldError(
"Error, the test dict "+sorted_dict_str(testDict)+" at index "+str(idx)+\
" is missing the 'issue_tracker' field!" )
if issue_tracker_url == None:
raise IssueTrackerFieldError(
"Error, the test dict "+sorted_dict_str(testDict)+" at index "+str(idx)+\
" is missing the 'issue_tracker_url' field!" )
return (issue_tracker, issue_tracker_url)
def assertSameIssueTracker(issue_tracker, issue_tracker_expected, testDict, idx):
if issue_tracker != issue_tracker_expected:
raise IssueTrackerFieldError(
"Error, the test dict "+sorted_dict_str(testDict)+" at index "+str(idx)+\
" has a different 'issue_tracker' field '"+str(issue_tracker)+"' than the"+\
" expected value of '"+str(issue_tracker_expected)+"'!" )
def assertSameIssueTrackerUrl(issue_tracker_url, issue_tracker_url_expected,
testDict, idx,
if issue_tracker_url != issue_tracker_url_expected:
raise IssueTrackerFieldError(
"Error, the test dict "+sorted_dict_str(testDict)+" at index "+str(idx)+\
" has a different 'issue_tracker_url' field '"+str(issue_tracker_url)+"' than the"+\
" expected value of '"+str(issue_tracker_url_expected)+"'!" )
class IssueTrackerFieldError(Exception):
# Class to report a single build-set.
# NOTE: The reason this is a class is that the cdashReportData and
# addTestHistoryStrategy objects are set once and are used for multiple calls
# to reportSingleBuildset().
class SingleBuildsetReporter(object):
# Constructor
def __init__(self, cdashReportData,
htmlStyle=None, htmlTableStyle=None,
self.cdashReportData = cdashReportData
self.htmlStyle = htmlStyle
self.htmlTableStyle = htmlTableStyle
self.verbose = verbose
self.groupSiteBuildNameSortOrder = ['group', 'site', 'buildname']
# Report on a given build-set and write info to self.cdashReportData
# Input arguments:
# buildsetDescr [in] Description for the set of builds
# buildsetAcro [in] Short acronym for the build set
# buildsetLOD [in] List of builds in this build set
# buildsetGlobalPass [in] If set to False and len(buildsetLOD) > 0, then
# global pass is set to False (see below).
# buildsetColor [in] Color used for the text (see cdashColorXXX() values).
# buildsetColDataList [in] List of TableColumnData entries for each of the
# columns to include in the table. Default is 'None' which gives a
# default set of entries.
# verbose [in] If set to True then some more verbose info is printed to
# STDOUT. If False, then nothing is printed to STDOUT (which is useful
# for unit testing). The default is True.
# On output, self.cdashReportData data will be updated with the summary and
# table of this given build-set. In particular, the following
# cdashReportData fields will be written to:
# cdashReportData.summaryLineDataNumbersList: List will be appended with
# lines for each build-set in order called.
# cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop: The name of the table 'buildsetDescr',
# the acronym 'buildsetAcro' and the size will be written on one line
# ending with ``<br>\n``.
# cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyBottom: Summary HTML table (with title)
# will be written, along with formatting.
# cdashReportData.globalPass: Set to False if buildsetGlobalPass==True and
# len(buildsetLOD) > 0.
def reportSingleBuildset(self, buildsetDescr, buildsetAcro, buildsetLOD,
buildsetGlobalPass, buildsetColor, buildsetColDataList=None, verbose=True,
buildsetNum = len(buildsetLOD)
buildsetSummaryStr = \
getCDashDataSummaryHtmlTableTitleStr(buildsetDescr, buildsetAcro,
if self.verbose:
if buildsetNum > 0:
if not buildsetGlobalPass:
self.cdashReportData.globalPass = False
self.cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop += \
if not buildsetColDataList:
tcd = TableColumnData
buildsetColDataList = [
tcd("Group", 'group'),
tcd("Site", 'site'),
tcd("Build Name", 'buildname'),
self.cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyBottom += \
buildsetDescr, buildsetAcro, buildsetColDataList, buildsetLOD,
# Class to optionally get test history and then analyze and report a single
# test-set.
# NOTE: The reason this is a class is that the cdashReportData and
# addTestHistoryStrategy objects are set once and are used for multiple calls
# to reportSingleTestset().
class SingleTestsetReporter(object):
# Constructor
# cdashReportData [persisting]: Data used to create the final report (of type
# CDashReportData).
# testDictsSortKeyList [persisting]: The sort order array tests dicts (input
# to DictSortFunctor()). (Default getDefaultTestDictsSortKeyList()).
# addTestHistoryStrategy [persisting]: Strategy object that can set the test
# history on a list of dicts. Must have member function
# getTestHistory(testsLOD). (Default 'None')
def __init__(self, cdashReportData,
htmlStyle=None, htmlTableStyle=None,
self.cdashReportData = cdashReportData
self.testDictsSortKeyList = testDictsSortKeyList
self.addTestHistoryStrategy = addTestHistoryStrategy
self.htmlStyle = htmlStyle
self.htmlTableStyle = htmlTableStyle
self.verbose = verbose
# Report on a given test-set and write info to self.cdashReportData
# On output, self.cdashReportData data will be updated with the summary and
# table of this given testsetTypeInfo data. In particular, the following
# cdashReportData fields will be written to:
# cdashReportData.summaryLineDataNumbersList: List will be appended with
# the entry ``testsetTypeInfo.testsetAcro+"="+testsetTotalSize``.
# cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop: The name of the table from
# testsetTypeInfo.testsetDescr, the acronym testsetTypeInfo.testsetAcro and the
# size will be written on one line ending with ``<br>\n``.
# cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyBottom: Summary HTML table (with title)
# will be written, along with formatting.
def reportSingleTestset(self, testsetTypeInfo, testsetTotalSize, testsetLOD,
limitTableRows=None, # Change to 'int' > 0 to limit table rows
testsetSummaryStr = \
testsetTypeInfo.testsetAcro, testsetTotalSize)
if self.verbose:
if testsetTotalSize > 0:
if testsetTypeInfo.existanceTriggersGlobalFail:
self.cdashReportData.globalPass = False
self.cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop += \
colorHtmlText(testsetSummaryStr, testsetTypeInfo.testsetColor)+"<br>\n"
if sortTests or limitTableRows:
testsetSortedLimitedLOD = sortAndLimitListOfDicts(
testsetLOD, self.testDictsSortKeyList, limitTableRows )
testsetSortedLimitedLOD = testsetLOD
if getTestHistory and self.addTestHistoryStrategy:
self.cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyBottom += createCDashTestHtmlTableStr(
testsetTypeInfo, testsetTotalSize, testsetSortedLimitedLOD,
htmlStyle=self.htmlStyle, htmlTableStyle=self.htmlTableStyle )
# Class to generate the data for an HTML report for all test-sets represented
# in a list of test dicts.
class TestsetsReporter(object):
# Constructor
# cdashReportData [persisting]: Data used to create the final report (of type
# CDashReportData).
def __init__(self, cdashReportData, testsetAcroList=getStandardTestsetAcroList(),
htmlStyle=None, htmlTableStyle=None, verbose=True,
self.cdashReportData = cdashReportData
self.testsetAcroList = testsetAcroList
self.singleTestsetReporter = SingleTestsetReporter(cdashReportData,
htmlStyle=htmlStyle, htmlTableStyle=htmlTableStyle, verbose=verbose)
# Separate out and report on all of the test-sets in the input list of test
# dicts.
def reportTestsets(self, testsLOD):
testDictsByTestsetAcro = binTestDictsByTestsetAcro(testsLOD)
for testsetAcro in self.testsetAcroList:
testsetLOD = testDictsByTestsetAcro.get(testsetAcro, None)
if testsetLOD:
testsetTypeInfo = getStandardTestsetTypeInfo(testsetAcro)
len(testsetLOD), testsetLOD)
# ToDo: Modify the above to assert that there are no unexpected test-set
# types!
# Generate a pass/fail report for all of the testset analyzed by
# reportTestsets().
def getTestsHtmlReportStr(self, testsSummaryTitle, detailsBlockSummary=None):
cdashReportData = self.cdashReportData
cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop = \
"<p>\n" + cdashReportData.htmlEmailBodyTop + "</p>\n"
return getFullCDashHtmlReportPageStr(
cdashReportData, pageTitle=testsSummaryTitle, pageStyle="",
# NOTE: Above, cdashReportData is a shallow copy of some fields like lists
# and other objects but the string fields are deep copied. Therefore,
# this function does not change the state of 'self' at all.!
# Bin a list of test dicts by issue tracker
# Input arguments:
# testsLOD [in]: Tests list of dicts
# Returns (testDictsByIssueTracker, testsWithoutIssueTrackersLOD)
# testDictsByIssueTracker [out]: A dict where the keys are the issue tracker
# strings (e.g. '#1234') and the values are the sublist test dicts that have
# that issue tracker.
# testsWithoutIssueTrackersLOD [out]: The remaining list of test dicts that
# don't have an issue tracker.
# For example, the input list of dicts:
# testsLOD = [
# { 'testname':'test1' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1234' },
# { 'testname':'test2' ... },
# { 'testname':'test3' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1235' },
# { 'testname':'test4' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1234' },
# { 'testname':'test5' ... },
# { 'testname':'test6' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1235' },
# { 'testname':'test7' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1236' },
# would yield:
# testDictsByIssueTracker = {
# '#1234' : [
# { 'testname':'test1' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1234' },
# { 'testname':'test4' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1234' },
# ],
# '#1235' : [
# { 'testname':'test3' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1235' },
# { 'testname':'test6' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1235' },
# ],
# '#1236' : [
# { 'testname':'test7' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1236' },
# ],
# ]
# testsWithoutIssueTrackersLOD = [
# { 'testname':'test2' ... },
# { 'testname':'test5' ... },
# ]
def binTestDictsByIssueTracker(testsLOD):
testDictsByIssueTracker = {}
testsWithoutIssueTrackersLOD = []
for testDict in testsLOD:
issueTracker = testDict.get('issue_tracker', None)
if issueTracker:
issueTrackerBinTestsLOD = testDictsByIssueTracker.setdefault(issueTracker, [])
return (testDictsByIssueTracker, testsWithoutIssueTrackersLOD)
# Bin a list of test dicts based on their test-set acronym
# Input arguments:
# testsLOD [in]: Tests list of dicts
# Returns testDictsByTestsetAcro
# testDictsByTestsetAcro [out]: A dict where the keys are the standard
# test-set acronyms ('twoif', 'twoinr', 'twip', etc) and the value for each
# is the list of test dicts that below to that test-set category.
# For example, the input list of dicts:
# testsLOD = [
# { 'testname':'test1', 'status':'Failed' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1234' },
# { 'testname':'test2', 'status':'Failed' ... },
# { 'testname':'test3', 'status':'Passed' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1235' },
# { 'testname':'test4', 'status':'Failed' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1234' },
# { 'testname':'test5', 'status':'Not Run' ... },
# { 'testname':'test6', 'status':'Missing' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1235' },
# { 'testname':'test7', 'status':'Not Run' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1236' },
# would yield:
# testDictsByTestsetAcro = {
# 'twoif' : [
# { 'testname':'test2', 'status':'Failed' ... },
# ],
# 'twoinr' : [
# { 'testname':'test5', 'status':'Not Run' ... },
# ],
# 'twip' : [
# { 'testname':'test3', 'status':'Passed' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1235' },
# ],
# 'twim' : [
# { 'testname':'test6', 'status':'Missing' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1235' },
# ],
# 'twif' : [
# { 'testname':'test1', 'status':'Failed' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1234' },
# { 'testname':'test4', 'status':'Failed' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1234' },
# ],
# 'twinr' : [
# { 'testname':'test7', 'status':'Not Run' ... 'issue_tracker':'#1236' },
# ],
def binTestDictsByTestsetAcro(testsLOD):
testDictsByTestsetAcro = {}
for testDict in testsLOD:
testsetAcron = getTestsetAcroFromTestDict(testDict)
testsetAcronBinTestsLOD = testDictsByTestsetAcro.setdefault(testsetAcron, [])
return testDictsByTestsetAcro
# HTML Email stuff
# Create an HTML MIME Email
import smtplib
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate
from email.charset import Charset, QP
import email.message
# Create MINE formatted email object (but don't send it)
def createHtmlMimeEmail(fromAddress, toAddress, subject, textBody, htmlBody,
doRemoveSoftHyphens=False \
# Create message container - the correct MIME type is multipart/alternative.
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['From'] = fromAddress
msg['To'] = toAddress
msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['Content-Type'] = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
# RFC 821 states that the text line size including <CRLF> is 1000 characters.
# This text line size is causing spaces to be inserted into the email body and
# break long hyperlinks. Below, we use quoted-printable
# "Content-Transfer-Encoding" to ensure integrity of the data being sent
# through the gateway when html text lines are longer than 1000 characters.
msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = "quoted-printable"
# Remove hidden soft hyphens from htmlBody so triagers can easily copy paste
# long build and test names into CDash queries.
if doRemoveSoftHyphens:
htmlBody = htmlBody.replace('­', '')
# Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html.
part1 = MIMEText(textBody.encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'utf-8')
part2 = MIMEText(htmlBody.encode('utf-8'), 'html', 'utf-8')
# Attach parts into message container. According to RFC 2046, the last part
# of a multipart message, in this case the HTML message, is best and
# preferred.
return msg
# Send a MIME formatted email
def sendMineEmail(mimeEmail):
# Send the message via local SMTP server.
s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
# sendmail function takes 3 arguments: sender's address, recipient's address
# and message to send - here it is sent as one string.
s.sendmail(mimeEmail['From'], mimeEmail['To'], mimeEmail.as_string())