C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C -*- Mode: fortran -*- integer pnorm, prad, pvect, pedge, mxsnap PARAMETER (PNORM = 1) PARAMETER (PRAD = 2) PARAMETER (PVECT = 3) PARAMETER (PEDGE = 4) PARAMETER (MXSNAP = 50) C ... Type of modification requested: SNAP or MOVE PARAMETER (ISNAP = 1) PARAMETER (IMOVE = 2) COMMON /SNAPBL/ NUMSNP, USNORM(MXSNAP), VECTOR(3,MXSNAP), * IDSSMA(MXSNAP), IDSSSL(MXSNAP), SNPTOL(MXSNAP), DELMAX(MXSNAP), * ISMTYP(MXSNAP), GAP(MXSNAP) INTEGER USNORM C --NUMSNP - number of 'snap sets' specified C --USNORM - type of normal to use C --PNORM = Calculate normal from slave face, VECTOR unused C --PRAD = Radial, center is defined in VECTOR C --PVECT = Specified vector in VECTOR C --PEDGE = Calculate normal from edge to slave node, VECTOR unused C --VECTOR - Direction vector for moving snapped node C --IDSSMA - Sideset id of master surface (snap to) C --IDSSSL - Sideset id of slave surface (snapped nodes) C --SNPTOL - C --DELMAX - Maximum distance that a node will be moved to snap C it to the master face. C --ISMTYP - The type of modification to make SNAP or MOVE