C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE PLTLI1(PLL,PUR,N,XV,YV,NO,XVO,YVO) CHARACTER*6 SUBNAM PARAMETER (SUBNAM='PLTLI1') DIMENSION PLL(2),PUR(2),XV(*),YV(*),XVO(*),YVO(*) DIMENSION P(2),S(2) LOGICAL INSIDE NMAX = NO NO = 0 S(1) = XV(N) S(2) = YV(N) DO 2220 I = 1,N P(1) = XV(I) P(2) = YV(I) INSIDE = P(2) .GE. PLL(2) IF (INSIDE) THEN INSIDE = S(2) .GE. PLL(2) IF (INSIDE) THEN NO = NO + 1 IF (NO.GT.NMAX) THEN CALL PLTFLU CALL SIORPT(SUBNAM, * 'Not enough space for output vertices; polygon clip unfinished' * ,2) RETURN END IF XVO(NO) = P(1) YVO(NO) = P(2) ELSE TEMP = PUR(1) - PLL(1) FP = (S(2)-PLL(2))*TEMP FQ = (P(2)-PLL(2))*TEMP XL = FQ/ (FQ-FP) NO = NO + 1 IF (NO.GT.NMAX) THEN CALL PLTFLU CALL SIORPT(SUBNAM, * 'Not enough space for output vertices; polygon clip unfinished' * ,2) RETURN END IF XVO(NO) = P(1) + XL* (S(1)-P(1)) YVO(NO) = P(2) + XL* (S(2)-P(2)) NO = NO + 1 IF (NO.GT.NMAX) THEN CALL PLTFLU CALL SIORPT(SUBNAM, * 'Not enough space for output vertices; polygon clip unfinished' * ,2) RETURN END IF XVO(NO) = P(1) YVO(NO) = P(2) END IF ELSE INSIDE = S(2) .GE. PLL(2) IF (INSIDE) THEN TEMP = PUR(1) - PLL(1) FP = (S(2)-PLL(2))*TEMP FQ = (P(2)-PLL(2))*TEMP XL = FQ/ (FQ-FP) NO = NO + 1 IF (NO.GT.NMAX) THEN CALL PLTFLU CALL SIORPT(SUBNAM, * 'Not enough space for output vertices; polygon clip unfinished' * ,2) RETURN END IF XVO(NO) = P(1) + XL* (S(1)-P(1)) YVO(NO) = P(2) + XL* (S(2)-P(2)) END IF END IF S(1) = P(1) S(2) = P(2) 2220 CONTINUE RETURN END