\chapter{Scaling Behavior} \section{Introduction} In the field of radioactive materials transportation cask design, testing of scale models is very important. In order to successfully utilize the results of scale model tests, the appropriate parameters and techniques for extrapolating the results to full-scale behavior must be identified. Because the accelerations of practical interest are sufficiently high, the effects of a one G (gravity) field are ignored in the following discussion. \section{Simplified Analysis for Linear Systems} For linear behavior, a simplified engineering approach to scaling relations can be applied. For radioactive materials transportation cask applications, the linear accelerations at various locations along the cask length tend to be the most important parameters. These accelerations are used primarily to assess inertial loads on bolted closures, cask contents and other components. Therefore, the discussion below centers on the scaling relations for acceleration values. A more complete description of scaling relations can be found in Table 7.1. Linear acceleration of the center-of-gravity is described by the equation relating force ($F$), mass ($M$), and acceleration ($a$): \begin{equation} F = M \cdot a. \end{equation} Angular acceleration about the center-of-gravity is similarly described by the equation relating torque ($T$), moment of inertia ($I$), and angular acceleration ($\alpha$): \begin{equation} T = I \cdot \alpha. \end{equation} For linear acceleration, the forces are proportional to the square of the linear dimensions of the body. The mass is proportional to the cube of the linear dimensions. Therefore, the acceleration of a full-scale object should be half that of a half-scale object. For angular acceleration, the torques are proportional to the cube of the body scale (T = force $\cdot$ length, where force $\propto$ length$^{2}$). The moment of inertia is proportional to the fifth power of the body scale (I = mass $\cdot$ length$^{2}$, where mass $\propto$ length$^{3}$). Therefore, the angular acceleration of a full-scale object should be one fourth that of a half-scale object. However, the linear acceleration of the end of an object is equal to the angular acceleration times a length dimension. Thus, the linear acceleration of the tip of a rotating full-scale object should again be half that of a half-scale object. Note, for simplicity of the argument and because we are primarily concerned with the tangential component of acceleration for shallow angle slapdown events, the inward component of acceleration (centripetal acceleration) due to the square of the angular velocity times the length has been neglected in this argument. Inclusion of centripetal acceleration does not change the stated conclusion. \section{Numerical Confirmation Using \SLAP} Nonlinear behavior of the structure at the impact locations is much more common than linear behavior. Nonlinear behavior arises from both geometric and material properties sources. The nonlinear behavior is easily incorporated into numeric solution procedures such as those found in the slapdown analysis program, \SLAP , discussed in this report. \SLAP\ will therefore be used to address the effects of nonlinear behavior on the scaling relations for slapdown impact events. Two sets of analyses will be performed. First, an analysis of linear behavior will be compared to the results of the simple engineering analysis described above. Then, an analysis of nonlinear behavior will determine the effects of nonlinearity on the scaling relations derived for linear behavior. \subsection{Linear Springs} A simple solid cylinder was selected to demonstrate the scaling relations. No system of units was assumed, thus any consistent units may be applied. In full-scale, the cylinder was given a mass of 80, a length of 120 units, and a radius of 30 units resulting in a moment of inertia of 114,000. An identical spring at each end of the cylinder had a travel of 10 units with a spring rate of 600,000 and an identical unloading modulus (that is the spring was linear on both loading and unloading with no energy dissipation). This cylinder was impacted onto a rigid target at an initial angle of 10$^\circ$ with an initial velocity of 527.45. This velocity was selected, based on the author's bias, because it is consistent, in units of in/sec, with the NRC 30-foot free drop hypothetical accident condition. A solid cylinder consistent with the half- scale of the cylinder described above has a mass of 10, a length of 60 units, and a radius of 15 units for a moment of inertia of 3563. In half-scale, the spring travel was 5 units with a spring rate of 300,000 for both loading and unloading. The initial impact conditions were identical with those of the full-scale cylinder. The model description parameters are listed in Table 7.1 for easy comparison. \begin{table} \begin{center} \caption{Comparison of Full- and Half-Scale Linear Spring Models} \makeqnum \begin{tabular}{||l|r|r|r||} \hline &\multicolumn{1}{|c}{Full-Scale} &\multicolumn{1}{|c}{Half-Scale} &\multicolumn{1}{|c||}{Ratio}\\ & & &\multicolumn{1}{|c||}{(Full/Half)}\\ Geometry and & & & \\ Initial Conditions: & & & \\ \quad Overall Length &$???120.0$ &$??60.0$ &$?2.0?$\\ \quad Mass &$????80.0$ &$??10.0$ &$?8.0?$\\ \quad Moment of Inertia &$114000.0$ &$3563.0$ &$32.0?$\\ \quad Spring Constants: & & &\\ \quad \quad Loading &$600000.$ &$300000.$ &$2.0?$\\ \quad \quad Unloading &$600000.$ &$300000.$ &$2.0?$\\ \quad Initial Velocity &$-527.5$ &$-527.5$ &$1.0?$\\ \quad Initial Angle &$??10.0$ &$??10.0$ &$1.0?$\\ \hline Results: & & & \\ Maximum Accelerations & & & \\ \quad Nose &$?85720.$ &$?171400.$ &$0.5?$\\ &$-67780.$ &$-135600.$ &$0.5?$\\ \quad Tail &$158400.$ &$316700.$ &$0.5?$\\ &$-36610.$ &$-73210.$ &$0.5?$\\ \quad C.-G. &$45300.$ &$90590.$ &$0.5?$\\ &$????0.$ &$????0.$ &$0.5?$\\ \quad Angular &$?1893.$ &$?7583.$ &$0.25$\\ &$-1023.$ &$-4090.$ &$0.25$\\ Maximum Velocities & & & \\ \quad Nose &$?536.4$ &$?536.4$ &$1.0?$\\ &$-527.5$ &$-527.5$ &$1.0?$\\ \quad Tail &$???1.7$ &$???1.7$ &$1.0?$\\ &$-983.2$ &$-983.2$ &$1.0?$\\ \quad C.-G. &$??56.7$ &$??56.7$ &$1.0?$\\ &$-527.5$ &$-527.5$ &$1.0?$\\ \quad Angular &$??0.0$ &$??0.0$ &$0.5?$\\ &$-12.7$ &$-25.3$ &$0.5?$\\ Maximum Displacements & & & \\ \quad Nose &$3.28$ &$1.64$ &$2.0?$\\ \quad Tail &$6.04$ &$3.02$ &$2.0?$\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \SLAP\ analysis results show that the sequence of events occurs at twice the speed for the half-scale cylinder as for the full-scale cylinder. The displacements for the half-scale cylinder are half the full-scale cylinder's displacements. Linear velocities are the same for both half- and full-scale cylinders, and linear accelerations of the half-scale cylinder are double those of the full-scale cylinder. The angular velocities of the half-scale cylinder are double those of the full-scale cylinder, and the angular accelerations for the half-scale cylinder are four times those for the full-scale cylinder. Thus, if an object has a non-zero angular velocity at impact, the half-scale object must have double the initial angular velocity of the full-scale object, for proper scaling. These results are shown in Figures 7.1-7.3. The maximum values of displacement, velocity, and acceleration are shown in Table 7.1. \begin{figure} \vspace{3.5 in} \caption{Nose, Center-of-Gravity, and Tail Displacements versus Time for Full- and Half-Scale Cylinders with Linear Springs} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \vspace{3.5 in} \caption{Nose, Center-of-Gravity, and Tail Velocities versus Time for Full- and Half-Scale Cylinders with Linear Springs} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \vspace{3.5 in} \caption{Nose, Center-of-Gravity, and Tail Accelerations versus Time for Full- and Half-Scale Cylinders with Linear Springs} \end{figure} \subsection{Nonlinear Springs} To investigate the nonlinear behavior, the cylinders described above were again used. The only differences were the springs. For the full-scale cylinder, a spring with an initial spring rate of 750,000 for the initial travel of 2 units followed by a tangent spring rate of 0 for the next 8 units was selected. Thus the force curve rose linearly to a value of 1,500,000 and then remained at that value for the remainder of the compression. An unloading modulus of 600,000 was again selected. Since unloading occurs linearly from the maximum load reached, the spring selected has the potential to absorb a considerable amount of energy. The half-scale spring has an initial spring rate of 375,000 over the first unit of displacement. This force remains constant for the next 4 units of displacement. The unloading modulus is 300,000. The initial conditions for the impact event were identical with those described above for the linear analysis. The impact initial conditions and model description are shown in Table 7.2. \begin{table} \begin{center} \caption{Comparison of Full- and Half-Scale Nonlinear Spring Models} \makeqnum \begin{tabular}{||l|r|r|r||} \hline &\multicolumn{1}{|c}{Full-Scale} &\multicolumn{1}{|c}{Half-Scale} &\multicolumn{1}{|c||}{Ratio}\\ & & &\multicolumn{1}{|c||}{(Full/Half)}\\ Geometry and & & & \\ Initial Conditions: & & & \\ \quad Overall Length &$???120.0$ &$??60.0$ &$?2.0?$\\ \quad Mass &$????80.0$ &$??10.0$ &$?8.0?$\\ \quad Moment of Inertia &$114000.0$ &$3563.0$ &$32.0?$\\ \quad Spring Constants: & & &\\ \quad \quad Loading section 1 &$750000.?$ &$375000.?$ &$2.0?$\\ \quad \quad Loading section 2 &$ 0.?$ &$ 0.?$ &$2.0?$\\ \quad \quad Unloading &$600000.?$ &$300000.?$ &$2.0?$\\ \quad Initial Velocity &$-527.5$ &$-527.5$ &$1.0?$\\ \quad Initial Angle &$??10.0$ &$??10.0$ &$1.0?$\\ \hline Results: & & & \\ Maximum Accelerations & & & \\ \quad Nose &$65630.?$ &$131300.?$ &$0.5?$\\ &$-28760.?$ &$-57530.?$ &$0.5?$\\ \quad Tail &$66260.?$ &$132500.?$ &$0.5?$\\ &$-28130.?$ &$-56260.?$ &$0.5?$\\ \quad C.-G. &$18750.?$ &$37500.?$ &$0.5?$\\ &$0.?$ &$0.?$ &$0.5?$\\ \quad Angular &$788.5$ &$3154.$ &$0.25$\\ &$-781.5$ &$-3126.$ &$0.25$\\ Maximum Velocities & & & \\ \quad Nose &$409.5???$ &$409.5???$ &$1.0?$\\ &$-527.5???$ &$-527.5???$ &$1.0?$\\ \quad Tail &$7.5???$ &$7.5???$ &$1.0?$\\ &$-928.8???$ &$-928.8???$ &$1.0?$\\ \quad C.-G. &$6.6???$ &$6.6???$ &$1.0?$\\ &$-527.5???$ &$-527.5???$ &$1.0?$\\ \quad Angular &$0.0158$ &$???0.0316$ &$0.5?$\\ &$-11.15??$ &$-22.3???$ &$0.5?$\\ Maximum Displacements & & & \\ \quad Nose &$3.16$ &$1.58$ &$2.0?$\\ \quad Tail &$7.53$ &$3.77$ &$2.0?$\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} The results for the nonlinear springs showed exactly the same behavior as described for the linear springs. Nonlinear behavior is shown in Figures 7.4-7.6 and the maximum values in Table 7.2. \begin{figure} \vspace{3.5 in} \caption{Nose, Center-of-Gravity, and Tail Displacements versus Time for Full- and Half-Scale Cylinders with Nonlinear Springs} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \vspace{3.5 in} \caption{Nose, Center-of-Gravity, and Tail Velocities versus Time for Full- and Half-Scale Cylinders with Nonlinear Springs} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \vspace{3.5 in} \caption{Nose, Center-of-Gravity, and Tail Accelerations versus Time for Full- and Half-Scale Cylinders with Nonlinear Springs} \end{figure} \section{Conclusions} In this section, we have shown that the results of impact testing scale models can easily be related to the behavior of full-scale objects. Model displacements can be related to full-scale object displacements by multiplying by the model scale. Model linear accelerations can be related to full-scale object linear accelerations by dividing by the model scale. Model angular accelerations can be related to those of the full-scale object by dividing by the square of the model scale. Linear velocities are identical between model and full-scale objects regardless of scale. Angular velocities scale in the manner of linear accelerations. The scaling relations for velocities indicate that the initial conditions for a model impact test should be identical to those expected for the full-scale event except for initial angular velocity. Initial angular velocity for the model should be inversely proportional to the scale of the model used. These scaling relations are summarized in Table 7.2. \begin{table} \begin{center} \caption{Summary of Relationships for Scale Model Testing} \makeqnum \begin{tabular}{||l|c||} \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c}{Parameter} &\multicolumn{1}{|c||}{Scaling Relationships}\\ Geometry and & \\ Initial Conditions: &\\ \quad Overall Length & $l_{sm} = l_{fs} \times (Scale)^{1}$\\ \quad Mass & $M_{sm} = M_{fs} \times (Scale)^{3}$\\ \quad Moment of Inertia & $I_{sm} = I_{fs} \times (Scale)^{5}$\\ \quad Spring Constants & $K_{sm} = K_{fs} \times (Scale)^{1}$\\ \quad Initial Velocity & $V_{sm} = V_{fs} \times (Scale)^{0}$\\ \quad Initial Angle & $\theta _{sm} = \theta _{fs} \times (Scale)^{0}$\\ \hline Results: & \\ \quad Linear Accelerations & $a_{sm} = a_{fs} \times (Scale)^{-1}$\\ \quad Angular Accelerations & $\alpha _{sm} = \alpha _{fs} \times (Scale)^{-2}$\\ \quad Linear Velocities & $V_{sm} = V_{fs} \times (Scale)^{0}$\\ \quad Angular Velocities & $\omega _{sm} = \omega _{fs} \times (Scale)^{-1}$\\ \quad Linear Displacements & $\Delta _{sm} = \Delta _{fs} \times (Scale)^{1}$\\ \quad Angular Displacements & $\theta _{sm} = \theta _{f} \times (Scale)^{0}$\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table}