C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= LOGICAL FUNCTION MPWIND(LEFT,RIGHT,BOTTOM,TOP,NEAR,FAR) COMMON /MAP/MODEL(4,4),VIEW(4,4),PROJ(4,4),CPNEAR,CPFAR,VWPORT(4), * MVP(4,4),VP(4,4),CPLINE(2,2,10),CPPLAN(2,3,10),PEYE(3), * PLOOK(3),ETWIST,NCPLIN,NCPLAN,TMAT1(4,4),TMAT2(4,4), * TMAT3(4,4),TVEC1(4),TVEC2(4),TVEC3(4),TVEC4(4),TARR1(32), * TARR2(32),TARR3(32),TARR4(32),TARR5(32),TARR6(32), * TARR7(32),TARR8(32) REAL MODEL,MVP REAL LEFT,NEAR CHARACTER*6 SUBNAM PARAMETER (SUBNAM='MPWIND') MPWIND = .FALSE. IF (NEAR.LT.0.) THEN CALL PLTFLU CALL SIORPT(SUBNAM, * 'You cannot specify the near clipping plane less than 0.' * ,2) RETURN END IF IF (NEAR.GE.FAR) THEN CALL PLTFLU CALL SIORPT(SUBNAM, *'You cannot specify the near clipping plane >= to the far clipping * plane',2) RETURN END IF IF (RIGHT.EQ.LEFT) THEN CALL PLTFLU CALL SIORPT(SUBNAM, *'You cannot specify the right and left edges of the viewing frustr *um as equal',2) RETURN END IF IF (TOP.EQ.BOTTOM) THEN CALL PLTFLU CALL SIORPT(SUBNAM, *'You cannot specify the top and bottom edges of the viewing frustr *um as equal',2) RETURN END IF MPWIND = .TRUE. CALL MXZERO(4,PROJ) PROJ(1,1) = 2.*NEAR/ (RIGHT-LEFT) PROJ(2,2) = 2.*NEAR/ (TOP-BOTTOM) PROJ(3,1) = (RIGHT+LEFT)/ (RIGHT-LEFT) PROJ(3,2) = (TOP+BOTTOM)/ (TOP-BOTTOM) PROJ(3,3) = - (FAR+NEAR)/ (FAR-NEAR) PROJ(3,4) = -1. PROJ(4,3) = - (2.*FAR*NEAR)/ (FAR-NEAR) CPNEAR = NEAR CPFAR = FAR CALL MXMULT(4,VIEW,PROJ,VP) CALL MXMULT(4,MODEL,VP,MVP) RETURN END