C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE TRNXYZ (XN, YN, XN3, YN3, ZN3, ATRIB) C======================================================================= C --*** TRNXYZ *** (GENSHELL) Calculate 3D coordinates for translation C -- C --TRNXYZ calculates the coordinate array for the 3D database. C -- C --Parameters: C -- XN, YN - IN - the 2D coordinates, destroyed C -- XN3, YN3, ZN3 - OUT - the 3D coordinates C -- C --Common Variables: C -- Uses NDIM, NUMNP of /DBNUMS/ C -- Uses NDIM3, NUMNP3 of /DBNUM3/ C -- Uses DOTRAN, NNREPL, DIM3, NRTRAN, D3TRAN, ZGRAD, C -- CENTER, NUMCOL, NUMROW of /PARAMS/ C -- Uses XOFFS, YOFFS, ZOFFS of /XYZOFF/ C -- Uses ROT3D, ROTMAT of /XYZROT/ INCLUDE 'gs_dbnums.blk' INCLUDE 'gs_dbnum3.blk' INCLUDE 'gs_params.blk' REAL XN(NUMNP), YN(NUMNP), & XN3(NUMNP3), YN3(NUMNP3), ZN3(NUMNP3) REAL ATRIB(NUMEL) C --Copy X and Y coordinates from original, set Z equal to 0.0 DO 10 INP = 1, NUMNP XN3(INP) = XN(INP) YN3(INP) = YN(INP) ZN3(INP) = 0.0 10 CONTINUE C --Set the element attributes equal to the thickness DO 20 IEL = 1, NUMEL ATRIB(IEL) = DIM3 20 CONTINUE RETURN END