\chapter{Sample Session} \label{appx:example} The following is an example session with \caps{\PROGRAM}. Text following the \caps{\PROGRAM} prompt (\verb|ALG>|) is supplied by the user. The program response (if any) is shown directly below the equation or command. Comments on the example are in {\em italics}. \newenvironment{comments} {\em}{} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{LIST VARS} \begin{verbatim} Database: /User/me/testing/input_databse.e SAMPLE DATABASE FOR ALGEBRA Number of coordinates per node = 2 Number of nodes = 644 Number of elements = 480 Number of element blocks = 1 Number of node sets = 0 Number of side sets = 0 Code: MISCPROG version 1.0 on 12/23/85 at 10:21:59 \end{verbatim} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{LIST STEPS} \begin{verbatim} Number of time steps = 21 Minimum time = 0.00 Maximum time = 10.00 \end{verbatim} \newpage \verb|ALG>| \cmd{SHOW TMAX} \vspace{-\medskipamount} \begin{verbatim} Select all times from 0.0 to 10.0 Number of selected times = 21 \end{verbatim} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{TMAX 5.0} \vspace{-\medskipamount} \begin{verbatim} Select all times from 0.0 to 5.0 Number of selected times = 11 \end{verbatim} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{NINTV 5} \vspace{-\medskipamount} \begin{verbatim} Select times 0.0 to 5.0 in 5 intervals with delta offset Number of selected times = 5 \end{verbatim} \begin{comments} These commands select up to 5 time steps between 0.0 and 5.0 starting at an offset (1.0) from 0.0. The steps with the times nearest 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 are selected. The equations are evaluated and the results written to the output database only for the selected steps. \end{comments} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{LIST NAMES} \begin{verbatim} Coordinate names: R Z Variables Names: Global: RESIDUAL ENERGY NORM L2NORM Nodal: DISPLR DISPLZ VELR VELZ ACCELR ACCELZ Element: SIGR SIGZ SIGT TAURZ EPSR EPST EPSRZ \end{verbatim} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{SAVE NODAL} \begin{comments} All the input database nodal variables (\cmd{DISPLR}, \cmd{DISPLZ}, \ldots, \cmd{ACCELZ}) will be written unchanged to the output database (unless they are assigned a value or listed in a \cmd{DELETE} command). \end{comments} \newpage \verb|ALG>| \cmd{VONMISES = (1.0$/$SQRT(2.0)) $*$ TMAG(SIGR,SIGZ,SIGT,TAURZ,0,0)} \\ \verb|ALG>| \cmd{EFFSTR = SQRT(1.5) $*$ 5.79E-3 $*$ VONMISES$**$4 $*$ EXP(-12.0$/$300.0$*$1.987)} \\ \verb|ALG>| \cmd{PRESS = (SIGR $+$ SIGZ $+$ SIGT) $/$ 3.0} \\ \verb|ALG>| \cmd{PRESS100 = (SIGR\$100 + SIGZ\$100 + SIGT\$100) $/$ 3.0} \\ \verb|ALG>| \cmd{PHI = EFFSTR $-$ 0.023 $-$ PRESS $*$ (4.43E$-$8 $-$ 3.7E$-$15 $*$ PRESS)} \\ \verb|ALG>| \cmd{ALPHA = SIGR\$56} \\ \verb|ALG>| \cmd{BETA = ALPHA $+$ 1.414} \begin{comments} Assign element variables \cmd{VONMISES}, \cmd{EFFSTR}, \cmd{PRESS}, and \cmd{PHI} and global variables \cmd{PRESS100}, \cmd{ALPHA}, and \cmd{BETA}. Note that the \cmd{PRESS100} equation could be replaced by ``\cmd{PRESS100 = PRESS\$100}''. \end{comments} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{DELETE ALPHA} \begin{comments} \cmd{ALPHA} (assigned in the equation ``\cmd{ALPHA = SIGR\$56}'' above) becomes a temporary variable and will not be written to the output database. \end{comments} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{BAD = (A + 1)) + SIN (1,2)} \vspace{-\medskipamount} \begin{verbatim} *** Expected 1 parameter(s) for function SIN, found 2 *** Parenthesis do not balance *** "A" is not a database variable Equation ignored \end{verbatim} \begin{comments} This equation contains several errors. Each error is flagged and the equation is ignored. \end{comments} \verb|ALG>| \cmd{END} \begin{comments} No further user input is accepted and the equation evaluation begins. \end{comments}