/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #include "smalloc.h" // for smalloc #include "structs.h" // for vtx_data /* Make coarse graph vertex coordinates be center-of-mass of their */ /* fine graph constituents. */ void makeccoords(struct vtx_data **graph, /* array of vtx data for graph */ int cnvtxs, /* number of vertices in coarse graph */ int * cv2v_ptrs, /* vtxs corresponding to each cvtx */ int * cv2v_vals, /* indices into cv2v_vals */ int igeom, /* dimensions of geometric data */ float ** coords, /* coordinates for vertices */ float ** ccoords /* coordinates for coarsened vertices */ ) { double mass; /* total mass of merged vertices */ float *cptr; /* loops through ccoords */ int cvtx; /* coarse graph vertex */ int vtx; /* vertex being merged */ int i, j; /* loop counters */ for (i = 0; i < igeom; i++) { ccoords[i] = cptr = smalloc((cnvtxs + 1) * sizeof(float)); for (cvtx = cnvtxs; cvtx; cvtx--) { *(++cptr) = 0; } } if (igeom == 1) { for (cvtx = 1; cvtx <= cnvtxs; cvtx++) { mass = 0; for (j = cv2v_ptrs[cvtx]; j < cv2v_ptrs[cvtx + 1]; j++) { vtx = cv2v_vals[j]; mass += graph[vtx]->vwgt; ccoords[0][cvtx] += graph[vtx]->vwgt * coords[0][vtx]; } ccoords[0][cvtx] /= mass; } } else if (igeom == 2) { for (cvtx = 1; cvtx <= cnvtxs; cvtx++) { mass = 0; for (j = cv2v_ptrs[cvtx]; j < cv2v_ptrs[cvtx + 1]; j++) { vtx = cv2v_vals[j]; mass += graph[vtx]->vwgt; ccoords[0][cvtx] += graph[vtx]->vwgt * coords[0][vtx]; ccoords[1][cvtx] += graph[vtx]->vwgt * coords[1][vtx]; } ccoords[0][cvtx] /= mass; ccoords[1][cvtx] /= mass; } } else if (igeom > 2) { for (cvtx = 1; cvtx <= cnvtxs; cvtx++) { mass = 0; for (j = cv2v_ptrs[cvtx]; j < cv2v_ptrs[cvtx + 1]; j++) { vtx = cv2v_vals[j]; mass += graph[vtx]->vwgt; ccoords[0][cvtx] += graph[vtx]->vwgt * coords[0][vtx]; ccoords[1][cvtx] += graph[vtx]->vwgt * coords[1][vtx]; ccoords[2][cvtx] += graph[vtx]->vwgt * coords[2][vtx]; } ccoords[0][cvtx] /= mass; ccoords[1][cvtx] /= mass; ccoords[2][cvtx] /= mass; } } }