<!-------- @HEADER ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Zoltan Toolkit for Load-balancing, Partitioning, Ordering and Coloring ! Copyright 2012 Sandia Corporation ! ! Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, ! the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ! met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! 3. 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Contact Karen Devine kddevin@sandia.gov ! Erik Boman egboman@sandia.gov ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! @HEADER -------> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (X11; U; SunOS 4.1.3_U1 sun4m) [Netscape]"> <meta name="sandia.approval_type" content="formal"> <meta name="sandia.approved" content="SAND2007-4748W"> <meta name="author" content="Zoltan PI"> <TITLE>Zoltan User's Guide: C++ Interface</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <div ALIGN=right><b><i><a href="ug.html">Zoltan User's Guide</a> | <a href="ug_fortran.html">Next</a> | <a href="ug_usage.html">Previous</a></i></b></div> <H2> <A NAME="cpp ug"></A>C++ Interface</H2> The C++ interface to the Zoltan library is contained in the header files listed below. Each header file defines one class. Each class represents a Zoltan data structure and the functions that operate on that data structure. The class methods in the header files call functions in the Zoltan C library. So to use the C++ interface from your application, include the appropriate header file and link with the Zoltan C library. <P><TABLE rules=cols,rows frame=box align=center cellpadding=5> <TR> <TH>header file</TH> <TH>class</TH></TR> <TR> <TD><I>include/zoltan_cpp.h</I></TD> <TD><B>Zoltan</B>, representing a <a href="ug_interface_init.html">load balancing</a> instance</TD> <TR> <TD><I>Utilities/Communication/zoltan_comm_cpp.h</I></TD> <TD><B>Zoltan_Comm</B>, representing an <a href="ug_util_comm.html">unstructured communication</a> instance </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><I>Utilities/DDirectory/zoltan_dd_cpp.h</I></TD> <TD><B>Zoltan_DD</B>, representing a <a href="ug_util_dd.html">distributed directory</a> instance </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><I>Utilities/Timer/zoltan_timer_cpp.h</I></TD> <TD><B>Zoltan_Timer</B>, representing a timer instance </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <p> More detailed information about the interface may be found in the <a href="../dev_html/dev_cpp.html">Zoltan Developer's Guide</a>. <p> Simple examples of the use of the interface may be found in the <I>examples/CPP</I> directory. A more complete example is the test driver <a href="../dev_html/dev_driver.html">zCPPdrive</a>. The source code for this test driver is in the <I>driver</I> directory. <p> A note on declaring application registered query functions from a C++ application may be found in the section titled <a href="ug_query.html">Application-Registered Query Functions</a>. <p> Two peculiarities of the wrapping of Zoltan with C++ classes are mentioned here: <ol> <li> You must call the C language function <a href="ug_interface_init.html#Zoltan_Initialize"><I>Zoltan_Initialize</I> </a> before using the C++ interface to the Zoltan library. This function should only be called once. Due to design choices, the C++ interface maintains no global state that is independent of any instantiated objects, so it does not know if the function has been called or not. Therefore, the C++ wrappers do not call <a href="ug_interface_init.html#Zoltan_Initialize"><I>Zoltan_Initialize</I> </a> for you. <li> It is preferable to allocate <B>Zoltan</B> objects dynamically so you can explicitly delete them before your application exits. (<B>Zoltan</B> objects allocated instead on the stack will be deleted automatically at the completion of the scope in which they were created.) The reason is that the <B>Zoltan</B> destructor calls Zoltan_Destroy(), which makes an MPI call to free the communicator in use by the <B>Zoltan</B> object. However the MPI destructor may have been called before the <B>Zoltan</B> destructor. In this case you would receive an error while your application is exiting. </ol> This second point is illustrated in the good and bad example below. <p> <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=2 COLS=1 WIDTH="90%" NOSAVE > <TR> <TD><A NAME="c++ item 1"></A> <TT>int main(int argc, char *argv[])</tt><br> <TT>{</tt><br> <TT> MPI::Init(argc, argv);</tt><br> <TT> int rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();</tt><br> <TT> int size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();</tt><br><br> <TT> //<I>Initialize the Zoltan library with a C language call</I></TT><br> <TT> float version;</TT><br> <TT> Zoltan_Initialize</A>(argc, argv, &version);</TT><br><br> <TT> //<I>Dynamically create Zoltan object.</I></tt><br> <TT> Zoltan *zz = new Zoltan(MPI::COMM_WORLD);</tt><br> <TT> zz->Set_Param("LB_METHOD", "RCB");</tt><br><br> <TT> //<I>Several lines of code would follow, working with zz</I></tt><br><br> <TT> //<I>Explicitly delete the Zoltan object</I></tt><br> <TT> delete zz;</tt><br> <TT> MPI::Finalize();</tt><br> <TT> }</tt><br> </TR> <CAPTION ALIGN=BOTTOM><I>Good example, Zoltan object is dynamically allocated and explicity deleted before exit.</I></CAPTION> </TABLE></CENTER> <br> <br> <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=2 COLS=1 WIDTH="90%" NOSAVE > <TR> <TD><A NAME="c++ item 2"></A> <TT>int main(int argc, char *argv[])</tt><br> <TT>{</tt><br> <TT>Zoltan zz;</tt><br><br> <TT> MPI::Init(argc, argv);</tt><br> <TT> int rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();</tt><br> <TT> int size = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();</tt><br><br> <TT> //<I>Initialize the Zoltan library with a C language call</I></TT><br> <TT> float version;</TT><br> <TT> Zoltan_Initialize</A>(argc, argv, &version);</TT><br><br> <TT> zz.Set_Param("LB_METHOD", "RCB");</tt><br><br> <TT> //<I>Several lines of code would follow, working with zz</I></tt><br><br> <TT> MPI::Finalize();</tt><br> <TT> }</tt><br> </TR> <CAPTION ALIGN=BOTTOM><I>Bad example, the MPI destructor may execute before the Zoltan destructor at process exit.</I></CAPTION> </TABLE></CENTER> <br> <br> <HR WIDTH="100%">[<A HREF="ug.html">Table of Contents</A> | <A HREF="ug_fortran.html">Next: Fortran Interface</A> | <A HREF="ug_usage.html">Previous: Zoltan Usage</A> | <a href="https://www.sandia.gov/general/privacy-security/index.html">Privacy and Security</a>] </BODY> </HTML>