// Copyright(C) 2021, 2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
// of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
// NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
#pragma once

// `Cell`:
//  -- for each location:
//     -- i,j location (could be calculated, but easier if entry knows it...)
//     -- reference to unit_cell region
//     -- global node offset for node ids (over all ranks if parallel)
//     -- local node offset for node ids (for this rank only if parallel)
//     -- global element block offsets for element ids for each element block (over all ranks if
//     parallel)
//     -- local element block offsets for element ids for each element block (for this rank only
//     if parallel)
//     -- offX, offY -- coordinate offsets for nodes (can be calculated?)
//     -- rank (for parallel -- which rank does this entry exist on)

#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "UnitCell.h"
//! \file

// Each entry in grid will have the following information:
enum class Axis { X, Y, Z };
enum class Mode { GLOBAL, PROCESSOR };
enum class Loc { C = 0, BL, B, BR, L, R, TL, T, TR };

class Cell
  Cell()             = default;
  Cell(const Cell &) = default;

  std::pair<double, double> get_coordinate_range(enum Axis) const;
  void                      initialize(size_t i, size_t j, std::shared_ptr<UnitCell> unit_cell);

  //! Provide access to the UnitCell that this cell uses.
  std::shared_ptr<UnitCell> unit() const { return m_unitCell; }

  //! Provide access to the Ioss::Region in the unit_cell that this cell uses.
  std::shared_ptr<Ioss::Region> region() const { return m_unitCell->m_region; }

  //! True if this cell has a neighbor to its "left" (lower i)
  bool has_neighbor_i() const { return m_i > 0; }

  //! True if this cell has a neighbor "below it" (lower j)
  bool has_neighbor_j() const { return m_j > 0; }

  //! Return neighbor information for each possible direction.
  //! This is only valid after `grid.decompose()` has been called
  bool has_neighbor(enum Loc loc) const { return m_ranks[(int)loc] != -1; }

  //! True if this cell has a processor boundary to the specified direction
  //! Note that cell cannot compute this, but is "told" this during decomposition
  //! of the owning `Grid`
  //! There is a processor boundary if the rank of the cell at that location is
  //! different than the rank of this cell...
  bool processor_boundary(enum Loc loc) const
    return m_ranks[(int)loc] >= 0 && (m_ranks[(int)Loc::C] != m_ranks[(int)loc]);

  //! Number of nodes that will be added to global node count when this cell is added to
  //! grid -- accounts for coincident nodes if this cell has neighbor(s)
  size_t added_node_count(enum Mode mode, bool equivalence_nodes) const;

  //! Number of nodes that this cell adds to the processor boundary node count.
  //! Assumes that cells are processed in "order", so accounts for corner nodes
  //! shared with another cell...
  //! Note that a node shared by more than one processor (e.g. a corner node) counts
  //! for each processor it is shared with.
  size_t processor_boundary_node_count() const;

  template <typename INT>
  void populate_node_communication_map(const std::vector<INT> &node_map, std::vector<INT> &nodes,
                                       std::vector<INT> &procs) const;

  //! Returns a `std::array<int,9>` which categorizes whether the cells at each location are on the
  //! same rank as `rank`. A value of `1` means the cell at that location is on the same rank; a
  //! value of `0` means it is on a different rank. Used to determine which nodes have already been
  //! accounted for on this rank and which this cell will add to the processor-local count.
  std::array<int, 9> categorize_processor_boundary_nodes(int rank) const;

  //! The mpi rank that this cell, or the neighboring cells, will be on in a parallel run.
  int rank(enum Loc loc) const { return m_ranks[(int)loc]; }

  //! The mpi rank that this cell will be on in a parallel run.
  void set_rank(enum Loc loc, int my_rank) { m_ranks[(int)loc] = my_rank; }

  //! Create a vector of `node_count` length which has the following values:
  //! * 0: Node that is not shared with any "lower" neighbors.
  //! * 1: Node on `min_I` face
  //! * 2: Node on `min_J` face
  //! * 3: Node on `min_I-min_J` line
  //! If `mode == PROCESSOR`, then modify due to processor boundaries...
  std::vector<int> categorize_nodes(enum Mode mode) const;

  template <typename INT>
  std::vector<INT> generate_node_map(Mode mode, bool equivalance_nodes, INT /*dummy*/) const;

  template <typename INT>
  void populate_neighbor(Loc location, const std::vector<INT> &map, const Cell &neighbor) const;

  //! A vector containing the global node ids of the nodes on the `min_I` face of this
  //! unit cell. These nodes were generated by the "left" (lower i) neighbor.
  //! Once this cell uses this information, it can clear out the vector.
  mutable std::vector<int64_t> min_I_nodes;

  //! A vector containing the global node ids of the nodes on the `min_J` face of this
  //! unit cell. These nodes were generated by the "below" (lower j neighbor.
  //! Once this cell uses this information, it can clear out the vector.
  mutable std::vector<int64_t> min_J_nodes;

  //! The `i` location of this entry in the grid
  size_t m_i{0};
  //! The `j` location of this entry in the grid
  size_t m_j{0};

  int64_t m_globalNodeIdOffset{0};
  int64_t m_localNodeIdOffset{0};

  //! The offset into the commincation node output array for this cell in the file associated with
  //! the rank that this cell is on. Set by handle_communications() in Grid.C.
  mutable size_t m_communicationNodeOffset{0};

  //! The number of node/proc pairs that this cell adds to the communication node map.
  mutable size_t m_communicationNodeCount{0};

  std::map<std::string, size_t> m_globalElementIdOffset;
  std::map<std::string, size_t> m_localElementIdOffset;

  //! For each surface/sideset, this is the offset into the output element/face lists
  //! for this cells data. 0-based. Indexed by surface name.
  std::map<std::string, size_t> m_localSurfaceOffset;

  //! The offset that must be added to the `x` coordinates of the
  //! UnitCell to place it in the correct global location of the
  //! output mesh
  double m_offX{0.0};

  //! The offset that must be added to the `y` coordinates of the
  //! UnitCell to place it in the correct global location of the
  //! output mesh
  double m_offY{0.0};

  //! The UnitCell that occupies this location in the grid / latice
  std::shared_ptr<UnitCell> m_unitCell;

  //! The MPI ranks of all surrounding cells in order:
  //!  6 7 8    TL T TR
  //!  4 0 5     L C R
  //!  1 2 3    BL B BR
  std::array<int, 9> m_ranks{{0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}};