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2 years ago
C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
c$$$ program test
c$$$ parameter (n=20)
c$$$ dimension a(n)
c$$$ integer indx(n)
c$$$ integer*4 seed
c$$$ seed=0
c$$$ call srand(time())
c$$$ do i=1, n
c$$$ a(i) = rand(seed)
c$$$ end do
c$$$ do i=1,n
c$$$ write (*,*) a(i)
c$$$ end do
c$$$ write (*,*) '-------'
c$$$ call indexx(a, indx, n, .true.)
c$$$ do i=1,n
c$$$ write (*,*) i, indx(i), a(indx(i))
c$$$ end do
c$$$ end
C SUBROUTINE INDEXN: Indexes an array ARRAY, that is
C it outputs an array INDX such that ARRAY(INDX(J)) is in
C ascending order for J=1,2,...,N. The input quantities N and
C ARRAY are not changed.
C ARRAY (NROW, *) - Array to be sorted, sorted on row IROW
C NROW - Row dimension of ARRAY
C IROW - Row of ARRAY to be sorted
C INDX (modified) - Sorted order of ARRAY
C N - Number of elements in ARRAY
C INIT - .FALSE. if INDX already setup
C .TRUE. if INDX must be initialized
subroutine indexn (a, nrow, irow, indx, n, init)
dimension a(nrow, *)
integer indx(0:*)
integer n
logical init
integer start, bottom
integer temp
if (init) then
do i=1, n
indx(i-1) = i
end do
end if
do start = (n-2)/2, 0, -1
call siftdownn(a, nrow, irow, indx, start, n)
end do
do bottom = n-1, 1, -1
temp = indx(0)
indx(0) = indx(bottom)
indx(bottom) = temp
call siftdownn(a, nrow, irow, indx, 0, bottom)
end do
subroutine siftdownn(a, nrow, irow, indx, start, bottom)
real a(nrow,*)
integer indx(0:*)
integer start, bottom
integer child, root
integer temp
root = start
do while(root*2 + 1 .lt. bottom)
child = root * 2 + 1
if (child + 1 .lt. bottom) then
if ((a(irow, indx(child)) .lt. a(irow, indx(child+1)))) then
child = child + 1
end if
end if
if (a(irow, indx(root)) .lt. a(irow, indx(child))) then
temp = indx(child)
indx(child) = indx(root)
indx(root) = temp
root = child
end if
end do