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592 lines
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592 lines
21 KiB
2 years ago
// Copyright(C) 1999-2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include "SL_SystemInterface.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "SL_Version.h"
#include <SL_tokenize.h>
#include <copyright.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <open_file_limit.h>
namespace {
bool str_equal(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
return (s1.size() == s2.size()) &&
std::equal(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s2.begin(),
[](char a, char b) { return std::tolower(a) == std::tolower(b); });
#if 0
void parse_variable_names(const char *tokens, StringIdVector *variable_list);
void parse_integer_list(const char *tokens, std::vector<int> *list);
void parse_omissions(const char *tokens, Omissions *omissions,
const std::string &basename, bool require_ids);
} // namespace
SystemInterface::SystemInterface() { enroll_options(); }
SystemInterface::~SystemInterface() = default;
void SystemInterface::enroll_options()
options_.usage("[options] file_to_split");
options_.enroll("help", GetLongOption::NoValue, "Print this summary and exit", nullptr);
options_.enroll("in_type", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"File format for input mesh file (default = exodus)", "exodusii", nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("processors", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Number of processors to decompose the mesh for", "1");
"method", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Decomposition method\n"
"\t\t'linear' : #elem/#proc to each processor\n"
"\t\t'scattered': Shuffle elements to each processor (cyclic)\n"
"\t\t'random' : Random distribution of elements, maintains balance\n"
"\t\t'rb' : Metis multilevel recursive bisection\n"
"\t\t'kway' : Metis multilevel k-way graph partitioning\n"
"\t\t'variable' : Read element-processor assignment from an element variable\n"
"\t\t'map' : Read element-processor assignment from an element map [processor_id]\n"
"\t\t'file' : Read element-processor assignment from file",
"decomposition_name", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"The name of the element variable (method = `variable`)\n"
"\t\tor element map (method = `map`) containing the element to processor mapping.\n"
"\t\tIf no name is specified, then `processor_id` will be used.\n"
"\t\tIf the name is followed by a ',' and an integer or 'auto', then\n"
"\t\tthe entries in the map will be divided by the integer value or\n"
"\t\t(if auto) by `int((max_entry+1)/proc_count)`.",
options_.enroll("decomposition_file", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"File containing element to processor mapping\n"
"\t\twhen decomposition method 'file' specified\n"
"\t\tThe file contains multiple lines, each line has 1 or 2 integers.\n"
"\t\tIf a single integer, it is the processor for the current element\n"
"\t\tIf two integers (count proc), they specify that the next\n"
"\t\t\t'count' elements are on processor 'proc'",
options_.enroll("contiguous_decomposition", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"If the input mesh is contiguous, create contiguous decompositions", nullptr,
options_.enroll("line_decomp", GetLongOption::OptionalValue,
"Generate the `lines` or `columns` of elements from the specified surface(s).\n"
"\t\tSpecify a comma-separated list of surface/sideset names from which the "
"lines will grow.\n"
"\t\tOmit or enter 'ALL' for all surfaces in model\n"
"\t\tDo not split a line/column across processors.",
nullptr, "ALL", true);
options_.enroll("output_decomp_map", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Do not output the split files; instead write the decomposition information to "
"an element map.\n"
"\t\tThe name of the map is specified by `-decomposition_name`",
options_.enroll("output_decomp_field", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Do not output the split files; instead write the decomposition information to "
"an element map.\n"
"\t\tThe name of the field is specified by `-decomposition_name`",
options_.enroll("output_path", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Path to where decomposed files will be written.\n"
"\t\tThe string %P will be replaced with the processor count\n"
"\t\tThe string %M will be replaced with the decomposition method.\n"
"\t\tDefault is the location of the input mesh",
nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("Partial_read_count", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Split the coordinate and connectivity reads into a\n"
"\t\tmaximum of this many nodes or elements at a time to reduce memory.",
options_.enroll("max-files", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Specify maximum number of processor files to write at one time.\n"
"\t\tUsually use default value; this is typically used for debugging.",
nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("netcdf4", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Output database will be a netcdf4 "
"hdf5-based file instead of the "
"classical netcdf file format",
options_.enroll("netcdf5", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Output database will be a netcdf5 (CDF5) "
"file instead of the classical netcdf file format",
options_.enroll("64-bit", GetLongOption::NoValue, "Use 64-bit integers on output database",
nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("shuffle", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use a netcdf4 hdf5-based file and use hdf5s shuffle mode with compression.",
"zlib", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use the Zlib / libz compression method if compression is enabled (default) [exodus only].",
options_.enroll("szip", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Use SZip compression. [exodus only, enables netcdf-4]", nullptr);
options_.enroll("compress", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Specify the hdf5 compression level [0..9] to be used on the output file.",
nullptr, nullptr, true);
options_.enroll("debug", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"debug level (values are or'd)\n"
"\t\t 1 = timing information.\n"
"\t\t 2 = Communication, NodeSet, Sideset information.\n"
"\t\t 4 = Progress information in File/Rank.\n"
"\t\t 8 = File/Rank Decomposition information.\n"
"\t\t 16 = Chain/Line generation/decomp information.",
options_.enroll("version", GetLongOption::NoValue, "Print version and exit", nullptr);
options_.enroll("copyright", GetLongOption::NoValue, "Show copyright and license data.", nullptr);
#if 0
options_.enroll("omit_blocks", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Omit the specified part/block pairs. The specification is\n"
"\t\tp#:block_id1:block_id2,p#:block_id1. For example, to\n"
"\t\tOmit block id 1,3,4 from part 1; block 2 3 4 from part 2;\n"
"\t\tand block 8 from part5, specify\n"
"\t\t\t '-omit_blocks p1:1:3:4,p2:2:3:4,p5:8'",
options_.enroll("omit_nodesets", GetLongOption::OptionalValue,
"If no value, then don't transfer any nodesets to output file.\n"
"\t\tIf just p#,p#,... specified, then omit sets on specified parts\n"
"\t\tIf p#:id1:id2,p#:id2,id4... then omit the sets with the specified\n"
"\t\tid in the specified parts.",
0, "ALL");
options_.enroll("omit_sidesets", GetLongOption::OptionalValue,
"If no value, then don't transfer any sidesets to output file.\n"
"\t\tIf just p#,p#,... specified, then omit sets on specified parts\n"
"\t\tIf p#:id1:id2,p#:id2,id4... then omit the sets with the specified\n"
"\t\tid in the specified parts.",
0, "ALL");
options_.enroll("steps", GetLongOption::MandatoryValue,
"Specify subset of timesteps to transfer to output file.\n"
"\t\tFormat is beg:end:step. 1:10:2 --> 1,3,5,7,9\n"
"\t\tTo only transfer last step, use '-steps LAST'",
options_.enroll("disable_field_recognition", GetLongOption::NoValue,
"Do not try to combine scalar fields into higher-order fields such as\n"
"\t\tvectors or tensors based on the field suffix",
bool SystemInterface::parse_options(int argc, char **argv)
#if (__SUNPRO_CC == 0x500)
using namespace std;
int option_index = options_.parse(argc, argv);
if (option_index < 1) {
return false;
if (options_.retrieve("help") != nullptr) {
fmt::print(stderr, "\n\t Can also set options via SLICE_OPTIONS environment variable.\n");
fmt::print(stderr, "\n\tDocumentation:\n");
fmt::print(stderr, "\n\t->->-> Send email to for slice support.<-<-<-\n");
if (options_.retrieve("version") != nullptr) {
// Version is printed up front, just exit...
if (options_.retrieve("copyright") != nullptr) {
fmt::print("{}", copyright("2016-2021"));
if (option_index < argc) {
inputFile_ = argv[option_index++];
else {
fmt::print(stderr, "\nERROR: no input mesh file specified\n\n");
return false;
if (option_index < argc) {
nemesisFile_ = argv[option_index++];
else {
nemesisFile_ = inputFile_;
// Get options from environment variable also...
char *options = getenv("SLICE_OPTIONS");
if (options != nullptr) {
"\nThe following options were specified via the SLICE_OPTIONS environment variable:\n"
options_.parse(options, options_.basename(*argv));
processorCount_ = options_.get_option_value("processors", processorCount_);
partialReadCount_ = options_.get_option_value("Partial_read_count", partialReadCount_);
maxFiles_ =
options_.get_option_value("max-files", open_file_limit() - 1); // -1 for output exodus file.
debugLevel_ = options_.get_option_value("debug", debugLevel_);
inputFormat_ = options_.get_option_value("in_type", inputFormat_);
decompMethod_ = options_.get_option_value("method", decompMethod_);
if (decompMethod_ == "file") {
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("decomposition_file");
if (temp != nullptr) {
decompFile_ = temp;
else {
"\nThe 'file' decompositon method was specified, but no element "
"to processor mapping file was specified via the -decomposition_file option\n");
return false;
// Only used in a few methods, but see if set anyway...
decompVariable_ = options_.get_option_value("decomposition_name", decompVariable_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("line_decomp");
if (temp != nullptr) {
lineSurfaceList_ = temp;
lineDecomp_ = true;
outputPath_ = options_.get_option_value("output_path", outputPath_);
ints64Bit_ = (options_.retrieve("64-bit") != nullptr);
if (options_.retrieve("netcdf4") != nullptr) {
netcdf4_ = true;
netcdf5_ = false;
if (options_.retrieve("netcdf5") != nullptr) {
netcdf5_ = true;
netcdf4_ = false;
shuffle_ = (options_.retrieve("shuffle") != nullptr);
if (options_.retrieve("szip") != nullptr) {
szip_ = true;
zlib_ = false;
zlib_ = (options_.retrieve("zlib") != nullptr);
if (szip_ && zlib_) {
fmt::print(stderr, "ERROR: Only one of 'szip' or 'zlib' can be specified.\n");
compressionLevel_ = options_.get_option_value("compress", compressionLevel_);
contig_ = options_.retrieve("contiguous_decomposition") != nullptr;
outputDecompMap_ = options_.retrieve("output_decomp_map") != nullptr;
outputDecompField_ = options_.retrieve("output_decomp_field") != nullptr;
if (outputDecompMap_ && outputDecompField_) {
"\nERROR: Cannot specify BOTH `output_decomp_map` and `output_decomp_field` options.\n"
" Can only specify one of the two options.\n\n");
#if 0
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("steps");
if (temp != nullptr) {
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("omit_blocks");
parse_omissions(temp, &blockOmissions_, "block", true);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("gvar");
parse_variable_names(temp, &globalVarNames_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("nvar");
parse_variable_names(temp, &nodeVarNames_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("evar");
parse_variable_names(temp, &elemVarNames_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("nsetvar");
parse_variable_names(temp, &nsetVarNames_);
const char *temp = options_.retrieve("ssetvar");
parse_variable_names(temp, &ssetVarNames_);
disableFieldRecognition_ = options_.retrieve("disable_field_recognition") != nullptr;
return true;
void SystemInterface::parse_step_option(const char *tokens)
//: The defined formats for the count attribute are:<br>
//: <ul>
//: <li><missing> -- default -- 1 <= count <= oo (all steps)</li>
//: <li>"X" -- X <= count <= X (just step X). If X == LAST, last step
// only</li>
//: <li>"X:Y" -- X to Y by 1</li>
//: <li>"X:" -- X to oo by 1</li>
//: <li>":Y" -- 1 to Y by 1</li>
//: <li>"::Z" -- 1 to oo by Z</li>
//: <li>"LAST" -- last step only</li>
//: </ul>
//: The count and step must always be >= 0
// Break into tokens separated by ":"
// Default is given in constructor above...
if (tokens != nullptr) {
if (strchr(tokens, ':') != nullptr) {
// The string contains a separator
int vals[3];
vals[0] = stepMin_;
vals[1] = stepMax_;
vals[2] = stepInterval_;
int j = 0;
for (int &val : vals) {
// Parse 'i'th field
char tmp_str[128];
int k = 0;
while (tokens[j] != '\0' && tokens[j] != ':') {
tmp_str[k++] = tokens[j++];
tmp_str[k] = '\0';
if (strlen(tmp_str) > 0) {
val = strtoul(tmp_str, nullptr, 0);
if (tokens[j++] == '\0') {
break; // Reached end of string
stepMin_ = abs(vals[0]);
stepMax_ = abs(vals[1]);
stepInterval_ = abs(vals[2]);
else if (str_equal("LAST", tokens)) {
stepMin_ = stepMax_ = -1;
else {
// Does not contain a separator, min == max
stepMin_ = stepMax_ = strtol(tokens, nullptr, 0);
void SystemInterface::dump(std::ostream & /*unused*/) const {}
void SystemInterface::show_version()
"\t(A code for decomposing finite element meshes for running parallel analyses.)\n"
"\t(Version: {}) Modified: {}\n",
qainfo[2], qainfo[1]);
namespace {
#if 0
std::string LowerCase(const std::string &name)
std::string s = name;
std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), // source
s.begin(), // destination
::tolower); // operation
return s;
using StringVector = std::vector<std::string>;
bool string_id_sort(const std::pair<std::string, int> &t1, const std::pair<std::string, int> &t2)
return t1.first < t2.first || (!(t2.first < t1.first) && t1.second < t2.second);
void parse_variable_names(const char *tokens, StringIdVector *variable_list)
// Break into tokens separated by ","
if (tokens != nullptr) {
std::string token_string(tokens);
StringVector var_list;
var_list = SLIB::tokenize(token_string, ",");
// At this point, var_list is either a single string, or a string
// separated from 1 or more block ids with ":" delimiter.
// For example, sigxx:1:10:100 would indicate that the variable
// "sigxx" should be written only for blocks with id 1, 10, and
// 100. "sigxx" would indicate that the variable should be
// written for all blocks.
std::vector<std::string>::iterator I = var_list.begin();
while (I != var_list.end()) {
StringVector name_id;
name_id = SLIB::tokenize(*I, ":");
std::string var_name = LowerCase(name_id[0]);
if (name_id.size() == 1) {
} else {
for (size_t i=1; i < name_id.size(); i++) {
// Convert string to integer...
int id = std::stoi(name_id[i]);
// Sort the list...
std::sort(variable_list->begin(), variable_list->end(), string_id_sort);
void parse_integer_list(const char *tokens, std::vector<int> *list)
// Break into tokens separated by ","
if (tokens != nullptr) {
if (LowerCase(tokens) == "all") {
std::string token_string(tokens);
StringVector part_list;
part_list = SLIB::tokenize(token_string, ",");
std::vector<std::string>::iterator I = part_list.begin();
while (I != part_list.end()) {
int id = std::stoi(*I);
void parse_omissions(const char *tokens, Omissions *omissions,
const std::string &basename, bool require_ids)
// to Omit block id 1,3,4 from part 1; block 2 3 4 from part 2;
// and block 8 from part5, specify
// '-omit_blocks p1:1:3:4,p2:2:3:4,p5:8'
// Break into tokens separated by "," Each token will then be a
// ":" separated list of blocks to be omitted for the specified
// part.
// If "require_ids" is true, then there must be at least one id
// following the part specification. If false, then it is OK to
// just specify a part number and all entities (typically nset or
// sset) will be omitted on that part.
if (tokens == nullptr)
std::string token_string(tokens);
StringVector part_block_list;
part_block_list = SLIB::tokenize(token_string, ",");
// Now, for each token in 'part_block_list', split by ":"
// The result should be a string starting with 'p' followed by an
// integer indicating the part followed by 1 or more strings which
// are the block ids of the blocks to be omitted for that part.
// Parts are 1-based. Store the results in the 'omissions' set as
// the pair (part#, block_id).
std::vector<std::string>::iterator I = part_block_list.begin();
while (I != part_block_list.end()) {
StringVector part_block;
part_block = SLIB::tokenize(*I, ":");
if (part_block.empty() || (part_block[0][0] != 'p' && part_block[0][0] != 'P')) {
fmt::print(stderr, "ERROR: Bad syntax specifying the part number. Use 'p' + part number\n"
" For example -omit_blocks p1:1:2:3,p2:2:3:4\n");
if (require_ids && part_block.size() == 1) {
fmt::print(stderr, "ERROR: No block ids were found following the part specification.\n"
" for part {}\n", part_block[0]);
// Extract the part number...
std::string part(part_block[0],1);
int part_num = std::stoi(part) - 1;
// If no blocks specified for a part, then omit all entities for
// this part. Since don't know how many entities there are,
// store the id as '0' to signify all.
if (part_block.size() == 1) {
} else {
// Get the list of blocks to omit for this part...
std::vector<std::string>::iterator J = part_block.begin(); ++J; // Skip p#
while (J != part_block.end()) {
std::string block = *J;
std::string name = basename + '_'+ block;
} // namespace