/* * Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions * of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with * NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details */ #include "defs.h" #include "refine_map.h" #include "smalloc.h" #include "structs.h" #include <stdio.h> /* Use a greedy strategy to swap assignments to reduce hops. */ /* Note that because of our graph data structure, set assignments in the graph */ /* begin at 1 instead of at 0. */ int refine_mesh(struct vtx_data **comm_graph, /* graph for communication requirements */ int cube_or_mesh, /* number of dimensions in mesh */ int mesh_dims[3], /* dimensions of mesh */ double maxdesire, /* largest possible desire to flip an edge */ int *vtx2node, /* mapping from comm_graph vtxs to mesh nodes */ int *node2vtx /* mapping from mesh nodes to comm_graph vtxs */ ) { struct refine_vdata *vdata = NULL; /* desire data for all vertices */ struct refine_vdata *vptr; /* loops through vdata */ struct refine_edata *edata = NULL; /* desire data for all edges */ struct refine_edata *eguy; /* one element in edata array */ struct refine_edata **desire_ptr = NULL; /* array of desire buckets */ double *desires = NULL; /* each edge's inclination to flip */ int *indices = NULL; /* sorted list of desire values */ int *space = NULL; /* used for sorting disire values */ double best_desire; /* highest desire of edge to flip */ int imax; /* maxdesire rounded up */ int nsets_tot; /* total number of sets/processors */ int neighbor; /* neighboring vertex */ int dim; /* loops over mesh dimensions */ int nwires; /* number of wires in processor mesh */ int wire; /* loops through all wires */ int node1, node2; /* processors joined by a wire */ int vtx1, vtx2; /* corresponding vertices in comm_graph */ int loc1, loc2; /* location of vtxs in flipping dimension */ int error; /* out of space? */ int i, j, k; /* loop counter */ error = 1; nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2]; imax = maxdesire; if (imax != maxdesire) { imax++; } vdata = (struct refine_vdata *)smalloc_ret((cube_or_mesh * nsets_tot + 1) * sizeof(struct refine_vdata)); if (vdata == NULL) { goto skip; } /* Compute each node's desires to move or stay put. */ vptr = vdata; for (dim = 0; dim < cube_or_mesh; dim++) { for (i = 1; i <= nsets_tot; i++) { compute_mesh_vdata(++vptr, comm_graph, i, vtx2node, mesh_dims, dim); } } nwires = (mesh_dims[0] - 1) * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2] + mesh_dims[0] * (mesh_dims[1] - 1) * mesh_dims[2] + mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * (mesh_dims[2] - 1); edata = smalloc_ret((nwires + 1) * sizeof(struct refine_edata)); desires = smalloc_ret(nwires * sizeof(double)); if (desires == NULL) { goto skip; } /* Initialize all the edge values. */ init_mesh_edata(edata, mesh_dims); for (wire = 0; wire < nwires; wire++) { desires[wire] = edata[wire].swap_desire = compute_mesh_edata(&(edata[wire]), vdata, mesh_dims, comm_graph, node2vtx); } /* Set special value for end pointer. */ edata[nwires].swap_desire = 2 * find_maxdeg(comm_graph, nsets_tot, TRUE, (float *)NULL); /* I now need to sort all the wire preference values */ indices = smalloc_ret(nwires * sizeof(int)); space = smalloc_ret(nwires * sizeof(int)); if (indices == NULL || space == NULL) { goto skip; } ch_mergesort(desires, nwires, indices, space); sfree(space); sfree(desires); space = NULL; desires = NULL; best_desire = (edata[indices[nwires - 1]]).swap_desire; /* Now construct a buckets of linked lists with desire values. */ if (best_desire > 0) { desire_ptr = (struct refine_edata **)smalloc_ret((2 * imax + 1) * sizeof(struct refine_edata *)); if (desire_ptr == NULL) { goto skip; } for (i = 2 * imax; i >= 0; i--) { desire_ptr[i] = NULL; } for (i = nwires - 1; i >= 0; i--) { eguy = &(edata[indices[i]]); /* Round the swap desire up. */ if (eguy->swap_desire >= 0) { k = eguy->swap_desire; if (k != eguy->swap_desire) { k++; } } else { k = -eguy->swap_desire; if (k != -eguy->swap_desire) { k++; } k = -k; } k += imax; eguy->prev = NULL; eguy->next = desire_ptr[k]; if (desire_ptr[k] != NULL) { desire_ptr[k]->prev = eguy; } desire_ptr[k] = eguy; } } else { desire_ptr = NULL; } sfree(indices); indices = NULL; loc1 = 0; loc2 = 0; /* Everything is now set up. Swap sets across wires until no more improvement. */ while (best_desire > 0) { k = best_desire + 1 + imax; if (k > 2 * imax) { k = 2 * imax; } while (k > imax && desire_ptr[k] == NULL) { k--; } eguy = desire_ptr[k]; dim = eguy->dim; node1 = eguy->node1; node2 = eguy->node2; vtx1 = node2vtx[node1]; vtx2 = node2vtx[node2]; if (dim == 0) { loc1 = node1 % mesh_dims[0]; loc2 = node2 % mesh_dims[0]; } else if (dim == 1) { loc1 = (node1 / mesh_dims[0]) % mesh_dims[1]; loc2 = (node2 / mesh_dims[0]) % mesh_dims[1]; } else if (dim == 2) { loc1 = node1 / (mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1]); loc2 = node2 / (mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1]); } /* Now swap the vertices. */ node2vtx[node1] = vtx2; node2vtx[node2] = vtx1; vtx2node[vtx1] = node2; vtx2node[vtx2] = node1; /* First update all the vdata fields for vertices effected by this flip. */ for (j = 1; j < comm_graph[vtx1]->nedges; j++) { neighbor = comm_graph[vtx1]->edges[j]; if (neighbor != vtx2) { update_mesh_vdata(loc1, loc2, dim, comm_graph[vtx1]->ewgts[j], vdata, mesh_dims, neighbor, vtx2node); } } for (j = 1; j < comm_graph[vtx2]->nedges; j++) { neighbor = comm_graph[vtx2]->edges[j]; if (neighbor != vtx1) { update_mesh_vdata(loc2, loc1, dim, comm_graph[vtx2]->ewgts[j], vdata, mesh_dims, neighbor, vtx2node); } } /* Now recompute all preferences for vertices that were moved. */ for (j = 0; j < cube_or_mesh; j++) { compute_mesh_vdata(&(vdata[j * nsets_tot + vtx1]), comm_graph, vtx1, vtx2node, mesh_dims, j); compute_mesh_vdata(&(vdata[j * nsets_tot + vtx2]), comm_graph, vtx2, vtx2node, mesh_dims, j); } /* Now I can update the values of all the edges associated with all the effected vertices. Note that these include mesh neighbors of node1 and node2 in addition to the dim-edges of graph neighbors of vtx1 and vtx2. */ /* For each neighbor vtx, look at -1 and +1 edge. If desire hasn't changed, return. Otherwise, pick him up and move him. Similarly for all directional neighbors of node1 and node2. */ for (j = 1; j < comm_graph[vtx1]->nedges; j++) { neighbor = comm_graph[vtx1]->edges[j]; if (neighbor != vtx2) { update_mesh_edata(neighbor, dim, edata, vdata, comm_graph, mesh_dims, node2vtx, vtx2node, &best_desire, imax, desire_ptr); } } for (j = 1; j < comm_graph[vtx2]->nedges; j++) { neighbor = comm_graph[vtx2]->edges[j]; if (neighbor != vtx1) { update_mesh_edata(neighbor, dim, edata, vdata, comm_graph, mesh_dims, node2vtx, vtx2node, &best_desire, imax, desire_ptr); } } for (j = 0; j < cube_or_mesh; j++) { update_mesh_edata(vtx1, j, edata, vdata, comm_graph, mesh_dims, node2vtx, vtx2node, &best_desire, imax, desire_ptr); update_mesh_edata(vtx2, j, edata, vdata, comm_graph, mesh_dims, node2vtx, vtx2node, &best_desire, imax, desire_ptr); } k = best_desire + 1 + imax; if (k > 2 * imax) { k = 2 * imax; } while (k > imax && desire_ptr[k] == NULL) { k--; } best_desire = k - imax; } error = 0; skip: sfree(indices); sfree(space); sfree(desires); sfree(desire_ptr); sfree(vdata); sfree(edata); return (error); }