C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================== SUBROUTINE AVG(IGLND,INVCN,MAXLN,INVLEN,SOLEA,SOLENA,ITT,iblk) C************************************************************************ C Subroutine AVG provides for translating nodal values of element C variables back to the element centroids for the special case where C too few elements can be associated with a node. Element variable C data is simply averaged at that node. C Called by ELTON1 C************************************************************************ C IGLND INT The global node number C INVCN INT The inverse connectivity (1:maxln,1:numnda) C MAXLN INT The maximum nomber of elements connected to any node C INVLEN INT The number of elements connected to this node C SOLEA REAL Element variables (1:numeba,1:nvarel) C SOLENA REAL Element variables at nodes" (1:nodesa,1:nvarel) C NDLSTA INT The array that identifies the local element block node C number with the global mesh node number (1:numnda) C ITT INT Truth table C iblk INT Block number being processed (not block ID) C************************************************************************ include 'aexds1.blk' include 'amesh.blk' include 'ebbyeb.blk' DIMENSION INVCN(MAXLN,*),SOLEA(NUMEBA,*), & SOLENA(NODESA,NVAREL), ITT(NVAREL,*) C************************************************************************ DO 10 IVAR = 1, NVAREL IF (ITT(IVAR,iblk) .EQ. 0)GO TO 10 SUM = 0. DO 20 J = 1, INVLEN SUM = SUM + SOLEA(INVCN(J,IGLND),IVAR) 20 CONTINUE SOLENA(IGLND,IVAR) = SUM / INVLEN 10 CONTINUE RETURN END