\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} \begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem{bib:exodus} Larry A. Schoof and Victor R. Yarberry, ``EXODUSII: A Finite Element Data Model,'' SAND92-2137, \SNLA, September, 1994.\footnote{This document is very out of date. A new document is being prepared and a draft of the current state is available at \url{http://sandialabs.github.io/seacas/exodusII-new.pdf}.} \bibitem{bib:gjoin} Gregory D. Sjaardema, ``GJOIN: A Program for Merging Two or More GENESIS Databases,'' SAND92-2290, \SNLA, December 1992. \bibitem{bib:conex} Gregory D. Sjaardema, ``CONEX: A code for sequentially appending ExodusII databases,'' unpublished internal communication, \SNLA. \bibitem{bib:nem_join} Gary L. Hennigan, Matt M. St. John, Gregory D. Sjaardema, ``NEM\_JOIN: Join the results from a group of parallel ExodusII files,'' unpublished internal communication, \SNLA. \bibitem{bib:seacas} Gregory D. Sjaardema, ``Overview of the Sandia National Laboratories Engineering Analysis Code Access System,'' SAND92-2292, \SNLA, January 1993, Reprinted August 1994. \end{thebibliography}