# @HEADER # ************************************************************************ # # TriBITS: Tribal Build, Integrate, and Test System # Copyright 2013 Sandia Corporation # # Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, # the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY SANDIA CORPORATION "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SANDIA CORPORATION OR THE # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # ************************************************************************ # @HEADER include(TribitsGetCDashUrlsInsideCTestS) # Wrapper used for unit testing purposes # macro(extrarepo_execute_process_wrapper) if (NOT CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING) execute_process(${ARGN} RESULT_VARIABLE EXTRAREPO_EXECUTE_PROCESS_WRAPPER_RTN_VAL) if (NOT EXTRAREPO_EXECUTE_PROCESS_WRAPPER_RTN_VAL STREQUAL "0") message(SEND_ERROR "Error: execute_process(${ARGN}) returned" " '${EXTRAREPO_EXECUTE_PROCESS_WRAPPER_RTN_VAL}'") endif() else() message("execute_process(${ARGN})") endif() endmacro() # Update an existing git repo # function(tribits_update_git_extrarepo GIT_EXE EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR) set(EXTRAREPO_FETCH_OUT_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN}.fetch.out") set(EXTRAREPO_CLEAN_OUT_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN}.clean.out") set(EXTRAREPO_RESET_OUT_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN}.reset.out") set(EXTRAREPO_SET_BRANCH_OUT_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN}.set_branch.out") set(FETCH_CMND_ARGS COMMAND "${GIT_EXE}" fetch ${${PROJECT_NAME}_GIT_REPOSITORY_REMOTE} TIMEOUT 600 # seconds WORKING_DIRECTORY "${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}" OUTPUT_FILE "${EXTRAREPO_FETCH_OUT_FILE}" ) set(CLEAN_CMND_ARGS COMMAND "${GIT_EXE}" clean -fdx WORKING_DIRECTORY "${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}" OUTPUT_FILE "${EXTRAREPO_CLEAN_OUT_FILE}" ) set(RESET_CMND_ARGS COMMAND "${GIT_EXE}" reset --hard HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY "${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}" OUTPUT_FILE "${EXTRAREPO_RESET_OUT_FILE}" ) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_BRANCH) set(SET_BRANCH_CMND_ARGS COMMAND "${GIT_EXE}" checkout -B ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_BRANCH} --track ${${PROJECT_NAME}_GIT_REPOSITORY_REMOTE}/${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_BRANCH} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}" OUTPUT_FILE "${EXTRAREPO_SET_BRANCH_OUT_FILE}" ) ELSE () set(SET_BRANCH_CMND_ARGS COMMAND "${GIT_EXE}" reset --hard "@{u}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}" OUTPUT_FILE "${EXTRAREPO_SET_BRANCH_OUT_FILE}" ) endif() extrarepo_execute_process_wrapper(${FETCH_CMND_ARGS}) extrarepo_execute_process_wrapper(${CLEAN_CMND_ARGS}) extrarepo_execute_process_wrapper(${RESET_CMND_ARGS}) extrarepo_execute_process_wrapper(${SET_BRANCH_CMND_ARGS}) endfunction() # Update or clone a single extra repo # function(tribits_clone_or_update_extrarepo EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN EXTRAREPO_DIR_IN EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN EXTRAREPO_REPOURL_IN ) #message("TRIBITS_CLONE_OR_UPDATE_EXTRAREPO: ${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN} ${EXTRAREPO_REPOURL_IN}") set(EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR "${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/${EXTRAREPO_DIR_IN}") #print_var(EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR) set(EXTRAREPO_CLONE_OUT_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN}.clone.out") set(EXTRAREPO_CHECKOUT_OUT_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN}.checkout.out") if (NOT EXISTS "${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}") message("\n${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN}: Doing initial ${EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN}" " clone/checkout from URL '${EXTRAREPO_REPOURL_IN}' to dir '${EXTRAREPO_DIR_IN}' ...") # Set the command to clone if (${EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN} STREQUAL GIT) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_BRANCH) set(CHECKOUT_BRANCH_ARG -b ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_BRANCH}) else() set(CHECKOUT_BRANCH_ARG) endif() set(CLONE_CMND_ARGS COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" clone ${CHECKOUT_BRANCH_ARG} -o ${${PROJECT_NAME}_GIT_REPOSITORY_REMOTE} "${EXTRAREPO_REPOURL}" ${EXTRAREPO_DIR_IN} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}" OUTPUT_FILE "${EXTRAREPO_CLONE_OUT_FILE}" ) else() message(SEND_ERROR "Error, Invalid EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN='${EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN}'!") endif() # Do the clone extrarepo_execute_process_wrapper(${CLONE_CMND_ARGS}) else() message("\n${EXTRAREPO_NAME_IN}: Doing ${EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN} update" " from URL '${EXTRAREPO_REPOURL_IN}' to dir '${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}' ...") endif() if (${EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN} STREQUAL GIT) # Always update the git repo, even after a clone. See # tribits_ctest_driver() documentation. tribits_update_git_extrarepo("${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" "${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}") else() message(SEND_ERROR "Error, Invalid EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN='${EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE_IN}'!") endif() endfunction() # Clone or update all of the extra repos and put them on the right branch. # # NOTE: The base repo is cloned by ctest_start() and updated by ctest_update() # before calling this function. This function only operates on the extra # repos. # function(tribits_clone_or_update_extra_repos CTEST_UPDATE_RETURN_VAL UPDATE_FAILED_VAR_OUT ) set(UPDATE_FAILED FALSE) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_BRANCH) message("For extra repos, doing switch to branch ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_BRANCH}") endif() set(EXTRAREPO_IDX 0) foreach(EXTRAREPO_NAME ${${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES}) list(GET ${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES_DIRS ${EXTRAREPO_IDX} EXTRAREPO_DIR ) list(GET ${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES_VCTYPES ${EXTRAREPO_IDX} EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE ) list(GET ${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES_REPOURLS ${EXTRAREPO_IDX} EXTRAREPO_REPOURL ) tribits_clone_or_update_extrarepo( ${EXTRAREPO_NAME} ${EXTRAREPO_DIR} ${EXTRAREPO_REPOTYPE} ${EXTRAREPO_REPOURL} ) # ToDo: Detect and return failure in cloning or updating extra repos! math(EXPR EXTRAREPO_IDX "${EXTRAREPO_IDX}+1") endforeach() set(${UPDATE_FAILED_VAR_OUT} ${UPDATE_FAILED} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Create the Updates.txt file # function(tribits_create_repo_updates_file) extrarepo_execute_process_wrapper( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${GITDIST_EXE} --dist-no-color log "--pretty=format:%h: %s%nAuthor: %an <%ae>%nDate: %ad%n" --name-status -C ORIG_HEAD..HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY} OUTPUT_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Updates.txt" ) endfunction() # Select the set of extra repositories # macro(tribits_setup_extrarepos) if (EXISTS "${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE}" ) # Repos many not already exist because we have not cloned them yet! set(${PROJECT_NAME}_CHECK_EXTRAREPOS_EXIST FALSE) tribits_get_and_process_extra_repositories_lists() else() message("${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE} does not exist," " skipping extra repositories.") endif() endmacro() # Select the list of packages # # OUTPUT: Sets ${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFAULT_PACKAGES # # NOTE: This macro is used to clean up the main tribits_ctest_driver() # macro. # macro(tribits_setup_packages) include(TribitsPrintDependencyInfo) include(TribitsWriteXmlDependenciesFiles) # Here, we must point into the source tree just cloned (or updated) # and not the "driver" source dir tree for two reasons. First, the # list of core packages may be more recent in what was checked out. # Second, the extra repos do not even exist in the "driver" source # tree. set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ASSERT_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES OFF) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_FILES FALSE) if (CTEST_GENERATE_OUTER_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_DEPS_XML_FILE_NAME}") else() set(${PROJECT_NAME}_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE) endif() if (CTEST_SUBMIT_CDASH_SUBPROJECTS_DEPS_FILE) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_CDASH_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${${PROJECT_NAME}_CDASH_SUBPROJECT_DEPS_XML_FILE_NAME}" ) else() set(${PROJECT_NAME}_CDASH_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE) endif() set(${PROJECT_NAME}_DEPS_HTML_OUTPUT_FILE) # Don't ignore missing repos by default. This will allow processing to # continue but this outer CTest script will fail (thereby sending a CDash # email from the TDD system). However, when we configure actual packages, # we do set this to TRUE so that the package configures will not fail due to # missing extra repositories. set_default_and_from_env(${PROJECT_NAME}_IGNORE_MISSING_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES FALSE) set_default_and_from_env(${PROJECT_NAME}_PRE_REPOSITORIES "") set_default_and_from_env(${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES "") split("${${PROJECT_NAME}_PRE_REPOSITORIES}" "," ${PROJECT_NAME}_PRE_REPOSITORIES) split("${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES}" "," ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES) tribits_read_in_native_repositories() tribits_combine_native_and_extra_repos() tribits_read_all_project_deps_files_create_deps_graph() tribits_print_initial_dependency_info() tribits_write_xml_dependency_files() # When we get here, we will have the basic dependency structure set up # with only defaults set # Set this to "" so that it can be defined in enable_modified_packages_only() set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES "") endmacro() macro(enable_package_if_not_explicitly_excluded TRIBITS_PACKAGE) if ("${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}}" STREQUAL "") message("Enabling explicitly set package ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} ...") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} ON) elseif(NOT ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) if (${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_EXPLICITY_EXCLUDED) message("NOT enabling explicitly set package ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} since it was explicitly excluded!") else() message("Enabling explicitly set package ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} which was default or otherwise disabed!") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} ON) endif() else() message("Explicitly set package ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} is already enabled?") endif() endmacro() # Select packages set by the input # macro(enable_user_selected_packages) # 1) Set the enables for packages if (${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_ENABLES_FILE) message("Setting package enables specified in file" " '${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_ENABLES_FILE}'") include(${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_ENABLES_FILE}) elseif (NOT "${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_USER_SELECTED}" STREQUAL "") foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_USER_SELECTED}) enable_package_if_not_explicitly_excluded(${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) endforeach() else() message("Setting ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES=ON since" " ${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_USER_SELECTED='${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_USER_SELECTED}'") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES ON) endif() # 2) Set extra package enables from ${PROJECT_NAME}_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES}) enable_package_if_not_explicitly_excluded(${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) endforeach() endmacro() # Extract the list of changed files for the main repo on put into an # modified files file. # macro(tribits_get_modified_files WORKING_DIR_IN MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME_IN) set(CMND_ARGS COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" diff --name-only ORIG_HEAD..HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY "${WORKING_DIR_IN}" OUTPUT_FILE ${MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME_IN} #OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) if (NOT CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING) execute_process(${CMND_ARGS}) else() message("execute_process(${CMND_ARGS})") endif() endmacro() # Select only packages that are modified or failed in the last CI iteration # macro(enable_only_modified_packages) # # A) Get the list of changed packages # set(MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/modifiedFiles.txt") # A.1) Get changes from main ${PROJECT_NAME} repo tribits_get_modified_files("${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}" "${MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME}") # A.2) Get changes from extra repos set(EXTRAREPO_IDX 0) foreach(EXTRAREPO_NAME ${${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES}) list(GET ${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES_DIRS ${EXTRAREPO_IDX} EXTRAREPO_DIR ) list(GET ${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES_HASPKGS ${EXTRAREPO_IDX} EXTRAREPO_PACKSTAT ) # For now, only look for changes if it has packages. Later, we may need # to generalize this for the general extra repo case with deeper directory # and other VC systems than GIT. if (EXTRAREPO_PACKSTAT STREQUAL HASPACKAGES) set(EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/${EXTRAREPO_DIR}") set(EXTRAREPO_MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/modifiedFiles.${EXTRAREPO_NAME}.txt") tribits_get_modified_files("${EXTRAREPO_SRC_DIR}" "${EXTRAREPO_MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME}") file(STRINGS ${EXTRAREPO_MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME} EXTRAREPO_MODIFIED_FILES_STR) set(EXTRAREPO_FILES_STR "") foreach(STR_LINE ${EXTRAREPO_MODIFIED_FILES_STR}) string(APPEND EXTRAREPO_FILES_STR "${EXTRAREPO_DIR}/${STR_LINE}\n") endforeach() file(APPEND "${MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME}" ${EXTRAREPO_FILES_STR}) endif() math(EXPR EXTRAREPO_IDX "${EXTRAREPO_IDX}+1") endforeach() # A.3) Get the names of the modified packages if (NOT PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error, Python must be enabled to map from modified" " files to packages!") endif() if (EXISTS "${MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME}") execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/ci_support/get-tribits-packages-from-files-list.py --files-list-file=${MODIFIED_FILES_FILE_NAME} --project-dir=${TRIBITS_PROJECT_ROOT} --deps-xml-file=${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_DEPS_XML_FILE_NAME} OUTPUT_VARIABLE MODIFIED_PACKAGES_LIST OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) else() set(MODIFIED_PACKAGES_LIST) endif() split("${MODIFIED_PACKAGES_LIST}" "," MODIFIED_PACKAGES_LIST) print_var(MODIFIED_PACKAGES_LIST) # # B) Get the list of packages that failed last CI iteration # # NOTE: It is critical to enable and test packages until they pass. If you # don't do this, then the package will not show as updated in the above # logic. In this case only downstream packages will get enabled. If the # failing packages break the downstream packages, this will be bad (for lots # of reasons). Therefore, we must enable failing packages from the last CI # iteration and keep enabling and testing them until they do pass! if (EXISTS "${FAILED_PACKAGES_FILE_NAME}") file(READ "${FAILED_PACKAGES_FILE_NAME}" FAILING_PACKAGES_LIST) string(STRIP "${FAILING_PACKAGES_LIST}" FAILING_PACKAGES_LIST) print_var(FAILING_PACKAGES_LIST) endif() # # C) Enable the changed and previously failing packages # foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${MODIFIED_PACKAGES_LIST}) #print_var(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) assert_defined(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) if ("${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}}" STREQUAL "") if ( ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} STREQUAL "ALL_PACKAGES" OR ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_TESTGROUP STREQUAL "PT" OR ( ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_TESTGROUP STREQUAL "ST" AND ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE ) ) message("Enabling modified package: ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} ON) else() message("NOT enabling modified ST package: ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}") endif() else() message("Not enabling explicitly disabled modified package: ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}") endif() endforeach() if (FAILING_PACKAGES_LIST STREQUAL "ALL_PACKAGES") message("Enabling previously failing ALL_PACKAGES") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES ON) else() foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${FAILING_PACKAGES_LIST}) if ("${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}}" STREQUAL "") if ( ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_TESTGROUP STREQUAL "PT" OR ( ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_TESTGROUP STREQUAL "ST" AND ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE ) ) message("Enabling previously failing package: ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} ON) else() message("NOT enabling previously failing ST package: ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}") endif() else() message("Not enabling explicitly disabled previously" " failing package: ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}") endif() endforeach() endif() # # D) Print the final status # if (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES) if (NOT ${PROJECT_NAME}_CTEST_DO_ALL_AT_ONCE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error, failing 'ALL_PACKAGES' only allowed with all-at-once mode!") endif() message("\nDirectly modified or failing non-disabled packages that need" " to be tested: ALL_PACKAGES") else() tribits_print_package_list_enable_status( "\nDirectly modified or failing non-disabled packages that need to be tested" INTERNAL ON NONEMPTY ) endif() endmacro() # Exclude disabled packages from ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXCLUDE_PACKAGES # # NOTE: These disables need to dominate over the above enables so this code is # after all the enable code has run # macro(disable_excluded_packages) foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXCLUDE_PACKAGES}) message("Disabling excluded package ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} ...") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} OFF) set(${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_EXPLICITY_EXCLUDED TRUE) endforeach() endmacro() # Remove packages that are only implicitly enabled but don't have tests # enabled. # macro(select_final_set_of_packages_to_directly_test) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_TO_DIRECTLY_TEST) foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINED_INTERNAL_TOPLEVEL_PACKAGES}) set(PROCESS_THE_PACKAGE FALSE) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} AND ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_ENABLE_TESTS ) set(PROCESS_THE_PACKAGE TRUE) elseif (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} AND CTEST_EXPLICITLY_ENABLE_IMPLICITLY_ENABLED_PACKAGES ) set(PROCESS_THE_PACKAGE TRUE) endif() if(PROCESS_THE_PACKAGE) append_set(${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_TO_DIRECTLY_TEST ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) endif() endforeach() endmacro() # Set mapping of labels to subprojects (i.e. TriBITS packages) for CDash. # # NOTE: Unlike for the inner CMake configure, only subprojects that are # explicitly tested will be marked as a CDash subproject. This limits the # rows in CDash. This does not seem to be a problem for when running ctest # locally. When run locally, ctest will just report aggregated times for # subprojects that have 1 or more tests. Not true for CDash. # macro(tribits_ctest_driver_set_labels_to_subprojects_mapping) set(CTEST_LABELS_FOR_SUBPROJECTS) foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_TO_DIRECTLY_TEST}) list(APPEND CTEST_LABELS_FOR_SUBPROJECTS ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) endforeach() endmacro() # Select the default generator. # macro(select_default_generator) # When the build tree is known and exists, use # its generator. set(DEFAULT_GENERATOR "DID NOT SET!") if(EXISTS "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CMakeCache.txt") file(STRINGS "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CMakeCache.txt" line REGEX "^CMAKE_GENERATOR:" LIMIT_COUNT 1) if("${line}" MATCHES "=(.+)$") set(DEFAULT_GENERATOR "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() else() set(DEFAULT_GENERATOR "Unix Makefiles") endif() endmacro() # Call INITIALIZE_ERROR_QUEUE once at the top of TRIBITS_CTEST_DRIVER # macro(initialize_error_queue) set(TRIBITS_CTEST_DRIVER_ERROR_QUEUE "") endmacro() # QUEUE_ERROR should be called only for errors that are not already reported to # the dashboard in some other way. For example, if calling ctest_submit fails, # then that failure does NOT show up on the dashboard, so it is appropriate to # call QUEUE_ERROR for that case. For a build error or test failure, it is NOT # appropriate to call QUEUE_ERROR because those already show up on the # dashboard (assuming a good ctest_submit...) # # When adding more callers of QUEUE_ERROR, just make sure that it does not # duplicate an existing/reported dashboard failure. # macro(queue_error err_msg) set(TRIBITS_CTEST_DRIVER_ERROR_QUEUE ${TRIBITS_CTEST_DRIVER_ERROR_QUEUE} "${err_msg}") endmacro() # Call report_queued_errors() once at the bottom of tribits_ctest_driver() # macro(report_queued_errors) if ("${TRIBITS_CTEST_DRIVER_ERROR_QUEUE}" STREQUAL "") message("TRIBITS_CTEST_DRIVER_ERROR_QUEUE is empty. All is well.") else() message("ERROR: TRIBITS_CTEST_DRIVER_ERROR_QUEUE reports the following error message queue:") foreach(err_msg ${TRIBITS_CTEST_DRIVER_ERROR_QUEUE}) message("${err_msg}") endforeach() endif() endmacro() # Setup for tracking if a configure is being attempted to keep memory if it # will pass or not. # # This will wrilte files in the directory ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY} to keep # track of this across multiple ctest -S script invocations. # macro(tribits_remember_if_configure_attempted) # Must always define these files names as they they are used in functions # called later in the same ctest -S invocation! set(CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/ConfigureAttempted.txt") set(CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/ConfigurePasssed.txt") if (CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE) file(WRITE "${CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_FILE}" "Attempting configure") if (EXISTS "${CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE}") file(REMOVE "${CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE}") endif() elseif(CTEST_DO_NEW_START) if (EXISTS "${CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_FILE}") file(REMOVE "${CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_FILE}") endif() if (EXISTS "${CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE}") file(REMOVE "${CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE}") endif() endif() endmacro() # NOTE: Above, this is made a macro because it defines the vars # CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_FILE and CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE at the top function # scope. This is needed so the below functions will see them set. # Determine if a past configure was attempted but did not pass # function(tribits_previous_configure_attempted_but_not_passsed PREVIOUS_CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_BUT_NOT_PASSSED_VAR_OUT ) #print_var(CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_FILE) #print_var(CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE) if( (EXISTS "${CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_FILE}") AND (NOT EXISTS "${CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE}") ) set(PREVIOUS_CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_BUT_NOT_PASSSED TRUE) else() set(PREVIOUS_CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_BUT_NOT_PASSSED FALSE) endif() set(${PREVIOUS_CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_BUT_NOT_PASSSED_VAR_OUT} ${PREVIOUS_CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_BUT_NOT_PASSSED} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Remember that the configure passed for later ctest -S invocations # function(tribits_remember_configure_passed) file(WRITE "${CONFIGURE_PASSED_FILE}" "Configure Passed!") endfunction() # Override CTEST_SUBMIT to drive multiple submits and to detect failed # submissions and track them as queued errors. # macro(tribits_ctest_submit) # Cache the original CTEST_DROP_SITE and CTEST_DROP_LOCATION if ("${TRIBITS_CTEST_DROP_SITE_ORIG}" STREQUAL "") set(TRIBITS_CTEST_DROP_SITE_ORIG ${CTEST_DROP_SITE}) if (TRIBITS_CTEST_SUBMIT_DEBUG_DUMP) print_var(TRIBITS_CTEST_DROP_SITE_ORIG) endif() endif() if ("${TRIBITS_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION_ORIG}" STREQUAL "") set(TRIBITS_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION_ORIG ${CTEST_DROP_LOCATION}) if (TRIBITS_CTEST_SUBMIT_DEBUG_DUMP) print_var(TRIBITS_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION_ORIG) endif() endif() # Do the first submit set(CTEST_DROP_SITE ${TRIBITS_CTEST_DROP_SITE_ORIG}) set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION ${TRIBITS_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION_ORIG}) if (TRIBITS_CTEST_SUBMIT_DEBUG_DUMP) print_var(CTEST_DROP_SITE) print_var(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION) endif() tribits_ctest_submit_driver(${ARGN}) # Do the second submit if requested! if (TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_SITE OR TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION) message("\nDoing submit to second CDash site ...\n") if (NOT "${TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_SITE}" STREQUAL "") if (TRIBITS_CTEST_SUBMIT_DEBUG_DUMP) print_var(TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_SITE) endif() set(CTEST_DROP_SITE ${TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_SITE}) endif() if (NOT "${TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION}" STREQUAL "") if (TRIBITS_CTEST_SUBMIT_DEBUG_DUMP) print_var(TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION) endif() set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION ${TRIBITS_2ND_CTEST_DROP_LOCATION}) endif() tribits_ctest_submit_driver(${ARGN}) endif() endmacro() macro(tribits_ctest_submit_driver) # If using a recent enough ctest with RETRY_COUNT, use it to overcome # failed submits: set(retry_args "") set(retry_args RETRY_COUNT ${CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_COUNT} RETRY_DELAY ${CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_DELAY}) message("info: using retry_args='${retry_args}' for _ctest_submit call") # Call the original CTEST_SUBMIT and pay attention to its RETURN_VALUE: ctest_submit(${ARGN} ${retry_args} RETURN_VALUE rv) if(NOT "${rv}" STREQUAL "0") queue_error("error: ctest_submit failed: rv='${rv}' ARGN='${ARGN}' retry_args='${retry_args}'") endif() endmacro() # Wrapper for ctest_update(...) for unit testing # macro(ctest_update_wrapper) if (NOT CTEST_UPDATE_UNIT_TESTING_MODE) ctest_update(${ARGN}) else() message("ctest_update(${ARGN})") set(UPDATE_RETURN_VAL ${CTEST_UPDATE_RETURN_VAL}) endif() endmacro() # Helper macros to pass through common CMake configure arguments used by both # package-by-package approach and all-at-once approach # macro(tribits_fwd_cmake_config_args_0) set( CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR=${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}" "-DCTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS:BOOL=${CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS}" "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES:BOOL=ON" "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_FLAGS:STRING=${${PROJECT_NAME}_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS_FLAGS}" "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ALLOW_NO_PACKAGES:BOOL=ON" "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES=${${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES}" ) if (NOT CTEST_GENERATE_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_DEPS_XML_OUTPUT_FILE:FILEPATH=") endif() if (NOT "${${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_VERSION_DATE_FILES}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_VERSION_DATE_FILES:BOOL=${${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_VERSION_DATE_FILES}") endif() if (NOT "${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE:BOOL=${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_SECONDARY_TESTED_CODE}") endif() if (NOT MPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS STREQUAL 0) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-DMPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS:STRING=${MPI_EXEC_MAX_NUMPROCS}") endif() if (${PROJECT_NAME}_SKIP_CTEST_ADD_TEST) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_SKIP_CTEST_ADD_TEST:BOOL=${${PROJECT_NAME}_SKIP_CTEST_ADD_TEST}") endif() if (CTEST_DO_COVERAGE_TESTING) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_COVERAGE_TESTING:BOOL=ON") endif() if (${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE STREQUAL "NONE") set(EXTRAREOS_FILE_PASSED "") else() set(EXTRAREOS_FILE_PASSED "${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE}") endif() list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRAREPOS_FILE:STRING=${EXTRAREOS_FILE_PASSED}") list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS # See TRIBITS_SETUP_PACKAGES "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_IGNORE_MISSING_EXTRA_REPOSITORIES:BOOL=ON") list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_KNOWN_EXTERNAL_REPOS_TYPE:STRING=${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_KNOWN_EXTERNAL_REPOS_TYPE}") if (CTEST_DO_INSTALL) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-DCMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY=ON") endif() endmacro() macro(tribits_fwd_cmake_config_args_1) set(CONFIGURE_OPTIONS ${CONFIGURE_OPTIONS} ${EXTRA_SYSTEM_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS} ${EXTRA_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS} ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS} ) endmacro() # Remove the all of the LastTestsFailed*.log files so we can determine if any # tests have failed. # macro(tribits_remove_last_test_failed_log_file) # Remove the LastTestsFailed log so we can detect if there are any # failed tests. set(TEST_TMP_DIR "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/Temporary") set(LAST_TESTS_FILED_LOG_FILE_GLOB "${TEST_TMP_DIR}/LastTestsFailed*.log") file(GLOB logfiles "${LAST_TESTS_FILED_LOG_FILE_GLOB}") foreach(logfile ${logfiles}) file(REMOVE "${logfile}") endforeach() endmacro() # Sets the var FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE if the file is found macro(tribits_find_last_test_failed_log_file) file(GLOB FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE "${LAST_TESTS_FILED_LOG_FILE_GLOB}") endmacro() # Get names of failed packages from failed tests function(tribits_get_failed_packages_from_failed_tests LAST_TESTS_FAILED_FILE FAILED_PACKAGES_OUT ) execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/ci_support/get-tribits-packages-from-last-tests-failed.py" "--deps-xml-file=${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_DEPS_XML_FILE_NAME}" "--last-tests-failed-file=${LAST_TESTS_FAILED_FILE}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE FAILED_PACKAGES OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) split("${FAILED_PACKAGES}" "," FAILED_PACKAGES) set(${FAILED_PACKAGES_OUT} "${FAILED_PACKAGES}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Drive the configure, build, test, and submit package-by-package # # Sets ${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_PACKAGES as an indication if there are any # failures. # macro(tribits_ctest_package_by_package) message( "\n***" "\n*** Loop through ${PROJECT_NAME} packages to configure, build, and test ..." "\n***") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_LAST_CONFIGURED_PACKAGE) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_LIB_BUILD_PACKAGES) set(PACKAGE_IDX 0) foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_TO_DIRECTLY_TEST}) message("") message("${PACKAGE_IDX}) Processing current package ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}:" " libs='${${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}}'," " tests='${${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_ENABLE_TESTS}'") message("") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY SubProject ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY Label ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) # # A) Configure the package and its dependent packages # message("Configuring TRIBITS_PACKAGE='${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}'") # Create CONFIGURE_OPTIONS for this TRIBITS_PACKAGE tribits_fwd_cmake_config_args_0() list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=${${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_ENABLE_TESTS}") if (DEFINED ${PROJECT_NAME}_LAST_CONFIGURED_PACKAGE) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${${PROJECT_NAME}_LAST_CONFIGURED_PACKAGE}:BOOL=") set(${PROJECT_NAME}_LAST_CONFIGURED_PACKAGE) endif() list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINE_MISSING_PACKAGE_LIBS_TARGETS=ON") foreach(FAILED_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_LIB_BUILD_PACKAGES}) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${FAILED_PACKAGE}:BOOL=OFF") endforeach() tribits_fwd_cmake_config_args_1() list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS # Package enable must be at the very end to override other stuff! "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}:BOOL=ON" ) message("\nCONFIGURE_OPTIONS = '${CONFIGURE_OPTIONS}'") # Remember this package so we can set its enable to "" next time set(${PROJECT_NAME}_LAST_CONFIGURED_PACKAGE "${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}") # # B) Configure the package and its dependent packages # set(PBP_CONFIGURE_PASSED TRUE) if (CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING) message("${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping configure due" " to running in unit testing mode!") else() # # We always have to configure if we are going to do anything for the # package. We just want submit configure results to CDash if we are not # asked to configure! # set(PBP_CONFIGURE_PASSED FALSE) ctest_configure( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" OPTIONS "${CONFIGURE_OPTIONS}" # New option! RETURN_VALUE CONFIGURE_RETURN_VAL ) message("Generating the file '${CMAKE_CACHE_CLEAN_FILE}' ...") tribits_strip_comments_from_cmake_cache_file( "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CMakeCache.txt" "${CMAKE_CACHE_CLEAN_FILE}" ) # If the configure failed, add the package to the list # of failed packages if ("${CONFIGURE_RETURN_VAL}" EQUAL "0") message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Configure passed!\n") set(PBP_CONFIGURE_PASSED TRUE) # load target properties and test keywords ctest_read_custom_files(BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}") # Overridde from this file! include("${TRIBITS_PROJECT_ROOT}/CTestConfig.cmake") else() message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} FAILED to configure!\n") endif() if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CACHE_CLEAN_FILE}) set(CTEST_NOTES_FILES "${CTEST_NOTES_FILES_WO_CACHE};${CMAKE_CACHE_CLEAN_FILE}") else() set(CTEST_NOTES_FILES "${CTEST_NOTES_FILES_WO_CACHE}") endif() print_var(CTEST_NOTES_FILES) if (NOT CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE AND CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) message("${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping submitting configure" " and notes due to CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE='${CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE}'!") elseif (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) message("\nSubmitting configure and notes ...") tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS configure notes ) endif() endif() # Print out values read from project CTestCustom.cmake file! print_var(CTEST_CUSTOM_MAXIMUM_PASSED_TEST_OUTPUT_SIZE) print_var(CTEST_CUSTOM_MAXIMUM_FAILED_TEST_OUTPUT_SIZE) # # C) Build the library and then ALL # set(PBP_BUILD_PASSED TRUE) set(PBP_BUILD_LIBS_PASSED TRUE) print_var(PBP_CONFIGURE_PASSED) if ( NOT PBP_CONFIGURE_PASSED AND CTEST_DO_BUILD ) message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping build due" " to configure failing!") set(PBP_BUILD_PASSED FALSE) set(PBP_BUILD_LIBS_PASSED FALSE) elseif (NOT CTEST_DO_BUILD) message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping build due" " to CTEST_DO_BUILD='${CTEST_DO_BUILD}'!") elseif (CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING OR CTEST_CONFIGURATION_UNIT_TESTING ) message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping build due" " to running in unit testing mode!") else() # Start by trying to build just the libraries for the current package set( CTEST_BUILD_TARGET ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}_libs ) message("\nBuilding target: '${CTEST_BUILD_TARGET}' ...\n") set(PBP_BUILD_LIBS_PASSED FALSE) ctest_build( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" RETURN_VALUE BUILD_LIBS_RETURN_VAL NUMBER_ERRORS BUILD_LIBS_NUM_ERRORS APPEND ) message("Build return: RETURN_VALUE=${BUILD_LIBS_RETURN_VAL}," " NUMBER_ERRORS=${BUILD_LIBS_NUM_ERRORS}") # Determine if the build failed or not. if ("${BUILD_LIBS_NUM_ERRORS}" EQUAL "0") message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Libs build passed!") set(PBP_BUILD_LIBS_PASSED TRUE) else() message("\nFAILED library build for package '${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}'!") set(PBP_BUILD_PASSED FALSE) endif() # Above: Since make -i is used BUILD_LIBS_RETURN_VAL might be 0, but # if there are errors the build should fail, so both # BUILD_LIBS_RETURN_VAL and BUILD_LIBS_NUM_ERRORS should be 0 for a # good build and for the all target to be built. # Submit the library build results to the dashboard if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS build ) endif() # If the build of the libraries passed, then go on the build # the tests/examples and run them. if (PBP_BUILD_LIBS_PASSED) # Build the ALL target, but append the results to the last build.xml set(CTEST_BUILD_TARGET) message("\nBuild ALL target for '${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}' ...\n") ctest_build( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" RETURN_VALUE BUILD_ALL_RETURN_VAL NUMBER_ERRORS BUILD_ALL_NUM_ERRORS APPEND ) message("Build all: BUILD_ALL_NUM_ERRORS='${BUILD_ALL_NUM_ERRORS}'," "BUILD_ALL_RETURN_VAL='${BUILD_ALL_RETURN_VAL}'" ) if (NOT "${BUILD_ALL_NUM_ERRORS}" EQUAL "0") message("${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: All build FAILED!") set(PBP_BUILD_PASSED FALSE) else() message("${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: All build passed!") endif() # Submit the build for all target if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS build ) endif() endif() endif() # # D) Run the tests # set(PBP_TESTS_PASSED TRUE) if (NOT PBP_BUILD_LIBS_PASSED AND CTEST_DO_TEST) message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping tests since library build failed!\n") set(PBP_TESTS_PASSED FALSE) elseif (NOT CTEST_DO_TEST) message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping running tests due" " to CTEST_DO_TEST='${CTEST_DO_TEST}'!") else() # # D.1) Run the regular tests # set(PBP_TESTS_PASSED FALSE) # Run the tests that match the ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} name message("\nRunning test for package '${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}'" " (parallel level ${CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL}) ...\n") tribits_remove_last_test_failed_log_file() ctest_test( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" PARALLEL_LEVEL "${CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL}" INCLUDE_LABEL "^${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}$" ) # See if a 'LastTestsFailed*.log' file exists to determine if there are # failed tests tribits_find_last_test_failed_log_file() if (FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE) message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: File '${FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE}'" " exists so there were failed tests!") else() message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: File '${FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE}'" " does NOT exist so all tests passed!") set(PBP_TESTS_PASSED TRUE) endif() # 2009/12/05: ToDo: We need to add an argument to ctest_test(...) # called something like 'NUMBER_FAILED numFailedTests' to allow us to # detect when the tests have filed. if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS Test ) endif() # # D.2) Collect coverage results # if (CTEST_DO_COVERAGE_TESTING) message("\nRunning coverage for package '${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}' ...\n") ctest_coverage( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" LABELS ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE} ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}Libs ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}Exes ) if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS Coverage ) endif() endif() endif() # # E) Run memory testing # if (NOT PBP_BUILD_LIBS_PASSED AND CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING) message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping running memory checking" "tests since library build failed!\n") elseif (NOT CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING) message("\n${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}: Skipping running memory checking tests due" " to CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING='${CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING}'!") else() message("\nRunning memory testing for package '${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}' ...\n") print_var(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND) print_var(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS) print_var(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE) ctest_memcheck( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" PARALLEL_LEVEL "${CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL}" INCLUDE_LABEL "^${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}$" ) # ToDo: Determine if memory testing passed or not and affect overall # pass/fail! if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS MemCheck ) endif() endif() # # F) Record if this package failed the build or any tests # if (NOT PBP_CONFIGURE_PASSED OR NOT PBP_BUILD_LIBS_PASSED) list(APPEND ${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_LIB_BUILD_PACKAGES ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) endif() if (NOT PBP_BUILD_PASSED OR NOT PBP_TESTS_PASSED) list(APPEND ${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_PACKAGES ${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}) endif() # # G) Do submit of update # if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) message("\nSubmit the update file that will trigger the notification email ...\n") tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS update ) endif() math(EXPR PACKAGE_IDX "${PACKAGE_IDX}+1") endforeach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_LIB_BUILD_PACKAGES) message( "\nFinal set packages that failed to configure or have the libraries build:" " '${${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_LIB_BUILD_PACKAGES}'") endif() message("\nDone with the incremental building and testing of" " ${PROJECT_NAME} packages!\n") endmacro() # NOTE: Above, the option # ${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINE_MISSING_PACKAGE_LIBS_TARGETS=ON is passed down # through to the inner CMake TriBITS configure to trigger the creation of # dummy targets <PackageName>_libs for all the packages for the case where a # package is disabled due to a disabled upstream package and # ${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES=ON but the target # <thePackage>_libs is attempted to be built anyway and we expect it to build # nothing and result in no error. (The outer ctest -S driver is not smart # enough to know all the lgoic for if a package will actually be enabled or # not. That is the job of the inner TriBITS dependency logic and # ${PROJECT_NAME}_DISABLE_ENABLED_FORWARD_DEP_PACKAGES=ON.) Otherwise, with # CMake 3.19+, cmake_build() catches errors in undefined global build targets # like this and reports them correctly. This workaround allows the # package-by-package mode to gracefully disable downstream packages that can't # be enabled due to the disable of a broken upstream packages. See the test # TriBITS_CTestDriver_PBP_ST_BreakConfigureRequiredPkg that exercises this use # case. # Drive the configure, build, test, and submit all at once for all of the # enabled packages. # # Sets ${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_PACKAGES as an indication if there are any # failures. # macro(tribits_ctest_all_at_once) message( "\n***" "\n*** Configure, build, test and submit results all-at-once for all enabled packages ..." "\n***") set(AAO_CONFIGURE_FAILED FALSE) set(AAO_BUILD_FAILED FALSE) set(AAO_INSTALL_FAILED FALSE) # # A) Define mapping from labels to subprojects and gather configure arguments # tribits_ctest_driver_set_labels_to_subprojects_mapping() print_var(CTEST_LABELS_FOR_SUBPROJECTS) message("") message("Configuring ...") message("") # Create CONFIGURE_OPTIONS tribits_fwd_cmake_config_args_0() if (NOT "${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_ENABLES_FILE}" STREQUAL "") # NOTE: For now, the user is expected to pass through this file in the # inner CMake cache var ${PROJECT_NAME}_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_FILE! We should # fix this in the future but that is what it is for now. elseif (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES=ON" ) foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXCLUDE_PACKAGES}) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}=OFF" ) endforeach() # NOTE: Above we have to explicitly set disables for the excluded packages # since we are pssing in ${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES=ON. This is # effectively the "black-listing" approach. else() foreach(TRIBITS_PACKAGE ${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_TO_DIRECTLY_TEST}) list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_${TRIBITS_PACKAGE}=ON" ) endforeach() # NOTE: Above we don't have to consider the packages excluded in # ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXCLUDE_PACKAGES because they are not enabled ad this # point and therefore no in ${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_TO_DIRECTLY_TEST. # This is effectively the "white-listing" approach. endif() list(APPEND CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "-D${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=${${PROJECT_NAME}_INNER_ENABLE_TESTS}") tribits_fwd_cmake_config_args_1() message("\nCONFIGURE_OPTIONS = '${CONFIGURE_OPTIONS}'") # # B) Configure the package and its dependent packages # tribits_previous_configure_attempted_but_not_passsed( PREVIOUS_CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_BUT_NOT_PASSSED) #print_var(PREVIOUS_CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_BUT_NOT_PASSSED) if ((NOT CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE) AND PREVIOUS_CONFIGURE_ATTEMPTED_BUT_NOT_PASSSED) message( "\nSkipping configure due to CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE='${CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE}'!\n" "\nHOWEVER: A configure was previously attempted but did not pass so consider configure FAILED!") set(AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED FALSE) set(AAO_CONFIGURE_FAILED TRUE) elseif (NOT CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE) message("\nSkipping configure due to CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE='${CTEST_DO_CONFIGURE}'!\n") set(AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED TRUE) # Just assume configure passeed for the purpose of running the build. elseif (CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING) message("Skipping actual ctest_configure() because" " CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING='${CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING}'!" ) set(AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED TRUE) else() ctest_configure( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" OPTIONS "${CONFIGURE_OPTIONS}" # New option! RETURN_VALUE CONFIGURE_RETURN_VAL ) message("Generating the file '${CMAKE_CACHE_CLEAN_FILE}' ...") tribits_strip_comments_from_cmake_cache_file( "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/CMakeCache.txt" "${CMAKE_CACHE_CLEAN_FILE}" ) if (NOT "${CONFIGURE_RETURN_VAL}" EQUAL "0") message("Configure FAILED!") set(AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED FALSE) set(AAO_CONFIGURE_FAILED TRUE) else() message("Configure PASSED!") set(AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED TRUE) endif() if (AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) tribits_remember_configure_passed() endif() set(CTEST_NOTES_FILES "${CTEST_NOTES_FILES_WO_CACHE}") if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_CACHE_CLEAN_FILE}) list(APPEND CTEST_NOTES_FILES "${CMAKE_CACHE_CLEAN_FILE}") endif() if (EXISTS "${REPO_VERSION_FILE}") set(CTEST_NOTES_FILES "${REPO_VERSION_FILE};${CTEST_NOTES_FILES}") endif() print_var(CTEST_NOTES_FILES) # Submit configure results and the notes to the dashboard if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) message("\nSubmitting update, configure and notes ...") tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS update configure notes ) endif() endif() # Read in configured CTestCustom.cmake ctest_read_custom_files(BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}") # NOTE: Above, it is safe to call ctest_read_custom_files() even if the # configure failed and the file CTestCustom.cmake does exist. In this case, # CTest will just do nothing. # Overridde any values by loading <projectDir>/CTestConfig.cmake include("${TRIBITS_PROJECT_ROOT}/CTestConfig.cmake") # Print out values read from project CTestCustom.cmake file print_var(CTEST_CUSTOM_MAXIMUM_PASSED_TEST_OUTPUT_SIZE) print_var(CTEST_CUSTOM_MAXIMUM_FAILED_TEST_OUTPUT_SIZE) # # C) Do the build # if (NOT CTEST_DO_BUILD) message("\nSkipping build due to CTEST_DO_BUILD='${CTEST_DO_BUILD}'!\n") elseif (CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING AND AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) message("Skipping build because" " CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING='${CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING}'!" ) elseif (AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) message("") message("Building all targets ...") message("") ctest_build( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" RETURN_VALUE BUILD_ALL_RETURN_VAL NUMBER_ERRORS BUILD_ALL_NUM_ERRORS ) message("Build output: BUILD_ALL_NUM_ERRORS='${BUILD_ALL_NUM_ERRORS}'," "BUILD_ALL_RETURN_VAL='${BUILD_ALL_RETURN_VAL}'" ) if (NOT "${BUILD_ALL_NUM_ERRORS}" EQUAL "0") message("Build FAILED!") set(AAO_BUILD_FAILED TRUE) else() message("Build PASSED!") endif() # Submit the build for all target if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS build ) endif() if (CTEST_DO_INSTALL) message("") message("Installing (i.e. building target 'install_package_by_package') ...") message("") ctest_build( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" TARGET install_package_by_package RETURN_VALUE BUILD_INSTALL_RETURN_VAL NUMBER_ERRORS BUILD_INSTALL_NUM_ERRORS ) message("Build install output:" " BUILD_INSTALL_NUM_ERRORS='${BUILD_INSTALL_NUM_ERRORS}'," "BUILD_INSTALL_RETURN_VAL='${BUILD_INSTALL_RETURN_VAL}'" ) if (NOT "${BUILD_INSTALL_NUM_ERRORS}" EQUAL "0") message("Install FAILED!") set(AAO_INSTALL_FAILED TRUE) else() message("Install PASSED!") endif() # Submit the build for all target if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS build ) endif() endif() else() message("") message("Skipping build because configure failed!") message("") endif() # # D) Run tests # if (NOT CTEST_DO_TEST) message("") message("Skipping tests because CTEST_DO_TEST='${CTEST_DO_TEST}'!") message("") elseif (NOT AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) message("") message("Skipping tests because configure failed!") message("") elseif (CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING AND AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) message("Skipping testing because" " CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING='${CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING}'!" ) else() # NOTE: We always run the tests if the configure passed no matter if there # are build failures because the only way that we can detect what packages # have build failures is to see what packages have test failures. tribits_remove_last_test_failed_log_file() # Run the tests message("") message("\nRunning tests (parallel level ${CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL}) ...\n") message("") ctest_test( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" PARALLEL_LEVEL "${CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL}" ) # See if a 'LastTestsFailed*.log' file exists to determine if there are # failed tests. tribits_find_last_test_failed_log_file() if (FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE) message("File '${FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE}' exists so there were non-passing tests!") else() message("File '${FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE}' does NOT exist so all tests passed!") endif() if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS Test ) endif() endif() # # E) Gather coverage results # if (NOT CTEST_DO_COVERAGE_TESTING) message("") message("Skipping converage tests because CTEST_DO_COVERAGE_TESTING='${CTEST_DO_COVERAGE_TESTING}'!") message("") elseif (NOT AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) message("") message("Skipping coverage tests because configure failed!") message("") elseif (CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING AND AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) message("Skipping coverage testing because" " CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING='${CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING}'!" ) else() # NOTE: We always gather the coverage results if the configure passed # independent if there was any build or test failures. The coverage stats # may not be very valid if there are build or test failures but there is # no harm and showing the coverage based on tests that actually run (even # if they fail). message("\nGathering coverage results ...\n") ctest_coverage( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" ) if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS Coverage ) endif() endif() # # F) Do memory testing # if (NOT CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING) message("") message("Skipping memory testing because CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING='${CTEST_DO_MEMORY_TESTING}'!") message("") elseif (NOT AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) message("") message("Skipping memory tests because configure failed!") message("") elseif (CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING AND AAO_CONFIGURE_PASSED) message("Skipping memory testing because" " CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING='${CTEST_DEPENDENCY_HANDLING_UNIT_TESTING}'!" ) else() # NOTE: We always gather the memory results if the configure passed # independent if there was any build or test failures. The memory stats # may not be very valid if there are build or test failures but there is # no harm and showing the memory based on tests that actually run (even # if they fail). message("\nRunning memory tests ...\n") print_var(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND) print_var(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS) print_var(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE) ctest_memcheck( BUILD "${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}" ) if (CTEST_DO_SUBMIT) tribits_ctest_submit( PARTS MemCheck ) endif() endif() # # G) Determine final pass/fail by gathering list of failing packages # if (AAO_CONFIGURE_FAILED OR AAO_BUILD_FAILED OR AAO_INSTALL_FAILED) if (${PROJECT_NAME}_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES) # Special value "ALL_PACKAGES" so that it will trigger enabling all # packages on the next CI iteration! set(${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_PACKAGES ALL_PACKAGES) else() # Specific packages were selected to be tested so fail all of them! set(${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_PACKAGES ${${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGES_TO_DIRECTLY_TEST}) endif() # NOTE: With the all-at-once approach, there is no way to determine which # packages have build or install failures given the current ctest_build() # command. And since some build targets don't get used in tests, we can't # look at what packages have test failures in order to know that a build # failure will cause a test failure. And in the case of install failures, # those will never cause test failures. Therefore, if there are any build # or install failures, we just have to assume that any tested package # could have failed. Hence, we set the above just like for a (global) # configure failures. Perhaps we could read the generated *.xml files to # figure that out but that is not worth the work right now. The only bad # consequence of this is that a CI build would end up building and testing # every package even if only one downstream package had a build failure, # for example. That is just one of the downsides of the all-at-once # approach vs. the package-by-package approach. elseif (FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE) tribits_get_failed_packages_from_failed_tests("${FAILED_TEST_LOG_FILE}" ${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_PACKAGES ) else() # If no tests failed, then there are no failed packages! set(${PROJECT_NAME}_FAILED_PACKAGES) endif() # ToDo: Optionally determine pass/fail based message("\nDone with the all-at-once configure, build, test, and submit of ${PROJECT_NAME} packages!\n") endmacro()