C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details c CGI enumerated type definitions for FORTRAN programs c 8 Sep 1989, last date modified c Pat McGee, jpm@lanl.gov c Tricia Crotty, plcrott@sandia.gov c SRCP escapes integer XEMFNM, XEMXCL, XEPCTL, XEAGMD, XEPCCL, XESVDI parameter (XEMFNM= -28372, XEMXCL= -19281, XEPCTL= -190, * XEAGMD= -23671, XEPCCL= -12048, XESVDI= -1001) c SRCP definitions c maximum error class integer XMXERR parameter (XMXERR = 9) c maximum function identifier integer XMXFCL parameter (XMXFCL = 61) c CGI definitions c (used in many places) integer CNO, CYES parameter (CNO= 0, CYES= 1) c force clear viewsurface (argument of CPDS) integer CFORCC, CCONDC parameter (CFORCC= 0, CCONDC= 1) c view surface state (arg of most CQxxxx routines) integer CDIRTY, CCLEAN parameter (CDIRTY=0, CCLEAN=1) c clip indicator integer COFF, CON parameter (COFF=0, CON=1) c drawing surface clip indicator integer CDCOFF, CDCREC, CVPORT parameter (CDCOFF=0, CDCREC=1, CVPORT=2) c error handling flag (arg of CERHCT) integer CEHON, CEHROF, CEHDOF parameter (CEHON=0, CEHROF=1, CEHDOF=2) c device class (arg of CQID) integer COUTPT, CINPUT, COUTIN parameter (COUTPT=0, CINPUT=1, COUTIN=2) c hard/soft copy flag integer CHARD, CSOFT parameter (CHARD= 0, CSOFT= 1) c display type integer CVECT, CRAST, COTHER parameter (CVECT= 0, CRAST= 1, COTHER= 2) c dynamic modification integer CIRG, CCBS, CIMM parameter (CIRG= 0, CCBS= 1, CIMM= 2) c pixel location relative to coordinates */ integer CPXON, CPXBET parameter (CPXON=0, CPXBET=1) c support indicator integer CSNO, CSYES, CSUNR parameter (CSNO= 0, CSYES= 1, CSUNR=2) c text final flag integer CNOTFI, CFINAL parameter (CNOTFI=0, CFINAL=1) c clipping mode integer CLOCUS, CSHAPE, CLOCSH parameter(CLOCUS=0, CSHAPE=1, CLOCSH=2) c text precision integer CSTRNG, CCHAR, CSTROK parameter(CSTRNG=0, CCHAR=1, CSTROK=2) c text path integer CTPRIT, CTPLFT, CTPUP, CTPDWN parameter(CTPRIT=0, CTPLFT=1, CTPUP=2, CTPDWN=3) c text horizontal alignment integer CTALFT, CTACTR, CTARIT, CTANH, CTACOH parameter(CTALFT=0, CTACTR=1, CTARIT=2, CTANH=3, CTACOH=4) c text vertical alignment integer CTATOP, CTACAP, CTAHAF, CTABAS integer CTABOT, CTANV, CTACOV parameter(CTATOP=0, CTACAP=1, CTAHAF=2, CTABAS=3) parameter(CTABOT=4, CTANV=5, CTACOV=6) c interior style integer CHOLLO, CSOLID parameter (CHOLLO= 0, CSOLID= 1) c color selection mode (arg of CCSM, CQTXA) integer CDRECT, CINDEX parameter (CDRECT= 0, CINDEX= 1) c line, edge width specification mode c marker specification mode c cell array fill capability integer COUTLN, CFILLD parameter (COUTLN=0, CFILLD=1) c cell array alignment integer CAXIS, CSKEW parameter (CAXIS=0, CSKEW=1) c compound text capability c and closed figure capability integer CCNONE, CGLOBL, CLOCAL parameter (CCNONE=0, CGLOBL=1, CLOCAL=2) c pattern transformation support c color selection mode availability integer CCLRI, CCLRID parameter (CCLRI=0, CCLRID=1) c color overwrite capability c response validity integer CINVAL, CVAL parameter (CINVAL= 0, CVAL= 1) c input class c request status c input device state c direction integer CINCR, CDECR parameter (CINCR= 0, CDECR= 1) c action required flag integer CNOACT, CACT parameter (CNOACT= 0, CACT= 1) c pixel validity flag integer CVNONE, CVALL, CVSOME parameter (CVNONE= 0, CVALL= 1, CVSOME= 2)