C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details SUBROUTINE STRIPB( STRING,ILEFT,IRIGHT ) CHARACTER*(*) STRING ************************************************************************ C FREFLD INPUT SYSTEM - ANSI FORTRAN - UTILITY ROUTINE C DESCRIPTION: C This routine strips leading and trailing blanks from a string. It C does not modify or copy the string, but simply returns the C location of the first and last non-blank characters. If the C string is completely blank, ILEFT=LEN(STRING)+1 and IRIGHT=0 will C be returned. C FORMAL PARAMETERS: C STRING CHARACTER Any character string. C ILEFT INTEGER Position of first non-blank character. C IRIGHT INTEGER Position of last non-blank character. ************************************************************************ C ... Needed for 64-bit Solaris compile. Arg to CHAR must be C an integer of correct size. INTEGER TABC TABC = 9 C Get length of the string - LS = LEN( STRING ) C Find the first non-blank character - DO 10 N = 1 , LS IF ( STRING(N:N) .NE. ' ' $ .AND. STRING(N:N) .NE. CHAR(TABC) ) GO TO 15 10 CONTINUE 15 CONTINUE ILEFT = N C Find the last non-blank character - DO 20 N = LS , 1 , -1 IF ( STRING(N:N) .NE. ' ' $ .AND. STRING(N:N) .NE. CHAR(TABC) ) GO TO 25 20 CONTINUE 25 CONTINUE IRIGHT = N END