C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE GRGPAR (PARTYP, INDEV, IPARMS, IPSTR) C======================================================================= C --*** GRGPAR *** (GRPLIB) Get graphics parameters C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 04/11/88 C -- C --GRGPAR gets information specified by PARTYP about a graphics device. C -- DEVICE - select current device C -- SNAP - set the number of frame snaps C -- FONT - select font to use C -- SOFTCHAR - select software or hardware characters C -- COLOR - select number of standard colors to use C -- SPECTRUM - select number of spectrum colors to use C -- AUTO - set automatic plotting C -- C --Parameters: C -- INDEV - IN - the device for which information is requested; C -- 0 for current device C -- PARTYP - IN - the parameter type (as above) C -- IPARMS - OUT - the parameter values (dependent on PARTYP) C -- for DEVICE - true iff device exists C -- for SNAP - the number of frames to snap C -- for FONT - the font to use C -- for SOFTCHAR - true iff software characters C -- for COLOR - the number of standard colors to use and the C -- maximum number of colors C -- for SPECTRUM - the number of alternate colors to use and the C -- maximum number of colors and the map type C -- for AUTO - true iff automatic plotting C -- IPARMS - OUT - the parameter string (dependent on PARTYP) C -- for DEVICE - device name C -- for SNAP - not set C -- for FONT - the font type C -- for SOFTCHAR - "software" or "hardware" C -- for COLOR, SPECTRUM - the color map type "standard" or "spectrum" C -- for AUTO - "automatic" or "user-directed" C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses ICURDV, DEVOK, DEVNAM, NSNAP, IFONT, SOFTCH, AUTOPL, C -- MAXCOL, NUMCOL, MAPALT of /GRPCOM/ COMMON /GRPCOC/ DEVNAM(2), DEVCOD(2) CHARACTER*3 DEVNAM CHARACTER*8 DEVCOD COMMON /GRPCOM/ ICURDV, ISHARD, DEVOK(2), TALKOK(2), & NSNAP(2), IFONT(2), SOFTCH(2), AUTOPL(2), & MAXCOL(2), NUMCOL(0:1,2), MAPALT(2), MAPUSE(2) LOGICAL ISHARD, DEVOK, TALKOK, SOFTCH, AUTOPL CHARACTER*(*) PARTYP INTEGER INDEV INTEGER IPARMS(*) CHARACTER*(*) IPSTR IF ((INDEV .NE. 1) .AND. (INDEV .NE. 2)) THEN IDEV = ICURDV ELSE IDEV = INDEV END IF IF (PARTYP .EQ. 'DEVICE') THEN IF (DEVOK(IDEV)) THEN CALL CPYLOG (1, .TRUE., IPARMS(1)) IPSTR = DEVNAM(IDEV) ELSE CALL CPYLOG (1, .FALSE., IPARMS(1)) IPSTR = ' ' END IF ELSE IF (PARTYP .EQ. 'SNAP') THEN IPARMS(1) = NSNAP(IDEV) ELSE IF (PARTYP .EQ. 'FONT') THEN IPARMS(1) = IFONT(IDEV) IF (IFONT(IDEV) .EQ. 1) THEN IPSTR = 'stick' ELSE IF (IFONT(IDEV) .EQ. 2) THEN IPSTR = 'sanserif' ELSE IF (IFONT(IDEV) .EQ. 3) THEN IPSTR = 'Roman' ELSE IPSTR = ' ' END IF ELSE IF (PARTYP .EQ. 'SOFTCHAR') THEN CALL CPYLOG (1, SOFTCH(IDEV), IPARMS(1)) IF (SOFTCH(IDEV)) THEN IPSTR = 'software' ELSE IPSTR = 'hardware' END IF ELSE IF (PARTYP .EQ. 'COLOR') THEN IPARMS(1) = NUMCOL(0,IDEV) IPARMS(2) = MIN (6, MAXCOL(IDEV)) IPARMS(3) = 0 IPSTR = 'standard' ELSE IF (PARTYP .EQ. 'SPECTRUM') THEN IPARMS(3) = MAPALT(IDEV) IF (MAPALT(IDEV) .EQ. 0) THEN IPARMS(1) = NUMCOL(0,IDEV) IPARMS(2) = MIN (6, MAXCOL(IDEV)) IPSTR = 'standard' ELSE IF (MAPALT(IDEV) .EQ. 1) THEN IPARMS(1) = NUMCOL(1,IDEV) IPARMS(2) = MAXCOL(IDEV) - 6 IPSTR = 'spectrum' ELSE IPARMS(1) = 0 IPARMS(2) = MAXCOL(IDEV) IPSTR = 'invalid' END IF ELSE IF (PARTYP .EQ. 'AUTO') THEN CALL CPYLOG (1, AUTOPL(IDEV), IPARMS(1)) IF (AUTOPL(IDEV)) THEN IPSTR = 'automatic' ELSE IPSTR = 'user-directed' END IF END IF RETURN END