C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C cntr.blk C FLAG FOR EXACT CONTOUR VALUES FOR EACH PLOT COMMON /CNTR/ CINTOK, LINCON, NCNTR, CMIN, CMAX, DELC, & CINTV(256), NOCMIN, NOCMAX, LABINC, MAXMIN, MAXMAX LOGICAL CINTOK, LINCON, NOCMIN, NOCMAX C --CINTOK - if true, contour intervals are in CINTV, if false, derive C -- intervals from CMIN and DELC C --LINCON - if true, CMAX is set for line contours versus painted contours C --NCNTR - the number of contours defined C --CMIN - the minimum contour value C --CMAX - the maximum contour value C --DELC - the contour interval C --CINTV - the contour intervals (if CINTOK true only) C --NOCMIN - if true, contour minimum is open (painted) versus closed C --NOCMAX - if true, contour maximum is open (painted) versus closed C --LABINC - the interior line labelling increment C --MAXMIN - include minimum symbols only if number of minimums <= MAXMIN C --MAXMAX - include maximum symbols only if number of maximums <= MAXMAX