C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE GRSYMB (LINTYP, ISYTYP, INDX) C======================================================================= C --*** GRSYMB *** (GRPLIB) Set line type and symbol (PLT) C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 02/14/86 C -- C --GRSYMB must first be called with a negative index to initialize C --the number of colors to be used (including black and white). C -- C --GRSYMB sets the line type and symbol for PLTGRH depending on the C --passed index. The line type and symbol are chosen consecutively C --(see LINTYP, ISYTYP), wrapping around if necessary. C -- C --Parameters: C -- LINTYP - IN - the line type: C -- 0 = no line C -- -n = vary line type (on INDX) C -- n = line type n C -- ISYTYP - IN - the symbol type: C -- 0 = no symbol C -- -n = vary symbol type (on INDX) C -- n = symbol n C -- INDX - IN - the line type and symbol index C --Routines Called: C -- PLTSTG - (PLTLIB) Set graph parameter C -- 6 = (KCOLIN) set line color for PLTGRH lines C -- 44 = (KCOSYM) set symbol color for PLTGRH lines C -- 5 = (KONLIN) set line type for PLTGRH lines C -- 7 = (KONSYM) set symbol for PLTGRH lines PARAMETER (KCOLOR=1) PARAMETER (KCOLIN=6, KCOSYM=44, KONLIN=5, KONSYM=7) PARAMETER (NUMLIN=6, NUMSYM=6) C --NUMLIN - the number of line types C --NUMSYM - the number of symbols INTEGER INDX LOGICAL LDUM, PLTSTG INTEGER LSTLIN, LSTSYM SAVE LSTLIN, LSTSYM C --LSTLIN - the last line type set C --LSTSYM - the last symbol set DATA LSTLIN, LSTSYM / -999, -999 / IF ((LINTYP .LE. -1) .OR. (LINTYP .NE. LSTLIN)) THEN IF (LINTYP .LE. -1) THEN ILIN = MOD (INDX-1, NUMLIN) + 1 ELSE ILIN = MIN (LINTYP, NUMLIN) END IF LDUM = PLTSTG (KONLIN,1.0*ILIN) LSTLIN = ILIN END IF IF ((ISYTYP .LE. -1) .OR. (ISYTYP .NE. LSTSYM)) THEN IF (ISYTYP .LE. -1) THEN ISYM = MOD (INDX-1, NUMSYM) + 1 ELSE ISYM = MIN (ISYTYP, NUMSYM) END IF LDUM = PLTSTG (KONSYM, 1.0*ISYM) LSTSYM = ISYM END IF RETURN END