#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Byte array / string / unicode support across Python 2 & 3 # # Note that the str class in Python 2 is an ASCII string (byte) array and in # Python 3 it is a Unicode object. For Python 3 code that is backward compatible # with Python 2, we sometimes need version-specific conversion functions to give # us the data type we desire. These functions are: # # b(x) return a byte array of str x, much like b'<string const>' in # Python 3 # s(x) return a version-specific str object equivalent to x # import sys if sys.version_info < (3,): # Python 2 def b(x): return x def s(x): return x else: # Python 3 import codecs def b(x): return codecs.latin_1_encode(x)[0] def s(x): try: return x.decode("utf-8") except AttributeError: return x # # Pieces of the --help documentation # distRepoStatusLegend = r"""Legend: * ID: Repository ID, zero based (order git commands are run) * Repo Dir: Relative to base repo (base repo shown first with '(Base)') * Branch: Current branch (or detached HEAD) * Tracking Branch: Tracking branch (or empty if no tracking branch exists) * C: Number local commits w.r.t. tracking branch (empty if zero or no TB) * M: Number of tracked modified (uncommitted) files (empty if zero) * ?: Number of untracked, non-ignored files (empty if zero) """ helpTopics = [ 'overview', 'repo-selection-and-setup', 'dist-repo-status', 'repo-versions', 'dist-repo-versions-table', 'aliases', 'default-branch', 'move-to-base-dir', 'usage-tips', 'script-dependencies', ] def getHelpTopicsStr(): helpTopicStr = "" for helpTopic in helpTopics: helpTopicStr += "* '" + helpTopic + "'\n" return helpTopicStr # Look up help help string given keys from helpTopics array. helpTopicDefaultIdx = 0; helpTopicsDict = {} helpUsageHeader = r"""gitdist [gitdist arguments] <raw-git-command> [git arguments] gitdist [gitdist arguments] dist-repo-status gitdist [gitdist arguments] dist-repo-versions-table Run git over a set of git repos in a multi-repository git project (see --dist-help=overview --help). This script also includes other tools like printing a compact repo status table (see --dist-help=dist-repo-status) and tracking compatible versions through multi-repository SHA1 version files (see --dist-help=repo-versions). The options in [gitdist options] are prefixed with '--dist-' and are pulled out before running 'git <raw-git-command> [git arguments]' in each local git repo that is processed (see --dist-help=repo-selection-and-setup). """ overviewHelp = r""" OVERVIEW: Running: $ gitdist [gitdist options] <raw-git-command> [git arguments] will distribute git commands specified by '<raw-git-command> [git arguments]' across the current base git repo and the set of git repos listed in the file ./.gitdist (or the file ./.gitdist.default, or the argument --dist-repos=<repo0>,<repo1>,..., see --dist-help=repo-selection-and-setup). For example, consider the following base git repo 'BaseRepo' with three other "extra" git repos cloned under it: BaseRepo/ .git/ .gitdist ExtraRepo1/ .git/ ExtraRepo2/ .git/ ExtraRepo3/ .git/ The file .gitdist shown above is created by the user and in this example should have the contents (note the base repo entry '.'): . ExtraRepo1 ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 ExtraRepo3 For this example, running the command: $ cd BaseRepo/ $ gitdist status results in the following commands: $ git status $ cd ExtraRepo1/ ; git status ; .. $ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/ ; git status ; ../.. $ cd ExtraRepo3/ ; git status ; .. which produces output like: *** Base Git Repo: BaseRepo On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean *** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1 On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean *** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean *** Git Repo: ExtraRepo3 On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working directory clean The gitdist tool allows managing a set of git repos like one big integrated git repo. For example, after cloning a set of git repos, one can perform basic operations like for single git repos such as creating a new release branch and pushing it with: $ gitdist checkout master $ gitdist pull $ gitdist tag -a -m "Start of the 2.3 release" release-2.3-start $ gitdist checkout -b release-2.3 release-2.3-start $ gitdist push origin release-2.3-start $ gitdist push origin -u release 2.3 $ gitdist checkout master The above gitdist commands create the same tag 'release-2.3-start' and the same branch 'release-2.3' in all of the local git repos and pushes these to the remote 'origin' for each git repo. For more information about a certain topic, use '--dist-help=<topic-name> [--help]' for <topic-name>: """+getHelpTopicsStr()+r""" To see full help with all topics, use '--dist-help=all [--help]'. This script is self-contained and has no dependencies other than standard python 2.6+ packages so it can be copied to anywhere and used. """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'overview' : overviewHelp } ) repoSelectionAndSetupHelp = r""" REPO SELECTION AND SETUP: Before using the gitdist tool, one must first add the gitdist script to one's default path. On bash, the simplest way to do this is to source the gitdist-setup.py script: $ source <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/gitdist-setup.sh This will set an alias to the gitdist script in that same directory by default, will set up useful alias 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod', and 'gitdist-mod-status', and 'gitdist-repo-versions', and will set up command-line completion just like for raw git (assuming that git-completion.bash has been sourced first). The files 'gitdist' and 'gitdist-setup.sh' can also be copied to another directory (e.g. ~/bin) and then 'gitdist-setup.sh' can be sourced from there (as a simple "install"): $ cp <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/gitdist \ <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/gitdist-setup.sh \ ~/bin/ $ source ~/bin/gitdist-setup.sh $ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH This script can also be set up manually, for example, by copying the gitdist script to one's ~/bin/ directory: $ cp <some-base-dir>/TriBITS/tribits/python_utils/gitdist ~/bin/ $ chmod a+x ~/bin/gitdist and then adding $HOME/bin to one's 'PATH' env var with: $ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH (i.e. in one's ~/.bash_profile file). Then, one will want to set up some useful shell aliases like 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod', and 'gitdist-mod-status' and 'gitdist-repo-versions' (see --dist-help=aliases). The set of git repos processed by gitdist is determined by the argument: --dist-repos=<repo0>,<repo1>,... or the files .gitdist or .gitdist.default. If --dist-repos="", then the list of repos to process will be read from the file '.gitdist' in the current directory. If the file '.gitdist' does not exist, then the list of repos to process will be read from the file '.gitdist.default' in the current directory. The format of this files '.gitdist' and '.gitdist.default' is to have one repo relative directory per line, for example: $ cat .gitdist . ExtraRepo1 ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 ExtraRepo3 where each line is the relative path under the base git repo (i.e. under 'BaseRepo/'). The file .gitdist.default is meant to be committed to the base git repo (i.e. 'BaseRepo') so that gitdist is ready to use right away after the base repo and the extra repos are cloned. If an extra repository directory (i.e. listed in --dist-repos=<repo0>,<repo1>,..., .gitdist, or .gitdist.default) does not exist, then it will be ignored by the script. Therefore, be careful to manually verify that the script recognizes the repositories that you list. The best way to do that is to run 'gitdist-status' and see which repos are listed. Certain git repos can also be selectively excluded using the option '--dist-not-repos=<repox>,<repoy>,...'. Setting up to use gitdist on a specific set of local git repos first requires cloning and organizing the local git repo. For the example listed here, one would clone the base repo 'BaseRepo' and the three extra git repos, set up a .gitdist file, and then add ignores for the extra cloned repos like: # A) Clone and organize the git repos $ git clone git@some.url:BaseRepo.git $ cd BaseRepo/ $ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo1.git $ cd ExtraRepo1/ $ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo2.git $ cd .. $ git clone git@some.url:ExtraRepo3.git # B) Create .gitdist $ echo . > .gitdist $ echo ExtraRepo1 >> .gitdist $ echo ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 >> .gitdist $ echo ExtraRepo3 >> .gitdist # C) Add ignores in base repo $ echo /ExtraRepo1/ >> .git/info/exclude $ echo /ExtraRepo3/ >> .git/info/exclude # D) Add ignore in nested extra repo $ echo /ExtraRepo2/ >> ExtraRepo1/.git/info/exclude (Note that one may instead add the above ignores to the version-controlled files BaseRepo/.gitignore and ExtraRepo1/.gitignore.) This produces the local repo structure: BaseRepo/ .git/ .gitdist ExtraRepo1/ .git/ ExtraRepo2/ .git/ ExtraRepo3/ .git/ After this setup, running: $ gitdist <raw-git-command> [git arguments] in the 'BaseRepo/ 'directory will automatically distribute a given command across the base repo 'BaseRepo/ and the extra repos ExtraRepo1/, ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/, and ExtraRepo3/, in that order. To simplify the setup for the usage of gitdist for a given set of local git repos, one may choose to instead create the file .gitdist.default in the base repo (i.e. `BaseRepo/`') and add the ignores for the extra repos to the .gitignore files and commit the files to the repo(s). That way, one does not have to manually do any extra setup for every new set of local clones of the repos. But if the file .gitdist is present, then it will override the file .gitdist.default as described above (which allows customization of what git repos are processed at any time). """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'repo-selection-and-setup' : repoSelectionAndSetupHelp } ) distRepoStatusHelp = r""" SUMMARY OF REPO STATUS: The script gitdist also supports the special command 'dist-repo-status' which prints a compact table showing the current status of all the repos (see alias 'gitdist-status' in --dist-help=aliases). For the example set of repos shown in OVERVIEW (see --dist-help=overview), running: $ gitdist dist-repo-status # alias 'gitdist-status' outputs a table like: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ID | Repo Dir | Branch | Tracking Branch | C | M | ? | |----|-----------------------|--------|-----------------|---|----|---| | 0 | BaseRepo (Base) | dummy | | | | | | 1 | ExtraRepo1 | master | origin/master | 1 | 2 | | | 2 | ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 | HEAD | | | 25 | 4 | | 3 | ExtraRepo3 | master | origin/master | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If the option --dist-legend is also passed in, the output will include: """+distRepoStatusLegend+\ r""" One can also show the status of only changed repos with the command: $ gitdist dist-repo-status --dist-mod-only # alias 'gitdist-mod-status' which produces a table like: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ID | Repo Dir | Branch | Tracking Branch | C | M | ? | |----|-----------------------|--------|-----------------|---|----|---| | 1 | ExtraRepo1 | master | origin/master | 1 | 2 | | | 2 | ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 | HEAD | | | 25 | 4 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (see the alias 'gitdist-mod-status' in --dist-help=aliases). Note that rows for the repos BaseRepo and ExtraRepo2 were left out but the repo indexes for the remaining repos are preserved. This allows one to compactly show the status of the changed local repos even when there are many local git repos by filtering out rows for repos that have no changes w.r.t. their tracking branches. This allows one to get the status on a few repos with changes out of a large number of local repos (i.e. 10s and even 100s of local git repos). """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'dist-repo-status' : distRepoStatusHelp } ) repoVersionFilesHelp = r""" REPO VERSION FILES: The script gitdist also supports the options --dist-version-file=<versionFile> and --dist-version-file2=<versionFile2> which are used to provide different SHA1 versions for each local git repo. Each of these version files is expected to represent a compatible set of versions of the repos (e.g. in the same style as .gitmodule files used by the 'git submodule' command). The format of these repo version files is shown in the following example: *** Base Git Repo: BaseRepo e102e27 [Mon Sep 23 11:34:59 2013 -0400] <author0@someurl.com> First summary message *** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1 b894b9c [Fri Aug 30 09:55:07 2013 -0400] <author1@someurl.com> Second summary message *** Git Repo: ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2 97cf1ac [Thu Dec 1 23:34:06 2011 -0500] <author2@someurl.com> Third summary message *** Git Repo: ExtraRepo3 6facf33 [Fri May 6 15:28:35 2013 -0400] <author3@someurl.com> Fourth summary message Each repository entry can have a summary message or not (i.e. use two or three lines per repo in the file). A compatible repo version file can be generated with this script listing three lines per repo (e.g. as shown above) using (for example): $ gitdist --dist-no-color log -1 --pretty=format:"%h [%ad] <%ae>%n%s" \ | grep -v "^$" &> RepoVersion.txt (which is defined as the alias 'gitdist-repo-versions' in the file 'gitdist-setup.sh') or two lines per repo using (for example): $ gitdist --dist-no-color log -1 --pretty=format:"%h [%ad] <%ae>" \ | grep -v "^$" &> RepoVersion.txt This allows checking out consistent versions of the set git repos, diffing two consistent versions of the set of git repos, etc. To checkout an older set of consistent versions of the set of repos represented by the set of versions given in a file RepoVersion.<date>.txt, use: $ gitdist fetch origin $ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt checkout _VERSION_ The string '_VERSION_' is replaced with the SHA1 for each of the repos listed in the file 'RepoVersion.<date>.txt'. (NOTE: this puts the repos into a detached head state so one has to know what that means.) To tag a set of repos using a consistent set of versions, use (for example): $ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt \ tag -a -m "<message>" <some_tag> _VERSION_ To create a branch off of a consistent set of versions, use (for example): $ gitdist --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<date>.txt \ checkout -b some-branch _VERSION_ To diff two sets of versions of the repos, use (for example): $ gitdist \ --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.<new-date>.txt \ --dist-version-file2=RepoVersion.<old-date>.txt \ diff _VERSION_ ^_VERSION2_ Here, _VERSION_ is replaced by the SHA1s listed in the file 'RepoVersion.<new-date>.txt' and _VERSION2_ is replaced by the SHA1s listed in 'RepoVersion.<old-date>.txt'. One can construct any git command taking one or two different repo version arguments (SHA1s) using this approach (which covers a huge number of different git operations). Note that the set of git repos listed in the 'RepoVersion.txt' file must be a super-set of those processed by this script or an error will occur and the script will abort (before running any git commands). If there are additional repos RepoX, RepoY, etc. not listed in the 'RepVersion'.txt file, then one can exclude them with: $ gitdist --dist-not-repos=RepoX,RepoY,... \ --dist-version-file=RepoVersion.txt \ <raw-git-comand> [git arguments] """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'repo-versions' : repoVersionFilesHelp } ) distRepoVersionsTableHelp = r""" REPO VERSION TABLE: The script gitdist also supports the special command 'dist-repo-versions-table', which prints a Markdown-formatted table of repositories and corresponding commit information for easy inclusion in an issue tracking system. For instance, running: $ gitdist dist-repo-versions-table outputs a table like: | Repository | SHA1 | Commit Date | Author | Summary | |:-------------- |:-------:|:------------------- |:---------------------- |:---------------------------------------------- | | MockProjectDir | e2dc488 | 2019-10-23 10:16:07 | user@domain.com | Merge Pull Request #1234 from user/repo/branch | | ExtraRepo1 | f671414 | 2019-10-22 11:18:47 | wile.e.coyote@acme.com | Fixed a Bug | | ExtraRepo2 | 50bbf3e | 2019-10-17 16:32:15 | someone@somewhere.com | Did Some Work | If the option --dist-short is also passed in, the output will be limited to: | Repository | SHA1 | |:-------------- |:-------:| | MockProjectDir | e2dc488 | | ExtraRepo1 | f671414 | | ExtraRepo2 | 50bbf3e | """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'dist-repo-versions-table' : distRepoVersionsTableHelp } ) usefulAliasesHelp =r""" USEFUL ALIASES: A few very useful (bash) shell aliases and setup commands to use with gitdist include: $ alias gitdist-status="gitdist dist-repo-status" $ alias gitdist-mod="gitdist --dist-mod-only" $ alias gitdist-mod-status="gitdist dist-repo-status --dist-mod-only" $ alias gitdist-repo-versions="gitdist --dist-no-color log -1 \ --pretty=format:\"%h [%ad] <%ae>%n%s\" | grep -v \"^$\"" These are added by sourcing the provided file 'gitdist-setup.sh' (which should be sourced in your ~/.bash_profile file.) which also adds some useful commandline tab completions. This avoids lots of extra typing as these gitdist arguments are used a lot. For example, to see the compact status table of all your local git repos, do: $ gitdist-status To just see a compact status table of only changed repos, do: $ gitdist-mod-status To process only repos that have changes and see commits in these repos w.r.t. their tracking branches, do (for example): $ gitdist-mod log --name-status HEAD ^@{u} or $ gitdist-mod local-stat (where 'local-stat' is a useful git alias defined in the script 'git-config-alias.sh' which adds these to your ~/.gitconf file). """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'aliases' : usefulAliasesHelp } ) defaultBranchHelp = r""" DEFAULT BRANCH SPECIFICATION: When using any git command that accepts a reference (a SHA1, or branch or tag name), it is possible to use _DEFAULT_BRANCH_ instead. For instance, gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_ will check out the default development branch in each repository being managed by gitdist. You can specify the default branch for each repository in your .gitdist[.default] file. For instance, if your .gitdist file contains . master extraRepo1 develop extraRepo2 app-devel then the command above would check out 'master' in the base repo, 'develop' in extraRepo1, and 'app-devel' in extraRepo2. This makes it convenient when working with multiple repositories that have different names for their main development branches. For instance, you can do a topic branch workflow like: gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_ gitdist pull gitdist checkout -b newFeatureBranch <create some commits> gitdist fetch gitdist merge origin/_DEFAULT_BRANCH_ <create some commits> gitdist checkout _DEFAULT_BRANCH_ gitdist pull gitdist merge newFeatureBranch and not worry about this 'newFeatureBranch' being off of 'master' in the root repo, off of 'develop' in extraRepo1, and off of 'app-devel' in extraRepo2. If no branch name is specified for any given repository in the .gitdist[.default] file, then 'master' is assumed. """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'default-branch' : defaultBranchHelp } ) moveToBaseDirHelp = r""" MOVE TO BASE DIRECTORY: By default, when you run gitdist, it will look in your current working directory for a .gitdist[.default] file. If it fails to find one, it will treat the current directory as the base git repository (as if there was a .gitdist file in it, having a single line with only "." in it) and then run as usual. You have the ability to change this behavior by setting the GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR environment variable. To describe the behavior for the differ net options, consider the following set of nested git repositories and directories: BaseRepo/ .git .gitdist ... ExtraRepo/ .git .gitdist ... path/ ... to/ ... some/ ... directory/ ... The valid settings for GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR include: "" (Empty) This gives the default behavior where gitdist runs in the current working directory. IMMEDIATE_BASE In this case, gitdist will start moving up the directory tree until it finds a .gitdist[.default] file, and then run in the directory where it finds it. In the above example, if you are in BaseRepo/ExtraRepo/path/to/some/directory/ when you run gitdist, it will move up to ExtraRepo to execute the command you give it from there. EXTREME_BASE: In this case, gitdist will continue moving up the directory tree until it finds the outer-most repository containing a .gitdist[.default] file, and then run in that directory. Given the directory tree above, if you were in BaseRepo/ExtraRepo/path/to/some/directory, it will move up to BaseRepo to execute the command you give it. With either of the settings above, when gitdist is finished running, it will leave you in the same directory you were in when you executed command in the first place. Additionally, if no .gitdist[.default] file can be found, gitdist will execute the command you give it in your current working directory, as if GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR hadn't been set. """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'move-to-base-dir' : moveToBaseDirHelp } ) usageTipsHelp = r""" USAGE TIPS: Since gitdist allows treating a set of git repos as one big git repo, almost any git workflow that is used for a single git repo can be used for a set of repos using gitdist. The main difference is that one will typically need to create commits individually for each repo. Also, pulls and pushes are no longer atomic like is guaranteed for a single git repo. In general, the mapping between the commands for a single-repo git workflow using raw git vs. a multi-repo git workflow using gitdist (using the shell aliases 'gitdist-status', 'gitdist-mod-status', and 'gitdist-mod'; see --dist-help=aliases) is given by: git pull => gitdist pull git checkout -b <branch> [<ref>] => gitdist checkout -b <branch> [<ref>] git checkout <branch> => gitdist checkout <branch> git tag -a -m "<message>" <tag> => gitdist tag -a -m "<message>" <tag> git status => gitdist-mod status # status details => gitdist-status # table for all => gitdist-mod-status # table for mod. git commit => gitdist-mod commit git log HEAD ^@{u} => gitdist-mod log HEAD ^@{u} git push => gitdist-mod push git push [-u] <remote> <branch> => gitdist push [-u] <remote> <branch> git push <remote> <tag> => gitdist push <remote> <tag> NOTE: The usage of 'gitdist-mod' can be replaced with just 'gitdist' in all of the above commands. It is just that in these cases gitdist-mod produces more compact output and avoids do-nothing commands for repos that have no changes with respect to their tracking branch. But when it doubt, just use raw 'gitdist' if you are not sure. A typical development iteration of the centralized workflow using using multiple git repos looks like the following: 1) Update the local branches from the remote tracking branches: $ cd BaseRepo/ $ gitdist pull 2) Make local modifications for each repo: $ emacs <base-files> $ cd ExtraRepo1/ $ emacs <files-in-extra-repo1> $ cd .. $ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/ $ emacs <files-in-extra-repo2> $ cd ../.. $ cd ExtraRepo3/ $ emacs <files-in-extra-repo3> $ cd .. 3) Build and test local modifications: $ cd BUILD/ $ make -j16 $ make test # hopefully all pass! $ cd .. 4) View the modifications before committing: $ gitdist-mod-status # Produces a summary table $ gitdist-mod status # See status details 5) Make commits to each repo: $ gitdist-mod commit -a # Opens editor for each repo in order or use the same commit message for all repos: $ emacs commitmsg.txt $ echo /commitmsg.txt >> .git/info/exclude $ gitdist-mod commit -a -F $PWD/commitmsg.txt or manually create the commits in each repo separately with raw git: $ cd BaseRepo/ $ git commit -a $ cd ExtraRepo1/ $ git commit -a $ cd .. $ cd ExtraRepo1/ExtraRepo2/ $ git commit -a $ cd ../.. $ cd ExtraRepo3/ $ git commit -a $ cd .. 6) Examine the local commits that are about to be pushed: $ gitdist-mod-status # Should be no unmodified or untracked files! $ gitdist-mod log --name-status HEAD ^@{u} # or ... $ gitdist-mod local-stat # alias defined in 'git-config-alias.sh' 7) Rebase and push local commits to remote tracking branch: $ gitdist pull --rebase $ gitdist-mod push $ gitdist-mod-status # Make sure all the pushes occurred! Another example workflow is creating a new release branch as shown in the OVERVIEW section (--dist-help=overview). Other usage tips: - 'gitdist --help' will run gitdist help, not git help. If you want raw git help, then run 'git --help'. - Be sure to run 'gitdist-status' to make sure that each repo is on the correct local branch and is tracking the correct remote branch. - In general, for most workflows, one should use the same local branch name, remote repo name, and remote tracking branch name in each local git repo. That allows commands like 'gitdist checkout --track <remote>/<branch>' and 'gitdist checkout <branch>' to work correctly. - For many git commands, it is better to process only repos that are changed w.r.t. their tracking branch with 'gitdist-mod <raw-git-command> [git arguments]'. For example, to see the status of only changed repos use 'gitdist-mod status'. This allows the usage of gitdist to scale well when there are even 100s of git repos. - As an exception to the last item, a few different types of git commands tend to be run on all the git repos like 'gitdist pull', 'gitdist checkout', and 'gitdist tag'. - If one is not sure whether to run 'gitdist' or 'gitdist-mod', then just run 'gitdist' to be safe. """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'usage-tips' : usageTipsHelp } ) scriptDependenciesHelp = r""" SCRIPT DEPENDENCIES: The Python script gitdist only depends on the Python 2.6+ standard modules 'sys', 'os', 'subprocess', and 're'. Also, of course, it requires some compatible version of 'git' in your path (but gitdist works with several versions of git starting as far back as git 1.6+). """ helpTopicsDict.update( { 'script-dependencies' : scriptDependenciesHelp } ) # # Functions to help Format a table # # Shrink a string to a given width by inserting an ellipsis (...) in the # middle. def shrinkString(string, width): if len(string) > width: start = int(width//2) - 1 stop = width - start - 3 return string[:start] + "..." + string[-stop:] else: return string # Fill in a field def getTableField(field, width, just): if just == "R": return field.rjust(width) return field.ljust(width) # Format an ASCII/UTF-8 table from a set of fields. # # The format is of tableData input is: # # [ { "label":"<label0>:, "align":"<align0>, "fields":[<fld00>, ... ]}, # { "label":"<label1>:, "align":"<align1>, "fields":[<fld10>, ... ]}, # ... # ] # # The "align" field is either "R" for right, or "L" for left. # def createTable(tableData, utf8=False): # Table size numFields = len(tableData) numRows = len(tableData[0]["fields"]) # a) Get the max field width for each column. tableFieldWidth = [] for fieldDict in tableData: label = fieldDict["label"] maxFieldWidth = len(label) if len(fieldDict["fields"]) != numRows: raise Exception("Error: column '"+label+"' numfields = " + \ str(len(fieldDict["fields"])) + " != numRows = "+str(numRows)+"\n" ) for field in fieldDict["fields"]: fieldWidth = len(field) if fieldWidth > maxFieldWidth: maxFieldWidth = fieldWidth tableFieldWidth.append(maxFieldWidth) # b) Shrink the dist-repo-status table to fit in the terminal if needed. shrink = True for fieldDict in tableData: label = fieldDict["label"] if (label != "ID" and label != "Repo Dir" and label != "Branch" and label != "Tracking Branch" and label != "C" and label != "M" and label != "?"): shrink = False if shrink: try: mockSttySize = os.environ.get("GITDIST_UNIT_TEST_STTY_SIZE") if mockSttySize: sttySize = mockSttySize else: sttySize = os.popen("stty size", "r").read() rows, columns = sttySize.split() except: shrink = False if shrink: terminalWidth = int(columns) numDividers = len(tableData) + 1 numSpaces = 2 * len(tableData) fullTableWidth = sum(tableFieldWidth) + numDividers + numSpaces if fullTableWidth > terminalWidth: widthToShrink = sum(tableFieldWidth[1:4]) availableWidth = (terminalWidth - tableFieldWidth[0] - sum(tableFieldWidth[4:]) - numDividers - numSpaces) newWidth = {} remainingWidth = availableWidth for i in range(1, 3): ratio = float(tableFieldWidth[i]) / widthToShrink newWidth[i] = int((ratio*availableWidth) // 1) remainingWidth = remainingWidth - newWidth[i] newWidth[3] = remainingWidth for i in range(1, 4): if newWidth[i] < len(tableData[i]["label"]): shrink = False break if shrink: for i in range(1, 4): tableFieldWidth[i] = newWidth[i] for j, field in enumerate(tableData[i]["fields"]): tableData[i]["fields"][j] = shrinkString(field, tableFieldWidth[i]) fullTableWidth = terminalWidth # c) Write the header of the table (always left-align the column labels). table = "┌" if utf8 else "-" for index, width in enumerate(tableFieldWidth): table += (("─" if utf8 else "-")*(width+2)) if index != len(tableFieldWidth)-1: table += "┬" if utf8 else "-" else: table += "┐" if utf8 else "-" table += "\n"+("│" if utf8 else "|") fieldIdx = 0 for fieldDict in tableData: table += " " table += getTableField(fieldDict["label"], tableFieldWidth[fieldIdx], "L") table += " "+("│" if utf8 else "|") fieldIdx += 1 table += "\n"+("┝" if utf8 else "|") for field_i in range(numFields): table += (("━" if utf8 else "-")*(tableFieldWidth[field_i]+2)) if field_i != numFields-1: table += "┿" if utf8 else "|" else: table += "┥" if utf8 else "|" table += "\n" # d) Write each row of the table for row_i in range(numRows): table += "│" if utf8 else "|" field_i = 0 for fieldDict in tableData: table += " "+getTableField(fieldDict["fields"][row_i], tableFieldWidth[field_i], fieldDict["align"] )+" " table += "│" if utf8 else "|" field_i += 1 table += "\n" table += "└" if utf8 else "-" for index, width in enumerate(tableFieldWidth): table += (("─" if utf8 else "-")*(width+2)) if index != len(tableFieldWidth)-1: table += "┴" if utf8 else "-" else: table += "┘" if utf8 else "-" table += "\n" return table # Format a Markdown table from a set of fields. # # The format of the tableData input is: # # [ { "label":"<label0>:, "align":"<align0>, "fields":[<fld00>, ... ]}, # { "label":"<label1>:, "align":"<align1>, "fields":[<fld10>, ... ]}, # ... # ] # # The "align" field is either "R" for right, "C" for center, or "L" for left. # def createMarkdownTable(tableData): # Table size numFields = len(tableData) numRows = len(tableData[0]["fields"]) # a) Get the max field width for each column. tableFieldWidth = [] for fieldDict in tableData: label = fieldDict["label"] maxFieldWidth = len(label) if len(fieldDict["fields"]) != numRows: raise Exception("Error: column '"+label+"' numfields = " + \ str(len(fieldDict["fields"])) + " != numRows = "+str(numRows)+"\n" ) for field in fieldDict["fields"]: fieldWidth = len(field) if fieldWidth > maxFieldWidth: maxFieldWidth = fieldWidth tableFieldWidth.append(maxFieldWidth) # b) Write the header of the table. table = "|" fieldIdx = 0 for fieldDict in tableData: table += " " table += getTableField(fieldDict["label"], tableFieldWidth[fieldIdx], fieldDict["align"]) table += " |" fieldIdx += 1 table += "\n|" for i, fieldDict in enumerate(tableData): if ((fieldDict["align"] == "L") or (fieldDict["align"] == "C")): table += ":" else: table += " " table += "-"*tableFieldWidth[i] if ((fieldDict["align"] == "C") or (fieldDict["align"] == "R")): table += ":" else: table += " " table += "|" # c) Write each row of the table for row_i in range(numRows): table += "\n|" field_i = 0 for fieldDict in tableData: table += " "+getTableField(fieldDict["fields"][row_i], tableFieldWidth[field_i], fieldDict["align"] )+" |" field_i += 1 return table # # Helper functions for gitdist # import sys import os import subprocess import re from optparse import OptionParser def addOptionParserChoiceOption( optionName, optionDest, choiceOptions, defaultChoiceIndex, helpStr, optionParser ): """ Add a general choice option to a optparse.OptionParser object""" defaultOptionValue = choiceOptions[defaultChoiceIndex] optionParser.add_option( optionName, dest=optionDest, type="choice", choices=choiceOptions, default=defaultOptionValue, help='%s Choices = (\'%s\'). [default = \'%s\']' % (helpStr, '\', \''.join(choiceOptions), defaultOptionValue) ) def getDistHelpTopicStr(helpTopicVal): helpTopicStr = "" if helpTopicVal == "": return "" # Don't add any text elif helpTopicVal == "all": for helpTopic in helpTopics: helpTopicStr += helpTopicsDict.get(helpTopic) else: helpTopicHelpStr = helpTopicsDict.get(helpTopicVal, None) if helpTopicHelpStr: helpTopicStr += helpTopicHelpStr else: # Invalid help topic so return nonthing and help error handler deal! return "" return helpTopicStr def getUsageHelpStr(helpTopicArg): usageHelpStr = helpUsageHeader if helpTopicArg == "": # No help topic option so just use the standard help header None else: helpTopicArgArray = helpTopicArg.split("=") if len(helpTopicArgArray) == 1: # Option not formatted correctly, set let error handler get it." return "" (helpTopicArgName, helpTopicVal) = helpTopicArg.split("=") usageHelpStr += getDistHelpTopicStr(helpTopicVal) return usageHelpStr def filterWarningsGen(lines): for line in lines: if not line.startswith(s('warning')) and not line.startswith(s('error')): yield line # Filter warning and error lines from output def filterWarnings(lines): g = filterWarningsGen(lines) if g is not None: return list(g) return g # Get output from command def getCmndOutput(cmnd, rtnCode=False): child = subprocess.Popen(cmnd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) output = child.stdout.read() child.wait() if rtnCode: return (s(output), child.returncode) return s(output) # Run a command and synchronize the output def runCmnd(options, cmnd): if options.debug: print("*** Running command: %s" % cmnd) if options.noOpt: print(cmnd) else: subprocess.Popen(cmnd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr).communicate() print("") # Determine if a command exists: def commandExists(cmnd): whichCmnd = getCmndOutput("which "+cmnd).strip() if os.path.exists(whichCmnd): return True return False # Get the terminal colors txtbld=getCmndOutput(r"tput bold") # Bold txtblu=getCmndOutput(r"tput setaf 4") # Blue txtred=getCmndOutput(r"tput setaf 1") # Red txtrst=getCmndOutput(r"tput sgr0") # Text reset # Add color to the repo dirs printed out def addColorToRepoDir(useColor, strIn): if useColor: return txtbld+txtblu+strIn+txtrst return strIn # Add color to the error messages printed out def addColorToErrorMsg(useColor, strIn): if useColor: return txtred+strIn+txtrst return strIn # Get the paths to all the repos gitdist will work on, along with any optional # default branches. def parseGitdistFile(gitdistfile): reposFullList = [] defaultBranchDict = {} with open(gitdistfile, 'r') as file: for line in file: line = line.strip() if line == "": continue # ignore blank lines! entries = line.split() reposFullList.append(entries[0]) if len(entries) > 1: defaultBranchDict[entries[0]] = entries[1] else: defaultBranchDict[entries[0]] = "master" return (reposFullList, defaultBranchDict) # Get the commandline options def getCommandlineOps(): # # A) Define the native gitdist command-line arguments # distHelpArgName = "--dist-help" # Must match --dist-help before --help! helpArgName = "--help" withGitArgName = "--dist-use-git" reposArgName = "--dist-repos" notReposArgName = "--dist-not-repos" versionFileName = "--dist-version-file" versionFile2Name = "--dist-version-file2" noColorArgName = "--dist-no-color" debugArgName = "--dist-debug" noOptName = "--dist-no-opt" modifiedOnlyName = "--dist-mod-only" legendName = "--dist-legend" shortName = "--dist-short" nativeArgNames = [ distHelpArgName, helpArgName, withGitArgName, \ reposArgName, notReposArgName, \ versionFileName, versionFile2Name, noColorArgName, debugArgName, noOptName, \ modifiedOnlyName, legendName, shortName ] if sys.version_info > (3,): utf8Name = "--dist-utf8-output" nativeArgNames.append(utf8Name) distRepoStatus = "dist-repo-status" distRepoVersionTable = "dist-repo-versions-table" nativeCmndNames = [ distRepoStatus, distRepoVersionTable ] # Select a version of git (see above help documentation) defaultGit = "git" # Try system git if not commandExists(defaultGit): defaultGit = "" # Give up and make the user specify # # B) Pull the native commandline arguments out of the commandline # argv = sys.argv[1:] nativeArgs = [] nativeCmnds = [] otherArgs = [] helpTopicArg = "" for arg in argv: matchedNativeArg = False for nativeArgName in nativeArgNames: currentArgName = arg[0:len(nativeArgName)] if currentArgName == nativeArgName: nativeArgs.append(arg) matchedNativeArg = True if currentArgName == distHelpArgName: helpTopicArg = arg break matchedNativeCmnd = False for nativeCmndName in nativeCmndNames: if arg == nativeCmndName: nativeCmnds.append(nativeCmndName) matchedNativeCmnd = True break if not (matchedNativeArg or matchedNativeCmnd): otherArgs.append(arg) if len(nativeCmnds) == 0: nativeCmnd = None elif len(nativeCmnds) == 1: nativeCmnd = nativeCmnds[0] elif len(nativeCmnds) > 1: raise Exception("Error: Can't have more than one dist-xxx command "+\ " but was passed in "+str(nativeCmnds)) # # C) Set up the commandline parser and parse the native args # usageHelp = getUsageHelpStr(helpTopicArg) clp = OptionParser(usage=usageHelp) addOptionParserChoiceOption( distHelpArgName, "helpTopic", [""]+helpTopics+["all"], 0, "Print a gitdist help topic. Using" \ +" --dist-help=all prints all help topics. If" \ +" --help is also specified, then the help usage header and" \ +" command-line 'options' are also printed." , clp ) clp.add_option( withGitArgName, dest="useGit", type="string", default=defaultGit, help="Path to the git executable to use for each git repo command." +" By default, gitdist will use 'git' in the environment. If it can't find" +" 'git' in the environment, then it will require setting" +" --dist-use-git=<path-to-git>. (Typically only used in automated" +" testing.) (default='"+defaultGit+"')" ) clp.add_option( reposArgName, dest="repos", type="string", default="", help="Comma-separated list of repo relative paths '<repo0>,<repo1>,...'." +" The base repo is specified with '.' and should usually be listed first." +" If left empty '', then the list of repos to process is taken from" +" the file ./.gitdist (which lists the relative path of each git repo" +" separated by newlines). If the file" +" ./.gitdist does not exist, then the repos listed in the file" +" ./.gitdist.default are processed. If the file" +" the file ./.gitdist.default is missing, then no extra repos are" +" processed and it is assumed that the base repo will be processed." +" Also, any git repos listed that don't exist are ignored." +" See --dist-help=repo-selection-and-setup." +" (default='')" ) clp.add_option( notReposArgName, dest="notRepos", type="string", default="", help="Comma-separated list of extra repo relative paths" \ +" '<repoX>,<repoY>,...' to *not* process. (default='')" ) clp.add_option( modifiedOnlyName, dest="modifiedOnly", action="store_true", help="If set, then only git repos that have changes w.r.t." \ " their tracking branches will be processed. That is, only repos" \ " that have modified or untracked files or where" \ " 'git diff --name-only ^<tracking-branch>' returns non-empty output" \ " will be processed (where <tracking-branch> is returned" \ " from 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u})'." \ " If a local repo does not have a tracking branch, then the repo will" \ " be skipped as well. Therefore, be careful to first run 'gitdist-status'" \ " (see --dist-help=dist-repo-status) to see the" \ " status of each local git repo to know which repos don't have tracking branches.", default=False ) clp.add_option( legendName, dest="printLegend", action="store_true", help="If set, then a legend will be printed below the repo summary table"\ " for the special dist-repo-status command. Only applicable with" \ " dist-repo-status (see --dist-help=dist-repo-status).", default=False ) if sys.version_info > (3,): clp.add_option( utf8Name, dest="utf8", action="store_true", help="If set, use UTF-8 box drawing characters instead of ASCII ones" \ " when creating the repo summary table.", default=False ) clp.add_option( versionFileName, dest="versionFile", type="string", default="", help="Path to a file which contains a list of extra repo relative directories" +" and git versions (replaces _VERSION_)." \ +" (See --dist-help=repo-versions.) (default='')" ) clp.add_option( versionFile2Name, dest="versionFile2", type="string", default="", help="Path to a second file contains a list of extra repo relative" +" directories and git versions (replaces _VERSION2_)." +" (See --dist-help=repo-versions.) (default='')" ) clp.add_option( noColorArgName, dest="useColor", action="store_false", help="If set, don't use color in the output for gitdist (better for output to a file).", default=True ) clp.add_option( debugArgName, dest="debug", action="store_true", help="If set, then debugging info is printed.", default=False ) clp.add_option( noOptName, dest="noOpt", action="store_true", help="If set, then no git commands will be run but instead will just be printed.", default=False ) clp.add_option( shortName, dest="short", action="store_true", help="If set, then the repo versions table will only include the Repo " \ "Dir and SHA1 columns; Commit Date, Author, and Summary will be " \ "omitted.", default=False ) (options, args) = clp.parse_args(nativeArgs) debugFromEnv = os.environ.get("GITDIST_DEBUG_OVERRIDE") if debugFromEnv: options.debug = True # # D) Print --dist-topic=<topic-name>, check for valid usage # if options.helpTopic: print(getDistHelpTopicStr(options.helpTopic)) sys.exit(0) if not nativeCmnd and len(otherArgs) == 0: print(addColorToErrorMsg(options.useColor, "Must specify git command. See 'git --help' for " "options.")) sys.exit(1) if not options.useGit: print(addColorToErrorMsg(options.useColor, "Can't find git, please set --dist-use-git")) sys.exit(1) # # E) Change to top-level git directory (in case of nested git repos) # moveToBaseDir = os.environ.get("GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR") if (moveToBaseDir == None) or (moveToBaseDir == ""): # Run gitdist in the current directory None elif moveToBaseDir == "EXTREME_BASE": # Run gitdist in the most base dir where .gitdist[.default] exists drive, currentPath = os.path.splitdrive(os.getcwd()) pathList = [] while 1: currentPath, currentDir = os.path.split(currentPath) if currentDir != "": pathList.append(currentDir) else: if currentPath != "": pathList.append(currentPath) break pathList.reverse() newPath = drive+pathList[0] for directory in pathList: newPath = os.path.join(newPath, directory) if ((os.path.isfile(os.path.join(newPath, ".gitdist"))) or (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(newPath, ".gitdist.default")))): break os.chdir(newPath) elif moveToBaseDir == "IMMEDIATE_BASE": # Run gitdist in the immediate base dir where .gitdist[.default] exists currentPath = os.getcwd() foundIt = False while 1: if ((os.path.isfile(os.path.join(currentPath, ".gitdist"))) or (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(currentPath, ".gitdist.default")))): foundIt = True break currentPath, currentDir = os.path.split(currentPath) if currentDir == "": break if foundIt: os.chdir(currentPath) else: print( "Error, env var GITDIST_MOVE_TO_BASE_DIR='"+moveToBaseDir+"' is invalid!" + " Valid choices include empty '', IMMEDIATE_BASE, and EXTREME_BASE.") sys.exit(1) # # F) Get the list of extra repos # if options.repos: reposFullList = options.repos.split(",") defaultBranchDict = {} for repo in reposFullList: defaultBranchDict[repo] = "master" else: if os.path.exists(".gitdist"): gitdistfile = ".gitdist" elif os.path.exists(".gitdist.default"): gitdistfile = ".gitdist.default" else: gitdistfile = None if gitdistfile: (reposFullList, defaultBranchDict) = parseGitdistFile(gitdistfile) else: reposFullList = ["."] # The default is the base repo defaultBranchDict = {".": "master"} # Get list of not extra repos if options.notRepos: notReposFullList = options.notRepos.split(",") else: notReposFullList = [] # # G) Return # return (options, nativeCmnd, otherArgs, reposFullList, defaultBranchDict, notReposFullList) # Requote commandline arguments into an array def requoteCmndLineArgsIntoArray(inArgs): argsArray = [] for arg in inArgs: splitArg = arg.split("=") newArg = None if len(splitArg) == 1: newArg = arg else: newArg = splitArg[0]+"="+'='.join(splitArg[1:]) argsArray.append(newArg) return argsArray # Get a data-structure for a set of repos from a string def getRepoVersionDictFromRepoVersionFileString(repoVersionFileStr): repoVersionFileStrList = repoVersionFileStr.splitlines() repoVersionDict = {} len_repoVersionFileStrList = len(repoVersionFileStrList) i = 0 while i < len_repoVersionFileStrList: repoDirLine = repoVersionFileStrList[i] if repoDirLine[0:3] == "***": repoDir = repoDirLine.split(":")[1].strip() repoVersionLine = repoVersionFileStrList[i+1] repoSha1 = repoVersionLine.split(" ")[0].strip() repoDirToEnter = ("." if repoDir == baseRepoName else repoDir) repoVersionDict.update({repoDirToEnter : repoSha1}) else: break nextRepoNoSummary_i = i+2 if nextRepoNoSummary_i >= len_repoVersionFileStrList: break if repoVersionFileStrList[nextRepoNoSummary_i][0:3] == "***": # Has no summary line i = i + 2 else: # Has a summary line i = i + 3 return repoVersionDict # Get a data-structure for a set of repos from a file def getRepoVersionDictFromRepoVersionFile(repoVersionFileName): if repoVersionFileName: repoVersionFileStr = open(repoVersionFileName, 'r').read() return getRepoVersionDictFromRepoVersionFileString(repoVersionFileStr) else: None def assertAndGetRepoVersionFromDict(repoDirName, repoVersionDict): if repoVersionDict: repoSha1 = repoVersionDict.get(repoDirName, "") if not repoSha1: print(addColorToErrorMsg(options.useColor, "Repo '" + repoDirName + "' is not in the " + "list of repos " + str(sorted(repoVersionDict.keys())) + " read in from" + " the version file.")) sys.exit(3) return repoSha1 else: return "" def replaceRepoVersionInCmndLineArg(cmndLineArg, verToken, repoDirName, repoSha1): if repoSha1: newCmndLineArg = re.sub(verToken, repoSha1, cmndLineArg) return newCmndLineArg return cmndLineArg def replaceRepoVersionInCmndLineArgs(cmndLineArgsArray, repoDirName, \ repoVersionDict, repoVersionDict2 \ ): repoSha1 = assertAndGetRepoVersionFromDict(repoDirName, repoVersionDict) repoSha1_2 = assertAndGetRepoVersionFromDict(repoDirName, repoVersionDict2) cmndLineArgsArrayRepo = [] for cmndLineArg in cmndLineArgsArray: newCmndLineArg = replaceRepoVersionInCmndLineArg(cmndLineArg, \ "_VERSION_", repoDirName, repoSha1) newCmndLineArg = replaceRepoVersionInCmndLineArg(newCmndLineArg, \ "_VERSION2_", repoDirName, repoSha1_2) cmndLineArgsArrayRepo.append(newCmndLineArg) return cmndLineArgsArrayRepo # Replace _DEFAULT_BRANCH_ in the command line arguments with the appropriate # default branch name. def replaceDefaultBranchInCmndLineArgs(cmndLineArgsArray, repoDirName, \ defaultBranchDict \ ): cmndLineArgsArrayDefaultBranch = [] for cmndLineArg in cmndLineArgsArray: newCmndLineArg = re.sub("_DEFAULT_BRANCH_", \ defaultBranchDict[repoDirName], cmndLineArg) cmndLineArgsArrayDefaultBranch.append(newCmndLineArg) return cmndLineArgsArrayDefaultBranch # Generate the command line arguments def runRepoCmnd(options, cmndLineArgsArray, repoDirName, baseDir, \ repoVersionDict, repoVersionDict2, defaultBranchDict \ ): cmndLineArgsArrayRepo = replaceRepoVersionInCmndLineArgs(cmndLineArgsArray, \ repoDirName, repoVersionDict, repoVersionDict2) cmndLineArgsArrayDefaultBranch = replaceDefaultBranchInCmndLineArgs( \ cmndLineArgsArrayRepo, repoDirName, defaultBranchDict) egCmndArray = [ options.useGit ] + cmndLineArgsArrayDefaultBranch runCmnd(options, egCmndArray) # Get the name of the base directory def getBaseDirNameFromPath(dirPath): dirPathArray = dirPath.split("/") return dirPathArray[-1] # Get the name of the base repo to insert into the table def getBaseRepoTblName(baseRepoName): return baseRepoName+" (Base)" # Determine if the extra repo should be processed or not def repoExistsAndNotExcluded(options, extraRepo, notReposList): if not os.path.isdir(extraRepo): return False if extraRepo in notReposList: return False return True # Get the tracking branch for a repo def getLocalBranch(options, getCmndOutputFunc): (resp, rtnCode) = getCmndOutputFunc( options.useGit + " rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", rtnCode=True ) if rtnCode == 0: filteredLines = filterWarnings(resp.strip().splitlines()) if filteredLines and len(filteredLines) > 0: localBranch = filteredLines[0].strip() else: localBranch = "<AMBIGUOUS-HEAD>" return s(localBranch) return "" # Get the tracking branch for a repo def getTrackingBranch(options, getCmndOutputFunc): (trackingBranch, rtnCode) = getCmndOutputFunc( options.useGit + " rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}", rtnCode=True ) if rtnCode == 0: return s(trackingBranch.strip()) return "" # Above, if the command failed, there is likely no tracking branch. # However, this could fail for other reasons so it is a little dangerous to # just fail and return "" but I don't know of another way to do this. # Get number of commits as a str wr.t.t tracking branch def getNumCommitsWrtTrackingBranch(options, trackingBranch, getCmndOutputFunc): if trackingBranch == "": return "" (summaryLines, rtnCode) = \ getCmndOutputFunc(options.useGit + " shortlog -s HEAD ^" + trackingBranch, rtnCode=True) if rtnCode != 0: raise Exception(summaryLines) numCommits = 0 summaryLines = summaryLines.strip() if summaryLines: for summaryLine in filterWarnings(summaryLines.splitlines()): numAuthorCommits = int(summaryLine.strip().split()[0].strip()) numCommits += numAuthorCommits return str(numCommits) # NOTE: Above, we would like to use 'git ref-list --count' but that is not # supported in older versions of git (at least not in Using 'git # shortlog -s' will return just one line per author so this is not likely to # return a lot of data and the cost of the python code to process this # should be insignificant compared to the process execution command. def matchFieldOneOrTwo(findIdx): if findIdx == 0 or findIdx == 1: return True return False # Get the number of modified def getNumModifiedAndUntracked(options, getCmndOutputFunc): (rawStatusOutput, rtnCode) = getCmndOutputFunc( options.useGit + " status --porcelain", rtnCode=True ) if rtnCode == 0: numModified = 0 numUntracked = 0 for line in rawStatusOutput.splitlines(): if matchFieldOneOrTwo(line.find(s("M"))): numModified += 1 elif matchFieldOneOrTwo(line.find(s("A"))): numModified += 1 elif matchFieldOneOrTwo(line.find(s("D"))): numModified += 1 elif matchFieldOneOrTwo(line.find(s("T"))): numModified += 1 elif matchFieldOneOrTwo(line.find(s("U"))): numModified += 1 elif matchFieldOneOrTwo(line.find(s("R"))): numModified += 1 elif line.find(s("??")) == 0: numUntracked += 1 return (str(numModified), str(numUntracked)) return ("", "") # # Get the repo statistics # class RepoStatsStruct: def __init__(self, branch, trackingBranch, numCommits, numModified, numUntracked): self.branch = branch self.trackingBranch = trackingBranch self.numCommits = numCommits self.numModified = numModified self.numUntracked = numUntracked def __str__(self): return "{" \ "branch='" + self.branch + "'," \ " trackingBranch='" + self.trackingBranch + "'," \ " numCommits='" + self.numCommits + "'," \ " numModified='" + self.numModified + "'," \ " numUntracked='" + self.numUntracked + "'" \ "}" def numCommitsInt(self): if self.numCommits == '': return 0 return int(self.numCommits) def numModifiedInt(self): if self.numModified == '': return 0 return int(self.numModified) def numUntrackedInt(self): if self.numUntracked == '': return 0 return int(self.numUntracked) def hasLocalChanges(self): if self.numCommitsInt() + self.numModifiedInt() + self.numUntrackedInt() > 0: return True return False def getRepoStats(options, getCmndOutputFunc=None): if not getCmndOutputFunc: getCmndOutputFunc = getCmndOutput branch = getLocalBranch(options, getCmndOutputFunc) trackingBranch = getTrackingBranch(options, getCmndOutputFunc) numCommits = getNumCommitsWrtTrackingBranch(options, trackingBranch, getCmndOutputFunc) (numModified, numUntracked) = getNumModifiedAndUntracked(options, getCmndOutputFunc) return RepoStatsStruct(branch, trackingBranch, numCommits, numModified, numUntracked) class RepoVersionStruct: def __init__(self, sha1, commitDate, author, summary): self.sha1 = sha1 self.commitDate = commitDate self.author = author self.summary = summary def __str__(self): return "{" \ "sha1='" + self.sha1 + "'," \ " commitDate='" + self.commitDate + "'," \ " author='" + self.author + "'," \ " summary='" + self.summary + "'" \ "}" # Get the SHA1 for the current commit. def getCommitSha1(options, getCmndOutputFunc): (resp, rtnCode) = getCmndOutputFunc( options.useGit + " rev-parse --short HEAD", rtnCode=True ) if rtnCode == 0: return s(resp.strip()) return "" # Get the commit date for the current commit. def getCommitDate(options, getCmndOutputFunc): (resp, rtnCode) = getCmndOutputFunc( options.useGit + " log -1 --pretty=format:\"%cd\" --date=format:\"%G-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"", rtnCode=True ) if rtnCode == 0: return s(resp.strip()) return "" # Get the author of the current commit. def getCommitAuthor(options, getCmndOutputFunc): (resp, rtnCode) = getCmndOutputFunc( options.useGit + " log -1 --pretty=format:\"%ae\"", rtnCode=True ) if rtnCode == 0: return s(resp.strip()) return "" # Get the first line of the current commit message. def getCommitSummary(options, getCmndOutputFunc): (resp, rtnCode) = getCmndOutputFunc( options.useGit + " log -1 --pretty=format:\"%s\"", rtnCode=True ) if rtnCode == 0: return s(resp.strip()) return "" def getRepoVersions(options, getCmndOutputFunc=None): if not getCmndOutputFunc: getCmndOutputFunc = getCmndOutput sha1 = getCommitSha1(options, getCmndOutputFunc) commitDate = getCommitDate(options, getCmndOutputFunc) author = getCommitAuthor(options, getCmndOutputFunc) summary = getCommitSummary(options, getCmndOutputFunc) return RepoVersionStruct(sha1, commitDate, author, summary) def convertZeroStrToEmpty(strIn): if strIn == "0": return "" return strIn class RepoStatTable: def __init__(self): self.tableData = [ { "label" : "ID", "align" : "R", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "Repo Dir", "align" : "L", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "Branch", "align":"L", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "Tracking Branch", "align":"L", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "C", "align":"R", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "M", "align":"R", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "?", "align":"R", "fields" : [] }, ] def insertRepoStat(self, repoDir, repoStat, repoID): self.tableData[0]["fields"].append(str(repoID)) self.tableData[1]["fields"].append(repoDir) self.tableData[2]["fields"].append(repoStat.branch) self.tableData[3]["fields"].append(repoStat.trackingBranch) self.tableData[4]["fields"].append(convertZeroStrToEmpty(repoStat.numCommits)) self.tableData[5]["fields"].append(convertZeroStrToEmpty(repoStat.numModified)) self.tableData[6]["fields"].append(convertZeroStrToEmpty(repoStat.numUntracked)) def getTableData(self): return self.tableData class RepoVersionTable: def __init__(self): self.tableData = [ { "label" : "Repository", "align" : "L", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "SHA1", "align" : "C", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "Commit Date", "align" : "L", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "Author", "align" : "L", "fields" : [] }, { "label" : "Summary", "align" : "L", "fields" : [] }, ] def insertRepoVersion(self, repoDir, repoVersion): self.tableData[0]["fields"].append(repoDir) self.tableData[1]["fields"].append(repoVersion.sha1) self.tableData[2]["fields"].append(repoVersion.commitDate) self.tableData[3]["fields"].append(repoVersion.author) self.tableData[4]["fields"].append(repoVersion.summary) def getTableData(self): return self.tableData def getRepoName(repoDir, baseRepoName): if repoDir == ".": return baseRepoName return repoDir # # Run the script # global baseRepoName baseRepoName = None if __name__ == '__main__': (options, nativeCmnd, otherArgs, reposFullList, defaultBranchDict, \ notReposList) = getCommandlineOps() if nativeCmnd == "dist-repo-status": distRepoStatus = True if len(otherArgs) > 0: print("Error, passing in extra git commands/args ='" + " ".join(otherArgs) + "' with special command 'dist-repo-status' is not allowed!") sys.exit(1) else: distRepoStatus = False if nativeCmnd == "dist-repo-versions-table": distRepoVersionTable = True if len(otherArgs) > 0: print("Error, passing in extra git commands/args ='" + " ".join(otherArgs) + "' with special command 'dist-repo-versions-table' is not allowed!") sys.exit(1) else: distRepoVersionTable = False # Get the reference base directory baseDir = os.getcwd() # Get the name of the base repo baseRepoName = getBaseDirNameFromPath(baseDir) # Get the repo version files repoVersionDict = getRepoVersionDictFromRepoVersionFile(options.versionFile) repoVersionDict2 = getRepoVersionDictFromRepoVersionFile(options.versionFile2) # Reform the commandline arguments correctly cmndLineArgsArray = requoteCmndLineArgsIntoArray(otherArgs) if options.debug: print("*** Using git: " + str(options.useGit)) repoStatTable = RepoStatTable() repoVersionTable = RepoVersionTable() repoID = 0 for repo in reposFullList: # Determine if we should process this repo processThisExtraRepo = True if not repoExistsAndNotExcluded(options, repo, notReposList): processThisExtraRepo = False if processThisExtraRepo: repoDoesExistsAndNotExcluded = True # cd into extrarepo dir if options.debug: print("\n*** Changing to directory " + repo) os.chdir(repo) # Get repo stats repoStats = None if options.modifiedOnly or distRepoStatus: repoStats = getRepoStats(options) repoVersions = None if distRepoVersionTable: repoVersions = getRepoVersions(options) # See if we should process based on --dist-mod-only if options.modifiedOnly and not repoStats.hasLocalChanges(): processThisExtraRepo = False else: repoDoesExistsAndNotExcluded = False # Process this repo if processThisExtraRepo: repoName = getRepoName(repo, baseRepoName) repoNameInTpl = repoName + (" (Base)" if repo=="." else "") if distRepoStatus: repoStatTable.insertRepoStat(repoNameInTpl, repoStats, repoID) processThisExtraRepo = False elif distRepoVersionTable: repoVersionTable.insertRepoVersion(repoName.split("/")[-1], repoVersions) processThisExtraRepo = False else: print("") print( "*** " + ("Base " if repo=="." else "") + "Git Repo: " + addColorToRepoDir(options.useColor,repoName) ) sys.stdout.flush() if options.debug: print("*** Tracking branch for git repo '" + repoName + "' = '" + repoStats.trackingBranch + "'") runRepoCmnd(options, cmndLineArgsArray, repo, baseDir, \ repoVersionDict, repoVersionDict2, defaultBranchDict) if options.debug: print("*** Changing to directory " + baseDir) if repoDoesExistsAndNotExcluded: repoID += 1 os.chdir(baseDir) if distRepoStatus: if sys.version_info < (3,): print(createTable(repoStatTable.getTableData())) else: print(createTable(repoStatTable.getTableData(), options.utf8)) if options.printLegend: print(distRepoStatusLegend) else: print("(tip: to see a legend, pass in --dist-legend.)") elif distRepoVersionTable: if (options.short): print(createMarkdownTable(repoVersionTable.getTableData()[0:2])) else: print(createMarkdownTable(repoVersionTable.getTableData())) else: print("") sys.stdout.flush()