C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details c ====================================================================== c ====================================================================== c ====================================================================== c ====================================================================== c ROUTINE: instr c DESCRIPTION: Returns .TRUE. if a command file was specified c on the BLOT command line, indicating c that instructions are to be read from that file. c Returns .FALSE. if no file was specified on the c BLOT command line, indicating c that instructions are to be read interactively. c AUTHOR: John H. Glick c Sandia National Laboratories c Division 1511 c DATE: December 20, 1988 c TYPE OF SUBPROGRAM: logical function c USAGE: instr() c PARAMETERS: none c CALLS: exname ( SUPES ) c GLOBAL VARIABLES REFERENCED: none c CALLING ROUTINE(S): getins (BLOT) c SYSTEM DEPENDENCIES: none c ====================================================================== c ====================================================================== logical function instr() c ********************************************************************** c declarations integer symnum c the number of the system command symbol defining if a c command file was specified. character*12 name c string that holds the value of the c symbol associated with the symnum c = "YES" if a file was specified c in the P4 field of the TRINITY c command line, indicating that c instructions are to be read c from that file c = "NO" otherwise. integer ln c length of the string stored in name c ********************************************************************** c data statements data symnum / 4 / c ********************************************************************** c ********************************************************************** c get symbol from operating system call exname ( -symnum, name, ln ) c print symbol for debugging purposes c print *, 'name = ',name,' ln = ',ln if ( name(1:ln) .eq. 'YES' ) then instr = .TRUE. else instr = .FALSE. endif return end