C Copyright(C) 1999-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions C of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE WRESS (NTXT, NUMESS, LESSEL, LESSNL, LESSDF, & IDESS, NEESS, NDESS, IXEESS, IXDESS, LTEESS, & LTSESS, FACESS, NNESS, IXNESS, LTNESS, LTNNN ) C======================================================================= C --*** WRESS *** (EXOTXT) Write database nodal point sets C -- Written by Amy Gilkey - revised 02/27/86 C -- Modified for ExodusIIv2 database format 10/12/95 C -- C --WRESS writes the element side set information from the database. C -- C --Parameters: C -- NTXT - IN - the text file C -- NUMESS - IN - the number of side sets C -- LESSEL - IN - the length of the element side sets element list C -- LESSNL - IN - the length of the element side sets node list C -- LESSDF - IN - the length of the side set dist factors list C -- IDESS - IN - array containing side set IDS C -- NEESS - IN - array containing the number of sides for each sets C -- NDESS - IN - array containing the number of dist C factors for each set C -- IXEESS - IN - array containing the indices into the C LTEESS array which are the locations of the 1st C element of each set C -- IXDESS - IN - array containing the indices into the C FACESS array which are the locations of the 1st C distribution factor for each set. C -- LTEESS - IN - array containing the elements for all side C sets. Internal element IDS are used in this list C -- LTSESS - IN - array containing the sides for all side sets C -- FACESS - IN - array containing dist factors for all side sets C -- NNESS - IN - the number of nodes for each side set C -- IXNESS - IN - index into LTNESS - the 1st node for each side set C -- LTNESS - IN - array of nodes for all side sets C -- LTNNN - IN - array of number of nodes for each side in a side set INTEGER NTXT INTEGER NUMESS INTEGER LESSEL INTEGER LESSNL INTEGER LESSDF INTEGER IDESS(*) INTEGER NEESS(*) INTEGER NDESS(*) INTEGER IXEESS(*) INTEGER IXDESS(*) INTEGER LTEESS(*) INTEGER LTSESS(*) REAL FACESS(*) INTEGER NNESS(*) INTEGER IXNESS(*) INTEGER LTNESS(*) INTEGER LTNNN(*) WRITE (NTXT,'(A, I7)') '! Number of Side Sets', NUMESS WRITE (NTXT, 10020) LESSEL, LESSNL, LESSDF, & '! Element list, Node list, Dist Fact lengths' DO 100 IESS = 1, NUMESS WRITE (NTXT, 10025) IDESS(IESS), & NEESS(IESS), NNESS(IESS), NDESS(IESS), & '! ID, #sides, #nodes, #dist fact' WRITE (NTXT, '(A)') '! Elements and sides for side sets' C Element in side set IS = IXEESS(IESS) IE = IXEESS(IESS) + NEESS(IESS) - 1 if (is .le. ie) & WRITE (NTXT, 10000) (LTEESS(NL), LTSESS(NL), NL=IS,IE) WRITE (NTXT, '(A)') & '! Nodes and Distribution Factors for side sets' C Nodes and Distribution Factors for each side set IS = IXDESS(IESS) IE = IXDESS(IESS) + NDESS(IESS) - 1 if (is .le. ie) & WRITE (NTXT, 10010) (LTNESS(NL), FACESS(NL), NL=IS,IE) 100 CONTINUE RETURN 10000 FORMAT (6(I10,1x,i1,1x)) 10010 FORMAT (I10, 1pE16.7) 10020 FORMAT (3I10, 4X, A) 10025 FORMAT (4I10, 4X, A) END