C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details COMMON /ENT/ NUMEQN, NUMENT(MAXEQN), INXENT(MAXENT,MAXEQN), & VALENT(MAXENT,MAXEQN), ITMENT(MAXENT,MAXEQN), & IEVENT(MAXENT,MAXEQN) COMMON /ENTCH/ NAMENT(MAXENT,MAXEQN), TYPENT(MAXENT,MAXEQN), & VSZENT(MAXENT,MAXEQN) CHARACTER*(maxnam) NAMENT CHARACTER TYPENT, VSZENT C -- Assigned in RDEQNS, CHKALG, POSTFX, LOCEQV, LNKVAR C --NUMEQN - total number of equations C --NUMENT - the number of entries in each equation C --NAMENT - the equation entries: variable names, functions, operators C --TYPENT - the type of each equation entry: C -- C - constant; O - operator; V - variable; F - function C --INXENT - C -- Operator - the operator number C -- Variable - during equation input, -1 for LHS, +1 for input variable; C -- during equation evaluation, the variable location in VARVAL C -- Function - the function number C -- other - no meaning C --VALENT - C -- Constant - the constant value C -- Variable - the specific node or element number or the C -- time or global variable index in time/global entry; C -- 0 for node or element variable C -- Function - the number of required parameters C -- other - no meaning C --ITMENT - C -- Variable - the associated time C -- 1 = (ICURTM) current time C -- 2 = (ILSTTM) last time C -- 3 = (IONETM) first time C -- Function - during equation evaluation, the storage index C -- for time function result C -- other - no meaning C --IEVENT - the ISEVOK index for this entry (Operator, Variable, C -- and Function only) C --VSZENT - the type of variable on the stack after processing C -- this entry (used to get the size and type of an entry): C -- H - a history variable or time C -- G - a global variable C -- N - a nodal variable or coordinates C -- E - an element variable C -- * - unknown type (global before processing)