/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2022, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #include "defs.h" #include "smalloc.h" #include "structs.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> /* See comments in lanczos_ext(). */ int lanczos_ext_float(struct vtx_data **A, /* sparse matrix in row linked list format */ int n, /* problem size */ int d, /* problem dimension = number of eigvecs to find */ double **y, /* columns of y are eigenvectors of A */ double eigtol, /* tolerance on eigenvectors */ double *vwsqrt, /* square roots of vertex weights */ double maxdeg, /* maximum degree of graph */ int version, /* flags which version of sel. orth. to use */ double *gvec, /* the rhs n-vector in the extended eigen problem */ double sigma /* specifies the norm constraint on extended eigenvector */ ) { extern FILE *Output_File; /* output file or null */ extern int LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL; /* interval between orthogonalizations */ extern int LANCZOS_MAXITNS; /* maximum Lanczos iterations allowed */ extern int DEBUG_EVECS; /* print debugging output? */ extern int DEBUG_TRACE; /* trace main execution path */ extern int WARNING_EVECS; /* print warning messages? */ extern double BISECTION_SAFETY; /* safety factor for T bisection */ extern double SRESTOL; /* resid tol for T evec comp */ extern double DOUBLE_EPSILON; /* machine precision */ extern double DOUBLE_MAX; /* largest double value */ extern double splarax_time; /* time matvec */ extern double orthog_time; /* time orthogonalization work */ extern double evec_time; /* time to generate eigenvectors */ extern double ql_time; /* time tridiagonal eigenvalue work */ extern double blas_time; /* time for blas. linear algebra */ extern double init_time; /* time to allocate, initialize variables */ extern double scan_time; /* time for scanning eval and bound lists */ extern double debug_time; /* time for (some of) debug computations */ extern double ritz_time; /* time to generate ritz vectors */ extern double pause_time; /* time to compute whether to pause */ int i, j, k; /* indices */ int maxj; /* maximum number of Lanczos iterations */ float *u, *r; /* Lanczos vectors */ double *u_double; /* double version of u */ double *alpha, *beta; /* the Lanczos scalars from each step */ double *ritz; /* copy of alpha for ql */ double *workj; /* work vector, e.g. copy of beta for ql */ float *workn; /* work vector, e.g. product Av for checkeig */ double *workn_double; /* work vector, e.g. product Av for checkeig */ double *s; /* eigenvector of T */ float **q; /* columns of q are Lanczos basis vectors */ double *bj; /* beta(j)*(last el. of corr. eigvec s of T) */ double bis_safety; /* real safety factor for T bisection */ double Sres; /* how well Tevec calculated eigvec s */ double Sres_max; /* Max value of Sres */ int inc_bis_safety; /* need to increase bisection safety */ double *Ares; /* how well Lanczos calc. eigpair lambda,y */ int *index; /* the Ritz index of an eigenpair */ struct orthlink_float **solist; /* vec. of structs with vecs. to orthog. against */ struct scanlink *scanlist; /* linked list of fields to do with min ritz vals */ struct scanlink *curlnk; /* for traversing the scanlist */ double bji_tol; /* tol on bji est. of eigen residual of A */ int converged; /* has the iteration converged? */ double goodtol; /* error tolerance for a good Ritz vector */ int ngood; /* total number of good Ritz pairs at current step */ int maxngood; /* biggest val of ngood through current step */ int left_ngood; /* number of good Ritz pairs on left end */ int lastpause; /* Most recent step with good ritz vecs */ int nopauses; /* Have there been any pauses? */ int interval; /* number of steps between pauses */ double time; /* Current clock time */ int left_goodlim; /* number of ritz pairs checked on left end */ double Anorm; /* Norm estimate of the Laplacian matrix */ int pausemode; /* which Lanczos pausing criterion to use */ int pause; /* whether to pause */ int temp; /* used to prevent redundant index computations */ double *extvec; /* n-vector solving the extended A eigenproblem */ double *v; /* j-vector solving the extended T eigenproblem */ double extval = 0.0; /* computed extended eigenvalue (of both A and T) */ double *work1, *work2; /* work vectors */ double check; /* to check an orthogonality condition */ double numerical_zero; /* used for zero in presence of round-off */ int ritzval_flag; /* status flag for get_ritzvals() */ double resid; /* residual */ int memory_ok; /* TRUE until memory runs out */ float *vwsqrt_float = NULL; /* float version of vwsqrt */ if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) { printf("<Entering lanczos_ext_float>\n"); } if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) { printf("Selective orthogonalization Lanczos for extended eigenproblem, matrix size = %d.\n", n); } /* Initialize time. */ time = lanc_seconds(); if (d != 1) { bail("ERROR: Extended Lanczos only available for bisection.", 1); /* ... something must be wrong upstream. */ } if (n < d + 1) { bail("ERROR: System too small for number of eigenvalues requested.", 1); /* ... d+1 since don't use zero eigenvalue pair */ } /* Allocate space. */ maxj = LANCZOS_MAXITNS; u = mkvec_float(1, n); u_double = mkvec(1, n); r = mkvec_float(1, n); workn = mkvec_float(1, n); workn_double = mkvec(1, n); Ares = mkvec(0, d); index = smalloc((d + 1) * sizeof(int)); alpha = mkvec(1, maxj); beta = mkvec(0, maxj); ritz = mkvec(1, maxj); s = mkvec(1, maxj); bj = mkvec(1, maxj); workj = mkvec(0, maxj); q = smalloc((maxj + 1) * sizeof(float *)); solist = smalloc((maxj + 1) * sizeof(struct orthlink_float *)); scanlist = mkscanlist(d); extvec = mkvec(1, n); v = mkvec(1, maxj); work1 = mkvec(1, maxj); work2 = mkvec(1, maxj); /* Set some constants governing orthogonalization */ ngood = 0; maxngood = 0; bji_tol = eigtol; Anorm = 2 * maxdeg; /* Gershgorin estimate for ||A|| */ goodtol = Anorm * sqrt(DOUBLE_EPSILON); /* Parlett & Scott's bound, p.224 */ interval = 2 + min(LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL - 2, n / (2 * LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL)); bis_safety = BISECTION_SAFETY; numerical_zero = 1.0e-6; if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) { printf(" maxdeg %g\n", maxdeg); printf(" goodtol %g\n", goodtol); printf(" interval %d\n", interval); printf(" maxj %d\n", maxj); } /* Make a float copy of vwsqrt */ if (vwsqrt != NULL) { vwsqrt_float = mkvec_float(0, n); double_to_float(vwsqrt_float, 1, n, vwsqrt); } /* Initialize space. */ double_to_float(r, 1, n, gvec); if (vwsqrt_float != NULL) { scale_diag_float(r, 1, n, vwsqrt_float); } check = norm_float(r, 1, n); if (vwsqrt_float == NULL) { orthog1_float(r, 1, n); } else { orthogvec_float(r, 1, n, vwsqrt_float); } check = fabs(check - norm_float(r, 1, n)); if (check > 10 * numerical_zero && WARNING_EVECS > 0) { strout("WARNING: In terminal propagation, rhs should have no component in the"); printf(" nullspace of the Laplacian, so check val %g should be zero.\n", check); if (Output_File != NULL) { fprintf(Output_File, " nullspace of the Laplacian, so check val %g should be zero.\n", check); } } beta[0] = norm_float(r, 1, n); q[0] = mkvec_float(1, n); setvec_float(q[0], 1, n, 0.0); setvec(bj, 1, maxj, DOUBLE_MAX); if (beta[0] < numerical_zero) { /* The rhs vector, Dg, of the transformed problem is numerically zero or is in the null space of the Laplacian, so this is not a well posed extended eigenproblem. Set maxj to zero to force a quick exit but still clean-up memory and return(1) to indicate to eigensolve that it should call the default eigensolver routine for the standard eigenproblem. */ maxj = 0; } /* Main Lanczos loop. */ j = 1; lastpause = 0; pausemode = 1; left_ngood = 0; left_goodlim = 0; converged = FALSE; Sres_max = 0.0; inc_bis_safety = FALSE; nopauses = TRUE; memory_ok = TRUE; init_time += lanc_seconds() - time; while ((j <= maxj) && (!converged) && memory_ok) { time = lanc_seconds(); /* Allocate next Lanczos vector. If fail, back up to last pause. */ q[j] = mkvec_ret_float(1, n); if (q[j] == NULL) { memory_ok = FALSE; if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0 || WARNING_EVECS > 0) { strout("WARNING: Lanczos_ext out of memory; computing best approximation available.\n"); } if (nopauses) { bail("ERROR: Sorry, can't salvage Lanczos_ext.", 1); /* ... save yourselves, men. */ } for (i = lastpause + 1; i <= j - 1; i++) { frvec_float(q[i], 1); } j = lastpause; } /* Basic Lanczos iteration */ vecscale_float(q[j], 1, n, (float)(1.0 / beta[j - 1]), r); blas_time += lanc_seconds() - time; time = lanc_seconds(); splarax_float(u, A, n, q[j], vwsqrt_float, workn); splarax_time += lanc_seconds() - time; time = lanc_seconds(); update_float(r, 1, n, u, (float)(-beta[j - 1]), q[j - 1]); alpha[j] = dot_float(r, 1, n, q[j]); update_float(r, 1, n, r, (float)(-alpha[j]), q[j]); blas_time += lanc_seconds() - time; /* Selective orthogonalization */ time = lanc_seconds(); if (vwsqrt_float == NULL) { orthog1_float(r, 1, n); } else { orthogvec_float(r, 1, n, vwsqrt_float); } if ((j == (lastpause + 1)) || (j == (lastpause + 2))) { sorthog_float(r, n, solist, ngood); } orthog_time += lanc_seconds() - time; beta[j] = norm_float(r, 1, n); time = lanc_seconds(); pause = lanpause_float(j, lastpause, interval, q, n, &pausemode, version, beta[j]); pause_time += lanc_seconds() - time; if (pause) { nopauses = FALSE; lastpause = j; /* Compute limits for checking Ritz pair convergence. */ if (version == 2) { if (left_ngood + 2 > left_goodlim) { left_goodlim = left_ngood + 2; } } /* Special case: need at least d Ritz vals on left. */ left_goodlim = max(left_goodlim, d); /* Special case: can't find more than j total Ritz vals. */ if (left_goodlim > j) { left_goodlim = min(left_goodlim, j); } /* Find Ritz vals using faster of Sturm bisection or ql. */ time = lanc_seconds(); if (inc_bis_safety) { bis_safety *= 10; inc_bis_safety = FALSE; } ritzval_flag = get_ritzvals(alpha, beta, j, Anorm, workj, ritz, d, left_goodlim, 0, eigtol, bis_safety); ql_time += lanc_seconds() - time; if (ritzval_flag != 0) { bail("ERROR: Lanczos_ext failed in computing eigenvalues of T.", 1); /* ... we recover from this in lanczos_SO, but don't worry here. */ } /* Scan for minimum evals of tridiagonal. */ time = lanc_seconds(); scanmin(ritz, 1, j, &scanlist); scan_time += lanc_seconds() - time; /* Compute Ritz pair bounds at left end. */ time = lanc_seconds(); setvec(bj, 1, j, 0.0); for (i = 1; i <= left_goodlim; i++) { Sres = Tevec(alpha, beta - 1, j, ritz[i], s); if (Sres > Sres_max) { Sres_max = Sres; } if (Sres > SRESTOL) { inc_bis_safety = TRUE; } bj[i] = s[j] * beta[j]; } ritz_time += lanc_seconds() - time; /* Show the portion of the spectrum checked for convergence. */ if (DEBUG_EVECS > 2) { time = lanc_seconds(); printf("\nindex Ritz vals bji bounds\n"); for (i = 1; i <= left_goodlim; i++) { printf(" %3d", i); doubleout(ritz[i], 1); doubleout(bj[i], 1); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); curlnk = scanlist; while (curlnk != NULL) { temp = curlnk->indx; if ((temp > left_goodlim) && (temp < j)) { printf(" %3d", temp); doubleout(ritz[temp], 1); doubleout(bj[temp], 1); printf("\n"); } curlnk = curlnk->pntr; } printf(" -------------------\n"); printf(" goodtol: %19.16f\n\n", goodtol); debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time; } get_extval(alpha, beta, j, ritz[1], s, eigtol, beta[0], sigma, &extval, v, work1, work2); /* check convergence of Ritz pairs */ time = lanc_seconds(); converged = TRUE; if (j < d) { converged = FALSE; } else { curlnk = scanlist; while (curlnk != NULL) { if (bj[curlnk->indx] > bji_tol) { converged = FALSE; } curlnk = curlnk->pntr; } } scan_time += lanc_seconds() - time; if (!converged) { ngood = 0; left_ngood = 0; /* for setting left_goodlim on next loop */ /* Compute converged Ritz pairs on left end */ time = lanc_seconds(); for (i = 1; i <= left_goodlim; i++) { if (bj[i] <= goodtol) { ngood += 1; left_ngood += 1; if (ngood > maxngood) { maxngood = ngood; solist[ngood] = makeorthlnk_float(); (solist[ngood])->vec = mkvec_float(1, n); } (solist[ngood])->index = i; Sres = Tevec(alpha, beta - 1, j, ritz[i], s); if (Sres > Sres_max) { Sres_max = Sres; } if (Sres > SRESTOL) { inc_bis_safety = TRUE; } setvec_float((solist[ngood])->vec, 1, n, 0.0); for (k = 1; k <= j; k++) { scadd_float((solist[ngood])->vec, 1, n, s[k], q[k]); } } } ritz_time += lanc_seconds() - time; if (DEBUG_EVECS > 2) { time = lanc_seconds(); printf(" j %3d; goodlim lft %2d, rgt %2d; list ", j, left_goodlim, 0); solistout_float(solist, ngood, j); printf("---------------------end of iteration---------------------\n\n"); debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time; } } } j++; } j--; if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) { time = lanc_seconds(); if (maxj == 0) { printf("Not extended eigenproblem -- calling ordinary eigensolver.\n"); } else { printf(" Lanczos_ext itns: %d\n", j); printf(" eigenvalue: %g\n", ritz[1]); printf(" extended eigenvalue: %g\n", extval); } debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time; } if (maxj != 0) { /* Compute (scaled) extended eigenvector. */ time = lanc_seconds(); setvec(y[1], 1, n, 0.0); for (k = 1; k <= j; k++) { scadd_mixed(y[1], 1, n, v[k], q[k]); } evec_time += lanc_seconds() - time; /* Note: assign() will scale this y vector back to x (since y = Dx) */ /* Compute and check residual directly. Use the Ay = extval*y + Dg version of the problem for convenience. Note that u and v are used here as workspace */ time = lanc_seconds(); splarax(workn_double, A, n, y[1], vwsqrt, u_double); scadd(workn_double, 1, n, -extval, y[1]); scale_diag(gvec, 1, n, vwsqrt); scadd(workn_double, 1, n, -1.0, gvec); resid = ch_norm(workn_double, 1, n); if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) { printf(" extended residual: %g\n", resid); if (Output_File != NULL) { fprintf(Output_File, " extended residual: %g\n", resid); } } if (WARNING_EVECS > 0 && resid > eigtol) { printf("WARNING: Extended residual (%g) greater than tolerance (%g).\n", resid, eigtol); if (Output_File != NULL) { fprintf(Output_File, "WARNING: Extended residual (%g) greater than tolerance (%g).\n", resid, eigtol); } } debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time; } /* free up memory */ time = lanc_seconds(); frvec_float(u, 1); frvec(u_double, 1); frvec_float(r, 1); frvec_float(workn, 1); frvec(workn_double, 1); frvec(Ares, 0); sfree(index); frvec(alpha, 1); frvec(beta, 0); frvec(ritz, 1); frvec(s, 1); frvec(bj, 1); frvec(workj, 0); for (i = 0; i <= j; i++) { frvec_float(q[i], 1); } sfree(q); while (scanlist != NULL) { curlnk = scanlist->pntr; sfree(scanlist); scanlist = curlnk; } for (i = 1; i <= maxngood; i++) { frvec_float((solist[i])->vec, 1); sfree(solist[i]); } sfree(solist); frvec(extvec, 1); frvec(v, 1); frvec(work1, 1); frvec(work2, 1); if (vwsqrt != NULL) { frvec_float(vwsqrt_float, 1); } init_time += lanc_seconds() - time; if (maxj == 0) { return (1); /* see note on beta[0] and maxj above */ } return (0); }