\chapter{The \caps{ABAQUS} Output File Format} \label{appx:abaqus} The \caps{ABAQUS} file format is described in the \caps{ABAQUS} Manual Section 10. However, the manual is unclear as to the order of the record types. This appendix defines the assumed record order determined by examining actual \caps{ABAQUS} output files. These assumptions are incorporated in \caps{\PROGRAM}, and if incorrect they may involve program changes. If the program encounters a record of an unexpected type, a warning is printed and the record is ignored. Records that are out of order may confuse the program. The header records are in the following order: \setlength{\itemsep}{\medskipamount} \begin{itemize} \item a version record (1921) and a heading record (1922); \item a series of element connectivity records (1900), which may not be in numerical order; \item a series of nodal coordinate records (1901), which may not be in numerical order; \item a start time steps record (1902), which is ignored; and \item an end time step record (2001), which is ignored. \end{itemize} A series of time steps follow. The records for a time step are in the following order: \setlength{\itemsep}{\medskipamount} \begin{itemize} \item a times record (2000) or an eigen record (?); \item an output set request record (1911), which is ignored; \item a series of element variable records (1..100), which may not be in numerical order, but all variables for one element are together; \item a series of nodal variable records (101..1000), which may not be in numerical order, and all variables for a node may not be together; \item an end time step record (2001), which is ignored. \end{itemize}