#! /usr/bin/env bash # Copyright(C) 1999-2020, 2022, 2023 National Technology & Engineering Solutions # of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with # NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. # # See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail if [[ "${TRACE-0}" == "1" ]]; then set -o xtrace; fi function usage { USAGE="Usage: blot [-help] [--options option] [--] filename [device]" echo "" echo "${USAGE}" echo " Other options: Argument: Default:" echo " --device device x11" echo " --input cmd_file -none-" echo " --hardcopy met_filename db basename" echo " --basename base_filename db basename" echo " (Used for basename of .ray, .csv, .neu files)" echo " --ps_option num|list|help 7" echo " (Used for PostScript drivers) " echo " --nomap node|element|all " echo " (Global node/element ids by default; --nomap uses local ids)" echo " --show_filename -none-" echo " (show database filename below plot)" echo " --help (Prints this message)" echo " " echo " Contact: gdsjaar@sandia.gov" echo " Documentation: https://sandialabs.github.io/seacas-docs/sphinx/html/index.html#blot" echo " " show_device exit 1 } function show_device { echo " " tempA=`find ${ACCESSBIN} -name ${codename}_\* |sed -e s:${ACCESSBIN}/${codename}_::` echo "Standard options for 'device':" echo "${txtgrn}" $tempA "${txtrst}" echo " " } function show_ps_option { echo "" echo "The PostScript drivers have seven options." echo " 1. black & white, no polygon fill" echo " 3. black & white, polygon fill" echo " 5. color," echo " 7. color, black-white interchange" echo " 8. gray-scale, black-white interchange" echo " 9. color, black background" echo " 10. gray-scale, black background" echo " " echo "Enter -ps_option <num> to select one." echo "Default is '7'" echo "" } function abspath() { # generate absolute path from relative path # $1 : relative filename # return : set FOR011 to absolute path if [ -d "$1" ]; then # dir FOR011=`(cd "$1"; pwd)` elif [ -f "$1" ]; then # file if [[ $1 == */* ]]; then FOR011=`echo "$(cd "${1%/*}"; pwd)/${1##*/}"` else FOR011=`echo "$(pwd)/$1"` fi fi return 0 } codename=blot ACCESSBIN="`dirname \"$0\"`" ACCESSBIN="`( cd \"${ACCESSBIN}\" && pwd )`" # Text color variables if [[ $TERM == *"xterm"* ]] || [[ $TERM == "screen" ]]; then txtund=$(tput sgr 0 1) # Underline txtbld=$(tput bold) # Bold txtred=$(tput setaf 1) # Red txtgrn=$(tput setaf 2) # Green txtylw=$(tput setaf 3) # Yellow txtblu=$(tput setaf 4) # Blue txtpur=$(tput setaf 5) # Purple txtcyn=$(tput setaf 6) # Cyan txtwht=$(tput setaf 7) # White txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # Text reset else export TERM=dumb txtund="" txtbld="" txtred="" txtgrn="" txtylw="" txtblu="" txtpur="" txtcyn="" txtwht="" txtrst="" fi echo " " echo "==============================================================" echo "| Sandia Engineering Analysis Access procedure for: ${codename}" echo "| Send email to gdsjaar@sandia.gov for help" echo "==============================================================" aprepro="false" apr_opt=" " device="x11" export EXT04=NO TEMP=`getopt -o aoidhbps -a --long nomap:,ps_option:,device:,input:,hardcopy:,basename:,aprepro,help,show_filename -n 'blot' -- "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then usage ; exit 1 ; fi ps_option=${ps_option:-""} nomap_option=${nomap_option:-""} caption=${caption:-""} # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential! eval set -- "$TEMP" while true ; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage ; shift ;; -i|--input) export FOR007="$2" ; shift 2 export EXT04="YES" if [ ! -e "${FOR007}" ] then echo "${txtred}ERROR: Input file '$FOR007' does not exist.${txtrst}" usage fi ;; -p|--ps_option) ps_option="$2" ; shift 2 if [ "${ps_option}" == "list" ] || [ "${ps_option}" == "help" ] then show_ps_option exit 0 fi ;; -d|--device) device="$2" ; shift 2 if [ "${device}" == "list" ] || [ "${device}" == "help" ] then show_device exit 0 fi ;; -b|--basename|--hardcopy) filename="$2" ; shift 2 ;; --nomap) nomap_option="-nomap $2" ; shift 2 ;; -a|--aprepro) aprepro="true" ; shift ;; -s|--show_filename) caption="--show_filename" ; shift ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "${txtred}ERROR: unrecognized option $1${txtrst}" ; shift ;; esac done if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then echo "${txtred}ERROR: No exodus database specified.${txtrst}" usage else if [ -e "$1" ] then export FOR011=$1 else echo "${txtred}ERROR: Exodus database '$1' does not exist.${txtrst}" usage fi shift fi # Check for device specified, use ${device} if none specified if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then device="$1" fi export FOR090="Blot.90.$$" filename=${filename:-${FOR011%.*}} if [ "${device}" == "dual" ] then export DUAL_FILENAME="${filename}.met" fi if [ "${device}" == "xcps" ] then export DUAL_FILENAME="${filename}.cps" fi if [ ! -x "${ACCESSBIN}/${codename}_${device}" ] then echo "${txtred}ERROR: ${ACCESSBIN}/${codename}_${device} does not exist.${txtrst}" echo " Contact gdsjaar@sandia.gov if you need this device;" echo " otherwise use one of the supported devices:" show_device exit 1 fi # Set filename to absolute path abspath ${FOR011} # Run the code, -- if ${ACCESSBIN}/${codename}_${device} ${ps_option} ${nomap_option} ${caption} -basename ${filename} ${FOR011} then echo "${txtgrn}BLOT Successful Execution${txtrst}" fi if [ ! -z ${filename} ] && [ "${device}" != "dual" ] && [ "${device}" != "xcps" ] then if [ ${device} == "met" ] ; then mv cgimet1 ${filename}.met ; fi if [ ${device} == "cps" ] ; then mv vdicps.ps ${filename}.ps ; fi if [ ${device} == "eps" ] ; then mv cgiout.epsi ${filename}.eps ; fi if [ ${device} == "pst" ] ; then mv cgiout1 ${filename}.ps ; fi fi # Remove temporary files if [ -e Blot.90.$$ ] ; then rm -f Blot.90.$$ ; fi