C Copyright(C) 1999-2021 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details PARAMETER (MAXVAR=65536) C --MAXVAR - maximum number of all variables (input and LHS) COMMON /VAR/ NUMINP, IXLHS, IDVAR(MAXVAR), ISTVAR(3,MAXVAR), & IEVVAR(MAXVAR) COMMON /VARCH/ NAMVAR(MAXVAR), TYPVAR(MAXVAR) CHARACTER*(maxnam) NAMVAR CHARACTER TYPVAR C -- Assigned in RDEQNS, LOCEQV, SAVCMD (ADDVAR) C --NUMINP - total number of referenced input variables C --IXLHS - index of the first LHS variable; C -- during equation input, the LHS variables are stored backwards C -- from the end of the /VAR../arrays up; there order is reversed C -- after all equations are input C -- VAR..(1..NUMINP) holds the input variables C -- VAR..(IXLHS..MAXVAR) holds the LHS variables C --NAMVAR - name of the referenced variable C --TYPVAR - type of variable: C -- time(T), coordinate(C), global(G), node(N), element(E) C --IDVAR - input database index of the variable; C -- index into time/global entry for global C -- NOTE: IDVAR for LHS is scratch during equation evaluation C -- (set by LNKSTO) C --ISTVAR - indexed on time; if <> 0, values for indexed time needed C -- (1) = (ICURTM) current time C -- (2) = (ILSTTM) last time C -- (3) = (IONETM) first time C -- during equation input, (1) is the variable state flag for LHS: C -- 1 = assigned variable C -- -1 = temporary variable C -- -2 = saved variable C -- during equation evaluation, storage location for variable C -- (shared if the variable is both an input variable and an output C -- variable) C --IEVENT - the ISEVOK index for this variable (if element variable)