Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
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C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
c ======================================================================
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c ROUTINE: getins
c DESCRIPTION: This routine is in charge of getting user
c input and keeping track of where
c it is coming from.
c AUTHOR: John H. Glick
c Sandia National Laboratories
c Division 1511
c DATE: December 20, 1988
c TYPE OF SUBPROGRAM: subroutine
c USAGE: call getins (id, maxfld, nfield,
c kvalue, cvalue, ivalue, rvalue,
c line, iostat, prompt,
c lprom, *)
c character*(*) id -- (input)
c = 'parse' if the input line should be read
c and parsed by the free field reader. If so,
c input information is returned in the nfield,
c kvalue, cvalue, ivalue, and rvalue parameters.
c = 'line' if the input line is to be read as
c one line. If so, the input line is returned
c in the parameter line.
c integer maxfld -- (input)
c Maximum number of fields returned by the
c free field reader (frefld).
c integer nfield -- (output)
c number of data fields returned by
c the free field reader (frefld).
c integer kvalue( maxfld ) -- ( output )
c Translation states of the data fields
c returned by the free field reader. The
c value of each element of this array is
c interpreted as follows:
c -1 = This is a null field.
c 0 = This is a nonnumeric field; only
c cvalue contains a specified value.
c 1 = This is a real numeric field;
c cvalue and rvalue contain specified
c values.
c 2 = This is an integer numeric field;
c cvalue, rvalue, and ivalue contain
c specified values.
c character*(*) cvalue( maxfld ) -- ( output )
c Character values of the data fields returned
c by the free field reader (frefld). The data
c will be left justified and either
c blank-filled or truncated. The value in
c this array is set by frefld to be blank
c for a null field.
c integer ivalue( maxfld ) -- ( output )
c Integer values of the data fields. The
c value in this array is set by frefld to
c be zero for a null or non-integer field.
c real rvalue( maxfld ) -- ( output )
c Floating-point values of the data fields.
c The value in this array is set by frefld
c to be zero for a null or non-real fields.
c character*(*) line -- ( output )
c If id = 'line', then the input line
c is returned in this parameter.
c integer iostat -- (output)
c iostat value returned by the frefld reader
c (if id = 'parse') or by the read
c statement (if id = 'line').
c character*(*) prompt -- (input)
c Prompt to be displayed to user.
c integer lprom -- (input)
c Length of prompt string.
c * -- Alternate return in case of fatal error.
c CALLS: prterr (etclib), filhnd (BLOT),
c lenstr (strlib),
c frefld (SUPES), exname (SUPES)
c none
c ======================================================================
c ======================================================================
subroutine getins (id, maxfld, nfield, kvalue, cvalue,
& ivalue, rvalue, line, iostat, prompt, lprom, *)
c ***********************************************************************
c parameters
character*(*) id
integer maxfld
character*(*) cvalue( maxfld )
integer nfield, kvalue( maxfld ), ivalue( maxfld )
real rvalue( maxfld )
character*(*) line
integer iostat
character*(*) prompt
integer lprom
c ***********************************************************************
c local declarations
integer maxstk
parameter ( maxstk = 10 )
c the maximum number of files allowed in the stack of files
c containing instructions that are still to be read.
character*2048 file, filelc
c Name of file to be opened for reading instructions
character*2048 name( maxstk )
c the stack of file names containing instructions that are
c still to be read
integer recred( maxstk )
c recred(i) = the number of records that have already been
c processed in file i of the stack. That is, when file i
c is reopened as the source of instructions, the first
c recred(i) records (instructions) have already been read
c and so should be skipped.
integer stkpnt
c the number of files currently in the stack. That is,
c when the last instruction is read from a file,
c the file from the top of the stack, file( numstk ),
c is reopened. This is the file that called the last file.
save stkpnt, name, recred
logical first
c .TRUE. until after the first call to getins.
c .FALSE. thereafter.
save first
integer ln
c length of a file name or a command string
integer ios
c I/O status returned by and I/O statement or the free
c field reader (frefld).
logical gotins
c .TRUE. if an instruction was successfully read from
c the input stream.
c .FALSE. otherwise. ( e.g., an EOF mark was read from
c the input file.
logical ecode
c code returned by subroutine filhnd.
c .TRUE. if file handling proceeded properly.
c .FALSE. otherwise
integer temp
c temporary variable for saving integer variables.
logical try
c .TRUE. if an attempt to open an instruction file is to be made.
c .FALSE. otherwise.
logical quit
c .TRUE. if control should go back to the top of the routine
c to try to read another command line.
c .FALSE. if a command line has successfully been read and
c the program should exit.
character*2048 cmdfile
c Name of the command for directing command to a new file.
save cmdfile
logical parse
c .TRUE. if the input is to be read and parsed by the free
c field reader.
c .FALSE. if the input is to be read as a line.
logical instr
integer nin
c logical unit where instructions are currently being read from.
save nin
character*2048 cval2(80)
logical batch
c ***********************************************************************
c data statements
data recred / maxstk*0 /
data first / .TRUE. /
data cmdfile(1:7) / 'CMDFILE' /
c ***********************************************************************
c ***********************************************************************
iostat = 0
if ( id .eq. 'parse' ) then
parse = .TRUE.
else if ( id .eq. 'line' ) then
parse = .FALSE.
call prterr ('PROGRAM',
& 'illegal value for id parameter passed to getins')
return 1
if ( first ) then
stkpnt = 0
c first call to getins
c find out if an instruction file was specified in the P4
c field of the command line
if ( instr() ) then
c an instruction file was specified
call exname ( 7, name( 1 ), ln )
c get name of file
c open file
if ( batch() ) then
call filhnd ( 7, name(1)(:ln), .TRUE., ecode,
& 'o', 'f', 's', 0, *150)
stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
c increment stack pointer
nin = 7
c set logical unit where instructions are to be read from
call filhnd ( 7, name(1)(:ln), .FALSE., ecode,
& 'o', 'f', 's', 0, *150)
if ( ecode ) then
c file opened properly
stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
c increment stack pointer
nin = 7
c set logical unit where instructions are to be read from
c instruction file wasn't there. prompt user for instructions.
nin = 0
c no instruction file was specified
if ( batch() ) then
call prterr ('FATAL',
& 'No instruction file was specified on the command line.')
return 1
nin = 0
first = .FALSE.
c get an instruction
100 continue
gotins = .FALSE.
110 continue
if ( nin .eq. 7 )
& recred( stkpnt ) = recred( stkpnt ) + 1
c read instruction
if ( parse ) then
call frefld ( nin, 0, prompt(:lprom), maxfld, ios,
& nfield, kvalue, cval2, ivalue, rvalue )
if (nin .eq. 0) then
read (*, fmt=10010, iostat=ios ) line
read ( unit=nin, fmt=10010, iostat=ios ) line
end if
10010 format ( a )
c check for an error in reading instruction
if ( ios .gt. 0 ) then
c error in reading instruction
call prterr ('FATAL',
& 'error reading an instruction in getins')
return 1
else if ( ios .lt. 0 ) then
c end of file read from input stream.
if ( nin .ne. 0 ) then
c EOF mark read from a file.
c Close the file and open the
c previous one on the stack, if
c one exists. If not, switch to
c interactive input.
call filhnd ( -nin, ' ', .TRUE., ecode,
& ' ', ' ', ' ', 0, *150)
stkpnt = stkpnt - 1
if ( stkpnt .gt. 0 ) then
c open previous file
call filhnd ( nin, name( stkpnt ), .TRUE., ecode,
& 'o', 'f', 's', 0, *150)
c skip records that have already been read
do 120 i = 1, recred( stkpnt )
read ( nin, * )
120 continue
c no more files on the stack. Switch
c to interactive input if an interactive
c job. If a batch job, print error.
if ( .not. batch() ) then
nin = 0
call prterr ('PROGRAM',
& ' End of file mark read in lowest level command file.')
return 1
gotins = .TRUE.
if ( .not. gotins ) go to 110
c if id = 'line', just return the line of input
if ( .not. parse ) then
try = .FALSE.
quit = .TRUE.
c check if command specifies that instructions
c are to be read from a different source
ln = lenstr ( cval2(1) )
if ( cval2(1)(1:ln) .eq. cmdfile(1:ln) ) then
if ( kvalue(2) .eq. 0 ) then
file = cval2(2)
C ... Convert filename to all lowercase -- FREFLD converts to all uppercase
call lowstr(filelc, file)
try = .TRUE.
if ( nin .eq. 0 ) then
write ( *, 10020 )
10020 format ( // 5x, 'Please enter an instruction file',
& ' to read from or ''a'' to ' / 5x,
& 'continue reading from the current unit. > ', $ )
read ( *, 10030 ) file
10030 format ( a )
recred( stkpnt ) = recred( stkpnt ) + 1
read ( nin, 10030 ) file
call pack ( file, ln )
if ( file(1:1) .eq. 'A' .or.
& file(1:1) .eq. 'a' ) then
try = .FALSE.
quit = .FALSE.
try = .TRUE.
try = .FALSE.
quit = .TRUE.
do 130 i2 = 1, maxfld
cvalue(i2) = cval2(i2)
130 continue
if ( try ) then
quit = .FALSE.
c will want to return to the
c top of the routine to read
c an instruction.
temp = nin
c remember where instructions are coming from.
if ( nin .eq. 7 ) then
c instructions are currently coming
c from a file. This current file
c must be closed. The information
c on this file ( its name and the
c pointer to its current instruction
c has already been stored on the stack.
call filhnd ( -nin, ' ', .TRUE., ecode, ' ', ' ', ' ',
& 0, *150)
c instructions are currently coming
c from the terminal. Change unit
c of instructions to 7
nin = 7
stkpnt = stkpnt + 1
c increment stack pointer
if ( stkpnt .gt. maxstk ) then
call prterr ('FATAL',
&'Nesting of instruction files is greater than maximum allowed')
return 1
c open instruction file
C ... We have a problem on systems with case-sensitive file names.
C FREFLD converts all strings to uppercase. Therefore, the filename
C specified in 'file' will be all uppercase. Since the file is
C typically lowercase, we lowercase 'file' in variable 'filelc'.
C First, try to open 'file' (uppercase), if this fails, try to
C open 'filelc' (lowercase). NOTE: There is no way (yet) to deal
C with mixed-case filenames. GDS 7/1/91.
if ( batch() ) then
call filhnd ( nin, file, .FALSE., ecode,
& 'o', 'f', 's', 0, *150)
if (.not. ecode) then
call filhnd ( nin, filelc, .TRUE., ecode,
& 'o', 'f', 's', 0, *150)
end if
call filhnd ( nin, file, .FALSE., ecode,
& 'o', 'f', 's', 0, *150)
if (.not. ecode) then
call filhnd ( nin, filelc, .FALSE., ecode,
& 'o', 'f', 's', 0, *150)
end if
if ( ecode ) then
c file was successfully opened
name( stkpnt ) = file
recred( stkpnt ) = 0
c file was not successfully opened
c reopen last instruction file ( if
c necessary ) and reset parameters.
call prterr ('ERROR',
& ' Command file could not be opened. Command ignored. ')
nin = temp
stkpnt = stkpnt - 1
if ( nin .eq. 7 ) then
call filhnd ( nin, name( stkpnt ), .TRUE., ecode,
& 'o', 'f', 's', 0, *150)
c skip records that have already been read
do 140 i = 1, recred( stkpnt )
call frefld ( nin, 0, ' ', maxfld, ios, nfield,
& kvalue, cval2, ivalue, rvalue )
if ( ios .ne. 0 ) then
call prterr ('PROGRAM',
& 'Error skipping previously read records in getins')
return 1
140 continue
c return to the top of the routine to read
c another instruction, if necessary
if ( .not. quit ) go to 100
c alternate return
150 continue
return 1