/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #include // for cos, sin void rotate2d(double **yvecs, /* ptr to list of y-vectors (rotated) */ int nmyvtxs, /* length of yvecs */ double theta /* angle to rotate by */ ) { double temp1; /* hold values for a while */ double c, s; /* cosine and sine of theta */ int i; /* loop counter */ s = sin(theta); c = cos(theta); for (i = 1; i <= nmyvtxs; i++) { temp1 = yvecs[1][i]; yvecs[1][i] = c * temp1 + s * yvecs[2][i]; yvecs[2][i] = -s * temp1 + c * yvecs[2][i]; } } void rotate3d(double **yvecs, /* ptr to list of y-vectors (to be rotated) */ int nmyvtxs, /* length of yvecs */ double theta, double phi, double gamma2 /* rotational parameters */ ) { double temp1, temp2; /* hold values for a while */ double ctheta, stheta; /* cosine and sine of theta */ double cphi, sphi; /* cosine and sine of phi */ double cgamma, sgamma; /* cosine and sine of gamma */ double onemcg; /* 1.0 - cosine(gamma) */ double a1, a2, a3; /* rotation matrix entries */ double b1, b2, b3; /* rotation matrix entries */ double c1, c2, c3; /* rotation matrix entries */ int i; /* loop counter */ stheta = sin(theta); ctheta = cos(theta); sphi = sin(phi); cphi = cos(phi); sgamma = sin(gamma2); cgamma = cos(gamma2); onemcg = 1.0 - cgamma; a1 = cgamma + cphi * ctheta * onemcg * cphi * ctheta; a2 = sgamma * sphi + cphi * stheta * onemcg * cphi * ctheta; a3 = -sgamma * cphi * stheta + sphi * onemcg * cphi * ctheta; b1 = -sgamma * sphi + cphi * ctheta * onemcg * cphi * stheta; b2 = cgamma + cphi * stheta * onemcg * cphi * stheta; b3 = sgamma * cphi * ctheta + sphi * onemcg * cphi * stheta; c1 = sgamma * cphi * stheta + cphi * ctheta * onemcg * sphi; c2 = -sgamma * cphi * ctheta + cphi * stheta * onemcg * sphi; c3 = cgamma + sphi * onemcg * sphi; for (i = 1; i <= nmyvtxs; i++) { temp1 = yvecs[1][i]; temp2 = yvecs[2][i]; yvecs[1][i] = a1 * temp1 + b1 * temp2 + c1 * yvecs[3][i]; yvecs[2][i] = a2 * temp1 + b2 * temp2 + c2 * yvecs[3][i]; yvecs[3][i] = a3 * temp1 + b3 * temp2 + c3 * yvecs[3][i]; } }