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230 lines
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2 years ago
// Copyright(C) 1999-2021, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#include "smart_assert.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
void break_into_debugger() { std::cerr << "Not Implemented.\n"; }
namespace {
// in case we're logging using the default logger...
struct stream_holder
stream_holder() = default;
if (owns_) {
delete out_;
out_ = nullptr;
std::ostream *out_{nullptr};
bool owns_{false};
// information about the stream we write to, in case
// we're using the default logger
stream_holder default_logger_info;
// initializes the SMART_ASSERT library
[[maybe_unused]] struct assert_initializer
assert_initializer() { Private::init_assert(); }
} init;
} // anonymous namespace
namespace smart_assert {
// returns a message corresponding to the type of level
std::string get_typeof_level(int nLevel)
switch (nLevel) {
case lvl_warn: return "Warning";
case lvl_debug: return "Assertion failed";
case lvl_error: return "Assertion failed (Error)";
case lvl_fatal: return "Assertion failed (FATAL)";
default: {
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Assertion failed (level=" << nLevel << ")";
return out.str();
// helpers, for dumping the assertion context
void dump_context_summary(const assert_context &context, std::ostream &out)
out << "\n"
<< get_typeof_level(context.get_level()) << " in " << context.get_context_file() << ":"
<< context.get_context_line() << '\n';
if (!context.get_level_msg().empty()) {
// we have a user-friendly message
out << context.get_level_msg();
else {
out << "\nExpression: " << context.get_expr();
out << '\n';
void dump_context_detail(const assert_context &context, std::ostream &out)
out << "\n"
<< get_typeof_level(context.get_level()) << " in " << context.get_context_file() << ":"
<< context.get_context_line() << '\n';
if (!context.get_level_msg().empty()) {
out << "User-friendly msg: '" << context.get_level_msg() << "'\n";
out << "\nExpression: '" << context.get_expr() << "'\n";
typedef assert_context::vals_array ac_vals_array;
const ac_vals_array &aVals = context.get_vals_array();
if (!aVals.empty()) {
bool bFirstTime = true;
ac_vals_array::const_iterator first = aVals.begin(), last = aVals.end();
while (first != last) {
if (bFirstTime) {
out << "Values: ";
bFirstTime = false;
else {
out << " ";
out << first->second << "='" << first->first << "'\n";
out << '\n';
// logger
void default_logger(const assert_context &context)
if (default_logger_info.out_ == nullptr) {
dump_context_detail(context, *(default_logger_info.out_));
// handlers
// warn : just dump summary to console
void default_warn_handler(const assert_context &context)
dump_context_summary(context, std::cout);
// debug: ask user what to do
void default_debug_handler(const assert_context &context)
#if 1
dump_context_detail(context, std::cerr);
static bool ignore_all = false;
if (ignore_all)
// ignore All asserts
typedef std::pair<std::string, int> file_and_line;
static std::set<file_and_line> ignorer;
if (ignorer.find(file_and_line(context.get_context_file(), context.get_context_line())) !=
// this is Ignored Forever
dump_context_summary(context, std::cerr);
std::cerr << "\nPress (I)gnore/ Ignore (F)orever/ Ignore (A)ll/ (D)ebug/ A(b)ort: ";
char ch = 0;
bool bContinue = true;
while (bContinue && std::cin.get(ch)) {
bContinue = false;
switch (ch) {
case 'i':
case 'I':
// ignore
case 'f':
case 'F':
// ignore forever
ignorer.insert(file_and_line(context.get_context_file(), context.get_context_line()));
case 'a':
case 'A':
// ignore all
ignore_all = true;
case 'd':
case 'D':
// break
case 'b':
case 'B': abort(); break;
default: bContinue = true; break;
// error : throw a runtime exception
void default_error_handler(const assert_context &context)
std::ostringstream out;
dump_context_summary(context, out);
throw std::runtime_error(out.str());
// fatal : dump error and abort
void default_fatal_handler(const assert_context &context)
dump_context_detail(context, std::cerr);
} // namespace smart_assert
namespace Private {
void init_assert()
Assert::set_handler(lvl_warn, &::smart_assert::default_warn_handler);
Assert::set_handler(lvl_debug, &::smart_assert::default_debug_handler);
Assert::set_handler(lvl_error, &::smart_assert::default_error_handler);
Assert::set_handler(lvl_fatal, &::smart_assert::default_fatal_handler);
// sets the default logger to write to this stream
void set_default_log_stream(std::ostream &out)
default_logger_info.out_ = &out;
default_logger_info.owns_ = false;
// sets the default logger to write to this file
void set_default_log_name(const char *str)
default_logger_info.owns_ = false;
default_logger_info.out_ = new std::ofstream(str);
default_logger_info.owns_ = true;
} // namespace Private