The following are the time step selection parameters: \negmedskip \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} \begin{itemize} \item \param{tmin} is the minimum selected time, \item \param{tmax} is the maximum selected time, \item \param{nintv} is the number of selected time intervals, and \item \param{delt} is the selected time interval. \end{itemize} In the interval-times mode, up to \param{nintv} time steps at interval \param{delt} between \param{tmin} and \param{tmax} are selected. The mode may have a delta offset or a zero offset. With a delta offset, the first selected time is \param{tmin}+\param{delt}; with a zero offset, it is \param{tmin}. In the interval-times mode with a delta offset, the number of selected time intervals \param{nintv} and the selected time interval \param{delt} are related mathematically by the equations: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cl} $delt$ = $(tmax-tmin) / nintv$ & (1) \\ $nintv$ = \cmd{int} $((tmin-tmax) / delt)$ & (2) \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} With a zero offset, \param{nintv} and \param{delt} are related mathematically by the equations: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{cl} $delt$ = $(tmax-tmin) / (nintv-1)$ & (1) \\ $nintv$ = \cmd{int} $((tmin-tmax) / delt) + 1$ & (2) \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} The user specifies either \param{nintv} or \param{delt}. If \param{nintv} is specified, \param{delt} is calculated using equation 1. If \param{delt} is specified, \param{nintv} is calculated using equation 2. In the all-available-times mode, all database time steps between \param{tmin} and \param{tmax} are selected (parameters \param{nintv} and \param{delt} are ignored). In the user-selected-times mode, the specified times are selected (all parameters are ignored).