C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE DBVINI (NVARGL, NVARNP, NVAREL) C======================================================================= C --*** DBVINI *** (EXOLIB) Initialize for DBVTYP and DBVIX C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 10/14/87 C -- C --DBVINI initializes the indices for DBVTYP and DBVID. It must be C --called before either of the other two routines are called. C -- C --Note that the indices are shared because the other two routines C --are ENTRY routines of DBVINI. C -- C --Parameters: C -- NVARGL - IN - the number of global variables C -- NVARNP - IN - the number of nodal variables C -- NVAREL - IN - the number of element variables INTEGER NVARGL, NVARNP, NVAREL INTEGER IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXGVE, IXNVE, IXEVE common /dbv/ IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXGVE, IXNVE, IXEVE IXGV = 1 IXGVE = IXGV + NVARGL - 1 IXNV = IXGVE + 1 IXNVE = IXNV + NVARNP - 1 IXEV = IXNVE + 1 IXEVE = IXEV + NVAREL - 1 RETURN END C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE DBVTYP (IIX, TYP, ID) C======================================================================= C --*** DBVTYP *** (EXOLIB) Return the variable type and number C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 03/18/88 C -- C --DBVTYP is passed a variable index. It returns the variable type C --and variable number. C -- C --Note that DBVINI must be called before this routine to initialize C --the indices. The indices are shared because this routine is an C --ENTRY routine of DBVINI. C -- C --Parameters: C -- IIX - IN - the variable index C -- TYP - OUT - the variable type: 'G'lobal, 'N'odal, 'E'lement C -- ID - OUT - the variable number within the type INTEGER IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXGVE, IXNVE, IXEVE common /dbv/ IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXGVE, IXNVE, IXEVE INTEGER IIX, ID CHARACTER TYP IF ((IXGV .LE. 0) .AND. (IXNV .LE. 0) & .AND. (IXEV .LE. 0)) RETURN IF ((IIX .GE. IXGV) .AND. (IIX .LE. IXGVE)) THEN TYP = 'G' ID = IIX - IXGV + 1 ELSE IF ((IIX .GE. IXNV) .AND. (IIX .LE. IXNVE)) THEN TYP = 'N' ID = IIX - IXNV + 1 ELSE IF ((IIX .GE. IXEV) .AND. (IIX .LE. IXEVE)) THEN TYP = 'E' ID = IIX - IXEV + 1 ELSE TYP = ' ' ID = 0 END IF RETURN END C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE DBVIX (ITYP, IID, IX) C======================================================================= C --*** DBVIX *** (EXOLIB) Return the variable index C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 10/14/87 C -- C --DBVIX is passed a variable type and number. It returns the variable C --index. C -- C --Note that DBVINI must be called before this routine to initialize C --the indices. The indices are shared because this routine is an C --ENTRY routine of DBVINI. C -- C --Parameters: C -- ITYP - IN - the variable type: 'G'lobal, 'N'odal, 'E'lement C -- IID - IN - the variable number within the type C -- IX - OUT - the variable index INTEGER IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXGVE, IXNVE, IXEVE common /dbv/ IXGV, IXNV, IXEV, IXGVE, IXNVE, IXEVE CHARACTER ITYP INTEGER IID, IX IF ((IXGV .LE. 0) .AND. (IXNV .LE. 0) & .AND. (IXEV .LE. 0)) RETURN IF (ITYP .EQ. 'G') THEN IX = IID + IXGV - 1 ELSE IF (ITYP .EQ. 'N') THEN IX = IID + IXNV - 1 ELSE IF (ITYP .EQ. 'E') THEN IX = IID + IXEV - 1 END IF RETURN END