import argparse import os import re from shutil import copyfile, copytree import subprocess import sys try: doc_path = f"{os.sep}".join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split(os.sep)[:-2]) sys.path.append(doc_path) project_path = f"{os.sep}".join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split(os.sep)[:-4]) sys.path.append(project_path) except Exception as e: print(f"Can not add project path to system path! Exiting!\nERROR: {e}") exit(1) def is_rst_file(file_path: str) -> bool: """ Checks if file_path has .rst extension and if file_path is a file. """ if os.path.splitext(file_path)[-1] == '.rst' and os.path.isfile(file_path): return True return False def change_paths_and_get_includes(source_file: str, src_file_path: str, start_path: str, rst_dir: str, tribits_base_dir: str, copy_file: bool = True) -> tuple: """ Changes paths in source file, to be relative to sphinx_path or parent .rst document. Returns a tuple with .rst file content and includes(absolute_path, relative_to). """ with open(source_file, 'r') as src_file: source_file_str = source_file_list = list() include_file_list = set() for line in source_file_str.split('\n'): splitted_line = line.split() if 'include::' in splitted_line: incl_index = splitted_line.index('include::') path_index = incl_index + 1 if len(splitted_line) > path_index: new_line = [] spaces_indented = line.find('.') # Below 'join()' statement adds a space! if spaces_indented > 0: new_line.append(' ' * (spaces_indented - 1)) new_line.extend(splitted_line[:path_index]) abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(src_file_path, splitted_line[path_index])) tbd = tribits_base_dir.split(os.sep)[1:] path_elem = abs_path.split(os.sep)[len(tbd) + 1:] new_path = os.path.join(rst_dir, *path_elem) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(new_path), exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isfile(new_path) and copy_file: copyfile(src=abs_path, dst=new_path, follow_symlinks=True) if is_rst_file(file_path=new_path): include_file_list.add(abs_path) rel_path_from_sphinx_dir = os.path.relpath(path=new_path, start=start_path) new_line.append(rel_path_from_sphinx_dir) new_line = ' '.join(new_line) # Make sure version is formatted correctly: if ':Version:' in new_line: new_line = f":Version:\n {new_line.split(':Version:')[-1]}" source_file_list.append(new_line) else: source_file_list.append(line) else: source_file_list.append(line) abs_path_str = '\n'.join(source_file_list) return abs_path_str, include_file_list class SphinxRstGenerator: """ Changes include paths to relative to Sphinx build dir. Saves three main .rst docs files inside Sphinx dir. """ def __init__(self): self.paths = { 'maintainers_guide': { 'src': os.path.join(doc_path, 'guides', 'maintainers_guide', 'TribitsMaintainersGuide.rst'), 'src_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'guides', 'maintainers_guide'), 'final_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'sphinx', 'maintainers_guide', 'index.rst'), 'sphinx_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'sphinx', 'maintainers_guide'), 'title': 'TriBITS Maintainers Guide and Reference'}, 'users_guide': { 'src': os.path.join(doc_path, 'guides', 'users_guide', 'TribitsUsersGuide.rst'), 'src_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'guides', 'users_guide'), 'final_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'sphinx', 'users_guide', 'index.rst'), 'sphinx_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'sphinx', 'users_guide'), 'title': 'TriBITS Users Guide and Reference'}, 'build_ref': { 'src': os.path.join(doc_path, 'build_ref', 'TribitsBuildReference.rst'), 'src_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'build_ref'), 'final_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'sphinx', 'build_ref', 'index.rst'), 'sphinx_path': os.path.join(doc_path, 'sphinx', 'build_ref'), 'title': 'Generic TriBITS Project, Build, Test, and Install Reference Guide'}} self.rst_dir = os.path.join(doc_path, 'sphinx', 'copied_files') self.tribits_base_dir = self._cli() self.already_modified_files = set() self.create_rst_dir() self.build_docs() @staticmethod def _cli() -> str: """ Support for common line arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--copy-base-dir", help="Path to TriBITS base directory") args = parser.parse_args() abs_path = os.path.abspath(args.copy_base_dir) if not abs_path or not os.path.exists(abs_path): print(f"\n==> Path: `{abs_path}` is not correct!") sys.exit(1) print(f"Provided TriBITS base dir: {abs_path}") return abs_path def create_rst_dir(self) -> None: """ Creates copied_files directory in Sphinx directory. All include files will be copy there. """ if self.rst_dir is not None: if not os.path.exists(self.rst_dir): os.makedirs(self.rst_dir) @staticmethod def build_docs() -> None: """ Builds TriBITS documentation based on shell scripts. """ build_script_path = os.path.join(doc_path, '')[build_script_path, '--skip-final-generation']) @staticmethod def run_sphinx(cwd: str) -> None: """ Runs Sphinx for each documentation. """ sphinx_command = ["make", "html"], cwd=cwd) def combine_documentation(self, docs_dir: str, change_url_to_landing_page: bool = True, change_title_of_docs_main_page: bool = True, title: str = '') -> None: """ Renames and moves directory of generated static pages into combined directory """ new_name = os.path.split(docs_dir)[-1] dir_to_rename = os.path.join(docs_dir, '_build', 'html') new_name_path = os.path.join(docs_dir, '_build', new_name) os.rename(src=dir_to_rename, dst=new_name_path) static_dir = os.path.join(doc_path, 'sphinx', 'combined_docs', new_name) copytree(src=new_name_path, dst=static_dir) if change_url_to_landing_page: self.change_url_to_landing_page(docs_static_dir=static_dir) if change_title_of_docs_main_page: self.change_title_of_docs_main_page(docs_static_dir=static_dir, new_title=title) @staticmethod def change_url_to_landing_page(docs_static_dir: str) -> None: """ Changes home url of documentation page, so it points to landing page. """ index_html = os.path.join(docs_static_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_html, 'r') as index_read: index_str = repl_url = index_str.replace('<a href="#" class="icon icon-home"> TriBITS', '<a href="../index.html" class="icon icon-home"> TriBITS') with open(index_html, 'w') as index_write: index_write.write(repl_url) @staticmethod def change_title_of_docs_main_page(docs_static_dir: str, new_title: str) -> None: """ Changes home url of documentation page, so it points to landing page. """ index_html = os.path.join(docs_static_dir, 'index.html') with open(index_html, 'r') as index_read: index_str = repl_url = re.sub('(<title>1 Introduction —).+(documentation</title>)', f'<title>{new_title}</title>', index_str) with open(index_html, 'w') as index_write: index_write.write(repl_url) @staticmethod def save_rst(file_path: str, file_content: str) -> None: """ Saves .rst file with given pathh and content """ with open(file_path, 'w') as dest_file: dest_file.write(file_content) def generate_rst(self, source_file: str, final_path: str = None, src_path: str = None, start_path: str = None) -> set: """ Generate correct links in .rst files, so Sphinx can find them """ if final_path is None: overwrite_source = True else: overwrite_source = False file_content, includes = change_paths_and_get_includes(source_file=source_file, src_file_path=src_path, start_path=start_path, rst_dir=self.rst_dir, tribits_base_dir=self.tribits_base_dir) if overwrite_source: self.save_rst(file_path=source_file, file_content=file_content) else: self.save_rst(file_path=final_path, file_content=file_content) return includes def remove_title_numbering(self) -> None: """ Removes numbering from docs. """ for doc_name, sources in self.paths.items(): str_to_replace = '.. rubric::' with open(sources.get('final_path'), 'r') as src_file: org_str = org_list = org_str.split('\n') if org_list[0].startswith('====='): del org_list[0] if org_list[1].startswith('====='): del org_list[1] org_list[0] = f'{str_to_replace} {org_list[0]}' mod_str = '\n'.join(org_list) with open(sources.get('final_path'), 'w') as dst_file: dst_file.write(mod_str) def main(self): """ Main routine goes for nested .rst docs """ child_rst = set() for doc_name, sources in self.paths.items(): includes = self.generate_rst(source_file=sources.get('src'), src_path=sources.get('src_path'), final_path=sources.get('final_path'), start_path=sources.get('sphinx_path')) child_rst.update(includes) self.already_modified_files.update(child_rst) tbd = self.tribits_base_dir.split(os.sep)[1:] child_rst_lst = list(child_rst) sphinx_rel_path = self.paths.get('maintainers_guide').get('sphinx_path') grand_child_rst = set() for child in child_rst_lst: path_elem = child.split(os.sep)[len(tbd) + 1:] final_path = os.path.join(self.rst_dir, *path_elem) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(final_path), exist_ok=True) src_path = os.path.split(child)[0] includes_grand = self.generate_rst(source_file=child, src_path=src_path, final_path=final_path, start_path=sphinx_rel_path) grand_child_rst.update(includes_grand) grand_child_rst_lst = [gc_rst for gc_rst in grand_child_rst if gc_rst not in self.already_modified_files] grand_grand_child_rst = set() for grand_child in grand_child_rst_lst: path_elem = grand_child.split(os.sep)[len(tbd) + 1:] final_path = os.path.join(self.rst_dir, *path_elem) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(final_path), exist_ok=True) src_path = os.path.split(grand_child)[0] includes_grand_grand = self.generate_rst(source_file=grand_child, src_path=src_path, final_path=final_path, start_path=sphinx_rel_path) grand_grand_child_rst.update(includes_grand_grand) if not grand_grand_child_rst: print('DONE! ALL GOOD!\n') else: print('NOT DONE!\n') self.remove_title_numbering() print('===> Generating Sphinx documentation:\n') for doc_name, sources in self.paths.items(): cwd = sources.get('sphinx_path') print(f'===> Generating {doc_name}\n') self.run_sphinx(cwd=cwd) self.combine_documentation(docs_dir=cwd, title=sources.get('title')) if __name__ == '__main__': SphinxRstGenerator().main()