dnl @synopsis TAC_ARG_WITH_FLAGS(lcase_name, UCASE_NAME) dnl dnl Test for --with-lcase_name="compiler/loader flags". if defined, prepend dnl flags to standard UCASE_NAME definition. dnl dnl Use this macro to facilitate additional special flags that should be dnl passed on to the preprocessor/compilers/loader. dnl dnl Example use dnl dnl TAC_ARG_WITH_FLAGS(cxxflags, CXXFLAGS) dnl dnl tests for --with-cxxflags and pre-pends to CXXFLAGS dnl dnl dnl @author Mike Heroux <mheroux@cs.sandia.gov> dnl AC_DEFUN([TAC_ARG_WITH_FLAGS], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether additional [$2] flags should be added]) AC_ARG_WITH($1, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-$1], [additional [$2] flags to be added: will prepend to [$2]]), [ $2="${withval} ${$2}" AC_MSG_RESULT([$2 = ${$2}]) ], AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ) ])