%This turns on the SAND report covers

\SANDauthor{Gregory D. Sjaardema}
\newcommand{\theTitle}{A Collection of Exodus Utilities:\\Exodiff, EPU, EJoin, and Conjoin}


Draft Date: \SANDprintDateVar\\
Printed \SANDprintDateVar\\

Simulation Modeling Sciences Department\\
Sandia National Laboratories\\
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0380\\

The applications \exodiff{}, \epu{}, \ejoin{}, and \conjoin{} are
members of the Sandia Engineering Analysis Code Access System
(SEACAS~\cite{bib:seacas}) which is used by analysts at Sandia
National Laboratories.  The applications all read and/or write finite
element databases stored in the \exo{}~\cite{bib:exodus} format.

Each application is targeted at a few specific areas of functionality:

\item[\exodiff] compares the results data from two \exo{} files with
user-specified relative or absolute tolerances.

\item[\epu] combines multiple \exo{} databases produced by a parallel
application into a single \exo{} database.

\item[\ejoin] joins two or more \exo{} databases into a single
\exo{} database. The input databases must have disjoint meta and bulk data.

\item[\conjoin] joins two or more \exo{} databases into a single
database. The input databases should represent the same model geometry
with results data written sequentially.