C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details SUBROUTINE MYGET (MYLOC, MNGET, VOID, LVOID, NVOIDS, * CHRCOL, MAXSIZ, LASTER, VROW) IMPLICIT INTEGER (A-Z) INCLUDE 'params.inc' C This subroutine returns the location (row number) of a void with C sufficient space for the memory request. If necessary, memory is C requested from the system. The memory is contiguous. C This routine is to be used only if CHRCOL = 2. C*********************************************************************** C MYLOC Address of internal reference array C MNGET Memory request in character storage units C VOID Void table C LVOID Dimension of void table C NVOIDS Number of voids DIMENSION VOID(LVOID,CHRCOL,2), NVOIDS(2) C CHRCOL Column for character tables (must be 2) C MAXSIZ Dimension of static character array. C LASTER Error return C VROW Row number of void which satisfies the memory request C*********************************************************************** C IS THE MEMORY REQUEST SENSIBLE? IF (MNGET .LT. 0) THEN LASTER = BADLEN RETURN ELSE IF (MNGET .EQ. 0) THEN LASTER = SUCCESS RETURN END IF CALL MXLOOK (MNGET, VOID(1,CHRCOL,1), CHRCOL*LVOID, * NVOIDS(CHRCOL), VROW, LASTER) IF (LASTER .EQ. SUCCESS) RETURN C CALL EXTENSION LIBRARY ROUTINE TO GET SPACE FROM SYSTEM. CALL MYMEMY (MNGET, LOC, MEMRET, MAXSIZ) LOC = LOC - MYLOC + 1 IF (MEMRET .LT. 0) THEN C ILLEGAL MEMORY BLOCK SIZE. LASTER = ILBLK RETURN END IF C UPDATE VOID TABLE. CALL VTABLE (LOC, MEMRET, VOID(1,CHRCOL,1), LVOID, * NVOIDS(CHRCOL), CHRCOL, LASTER) IF (LASTER .NE. SUCCESS) RETURN CALL MXLOOK (MNGET, VOID(1,CHRCOL,1), CHRCOL*LVOID, * NVOIDS(CHRCOL), VROW, LASTER) RETURN END